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Path of meditation (Skt. bhāvanāmārga; Tib. སྒོམ་ལམ་, gom lam, Wyl. sgom lam) — the fourth of the five paths. On the path of meditation one meditates on the truth realized on the Path of seeing | path of seeing. It is here that one begins to relinquish the Discards | discards.

Discards in the Basic Vehicle

According to the Higher Abhidharma tradition of Asanga, which is found in his Compendium of Abhidharma, there are Eighty-one discards of the path of meditation | eighty-one discards to be relinquished on the path of meditation in order to reach the level of Arhat | arhat.

Discards in the Great Vehicle

Again following the tradition of Asanga, there are Four hundred and fourteen discards of the path of meditation | four hundred and fourteen discards to be relinquished on the path of meditation in order to reach complete Buddhahood | buddhahood.

Alternative Translations

Category of Buddhist Key Terms Category of Paths and Stages