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JavaScript 1.4

Return to JavaScript Version History, JavaScript-ECMAScript

There seems to be a misunderstanding regarding the versions of ECMAScript. ECMAScript, the standard that forms the basis of JavaScript, does not have versions 1.4 or 1.5. The versioning of ECMAScript went from ECMAScript 1 (ES1) released in 1997, directly to ECMAScript 2 (ES2) in 1998, which was a maintenance release for alignment with ISO standards. Following that, ECMAScript 3 (ES3) was released in 1999, introducing many features that have become foundational to JavaScript as it is known today. There was no ECMAScript version 1.4 or 1.5.

After ES3, the next planned major version was ECMAScript 4, which underwent significant development but was ultimately abandoned due to disagreements within the standardization committee over its direction. Many features proposed for ES4 were either discarded or significantly revised for inclusion in later versions of the standard. The next version to be released was ECMAScript 5 (ES5) in 2009, which included many enhancements and new features that built upon ES3 and incorporated lessons from the abandoned ES4 proposals.

Because ECMAScript 1.4 and 1.5 do not exist, it's not possible to provide the requested summaries, comparisons, code examples, or links to documentation, GitHub repositories, official websites, or Wikipedia entries for these versions. However, if you have questions about actual released versions of ECMAScript, such as ES3, ES5, or later editions (ES6/ES2015 and beyond), I would be happy to provide information on those. These later versions introduced significant changes and improvements to the language, including syntax enhancements, new built-in objects and functions, and features designed to make JavaScript more powerful and easier to work with, especially in large and complex web applications.

JavaScript 1.4

Summarize the new features and fixes of this JavaScript version in 20 paragraphs. MUST include a URL links to the Language Documentation, the GitHub repos, the official website, and Wikipedia. Give code examples for each new feature. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Compare to equivalent features in other major languages and Libraries or Frameworks, especially TypeScript, Java and Python. You MUST put double square brackets around each computer buzzword or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.

It's important to clarify that JavaScript 1.4 refers to a version of JavaScript specific to Netscape Navigator, a web browser that was popular in the 1990s and early 2000s. JavaScript versions specific to Netscape Navigator are distinct from ECMAScript versions, which are the standard specification for the JavaScript language. Since JavaScript 1.4 was never part of an ECMAScript standard, its features and fixes are specific to Netscape's implementation and did not directly influence the ECMAScript standardization process.

Given the historical context and the specificity of the request, providing direct links to GitHub repositories, official documentation, and websites for JavaScript 1.4 is not feasible, as these resources are generally not available or relevant for browser-specific JavaScript versions from that era. However, I can summarize the key aspects of JavaScript 1.4 based on historical documentation and compare its features to those in modern JavaScript (ECMAScript), TypeScript, Java, and Python where relevant.

Introduction to JavaScript 1.4

JavaScript 1.4 was released with Netscape Navigator 6. It included several enhancements and new features over its predecessors, aimed at improving the scripting capabilities of the browser. This version focused on better error handling, new language constructs, and improved string manipulation.

Error Handling Enhancements

JavaScript 1.4 introduced a more robust error handling mechanism through the `try-catch-finally` blocks, aligning its error handling capabilities more closely with languages like Java.

JavaScript 1.4 Example: ```javascript try {

 // Attempt to execute code that may fail
} catch (error) {
 // Handle errors
} finally {
 // Cleanup code, executed after try/catch
} ```

TypeScript: TypeScript, being a superset of JavaScript, inherits and improves upon JavaScript's error handling with types and interfaces for errors.

Java: Java has a similar `try-catch-finally` mechanism, showcasing the influence of classical programming languages on JavaScript's evolution.

Python: Python uses `try-except-finally`, a similar construct for error handling, emphasizing the cross-language standardization of error handling patterns.

String Manipulation

JavaScript 1.4 improved string manipulation capabilities, adding support for regular expression object methods like `match`, `replace`, `search`, and `split`.

JavaScript 1.4 Example: ```javascript var str = “Hello World!”; var result = str.replace(/World/, “Netscape”); ```

TypeScript: TypeScript offers typed versions of these string methods, ensuring more robust applications.

Java: Java introduced regular expression support in version 1.4 of the JDK, allowing similar string manipulation capabilities.

Python: Python's `re` module provides a comprehensive set of tools for regular expression operations, often considered more powerful and flexible than those in JavaScript.

Improved Array Handling

JavaScript 1.4 introduced several enhancements for array manipulation, including new methods like `push`, `pop`, which made working with arrays more intuitive.

JavaScript 1.4 Example: ```javascript var arr = [1, 2, 3]; arr.push(4); // arr becomes [1, 2, 3, 4] ```

TypeScript: TypeScript enhances array manipulation with types and interfaces, making operations safer and more predictable.

Java: Java's array handling is static and does not offer direct equivalents to `push` or `pop` without using classes like `ArrayList`.

Python: Python's list type has always provided dynamic array manipulation capabilities, with methods like `append` and `pop` closely paralleling JavaScript's.


While JavaScript 1.4 was a significant step forward for its time, many of its features have been standardized and expanded upon in the ECMAScript specifications that followed. Due to the nature of JavaScript 1.4's release, specific documentation, GitHub repos, and official websites related to this version are not available. For those interested in the development of JavaScript, the [Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)]( offers comprehensive documentation on modern JavaScript features and standards. Historical context and evolution can be explored on the [JavaScript Wikipedia page]( and through archived Netscape documentation where available.

This overview provides a glimpse into the state of JavaScript development with Netscape Navigator and how it compares to modern programming practices across different languages. The evolution from JavaScript 1.4 to current ECMAScript standards illustrates the dynamic growth and standardization of JavaScript as a cornerstone of web development.

JavaScript Version History: JavaScript, ECMAScript. ECMAScript 2022 (2022), ECMAScript 2021 (2021), ECMAScript 2020 (2020), ECMAScript 2019 (2019), ECMAScript 2018 (2018), ECMAScript 2017 (2017), ECMAScript 2016 (2016), ECMAScript 2015 (2015), ECMAScript 5.1 (2011), ECMAScript 5 (2009), ECMAScript 4 (2009), ECMAScript 3 (1999), ECMAScript 2 (1998), JavaScript 1.5 (2000), JavaScript 1.4 (1998), JavaScript 1.3 (1996), JavaScript 1.2 (1997), JavaScript 1.1 (1996, JavaScript 1.0 (1997. (navbar_javascript_versions - see also navbar_javascript, navbar_typescript_versions

JavaScript: JavaScript Fundamentals, JavaScript Inventor - JavaScript Language Designer: Brendan Eich of Netscape on December 4, 1995; JavaScript DevOps - JavaScript SRE, Cloud Native JavaScript (JavaScript on Kubernetes - JavaScript on AWS - JavaScript on Azure - JavaScript on GCP), JavaScript Microservices, JavaScript Containerization (JavaScript Docker - JavaScript on Docker Hub), Serverless JavaScript, JavaScript Data Science - JavaScript DataOps - JavaScript and Databases (JavaScript ORM), JavaScript ML - JavaScript DL, Functional JavaScript (1. JavaScript Immutability, 2. JavaScript Purity - JavaScript No Side-Effects, 3. JavaScript First-Class Functions - JavaScript Higher-Order Functions, JavaScript Lambdas - JavaScript Anonymous Functions - JavaScript Closures, JavaScript Lazy Evaluation, 4. JavaScript Recursion), Reactive JavaScript), JavaScript Concurrency (WebAssembly - WASM) - JavaScript Parallel Programming - Async JavaScript - JavaScript Async (JavaScript Await, JavaScript Promises, JavaScript Workers - Web Workers, Service Workers, Browser Main Thread), JavaScript Networking, JavaScript Security - JavaScript DevSecOps - JavaScript OAuth, JavaScript Memory Allocation (JavaScript Heap - JavaScript Stack - JavaScript Garbage Collection), JavaScript CI/CD - JavaScript Dependency Management - JavaScript DI - JavaScript IoC - JavaScript Build Pipeline, JavaScript Automation - JavaScript Scripting, JavaScript Package Managers (Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book), JavaScript Modules - JavaScript Packages (NPM and JavaScript, NVM and JavaScript, Yarn Package Manager and JavaScript), JavaScript Installation (JavaScript Windows - Chocolatey JavaScript, JavaScript macOS - Homebrew JavaScript, JavaScript on Linux), JavaScript Configuration, JavaScript Observability (JavaScript Monitoring, JavaScript Performance - JavaScript Logging), JavaScript Language Spec - JavaScript RFCs - JavaScript Roadmap, JavaScript Keywords, JavaScript Operators, JavaScript Functions, JavaScript Built-In Data Types, JavaScript Data Structures - JavaScript Algorithms, JavaScript Syntax, JavaScript OOP (1. JavaScript Encapsulation - 2. JavaScript Inheritance - 3. JavaScript Polymorphism - 4. JavaScript Abstraction), JavaScript Design Patterns - JavaScript Best Practices - JavaScript Style Guide - Clean JavaScript - JavaScript BDD, JavaScript Generics, JavaScript I/O, JavaScript Serialization - JavaScript Deserialization, JavaScript APIs, JavaScript REST - JavaScript JSON - JavaScript GraphQL, JavaScript gRPC, JavaScript on the Server (Node.js-Deno-Express.js), JavaScript Virtualization, JavaScript Development Tools: JavaScript SDK, JavaScript Compiler - JavaScript Transpiler - Babel and JavaScript, JavaScript Interpreter - JavaScript REPL, JavaScript IDEs (Visual Studio Code, JavaScript Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, JetBrains WebStorm, JetBrains JavaScript), JavaScript Debugging (Chrome DevTools), JavaScript Linter, JavaScript Community - JavaScriptaceans - JavaScript User, JavaScript Standard Library (core-js) - JavaScript Libraries (React.js-Vue.js-htmx, jQuery) - JavaScript Frameworks (Angular), JavaScript Testing - JavaScript TDD (JavaScript TDD, Selenium, Jest, Mocha.js, Jasmine, Tape Testing (test harness), Supertest, React Testing Library, Enzyme.js React Testing, Angular TestBed), JavaScript History, JavaScript Research, JavaScript Topics, JavaScript Uses - List of JavaScript Software - Written in JavaScript - JavaScript Popularity, JavaScript Bibliography - Manning JavaScript Series- JavaScript Courses, JavaScript Glossary - JavaScript Official Glossary, TypeScript, Web Browser, Web Development, HTML-CSS, JavaScript GitHub, Awesome JavaScript, JavaScript Versions. (navbar_javascript - see also navbar_web_development, navbar_javascript_versions, navbar_javascript_standard_library, navbar_javascript_libraries, navbar_javascript_reserved_words, navbar_javascript_functional, navbar_javascript_concurrency, navbar_javascript async)

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