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Cracked passwords are part of a Data breach.
A data breach, also known as data leakage, is "the unauthorized exposure, disclosure, or loss of personal information".
Attackers have a variety of motives, from financial gain to political activism, political repression, and espionage. There are several technical root causes of data breaches, including accidental or intentional disclosure of information by insiders, loss or theft of unencrypted devices, hacking into a system by exploiting software vulnerabilities, and social engineering attacks such as phishing where insiders are tricked into disclosing information. Although prevention efforts by the company holding the data can reduce the risk of data breach, it cannot bring it to zero.
The first reported breach was in 2002 and the number occurring each year has grown since then. A large number of data breaches are never detected. If a breach is made known to the company holding the data, post-breach efforts commonly include containing the breach, investigating its scope and cause, and notifications to people whose records were compromised, as required by law in many jurisdictions. Law enforcement agencies may investigate breaches, although the hackers responsible are rarely caught.
Many criminals sell data obtained in breaches on the dark web. Thus, people whose personal data was compromised are at elevated risk of identity theft for years afterwards and a significant number will become victims of this crime. Data breach notification laws in many jurisdictions, including all states of the United States and European Union member states, require the notification of people whose data has been breached. Lawsuits against the company that was breached are common, although few victims receive money from them. There is little empirical evidence of economic harm to firms from breaches except the direct cost, although there is some evidence suggesting a temporary, short-term decline in stock price.
Passwords: Password Policies, Password Complexity Requirements, Password Expiration Policies, Password Rotation, Password History, Password Length, Multi-Factor Authentication, Password Managers, Secure Password Storage, Password Hashing Algorithms, Salted Password Hashing, Password Encryption, Password Recovery Processes, Password Reset Procedures, Password Audits, Password Strength Meters, Password Generation Algorithms, Biometric Authentication as Password Replacement, Single Sign-On (SSO) Systems, Two-Factor Authentication Methods, Passwordless Authentication, Social Login Integration, Phishing Resistance Techniques, User Education on Password Security, Account Lockout Mechanisms, Brute Force Attack Prevention, Dictionary Attack Mitigation, Credential Stuffing Defense Strategies, Security Questions for Password Recovery, Email Verification for Password Reset, Mobile Authentication for Password Management, Password Sharing Practices, Compliance Standards for Password Management, Password Synchronization Techniques, Password Aging Policies, Role-Based Password Access Control, Password Change Notifications, Temporary Passwords Handling, Password Encryption at Rest and in Transit, Third-Party Password Manager Security, Password Policy Enforcement Tools, User Behavior Analytics for Password Security, Zero Trust Approach to Password Management, Password Security for Remote Workers, Password Security Auditing Tools, Password Vulnerability Scanning, Automated Password Reset Solutions, Secure Password Exchange Protocols, Password Entropy Measurement
Passwords GitHub, Password topics, Passwordless, Password manager - Password management (LastPass, 1Password), Authentication, Personal identification number (PIN), Single signon, MFA-2FA, Microsoft Hello, Apple Face ID, Facial recognition, Biometric authentication, Iris recognition, Mainframe passwords (IBM RACF, Retinal scan, Eye vein verification, Recognition, Fingerprint recognition, Password cracking, Password hashing, Popular passwords, Strong passwords, Rainbow table, Secrets - Secrets management (HashiCorp Vault, Azure Vault, AWS Vault, GCP Vault), Passkeys, Awesome passwords (navbar_passwords - See also: navbar_passkeys, navbar_iam, navbar_pentesting, navbar_encryption, navbar_mfa)
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