Table of Contents


Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime) is an open-source, portable, event-driven runtime designed to simplify the development of resilient, microservice applications across cloud and edge environments. It offers a set of building blocks, or APIs, that abstract away common complexities in distributed systems, empowering developers to focus on their application logic rather than infrastructure concerns.

Key Features


Code Examples

1. **Service Invocation (Python):**

```python import requests

response =

   json={"data": "Hello, world!"}
) ```

2. **State Management (Node.js):**

```javascript const dapr = require(“@dapr/dapr”);

const client = new dapr.DaprClient(process.env.DAPR_HTTP_PORT || 3500, process.env.DAPR_GRPC_PORT || 50001);

await“my-state-store”, [

   key: "my-key",
   value: "my-value",
]); ```

3. **Publish/Subscribe (Go):**

```go package main

import (

dapr ""


func main() {

// Create a Dapr client
client, err := dapr.NewClient()
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("failed to create Dapr client: %v", err)
defer client.Close()
// Publish an event
if err := client.PublishEvent(context.Background(), "my-pub-sub", "my-topic", []byte("hello")); err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("failed to publish event: %v", err)

} ```

These examples demonstrate how to use Dapr building blocks for service invocation, state management, and publish/subscribe messaging in different programming languages.

Additional Resources