Table of Contents


KEDA (Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling) is an open-source Kubernetes component that enables event-driven autoscaling for any containerized application. It empowers you to scale your applications based on the number of events that need processing, ensuring that your applications have the necessary resources to handle incoming events efficiently while minimizing resource wastage during periods of low activity.

Key Features


Code Examples

While KEDA primarily operates through Kubernetes manifests, here's an illustrative example of a ScaledObject definition:

```yaml apiVersion: kind: ScaledObject metadata:

 name: my-scaled-object
   name: my-deployment  # Target deployment to scale
 pollingInterval: 30  # Interval to check for scaling events (in seconds)
 cooldownPeriod: 300  # Time to wait before scaling down (in seconds)
 minReplicaCount: 0  # Minimum number of replicas
 maxReplicaCount: 10  # Maximum number of replicas
 - type: azure-queue  # Type of scaler (event source)
     queueName: my-queue  # Name of the Azure queue
     queueLength: 5  # Target queue length for scaling

This configuration defines a ScaledObject that monitors an Azure queue named “my-queue.” When the queue length reaches 5, KEDA will scale up the “my-deployment” to handle the increased event load. When the queue length drops below the threshold, KEDA will scale down the deployment, potentially to zero replicas if no events are pending.

Additional Resources