Table of Contents


libfido2 is a library designed to facilitate the implementation of the FIDO2 protocol, which enables passwordless authentication using hardware security keys and biometrics. It provides a standardized interface for applications to interact with FIDO2 authenticators, allowing for secure and user-friendly authentication experiences.

Key Features


Code Example


  1. include <fido.h>

// … (Initialization and setup)

fido_dev_info_t *devlist; size_t devlist_len;

// Discover FIDO2 authenticators if (fido_dev_info_manifest(NULL, 0, &devlist, &devlist_len) != FIDO_OK) {

   // Handle error

// … (Select an authenticator and perform registration/authentication) ```

**Please note:** This is a simplified example. The actual implementation involves more steps, including error handling, credential management, and interaction with the user interface.