Return to Index of Python, Python bibliography, IT bibliography, Python Topics
line-oriented command processors. See cmd module
overview of]], 887–888
parsing shell-style syntaxes. See shlex module
parsing/validating command-line arguments. See argparse module
program shutdown callbacks. See atexit module
secure password prompt. See getpass module
supplements to standard library]], 1370–1371
timed event scheduler]], 998–1002
Application threads. See threading module
configuring logging for]], 980–981
localization]], 1011
Approximation distribution, random]], 263
Arbitrary API names]], xmlrpc.server]], 831–832
Arbitrary classes, pprint]], 138–139
Arbitrary context callbacks, contextlib]], 206–207
accessing tar. See tarfile module
managing in shutil]], 346–350
manipulating email. See mailbox module
ZIP. See ZIP archive; zipfile module
argparse module
advanced argument processing]], 908–916
argument actions]], 891–894
changes in Python 3]], 1356
defining arguments]], 888
help output]], 897–901
interface-related supplements to standard library]], 1370
option prefixes]], 894–895
overview of]], 887
parser organization]], 901–908
parsing command line]], 889
parsing/validating command-line arguments]], 888
setting up parser]], 888
simple examples]], 889–892
sources of arguments]], 895–897
args command, pdb]], 1107–1108
ArgumentParser. See argparse module
chain() taking iterators as, itertools]], 164–166
command]], 939–940
command-line option parsing. See getopt module
encoding, urllib.request]], 763–764
mail server base class, smtpd]], 848
parsing/validating command-line. See argparse module
passing to registered functions, atexit]], 993–994
aggregating results, counter]], 82–83
calculating timedeltas, datetime]], 225–226
date]], 226–227
decimal]], 242–243
fractions]], 252–253
operators]], 184–186
array module alternative byte ordering]], 101–102
arrays and files]], 100–101
changes in Python 3]], 1357
defined]], 65
initialization]], 98–99
manipulating arrays]], 99–100
sequence of fixed-type data]], 98
supplements to standard library]], 1368
encoding binary data with. See base64 module
restricting escape codes to]], 38
string constants]], 6
asinh()function]], math]], 288
astimezone()]], datetime
conversion]], 232
asynchat module, deprecated]], 1355
Asynchronous I/O
with protocol class abstractions]], 644–650
using coroutines and streams]], 650–655
Asynchronous system events. See signal module
asyncio module
asynchronous concurrency concepts]], 618
asynchronous I/O using coroutines/streams]], 650–655
asynchronous I/O using
protocol class abstractions]], 644–650
combining coroutines with threads/processes]], 670–673
composing coroutines with control structures]], 632–637
cooperative multitasking with coroutines]], 618–622
debugging with]], 673–675
executing tasks concurrently]], 628–632
interacting with DNS]], 658–660
Internet-related supplements to standard library]], 1370
loop supplements to standard library]], 1369
new in Python 3]], 1352
overview of]], 617
producing results asynchronously]], 625–628
receiving Unix signals]], 668–670
scheduling calls to regular functions]], 622–625
subprocesses]], 661–668
synchronization primitives. See Synchronization primitives, asyncio using SSL]], 656–658]], 670–673
asyncore module, deprecated]], 1355
atanh() function, math]], 288
atexit module
canceling callbacks]], 994–995
changes in Python 3]], 1357
decorator syntax]], 994
getting plain text help]], 1024–1026
handling exceptions]], 997–998
program shutdown callbacks with]], 993
registering exit callbacks]], 993–994
when callbacks are not called]], 995–997
atexit property, weakref]], 124–125
atof() function, locale]], 1021
atoi() function, locale]], 1021
Attribute getters, operator]], 188–189
AttributeError, namedtuple]], 91
configuring cmd through]], 946–947
IEEE 802
MAC Address, UUID 1]], 799
namedtuple special]], 92–94
objects with non-picklable]], 400
XML element property]], 459–461
XML parsed node]], 449–450
Authentication create argument group for]], 905
email, in smtplib]], 843–846
failure, in imaplib]], 865–866
Authorizer function, sqlite3]], 442–443
Auto-completion, command]], 942–944
Autocommit mode, sqlite3]], 434
Automatically generated help, argparse]], 897–901
Averages, statistics]], 290–291
await keyword, asyncio
asynchronous I/O using]], 651, 653–654
chaining coroutines]], 621
composing coroutines]], 632–637
coroutines pausing execution with]], 618
using Future with]], 626–627
backslashreplace, lossless error handling]], 374
Backup file, fileinput]], 992
Barrier, synchronizing threads]], 579–581
Base classes
implementing Web servers. See http.server module
overriding methods in cmd]], 944–946
Base16 encoded data]], 778–779
Base32 encoded data]], 778
base64 module
Base64 decoding]], 778
Base64 encoding]], 777
changes in Python 3]], 1357
encode binary data with ASCII using]], 776
other encodings]], 779–781
URL-safe variations]], 778–779
Base85 encoded data]], 778–780
BaseHTTPRequestHandler class, http.server]], 781–786
basename() function, parsing paths in os.path]], 297–298
BaseServer class, socketserver]], 742–743
basicConfig() function, log files]], 981–982
BCC (blind carbon-copy), smtplib]], 843
BeautifulSoup library]], 1370
Beta distribution, random]], 264
betavariate() function, Beta distribution]], 264
Bidirectional process communication, subprocess]], 543
Binary class, passing in XML-RPC]], 823–825
Binary data encoding with ASCII. See base64 module
passing in XML-RPC]], 823–825
sending, socket]], 721–723
structures. See struct module
Binary digests, hmac]], 529–530
Binary heap]], 103
bind() function choosing address for listening]], 711
socket echo server]], 704–705
bisect module]], 109–111
Blank lines, managing in doctest]], 1034–1035
Blind carbon-copy (BCC), smtplib]], 843
BOM (byte order marker), codecs]], 370–372
Boolean values in configparser]], 966–968
testing files in os.path]], 303–304
trace options]], 1077
braced patterns, advanced string templates]], 5–6
break command, breakpoints]], 1118–1120, 1124–1125
Breakpoints, pdb
changing execution flow]], 1129–1130
conditional breakpoints]], 1124–1125
ignoring]], 1125–1127
jumps forward or backward]], 1130–1134
managing]], 1120–1123
temporary breakpoints]], 1123–1124
triggering actions]], 1127–1128
using]], 1117–1120
watching data change]], 1128–1129
BrokenBarrierError, threads]], 580
BROWSER variable, webbrowser]], 797
Browser, webbrowser]], 796
BSD socket interface. See socket module bsddb module, removed from Python 3]], 1354
BufferedIncrementalDecoder]], 389
BufferedIncrementalEncoder]], 389
Buffers, struct]], 120–121
Building paths
os.path]], 300–301
pathlib]], 305–307
Building trees, xml.etree.ElementTree module]], 461–464
Built-in modules]], 1201–1202
Bulk loading, sqlite3]], 421–422
Byte code, compiling source files to]], 1155–1159
Byte order alternative arrays]], 101–102
codecs]], 370–372
memory management]], 1194
order marker (BOM), codecs]], 370–372
Bytes raw]], 391
understanding encodings through]], 366–368
Unicode]], 365–366
BytesIO buffer
file-like streams in pickle]], 398
message signatures]], 531–532
streams in gzip]], 490–491
wrapping byte streams for text data]], 392–393
byteswap() method, arrays]], 102
bz2 module
bzip2 compression via]], 491
changes in Python 3]], 1357
compressing network data]], 499–503
incremental compression and decompression]], 493–494
mixed-content streams]], 494–495
one-shot operations in memory]], 492–493
reading and writing Unicode data]], 498–499
reading compressed files]], 497–498
tarfile using compressed archives of]], 510–511
writing compressed files]], 495–497
BZ2Compressor object]], 493–494, 499
BZ2Decompressor object]], 493–495, 501
Bz2RequestHandler]], 500
bzip2 compression. See bz2 module
C modules, as built-in]], 1201–1202
functools]], 155–158
importer]], 1217–1218
weakref]], 127–130
Calculations, commonly used math]], 274–277
Calendar date values]], 222–225
calendar module
calculating dates]], 236–238
defined]], 211
formatting examples]], 233–236
locales]], 236
overview of]], 233
working with dates]], 236
call() function, subprocess]], 535
Callable objects, functools
acquiring function properties]], 145–147
acquiring function properties for decorators]], 149–151
partial objects working with any]], 147–148
wrapping with partial class]], 143–145
arbitrary context, contextlib]], 206–207
Future, concurrent.futures]], 680–681
program shutdown. See atexit module receiving signals]], 554–555
weakref]], 122–123
Callbacks, asyncio
concept of]], 618
Future invoking]], 627–628
scheduling for soon]], 622–623
scheduling for specific time]], 624–625
scheduling with delay]], 623–625
CalledProcessError exception, subprocess]], 537–538
call_later function, scheduling callbacks in asyncio]], 623–625
call_soon function, scheduling callbacks in asyncio]], 622–623, 624
Cancel events, sched]], 1001–1002
cancel() method, concurrent.futures]], 681–683
cancel_task() method, asyncio]], 629–631
capwords() function, string module]], 1–2
Case-insensitive matching, regular expression search]], 36–37
ceil() function, math]], 270
cgitb module
command-line interface]], 1152–1153
detailed tracebacks]], 1090–1092
examining local variables in tracebacks]], 1093–1096
exception properties]], 1096–1098
HTML output format]], 1098
logging tracebacks]], 1098–1101
overview of]], 1023, 1089
standard traceback dump]], 1089–1090
chain() function, itertools]], 164–167
chain.from_iterable(), itertools, 164–165
Chaining coroutines, asyncio, 620–621
ChainMap class, search multiple dictionaries, 75–79
Changes, preserving in sqlite3, 428–430
Channels, managing registered data, 737–738
Character map–based codecs, 383–384
Character ranges
filename pattern matching in glob, 322
regular expression character sets, 21–22
Character sets, regular expression, 20–23, 38–39
charmap_decode(), 389
charmap_encode(), 389
charset, regular expression, 20–23
check_output() function, subprocess, 535, 539–541
Checksums, computing, 481–482
chmod() method, file permissions, 317–318, 1231–1232
choice() function, random, 258
Circular references, pickle, 401–402
Class browser, pyclbr, 1160–1163
class syntax, creating enumerations, 66
abstract base. See abc module disassembling methods, 1300
helper base, 1289–1290
implementing Web servers with base. See http.server module inspecting, 1314–1316
inspecting method resolution order, 1323–1324
json encoder and decoder, 810–812
mail server base, 847–850
managing file system paths, 305
marking class and static methods as abstract, 1295–1296
operator combined with custom, 190–191
registering concrete, for use with abc, 1287–1288
retrieving source code for, 1318–1319
scanning for, 1161–1162
in socketserver, 742–743
subclassing from base, 1288–1289
working with hierarchies, 1322–1324
clear command, deleting breakpoints, 1123
clear() method, threading, 572
click (Command-Line Interface Construction Kit), 1370
I/O multiplexing abstractions in selectors, 726–728
library, IMAP4. See imaplib module library, XML-RPC. See xmlrpc.client module sending binary data, 722
TCP/IP, 704–711
UDP, 711–713
UDS, 714–716
cliff (Command-Line Interface Formulation Framework), 1370
Clock time. See time module clock()function, 211, 214–216
open handles, contextlib, 198–199
partial stacks, contextlib, 208–209
TCP/IP server, socket, 705
Cmd (command prompt), 938–939
cmd module
alternative inputs, 948–949
auto-completion, 942–944
command arguments, 940–941
commands from sys.argv, 950
configuring through attributes, 946–947
defined, 887
line-oriented command processors with, 938
live help, 941–942
overriding base class methods, 944–946
processing commands, 938–939
running shell commands, 947–948
cmdloop() method, cmd, 945
Code coverage, 1070–1073, 1076–1077
Code, source. See Source code CodecInfo instance, custom encoding, 387
codecs module
byte order, 370–372
defining custom encoding, 383–389
encoding translation, 376–377
encodings, 366–368
error handling, 372–376
incremental encoding, 378–380
non-Unicode encodings, 377–378
as string encoding and decoding, 365
Unicode data and network communication, 380–383
Unicode primer, 365–366
working with files, 368–370
collections module
ChainMap, 75–79
changes in Python 3, 1357, 97–98
container data types, 65, 75
Counter, 79–82
defaultdict, 82–84
deque, 84–89
namedtuple, 89–94
OrderedDict, 94–97 module, 97–98
Columns, in sqlite3
defining new types, 422–425
determining types, 426–427
restricting access, 442–443
Combining dates and times, datetime, 228–230
Command handler, cmd, 938–939
Command-Line Interface Construction Kit (click), 1370
Command-Line Interface Formulation Framework (cliff), 1370
Command-line programs arguments captured by interpreter, 1185–1186
building, 1370–1371
compiling files from, 1158–1159
CPython, 1180–1181
filter framework for text files, 987–992
http.server, 789–790
inspect, 1327–1328
json, 815
option parsing. See getopt module parsing, 889
parsing/validating arguments in. See argparse module running unittest tests, 1051–1052
starting pdb from, 1101–1102
timeit, 1152–1153
trace, 1069–1070
webbrowser, 797
auto-completion for, 942
breakpoints triggering actions, 1127
processing in cmd, 938–939
running external, 1239–1240
commands module, 1354, 1357
Comments parsing embedded, 954
in verbose regular expressions, 42
commit() method, transactions in sqlite3, 428–429
communicate() method asyncio, 667
subprocess, 546–548
bi-directional process, 543
capturing error output, 543–544
interprocess, 398–399
network. See socket module non-blocking, 723
one-way process, 542–543
Unicode and network, 380–383
compact flag, pprint(), 140–142
Compact vs. human-consumable output, json, 805–807
compare_digest() method, message signatures, 532–533
Comparison bodies of text, 59
of clocks, 211–213
enum, 67
file. See filecmp module functions, functools, 151–155
functions, math, 267–269
operators, 183, 228
sequences. See difflib module of values, datetime, 228
compileall module
compiling from command line, 1158–1159
compiling individual files, 1157–1158
compiling source files to byte-code, 1155–1157
compiling sys.path, 1157
overview of, 1024
Compiled expressions, 15
compiler module, removed from Python 3, 1354
Compilers, 1004, 1309–1311
complete() method, readline, 925–931
complete_prefix, auto-completion for commands, 942
CompletedProcess, subprocess, 536–538
Completion buffer, readline, 927–931
Compress class, zlib, 479–480
adding for new archive in zipfile, 515–516
bz2. See bz2 module GNU zlib. See zlib module levels, gzip, 488
levels, zlib, 479
read and write GNU zip files. See gzip module
Concrete paths, pathlib, 309
Concurrency asynchronous system events. See signal module
concurrency/asynchronous I/O management. See asyncio module
managing concurrent operations within process. See threading module
managing pools of concurrent tasks. See concurrent.futures module
managing processes like threads. See multiprocessing module
overview of, 535
spawning additional processes. See subprocess module
supplements to standard library, 1369
concurrent module, new in Python 3, 1352
concurrent.futures module
canceling tasks, 681–683
context manager, 683–684
exceptions in tasks, 683
future callbacks, 680–681
managing pools of concurrent tasks, 677
process pools, 685–686
scheduling individual tasks, 678–679
using map() with basic thread pool, 677–678
waiting for tasks in any order, 679–680
Condition objects synchronizing in multiprocessing, 604–605
synchronizing in threading, 578–581
configparser module
accessing configuration settings, 963–970
application construction supplements to standard library, 1371
changes in Python 3, 1358
combining values with interpolation, 975–979
configuration file format, 961
modifying settings, 970–972
option search path, 972–975
reading configuration files, 961–963
saving configuration files, 972
sources of arguments in argparse, 895–896
working with configuration files, 960–961
customizing site, 1175–1176
customizing user, 1176–1177
files. See configparser module properties in shlex, 955–956
readline library, 923–924
saving settings in pdb, 1137–1139
site-wide, 1169
system-specific, 1178
variables, 1270–1272
Conflicting options, argparse, 902–904
create database, sqlite3, 413
echo client, socket, 705
to IMAP server, 864–865
managing multiple at same time with select(), 732–733
send email message, smtplib, 841
sharing in sqlite3, 441–442
TCP/IP easy client, 707–708
compiler optimizations, 1309–1311
quoting options in CSV files as, 469
string module, 6–7
Consuming deque, 85–87
abstract base classes for, 236
comparing in unittest, 1056–1061
data types. See collections module
Context managers
executors working as, 683–684
locks as, 577–578
utilities. See contextlib module ContextDecorator class, 194–195
context_diff() function, difflib, 61
contextlib module
changes in Python 3, 1358
closing open handles, 198–199
context manager API, 191–194
as context manager utilities, 202
context manager utilities, 191
context managers as function decorators, 194–195
defined, 143
dynamic context manager stacks, 202–209
from generator to context manager, 196–198
ignoring exceptions, 199–201
redirecting output streams, 201
Contexts, decimal
current context, 244–245
local context, 247–248
overview of, 244
per-instance context, 248
precision, 245
rounding, 245–247
threads, 248–249
continue command, breakpoint in pdb, 1118–1120
functions, configparser, 968–969
inputs, itertools, 167–169
new column types, sqlite3, 424
convert_to_builtin_type(), json, 808, 812
Cookies. See http.cookies module Cooperative multitasking, coroutines in asyncio, 618–622
copy module
customizing copy behavior, 132–133
deep copies, 131–132
duplicate objects, 130
recursion in deep copy, 133–136
shallow copies, 130–131
Copying files
duplicate objects, memory management, 65
memory-map, 363–364
messages, imaplib, 883–884
metadata, 340–341
shallow copies, 130–131
in shutil, 337–342
copysign() function, math, 273
copytree() function, shutil, 342–343
Coroutines, asyncio
asynchronous I/O using streams and, 650–655
calling subprocesses in asyncio with, 664–666
chaining, 620–621
combining with threads/processes in asyncio, 670–673
concept of, 618
cooperative multitasking with, 618
creating tasks from, 631–632
Future acting like, 625–626
gathering results from, 635–636
generators instead of, 621–622
handling background operations as they finish, 636–637
returning values from, 619–620
starting, 619
supplements to standard library, 1369
waiting for multiple, 632–635
Cosine functions, math, 284, 288
count() function, new values in itertools, 169–172
–count option, code coverage report, 1070–1072
Counter module
accessing counts, 81–82
arithmetic, 82–83
as counting hashable objects, 79–82
defined, 79
initializing, 80
count_words() function, MapReduce in multiprocessing, 616
CPU time. See Processor clock time CPython, 1179–1181
crc32() function, computing checksums, 481–482
Create database dbm, 409–410
sqlite3, 412–415
create_connection() method, asynchronous I/O, 648
Cryptography hashing. See hashlib module message signing/verification. See hmac module
supplements to standard library, 1369
UUID 3 and 5, name-based values, 800–801
csv module
bulk loading in sqlite3, 421–422
changes in Python 3, 1358
comma-separated values, 466
dialects, 469–474
event-style processing in XML, 452–453
handling XML parse events, 453–455
quoting, 468–469
reading, 466–467
setting XML element properties, 459–461
using field names, 474–476
writing, 467–468
ctime() function logging or printing time, 213–214
processor clock time, 215–216
Cultural localization API. See locale module curio package, supplements to standard library, 1369
curl, http.server, 783, 785
Currency, updating when changing locale, 1018–1019
Current context, decimal, 244–245
Current date, datetime_date, 222–223
Current locale, probing, 1013–1018
Current thread, determining, 562
Current working directory, 1238–1239
currentframe(), inspecting at top of stack, 1324
Cursor, sqlite3, 415, 417
aggregation, sqlite3, 440–441
argument actions, argparse, 913–915
classes, operator, 190–191
copy behavior, copy, 132–133
encoding, codecs, 383–389
help, argparse, 898–901
mail server, stmpd, 847–851
TreeBuilder, 453–455
types, json, 807–810
CustomSMTPServer, 847–850
cycle() function, values in itertools, 170
Daemon processes, multiprocessing, 589–593
Daemon threads, 564–567
communication, in Unicode, 380–383
finding non-code, during import, 1348–1350
sending to subprocess in asyncio, 666–668
compression and archiving bzip2 compression. See bz2 module
GNU zlib compression. See zlib module
overview of, 477
read and write GNU zip files. See gzip module
tar archive access. See tarfile module
ZIP archive access. See zipfile module
data definition language (DDL) statements, database in sqlite3, 413
Data files, in packages, 1341–1344
Data persistence and exchange comma-separated values. See csv module
embedded relational database. See sqlite3 module
object serialization. See pickle module
overview of, 395–396
persistent storage of objects. See shelve module
supplements to standard library, 1368–1369
Unix key-value databases. See dbm module
XML manipulation API. See xml.etree.ElementTree module Data sets, reducing in functools, 158–160
Data structures
binary data structures. See struct module
bisect module, 109–111
container data types. See collections module
duplicate objects. See copy module
enumeration types. See enum module
heap-sort algorithm. See heapq module
impermanent references to objects. See weakref module
overview of, 65–66
pretty-print. See pprint module
sequence of fixed-type data, see array module
thread-safe FIFO implementation. See queue module
Data types customizing, in json, 807–810
encoding/decoding in json, 804–805
XML-RPC server, 819–822
embedded relational. See sqlite3 module
Unix key-value dbm, 408–411
Datagram sockets, 694
date/time value manipulation. See datetime module formatting in locale, 1022
overview, 211
supplements to standard library, 1368
as supported data type in XML-RPC, 822
working with. See calendar module
datetime module changes in Python 3, 1358
combining dates and times, 228–230
comparing values, 228
date arithmetic, 226–227
as date-time value manipulation, 221
dates as supported data type in XML-RPC, 822
defined, 211
formatting and parsing, 230–231
new column types in sqlite3, 423
supplements to standard library, 1368
time, 221–225
time zones, 231–232
timedeltas, 225–226
dateutil package, date/time supplements, 1368
DbfilenameShelf class, 405–406, 408
dbm module creating new database, 409–410
creating new shelf, 406
database types, 408–409
error cases, 411
opening existing database, 410
Unix key-value databases via, 408
dbm.dumb module, 409–410
dbm.gnu module, 409–410
dbm.ndbm module, 409–410
DDL (data definition language) statements, database in sqlite3, 413
Deadlocks, debugging threads, 1198–1200
built-in, asnycio, 673–675
data structures, pprint, 65
detailed tracebacks. See cgitb module
interactive. See pdb module
memory leaks, 1265–1270
multiprocessing, 594–596
server, stmpd, 850
threads, 1198–1200
tracebacks for. See traceback module
using disassembly for, 1302–1303
DebuggingServer, stmpd, 850
decimal module
arithmetic, 242–243
changes in Python 3, 1358
context, 244–249
creating fraction instances, 252
Decimals, 239–241
formatting, 241–242
overview of, 239
special values, 243–244
binary data with base64, 778
creating map for, codecs, 384–386
data in strings, pickle, 396–397
error handling, codecs, 372–376
incremental classes, 389
simple data types, json, 804–805
string. See codecs module
understanding, codecs, 367–368
working with files, codecs, 368–370
Decompression, zlib
incremental, 479–480
mixed content streams, 480–481
of network data, 483–486
working with data in memory, 477–479
Decorator syntax, atexit, 994
algorithms supplementing standard library, 1367–1368
context managers, as function, 194–195
Decorators, functools acquiring function properties, 145–147
acquiring function properties for decorators, 149–151
methods and functions, 148–149
other callables, 147–148
overview of, 143
partial objects, 144–145
Dedented text, 8–10
Deep copies duplicate objects, 131–132
making recursive copies, 65, 133–136
deep module, printing messages, 1340
default() method, cmd, 939, 945
DEFAULT_COMPRESSION level, zlib, 479
defaultdict, 65, 82–84
Defaults, interpolation using, 976
DefaultSelector, 724
DEFERRED isolation level, sqlite3, 432–433
DefragResult value, urllib.parse, 756
defusedxml package, 1369
degrees() function, math angles, 283
running events with, 999
sched module, 998–999
Deleting from file system, pathlib, 318–319
Deleting messages imaplib, 884–885
from Maildir mailbox, 858–860
from mbox mailbox, 854
delimiter class attribute, advanced string templates, 4–5
delitem() function, sequence operators, 187
delocalize() method, locale, 1020
Deltas, human-readable, 58
depth argument, pprint, 139–140
deque module
constraining queue size, 88–89
consuming, 85–87
defined, 65
as double-ended queue, 84–85
populating, 85
rotating, 87–88
description attribute, cursor in sqlite3, 417
dest argument, 888
detect_types flag, sqlite3, 422, 427
Developer tools automated tests. See unittest module
class browser, 1160–1163
collecting and analyzing statistics. See profile module
compiling source files to byte-code, 1155–1159
creating virtual environments, 1163–1167
detailed tracebacks. See cgitb module
following program flow. See trace module
interactive debugging. See pdb module
online help, 1023–1026
stack traces and exceptions. See traceback module
supplements to standard library, 1371–1372
testing through documentation. See doctest module
timing execution of code. See timeit module
validating indentation, 1153–1155
working with Python package installer, 1167–1169
Development, managing package versions in, 1336–1338
DEVNULL, suppressing output in subprocesses, 541–542
Dialects, csv module
automatically detecting, 472–474
creating, 469–470
overview of, 469
parameters, 470–472
dict, OrderedDict vs., 93–94
encoding, json, 807
initialization, Counter, 80
non-integer member values using, enum, 75
remember order that keys are added to, 94–97
retrieving values, Counter, 81
search multiple, ChainMap, 75–79
using field names, cvs, 474–476
values stored in, timeit, 1149–1152
DictReader class, cvs, 474–476
DictWriter class, cvs, 474–476
Differ class, difflib, 58–60
Difference-based reporting, managing blank lines, 1036–1037
Differences in programs, using, 356
difflib module
compare bodies of text, 58–61
comparing arbitrary types, 62–64
comparing sequences with, 58
defined, 1
junk data, 61–62
overview of, 58
applications of message signatures, 530–533
hashlib MD5
hash example, 524–525
hashlib SHA1
example, 525
hmac alternative types, 528–529
hmac binary, 529–530
dircache module, removed from Python 3, 1354
dircmp class, comparing large directory trees, 355–356
accessing contents, pathlib, 309–312
comparing, filecmp, 354, 355–356
creating/deleting, 1233
creating temporary, filecmp, 335
examining file system contents, 1228–1230
installing message catalogs into, 1005–1006
managing process working directory, 1238–1239
managing user, 1171–1172
manipulating, pathlib, 312–313
moving, shutil, 345
removing empty, pathlib, 318
removing, shutil, 344–345
Directory trees
recursive comparison of large, 355–356
working in shutil with, 342–345
dirname() function, parsing paths in os.path, 297–298
dis(), basic dissassembly, 1297
dis module
analyzing compiler optimizations, 1309–1311
analyzing loop performance, 1303–1309
applying to class methods, 1300
applying to functions, 1297–1299
applying to source code, 1301–1302
basic dissassembly, 1297
overview of, 1279, 1296–1297
using for debugging, 1302–1303
Disabling interpolation, configparser, 979
Disassembler/disassembling. See dis module
disk_usage() function, shutil, 350–351
display command, breakpoints for watching data change, 1128–1129
Display hook, interpreter, 1183–1184
distutils module, supplement to standard library, 1371
Django package, 1370
DNS (domain name services) asyncio, 658–660
name lookups using UDP, 694
network hostname lookup, socket, 695
DocFileSuite class, 1047–1048
docopt package, 1371
docstring, retrieving for objects, 1316–1317
doctest module
execution context, 1048–1051
for external documentation, 1042–1043
integration with unittests, 1047–1048
overview of, 1023, 1026–1028
running by file, 1046–1047
running by module
(testmod()), 1044–1046
test locations, 1039–1042
for tracebacks, 1032–1033
for unpredictable output, 1028–1032
for whitespace management, 1034–1039
DocTestSuite class, 1047–1048
external, using doctest, 1042–1043
retrieving docstring for an object, 1316–1317
Domain, creating message catalogs, 1005–1006
Domain name services. See DNS (domain name services) DOTALL flag, search for multiline text, 37–38
Dotted API names, xmlrpc.server, 830–831
Dotted notation, accessing fields of namedtuple, 90
Double-ended queue. See deque module
download_enclosures() function, threaded podcast client, 115
dropwhile() function, filtering iterable contents, 172–173
dumps() function
encoding/decoding data in strings, pickle, 396–397
human-readable output, json, 805–807
working with streams/files, json, 813
dup list, shallow copies, 131–132
lists in sorted order, 110–111
objects. See copy module
dynamic context manager stacks
arbitrary context callbacks, 206–207
overview of, 202
partial stacks, 207–209
stacking context managers, 202–206
EasyDialogs module, removed from Python 3, 1354
Echo client
asynchronous I/O,asyncio, 646–649, 652–654
enabling SSL on sockets, asyncio, 652–654
example, socketserver, 744–749
I/O multiplexing abstractions, selectors, 726–728
TCP/IP, socket, 705–711
UDP, socket, 712–713
Echo server asynchronous I/O,asyncio, 644–646, 650–652
enabling SSL on sockets, asyncio, 650–652
example, socketserver, 743–749
I/O multiplexing abstractions, selectors, 724–728
TCP/IP, socket, 704–711
UDP, socket, 712–713
using select()with, 729–730
EchoRequestHandler, socketserver, 743–748
ehlo(), authentication/encryption in smtplib, 843–845
Element nodes, building XML documents from, 457–458
ElementTree library, see xml.etree.ElementTree module
IMAP4 client library. See imaplib module
manipulate email archives. See mailbox module
overview of, 841
sample mail servers. See smtpd module
SMTP. See smtplib module
supplements to standard library, 1370
Embedded comments, parsing in shlex, 954
Embedded relational database. See sqlite3 module
emptyline() method, overriding base class methods in cmd, 945
Encoded value, http.cookies, 793–794
Encoder/decoder classes, json, 810
arguments, urllib.request, 763–764
binary data with ASCII. See base64 module
connecting to XML-RPC server, 818
data in strings, pickle, 396–397
defining custom, codecs, 383–389
dictionaries, json, 807
error handling, codecs, 372–373
errors, in codec, 373–374
files, codecs, 368–370
files for upload, urllib.request, 767–768
incremental, bz2, 378–380
maps, 384–386
non-Unicode, 377–378
query arguments, urllib.parse, 759–760
simple data types, json, 804–805
strings. See codecs module
translation, codecs, 376–377
understanding, 366–368
values in cookie header, 793–794
Western languages, 366
Encryption email, smtplib, 843–846
enabling SSL on sockets in asyncio, 656
Endianness, 118–120, 370–372
Ending argument processing, getopt, 922
ensurepip module
new in Python 3, 1352
overview of, 1024
working with Python package installer, 1167–1169
enter_context(), stacking context managers, 202–206
enter() function
canceling events in sched, 1001–1002
running events with delay, 999
enterabs() function, canceling events in sched, 1001–1002
enum module
creating enumerations, 66
creating enumerations programmatically, 71–72
defined, 65
enumeration type, 66
iteration, 67–69
new in Python 3, 1352
non-integer member values, 72–75
unique enumeration values, 69–71
of all threads, 567–568
enum. See enum module
Environment variables, process environment, 1237–1238
almost equal in unittests, 1055–1056
comparing in unittests, 1056–1061
unittest for, 1054–1055
Equality, OrderedDict, 94
erf(-x) error function, math, 289
erfc() error function, math, 289–290
error, conflict_handler, argparse, 903
Error handling
capturing output, subprocess, 543–545
in codecs, 372–376
in http.server, 787–788
read text in linecache, 328–329
running external command in subprocess, 537–538
in shlex, 957–958
Errors. See also Exceptions in dbm, 411
operating system codes for, 1245–1246
recoverable. See warnings module
codes, 23–26, 39
meta-characters in glob, 322–323
escape() function, meta-characters, 322–323
Event loop, asyncio
chaining coroutines, 620–621
concept of, 618
scheduling calls to regular functions, 622–625
starting coroutine, 619
asynchronous system. See signal module
timed event scheduler. See sched module
XML parse, 451–455
Exception handling
program shutdown callbacks, atexit, 997–998
in XML-RPC, 825–826
Exceptional sockets, 732
Exceptional values, testing in math, 265–267
Exceptions applied to low-level exception APIs, 1082–1086
applied to low-level stack APIs, 1086–1089
applying dis to, 1302–1303
argument types, argparse, 911
authentication failure, imaplib, 865–866
causing, argparse, 902
current, sys, 1195–1196
detailed tracebacks, cgitb, 1090–1092
exception properties, cgitb, 1096–1098
handling, sys, 1194
handling module
import errors, sys, 1214–1215
HTML output format, cgitb, 1098
ignoring, 199–201
local variables in tracebacks, cgitb, 1093–1096
logging tracebacks, cgitb, 1098–1101
monitoring, sys, 1225–1227
previous interactive, sys, 1196–1197
in tasks, concurrent.futures, 683
testing for, unittest, 1061–1062
TracebackException class, 1081–1082
unhandled, 1194–1195
exceptions module, removed from Python 3, 1354
Exclusive mode isolation level, sqlite3, 433–434
exec()method, creating processes, 1240
execute() method
autocommit mode, 434
positional parameters in sqlite3, 419
sqlite3, 415
using variables with queries in sqlite3, 419
executemany() method, bulk loading in sqlite3, 421–422
executescript() method, create database in sqlite3, 414
managing pools of workers, 677
working as context managers, 683–684
Exit callbacks, registering, 994–997
exit(), sys, 1187
exitcode, multiprocessing, 594–596
ExitStack arbitrary context callbacks, 206–207
dynamic context manager stacks, 202
partial stacks, 208–209
stacking context managers, 202–206
exp() function, math, 282
expanduser() function, os.path, 300–301
expandvars() function, os.path, 301
expectedFailure(), unittest, 1068–1069
expm1() function, math, 282
Exponent, math functions, 278–282
Exponential distribution, random, 263–264
Exponentiation operator (**), 278
Exporting database contents, sqlite3, 435
expovariate() function, exponential distribution, 263
EXPUNGE command, imaplib, 884–885
ExtendedInterpolation, configparser, 978–979
External command, subprocess capturing output, 538–541
error handling, 537–538
overview of, 536–537
suppressing output, 541–542
Extremes, heap data, 107–108
F fabs() function, math, 272–274
factorial() function, math, 274–275
Fault objects, XML-RPC, 825–827
FauxNFSHandler class, urrlib.request, 771–772
feedparser module, threaded podcast client, 116
fetch() method, messages in imaplib, 874–881
fetchall() method, sqlite3, 415
fetchmany() method, sqlite3, 416
fetchone() method, sqlite3, 416
fetch_podcasts, threaded podcast client, 114–115
Fibonacci sequence, profile applied to, 1140–1142
Field names, 91–92, 474–476
FIFO (first-in, first-out) queue. See queue module
File arguments, 912–913
File extensions, 1330–1331
File system
comparing files. See filecmp module
filename pattern matching. See glob module
high level file operations. See shutil module
memory-map files. See mmap module
overview of, 295–296
parsing paths. See os.path module
as paths. See pathlib module
read text files efficiently. See linecache module
string encoding/decoding. See codecs module
temporary file system objects. See tempfile module
text, binary, and raw stream i/o tools. See io module
Unix-style glob pattern matching. See fnmatch module
File system space, shutil, 350–351
File systems
creating/deleting directories, 1233
examination of file system contents, 1228–1230
managing file system permissions, 1230–1233
rename/replace files, 1234–1235
symbolic links, 1234
File times, os.path, 302–303
File types, pathlib, 313–315
filecmp module
comparing directories, 355–356
comparing files, 353–355
example data, 351–353
using differences in program, 357–360
fileinput module
command-line filter framework with, 986
converting M3U files to RSS, 987–989
in-place filtering, 990–992
progress metadata, 989–990
changing archive, tarfile, 508–509
changing archive, zipfile, 516
pattern matching, 319–323
platform-independent manipulation of. See os.path module
fileno() method, 334, 729–734
FileNotFoundError exception, pathlib, 318
arrays and, 100–101
configuring logs to, 981
encoding/decoding strings, 368–370
working with json, 813
FileType, file arguments, 912–913
fill() function
combining dedent()with, 9–10
paragraphs, 8
command-line framework for text files, 987–992
fnmatch glob pattern matching, 325
in itertools, 172–174
in warnings, 1280–1283
finalize() method, custom aggregation in sqlite3, 440–441
finalize objects, weakref, 123–126
files, shutil, 345–346
message catalogs at runtime, 1007–1008
multiple matches in text, 16
nodes in XML document, 447–448
paragraphs, 55
find_module(), inside ZIP archive, 1345
First-in, first-out (FIFO) queue. See queue module
package, 1371
unittest applied to, 1062–1065
in unittest structure, 1051
mailbox message, 862–864
options as, configparser, 969–970
registered data channels, 737–741
regular expressions. See re module, search options
Float representation, wall clock time, 213
Floating-point values, math, 966–968
Floating-point values, math alternative representations, 271–272
calculate absolute value, 272–274
commonly used calculations, 274–277
comparisons involving, 267–269
converting to integers, 270–271
division, 185–186
fixed- and floating-point math. See decimal module
fraction module, 251–254
random() generating, 257
testing for exceptional, 265–267
Floating-point values, memory management, 1192–1193
floor() function, converting floating-point values, 270
floordiv() operator, 185–186
flush() method
incremental compression, zlib, 480
messages, mbox mailbox, 854
fmod() function, math, 276–277
fnmatch module
filtering, 325
simple matching, 323–324
translating patterns, 325–326
as Unix-style glob pattern matching, 325
Folders, Maildir mailbox, 860–862
adding in http.server, 786–787
adding to server in socketserver, 749–751
creating processes in os.fork, 1240–1242
ForkingMixIn http.server, 787
socket.server, 750–751
formatter module, deprecated, 1355
Formatting calendar, 233–236
configuration files, 975–979
datetime, 230–231
decimal, 241–242
numbers, locale, 1019–1021
pprint, 137–138
stack, traceback, 1087–1088
string, 6
time, clock time, 219–220
traceback exception, 1084–1085
warnings, 1285
fractions module
approximating values, 253
arithmetic, 252–253
changes in Python 3, 1358
creating fraction instances, 250–252
as rational numbers, 250
Frames, inspecting stacks and, 1324–1327
frexp() function, math, 271–272
frombytes() method, arrays and files, 101
fromfile() method, arrays and files, 101
fromfile_prefix_chars, arparse, 896–897
from_float() method, decimal, 239
fromordinal() function, datetime, 224, 229
fromtimestamp() function, datetime, 224, 229
fsum() function, math, 274
fullmatch() function, search constraints in re, 29
Fully qualified domain name, socket, 697
decorators, 194–195, 197–198
Functions asyncio event loop scheduling calls to, 622–625
disassembling, 1297–1299
examining stack variables in pdb, 1107–1111
mathematical. See math module
printing, 1146–1148
Python, sqlite3, 436–438
report on relationships between, trace, 1073–1074
scanning for, 1162–1163
signatures for, 1319–1322
string module, 1–2
Struct class vs., 117
tools for manipulating. See functools module
tracing, 1221–1224
functools module
caching, 155–158
comparison, 151–155
creating decorators, 1367–1368
decorators. See decorators, functools defined, 143
generic functions, 161–163
reducing data set, 158–160
as tools for manipulating functions, 143
Future, asyncio
callbacks, 627–628
concept of, 618
producing results asynchronously, 625
running client in asynchronous I/O, 647–648
waiting for a, 625–627
Future, concurrent.futures callbacks, 680–681
canceling tasks, 681–682
exceptions in tasks, 683
managing results by workers, 677
Gamma distribution, random, 264
gamma() function, math, 275
Garbage collection. See also gc module
caching objects, 127–128
memory management, sys, 1187–1188
Gauss error function, statistics, 289
gc module
caching objects, weakref, 127–130
changes in Python 3, 1358
collection thresholds and generations, 1261–1265
debugging memory leaks, 1265–1270
finalizing objects, weakref, 125–126
finding references to uncollectable objects, 1259–1261
forcing garbage collection, 1258–1259
overview of, 1169, 1254
tracing references, 1255–1257
gcd() function, math, 277
Generator functions
converting into context manager, 196–198
instead of coroutines in asyncio, 621
Generator sequences, 188
Generic functions, functools, 161–163
get() method
basic FIFO queue, 112
basic LIFO queue, 112
calling interpolation by default, configparser, 975–976
options as flags, configparser, 969–970
testing if section exists, configparser, 965
using specific browser in webbrowser, 796
value types, configparser, 967
DNS, asyncio, 658–659
server addresses, socket, 700–702
TCP/IP client connections, socket, 708
getmember() method, tarfile, 505
getmembers() method inspecting classes, 1314–1316
inspecting instances, 1316
inspecting modules, 1312–1313
load metadata from archive, tarfile, 505
getopt module
abbreviating long-form options, 920
command-line option parsing with, 916
complete example, 918–920
ending argument processing, 922
function arguments, 916–917
GNU-style option parsing, 920–922
interface-related supplements to standard library, 1370
long-form options, 917–918
replace by argparse for newer applications, 922
short-form options, 917
getpass module
defined, 887
example, 935–937
secure password prompt with, 935
use without terminal, 937–938
Getters, operator
module/attribute/item, 188–190
gettext module
application vs. module
localization, 1012
changes in Python 3, 1359
creating message catalogs from source code, 1004–1007
finding message catalogs at runtime, 1007–1008
message catalogs with, 1003
plural values, 1008–1010
translation workflow overview, 1003–1004
geturl() method, 756–758, 770–773
GIL (global interpreter lock), threads, 1197
glob() method, 310–311
glob module
changes in Python 3, 1359
character ranges, 322
escaping meta-characters, 322–323
example data, 320
filename pattern matching, 319–320
fnmatch Unix-style, 323–326
single-character wildcard, 321–322
wildcards, 320–321
global interpreter lock (GIL), controlling/debugging threads, 1197
gmtime() function, 217
option parsing, 920–922
read and write zip files. See gzip module
readline library. See readline module
zlib compression. See zlib module
Graph class, 134–136
Greediness, regular expressions, 18–19, 20–23
group() method, 32, 316
groupby() function, itertools, 175–176
groupdict() method, regular expression groups, 33
grouping character, formatting numbers in locale, 1018–1019
argument, argparse, 904–905
data, itertools, 175–176
dissecting matches in regular expressions, 30–36
mutually exclusive options, argparse, 906
splitting with patterns, 56–57
traversing parsed tree, 447
groups() method, regular
expressions, 31, 33–35
gzip module
read and write GNU zip files, 486
reading compressed data, 489–490
tarfile using compressed archives of, 510–511
working with streams, 490–491
writing compressed files, 486–488
handle() method, socketserver, 743
Handler objects, 980, 984–985
handle_request()method, socketserver, 743
Handles, contextlib closing open, 198–199
Hanging indents, 12
Hardware, obtaining operating information, 1248–1250
hasattr(), interface checking alternatives, 1287
Hashable keys, functools caching, 157–158
Hashable objects, counting, 79–83
Hashed values, doctests for unpredictable, 1030–1032
Hashing, cryptographic. See hashlib module
hashlib module
creating hash by name, 525–526
SHA1 algorithm in hmac, 529
cryptographic hashing with, 523
hash algorithms, 523–524
incremental updates, 526–527
hash example, 524–525
sample data, 524
SHA1 digest example, 525
has_option() method, configparser, 965–966, 969–970
has_section() method, configparser, 965
adding outgoing, urllib.request, 765–766
encoding values, cookie, 793–794
receiving and parsing, cookie, 794–795
send email message, smtplib, 841–843
setting, http.server, 788–789
Heap. See heapq module
Heap sort algorithm. See heapq module
heapify() method, 105, 106
heappop() method, 105–106
heappush() method, 104–105
heapq module
accessing contents of heap, 104–106
creating heap, 103–104
data extremes from heaps, 106–108
defined, 65
example data, 103
as heap sort algorithm, 103
heapreplace() method, 106–107
Help in argparse, 897–901
HTML, 1025–1026
live, 941–942
online, 1024–1026
output, argparse, 897–901
plain text, in atexit, 1024–1026
help command, Cmd class, 938–939
Helper base classes, 1289–1290
hexdigest() method MD5 hash, 524–525
using Base64 version of binary digest vs., 529–530
High-level file operations. See shutil module
HistoryCompleter, 933
HMAC authentication, 530–533
hmac module
alternative digest types, 528–529
applications of message signatures, 530–533
binary digests, 529–530
cryptographic message signing/verification, 528
signing messages, 528
Hooks, readline, 934–935
Hostname, looking up network, 694–697
Hosts, in sqlite3, 419
hosts() method, ipaddress, 689–691
formatting HTMLCalendar, 234
getting help, 1025–1026
html module, 1370
htmlib module, removed from Python, 1354
output format, 1098
HTTP cookies. See http.cookies module
HTTP GET operation http.server, 781–783
urllib.request, 761–763
HTTP POST operation http.server, 784–786
posting form data, urllib.request, 766–767
urllib.request, 764–765
http.cookies module
alternative output formats, 795–796
changes in Python 3, 1359
creating and setting cookies, 790–791
encoded values, 793–794
HTTP cookies, 790
morsels, 791–793
receiving and parsing cookie headers, 794–795
http.server module
base classes implementing Web servers with, 781
command-line use, 789–790
handling errors, 787–788
HTTP GET, 781–783
HTTP POST, 784–786
setting headers, 788–789
threading and forking, 786–787
http.server package, 1370
Human-consumable vs. compact output, json, 805–807
Hyperbolic functions, math, 288
hypot() function, math
trigonometry, 285–287
I/O operations
asynchronous, in asyncio, 644–650
encoding and decoding strings in codecs, 368–370
multiplexing abstractions. See selectors module
text, binary and raw stream tools for, 390–393
waiting efficiently for with select. See select module
ID numbers, managing breakpoints, 1120–1121
Identation validator, tabnanny, 1153–1154
idpattern class attribute, advanced string templates, 4–5
IDs, detect/change process owner, 1235–1237
IEEE 802
MAC Address, UUID 1, 798–800
ignore command
decoding errors, codecs, 375
encoding errors, codecs, 374
ignoring breakpoints, pdb, 1125–1127
Ignore signals, 557–558
IGNORECASE flag, regular expressions, 36–37, 49–51
ignore_patterns() function, directory trees in shutil, 342–343
IMAP4 client class, using clear text sockets, 864
client library. See imaplib module
IMAP4_SSL client class, 864
IMAP4_stream client class, 864
imapclient package, 1370
imaplib module
changes in Python 3, 1359
connecting to server, 864–866
deleting messages, 884–885
email supplements to standard library, 1370
example configuration, 866
fetching messages, 874–880
client library with, 864
listing mailboxes, 866–869
mailbox status, 869–871
moving and copying messages, 883–884
search criteria, 872–874
searching for messages, 872
selecting mailbox, 871
uploading messages, 881–883
variations, 864
whole messages, 880–881
Immediate mode isolation level, sqlite3, 433
Immutable, tuple and namedtuple as, 90–91
imp module, deprecated, 1356
Import hooks, custom importers, 1204–1205
Import path
backward compatibility and, 1177–1178
modules, 1202–1203
packages, 1334–1336
scanning for path configuration files, 1172–1175
site, 1169–1170
import statement, 1329
Importable target functions, multiprocessing, 587–588
Importers. See also zipimport module, 1344
Importing modules. See also importlib module
custom importers, 1203–1205
custom package, 1211–1213
handling import errors, 1214–1215
importer cache, 1217–1218
mapping to module
objects, 1200–1201
meta-path, 1218–1221
retrieving import package data, 1215–1217
from shelf, 1205–1211
importlib module
accessing loaders, 1332–1334
example, 1329–1330
importing modules, 1331–1332
overview of, 1329
Python supported module styles, 1330–1331
import_module(), 1331–1332
In-memory approach
bz2 compression, 492–493
io streams, 390–391
sqlite3 databases, 434–435
zlib compression, 477–479
in operator, ipaddress, 691
In-place filtering, fileinput, 990–992
In-place operators, functional interface, 187–188
INADDR_ANY address, choosing for listening, 710–711
compression/decompression bz2, 493
zlib, 479–480
Incremental encoding, codecs, 378–380
Incremental updates, hash calculators, 526–527
IncrementalDecoder, 378–380, 389
IncrementalEncoder, 378–380, 389
Indents, text paragraph
block, 10–11
combining dedent() and fill(), 9–10
hanging, 12
removing existing, 8–9
inf special value, math, 265–267, 269
infolist() method, zipfile, 512–514
Initialization array, 98–99
Counter, 80
initializer argument, functools, 159–160
input() function, converting M3U files to RSS, 987–989
Input history, tracked in readline, 931–934
Input/output streams (stdin/stdout), sys, 1186–1187
input_loop() function, readline, 925
Inputs alternative, in cmd, 948–949
combining in itertools, 176–182
insert statements, sqlite3, 415, 421
insert_text(), readline, 934
insort() method, 109–111
inspect module
changes in Python 3, 1359
command-line interface for, 1327–1328
example, 1311–1312
inspecting classes, 1314–1316
inspecting instances, 1316
inspecting method resolution order, 1323–1324
inspecting modules, 1312–1313
inspecting stack and frames, 1324–1327
overview of, 1279, 1311
retrieving docstring for an object, 1316–1317
retrieving source code for class or method, 1318–1319
returning specifcation of method or function arguments, 1319–1322
working with class hierarchies, 1322–1324
install() function, application localization, 1011
Installation paths, managing, 1272–1276
Instances, creating fraction, 250–252
Instances, inspecting, 1316
Integer division, floordiv() operator, 185–186
converting floating-point values to, math, 270–271
creating fraction, 253
parsing command line arguments with, 889–891
value types, configparser, 966–967
values, memory management, 1193
IntEnum class, 68–69
Interactive prompts, Interpreter, 1182–1183
network ipaddress, 692–693
pdb, 1104–1105
trace programming, 1074–1075
Internationalization and localization
cultural localization API. See locale module
message catalogs. See gettext module
overview of, 1003
addresses. See ipaddress module
base classes implementing Web servers. See http.server module
display Web pages via webbrowser, 796–797
encode binary data with ASCII. See base64 module
HTTP cookies. See http.cookies module
JavaScript Object Notation. See json module
network resource access. See urllib.request module
overview of, 753
spider access control. See urllib.robotparser split URLs into components. See urllib.parse module
supplements to standard library, 1369–1370
Universally Unique Identifiers. See uuid module
XML-RPC client library. See xmlrpc.client module
XML-RPC server. See xmlrpc.server module
configparser, 975–979
string.Template, 2–4
build-time version information, 1178–1179
command-line arguments captured by, 1185–1186
display hook, 1183–1184
implementation, 1179–1180
install location, 1184–1185
interactive prompts, 1182–1183
obtaining operating information, 1246–1247
Unicode defaults, 1181–1182
Introspection API, xmlrpc.server, 837–839
Inverse math functions, 287, 288
character map-based codecs, 383–384
define custom encoding, 384–389
io module
in-memory streams, 390–392
text, binary and raw stream I/O tools, 390
wrapping byte streams for text data, 392–393
copying files in shutil, 337
testing tar files, 504
ipaddress module
addresses, 687–688
interfaces, 692–693
networks, 688–692
new in Python 3, 1352
working with IPv4
and IPv6
addresses, 687
and IPv6
addresses. See ipaddress module; socket module
isclose() function, comparisons in math, 267–269
isfinite() function, math, 267
islice() function, itertools, 166
isnan, math, 266–267
format, datetime objects, 230–231
Isolation levels, sqlite3
autocommit mode, 434
DEFERRED, 432–433
exclusive mode, 433–434
immediate mode, 433
overview of, 431–432
is_() function, 183
is_not() function, 183
is_tarfile() function, 503–504
is_zipfile() function, 512
Item getters, operator, 188–190
items() method, 859, 964
iter() function, traversing parsed tree, 446–447
iterall() function, regular expression search, 29
Iteration enum, 67
over networks, 689–691
Iterators functions for. See itertools module
using getters with, 188
itertools module
changes in Python 3, 1359
combining inputs, 176–182
converting inputs, 167–169
defined, 143
filtering, 172–175
grouping data, 175–176
merging and splitting iterators, 164–167
overview of, 163–164
producing new values, 169–172
JavaScript Object Notation. See json module
join() method
building paths in os.path, 300
daemon threads, 565–567
join process after terminating it, 594
normalizing paths in os.path, 301
threaded podcast client, 116
waiting for processes, multiprocessing, 591–593
joinpath()method, pathlib, 306
json module
changes in Python 3, 1359
encoder and decoder classes, 810–812
encoding/decoding simple data types, 804–805
encoding dictionaries, 807
human-consumable vs. compact output, 805–807
JavaScript Object Notation with, 803–804
JSON at command-line, 815
mixed data streams, 813–814
working with custom types, 807–810
working with streams and files, 813
JSON, YAML and, 1371
JSONDecoder class, 812–814
JSONEncoder class, 810–811
json.tool module, 815
js_output() method, http.cookie, 795–796
jump command, breakpoints, 1130–1134
Junk data, difflib, 61–64
Key-value databases, Unix, 408
Counter, 81
tarfile, 505
Keys, Morsel, 793
Kill command, sending signals, 554
Language, creating message catalogs, 1005–1006
Language tools
abstract base classes. See abc module
disassembler. See dis module
inspecting live objects. See inspect module
non-fatal alerts/recoverable errors. See warnings module
overview of, 1279
ldexp() function, math, 272
Length, constraining queue, 88–89
logging tree structure, 984–985
verbosity, logging API, 982–984
lgamma() function, math, 276
configuring logging for, 980
runtime. See Runtime LIFO (last-in, first-out) queue, 112
LifoQueue, 112
Limiting concurrent access to resources, threading, 581–583
Line-oriented command
processors. See cmd module
linecache module
error handling, 328–329
handling blank lines, 328
overview of, 326
reading Python source files, 329–330
reading specific lines, 327–328
test data, 326–327
Lines, in linecache, 327–328
lineterm argument, unified_diff(), 60
Linux, operating information functions, 1249
list_contents(), xmlrpc.server, 828–830
list_dialects() method, csv, 469
listdir(), examine file system contents, 1228–1229
listen(), socket echo server, 705
–listfuncs, calling relationships in trace, 1073–1074
hashlib algorithms, 524
of mailboxes, in imaplib, 866–869
maintain in sorted order with bisect, 109–111
of nodes, building XML trees, 461–464
passing to select(), 730
variable argument, 908–910
Literal expressions, compiler optimization, 1309–1310
Literal strings, 1003–1007
load() method
decoding cookie headers in http.cookie, 794–795
file-like streams in pickle, 398
streams/files in json, 813
accessing, 1332–1334
importing modules, 1205
load_module(), 1332–1334
local() class, thread specific data, 583–585
local_data list, pprint recursion, 139
calendar formatting for, 236
directory, 1005–1008
locale module
changes in Python 3, 1359
currency, 1018–1019
dates and times, 1022
formatting numbers, 1019–1021
overview of, 1012–1013
parsing numbers, 1021
probing current locale, 1013–1018
Localization and
internationalization cultural localization API. See locale module
message catalogs. See gettext module
localtime() function, 217
Location, temporary file, 336–337
lock() method, remove messages from mbox mailbox, 854
Lock object, resource access control in multiprocessing, 603–604
Lock object, threading
as context managers, 577–578
controlling access to resources, 572–576
re-entrant locks, 576–577
RLock, 576–577
synchronizing threads, 578–581
log() function, math, 279–281
log1p() function, math, 281
Logarithms, math, 278–282
Logger, 980, 984–985
multiprocessing, 596–597
tracebacks, 1098–1101
xmlrpc.server, 829
logging module
asynchronous I/O using, 644–647, 650–653
changes in Python 3, 1360
combining coroutines with threads in asyncio, 671–672
debugging with asyncio, 673–674
embedding thread name in, 563–564
integration with warning module, 985–986
logging components, 980
logging in applications vs. libraries, 980
logging to file, 981
logging tree, 984–985
naming logger instances, 984
report status, error, informational messages with, 980
rotating log files, 981–982
verbosity levels, 982–984
Logical operations, functional interface, 183–184
LogRecord, as logging component, 980
log_to_stderr(), multiprocessing, 596–597
Long-form options, getopt, 917–918
Long-lived spiders, urllib.robotparser, 775–776
longlist, navigating execution stack, 1106
Look ahead assertion syntax, regular expressions, 44–46
Look behind assertion syntax, regular expressions, 46–48
Loops, analyzing performance, 1303–1309
lru_cache() decorator, functools, 155–158
lstat() method, 315, 1230
lxml package, 1368
M3U files, converting to RSS, 987–989
m3utorss, converting M3U files to RSS, 987–989
MAC address, UUID 1, 798–800
Mail server base class, smtpd, 847–850
mailbox module
changes in Python 3, 1360
Maildir format. See Maildir format manipulating email archives, 852
mbox format, 852–855
message flags, 862–864
other formats, 862
mailbox status, imaplib, 869–871
IMAP4 client library. See imaplib module
mailbox module. See mailbox module
Maildir format
create Maildir mailbox, 854–858
Maildir folders, 860–862
overview of, 854
read from Maildir mailbox, 858
remove messages from Maildir
mailbox, 858–860
MaildirMessage, 857
make_archive()function, shutil, 347–348
make_encoding_map(), custom encoding, 384–385
makefile(), Unicode data/network communication, 381, 383
Manager, shared namespaces, 608–610
Manipulating arrays, 99–100
map() method
converting inputs in itertools, 167–168
new values in itertools, 171–172
process pools in multiprocessing, 611–613
using with basic thread pool, 677–678
accessing configuration settings, 964–965
using poll() in select, 738
MapReduce, multiprocessing, 613–617
Maps attribute, ChainMap, 75–76
Masks, network, 688, 691–692
match() function, regular expression search, 28, 39
Match object
find multiple matches in text, 16
regular expression groups, 30–36
search for patterns in text, 14–15
math module
angles, 282–284
commonly used calculations, 274–277
comparing, 267–269
converting floating-point values to integers, 270–271
exponents and logarithms, 278–282
hyperbolic functions, 288
as mathematical functions, 264
positive and negative signs, 272–274
representations of floating-point values, 271–272
special constants, 265
special functions, 289–290
supplements to standard library, 1368
testing for exceptional values, 265–267
trigonometry, 284–288
fixed- and floating-point math. See decimal module
mathematical functions. See math module
overview of, 239
pseudorandom number generators. See random module
rational numbers. See fractions module
statistical calculations, 290–294
supplements to standard library, 1368
max attribute
datetime_date, 224
datetime_time, 222
random numbers, 254
Max-heap, 103
maxsize argument, caching in functools, 156–158
maxtasksperchild parameter, process pools, 612–613
mbox, mailbox, 852–855
MD5 algorithm hashlib module, 524–525
hmac module, 528–529
UUID 3 and 5, name-based values, 800–801
md5 module, removed from Python 3, 1354
mean() function, statistics, 290–291
median() function, statistics, 291–292
median_grouped() function, statistics, 292
median_high() function, statistics, 292
median_low() function, statistics, 292
debugging leaks, 1265–1270
holding data in, zlib, 477–479
modules for managing, 65
Memory management
byte ordering in, 1194
controlling recursion, 1190–1191
defining maximum values, 1191
determining object size, 1188–1190
floating-point values, 1192–1193
integer values, 1193
reference counts for, 1187–1188
sys features, 1187
Memory-map files. See mmap module
merge() method, heapq, 108–109
Merging iterators, itertools, 164–167
Message catalogs. See gettext module
Message flags, mailbox, 862–864
cryptographic signatures for. See hmac module
multicast, 718–720
passing to processes, multiprocessing, 598–599
remove from Maildir mailbox, 858–860
remove from mbox mailbox, 854–855
sending, smtplib, 841–843
escaping in glob, 322–323
regular expressions. See re module, pattern syntax Meta-path, module
import and, 1218–1221
Metaclasses, helper base classes specifying, 1289–1290
copying file, in shutil, 340–342
progress, in fileinput, 989–990
querying, in sqlite3, 417
reading from archive, in tarfile, 504–505
reading from archive, in zipfile, 512–514
Method resolution order (MRO), inspecting, 1323–1324
accessing configuration settings, 963–970
concrete methods in abc, 1291–1292
disassembling class methods, 1300
exposing object, xmlrpc.server, 832–834
marking class/static methods as abstract, 1295–1296
overriding base class, in cmd, 944–946
retrieving source code for class/method, 1318–1319
returning specification of method/function arguments, 1319–1322
Microsoft Windows, 305
mimetools module, removed from Python 3, 1354
MimeWriter module, removed from Python 3, 1354
mimify module, removed from Python 3, 1354
min attribute
datetime_date, 224
datetime_time, 222
generating random numbers, 254
Min-heap, 103
mkdir() method, pathlib, 312–313
mktime() function, 217
mmap module
changes in Python 3, 1360
copy mode, 363–364
as memory-map files, 361
reading, 361–362
regular expressions, 364–365
writing, 362–363
mode() function, statistics, 291
mod() function, math, 271
Module localization, 1011–1012
Modules. See also by individual types
built-in modules, 1201–1202
custom importers, 1203–1205
determining if package or regular module, 1348
handling of import errors, 1214–1215
import path, 1202–1203
imported modules, 1200–1201
importing from shelf, 1205–1211
inspecting, 1312–1313
new in Python 3, 1352
Python supported module
styles, 1330–1331
reloading, 1213–1214
removed from Python 3, 1354–1355
renamed in Python 3, 1352–1353
third party, 1367
Modules, porting Python 2 to Python 3
deprecated modules, 1355–1356
new modules, 1352
removed modules, 1354–1355
renamed modules, 1352–1353
summarizing changes to modules, 1356–1365
Monotonic clocks
comparing, 212–213
defined, 211
overview of, 214
scheduling callback for specific time, 624–625
monotonic() function, sched, 999
monthCalendar() method, formatting calendar, 234, 237
Morsel object, RFC attributes for cookies, 791–793
most_common() method, Counter, 81–82
move() function
file or directory in shutil, 345
messages in imaplib, 883–884
move_to_end() method, OrderedDict, 96–97
MRO (method resolution order), inspecting, 1323–1324
msgformat, building message catalogs, 1006
Multicall, XML-RPC, 826–827
groups, 718
socket, 717–718
UDP used for, 694
multifile module, removed from Python 3, 1354
Multiline strings, configparser, 970
Multiline text, regular expression search for, 37–38
MultiPartForm class, encoding files for upload, 767–770
Multiple matches, finding in text, 16
Multiple simultaneous
generators, random, 261–262
multiplexing abstractions, I/O. See selectors module
multiprocessing module
controlling access to resources, 603–604
controlling concurrent access to resources, 605–607
daemon processes, 589–591
determining current process, 588–589
implementing MapReduce, 613–617
importable target functions, 587–588
logging, 596–597
managing processes like threads, 586
managing shared state, 608
multiprocessing basics, 586–587
passing messages to processes, 598–602
process exit status, 594–596
process pools, 611–613
shared namespaces, 608–610
signaling between processes, 602–603
subclassing Process, 597–598
synchronizing operations, 604–605
terminating processes, 593–594
waiting for processes, 591–593
Mutually exclusive options, argparse, 906
MyThreadWithArgs, 569
current process in multiprocessing, 588–589
DNS address lookup in asyncio by, 658–660
DNS address lookups in UDP by, 694
hash in hlib, 525–526
Logger instances, 984
predicting tempfile, 335–336
renaming namedtuple invalid fields, 70
temporary files, 333
threads, in server processes, 562–564
UUID 3 and 5
values based on, 800–801
name property
enumerations, 66
parsing paths in pathlib, 308
Named groups
modify strings with patterns, 53
regular expressions, 32–33
test matching, 51–52
Named parameters, sqlite3, 420–421
NamedTemporaryFile() function, 333
namedtuple() factory function, 90
namedtuple module
invalid field names, 91–92
overview of, 89–90
special attributes, 92–94
as tuple subclass with named fields, 90–91
names argument, enumerations, 71
Manager creating shared, 608
parsing command line arguments with, 889–891
UUID 3 and 5, name-based values, 800–801
nan special value, math, 266–267, 269
nargs, variable argument lists in argparse, 908–910
ndiff() function, difflib, 60, 62
Negative look ahead assertion (?!pattern), re, 45–46
Negative look behind assertion (?<!pattern), re, 46–47
data types in XML-RPC server, 820–822
for loops, 177–178
output in pprint, 139–140
packages, 1340–1341
parsers, 906–908
communication, Unicode, 380–383
compressing data, bz2, 499–503
compressing data, zlib, 482–486
creating network servers. See socketserver module
I/O multiplexing abstractions. See selectors module
Internet addresses. See ipaddress module
network communication. See socket module
overview of, 687
resource access. See urllib.request module
wait for I/O efficiently. See select module
new_child(), ChainMap, 77
new()function creating hash by name, hashlib, 525–526
signing cryptographic messages, hmac, 528
Newton-Mercator series, 281–282
next, stepping through program in pdb, 1114–1115
NFSFile class, urrlib.request, 770–773
ngettext() function, 1008–1011
nlargest() method, heap, 107–108
NLTK package, 1367
nmap() function, reading memory-map files, 361–362
no-expression, regular expressions, 51–52
building XML documents from Element, 457–458
building XML trees from lists of, 461–464
finding in XML document, 447–448
traversing parsed tree, 446–447
XML attributes of, 449–450
Non-blocking communication and timeouts, socket, 723
Non-blocking I/O with timeouts, select, 734–737
Non-capturing groups, regular expressions, 35–36
Non-daemon processes, multiprocessing, 591–593
Non-daemon threads, threading, 564–567
Non-integer member values, enum, 72–75
Non-Unicode encodings, codecs, 377–378
Non-uniform distributions, random, 263–264
None value
alternative regular expression patterns, 35
disabling interpolation, configparser, 979
retrieving registered handlers, 555–556
search for patterns in text, 14
NoOptionError, option search in configparser, 973–974
Normal distribution, random, 263
Normalizing paths, os.path, 301–302
normpath() function, os.path, 301
NoSectionError, configparser, 972, 974
not_() function, logical operations, 183
NotADirectoryError, pathlib, 309
not_called(), callbacks, 995–996
nsmallest() method, heap, 107–108
NULL byte, 653, 824
generators, multiple random, 261–262
Numbers arithmetic operator functions for, 184–185
formatting in locale, 1019–1021
numeric types in configparser, 966–967
parsing in locale, 1021
rational. See fractions module
NumPly, math supplement to standard library, 1368
Object relational mapper (ORM), 1368–1369
object_hook argument, customizing types in json, 809–810
correcting problems reconstructing, in pickle, 399–400
determining size of, 1188–1190
exposing methods in xmlrpc.server, 832–834
file system paths as. See pathlib module
impermanent references to. See weakref module
inspecting live. See inspect module
passing in XML-RPC, 822–823
persistent storage of. See shelve module
retrieving docstring for, 1316–1317
serializing. See pickle module
server, in socketserver, 743
sqlite3 row, 417–419
temporary file system. See tempfile module
types of logging component, 980
unpicklable, 400–402
working with UUID, 802–803
One-way process
communication, subprocess, 542–543
onecmd() method, sys.argv, 950–951
Online help, pydoc, 1024–1026
open() function
creating new database, 409–410
customizing protocol handlers in urrlib.request, 770–773
reading/writing files in pathlib, 312
webbrowser example using, 796
working with files in codecs, 368–370
writing compressed files in gzip, 486–488
asynchronous I/O using coroutines/streams, 653
connecting to IMAP server, 864–865
enabling SSL on sockets, 652–654
open_new() function, webbrowser, 796
openssl command, enabling SSL on sockets, 656
Operating systems. See also os module
error codes, 1245–1246
obtaining operating information, 1248–1250
operator module
arithmetic operators, 184–186
attribute and item getters, 188–190
changes in Python 3, 1360
combining operators/custom classes, 190–191
comparison operators, 184
as functional interface to built-in operators, 183
logical operations, 183–184
in-place operators, 187–188
sequence operators, 186–187
analyzing compiler optimizations, 1309–1311
analyzing loop performance, 1303–1309
argument groups in argparse, 904
configuration file format in configparser, 961
as flags in configparser, 969–970
modifying settings in configparser, 970–971
mutually exclusive, in argparse, 906
parsing in command-line. See getopt module
prefixes in argparse, 894–895
search path in configparser, 972–975
searching for in configparser, 972–975
testing if present in configparser, 965–966
value types in configparser, 966–969
optparse module, deprecated, 1356
OrderedDict subclass
changing namedtuple instances to, 93
defined, 65
equality, 95
remembers order that keys are added to dictionary, 94–95
reordering, 96
ORM (object relational mapper), 1368–1369
os module
changes in Python 3, 1360–1361
creating/deleting directories, 1233
creating processes, 1240–1242
detect/change process owner, 1235–1237
error codes, 1245–1246
examination of file system contents, 1228–1230
management of file system permissions, 1230–1233
management of process environment, 1237–1238
management of process working directory, 1238–1239
overview of, 1227
rename/replace files, 1234–1235
running external commands, 1239–1240
signaling between processes, subprocess, 548–553
spawning new processes, 1244–1245
symbolic links, 1234
waiting for child processes, 1242–1244
OS X, operating information functions, 1249
os.curdir variable, 296
os._exit(), avoid atexit callbacks, 996–997
os.extsep variable, 296
os.fork(), interprocess communication, 398–399
os.kill() method, sending signals, 554, 556
os.pardir variable, os.path, 296
os.path module
building paths, 300–301
changes in Python 3, 1361
file times, 302–303
normalizing paths, 301–302
parsing paths, 296–300
as platform-independent manipulation of filenames, 296
testing files, 303–304
os.pipe(), interprocess communication in pickles, 398–399
os.sep variable, parsing paths in os.path, 296
os.stat(), comparing files in filecmp, 354
os.urandom() function, SystemRandom class, 261–262
Outcomes, unittest, 1052–1054
Outline nodes, finding in XML document, 447–448
alternative cookie formats, 794–795
asynchronous I/O, 649–650
asynchronous I/O using coroutines/streams, 654–655
capturing error, subprocess, 543–545
capturing, subprocess, 538–541
human-consumable vs. compact, in json, 805–807
multicast messages, 720
redirecting streams, contextlib, 201
suppressing, subprocess, 541–542
Overlapping events, sched, 1000
owner() method, pathlib file properties, 316
Package installer (pip), 1024, 1167–1168
Packages. See also pkgutil module
custom package importing, 1211–1213
data files in, 1341–1344
determining if package or regular module, 1348
development versions of, 1336–1338
import paths, 1334–1336
importing modules from shelf, 1205–1211
managing installation paths, 1272–1276
managing path with PKG files, 1338–1339
nested packages, 1340–1341
retrieving import package data, 1215–1217
submodules within, 1333
Packing data into strings, in struct, 117
pack_into() method, struct buffers, 120–121
Paragraph formatting. See textwrap module
CSV dialect, 470–472
named, sqlite3, 420–421
positional, sqlite3, 419–420
parent property, parsing paths in pathlib, 307
parents property, parsing paths in pathlib, 307–308
parse() function, configuring GNU readline library, 923–924
parse_args(), command line in argparse, 889
PARSE_COLNAMES, column types in sqlite3, 427
Parsed node attributes, xml.etree.ElementTree, 449–450
PARSE_DECLTYPES, new column types in sqlite3, 422
parse_qs() method, urllib.parse, 759–760
parse_qsl() method, urllib.parse, 759–760
Parser, argparse
argument groups, 904–905
conflicting options, 902–904
mutually exclusive options, 906
nesting parsers, 906–908
setting up, 888
sharing parser rules, 901–902
command line in argparse, 889
command line in getopt. See getopt module
cookie headers in http.cookie, 794–795
creating UUID objects, 802–803
datetime, 230–231
manipulating URLs in urllib.parse, 754–756
numbers in locale, 1021
paths in os.path, 296–300
paths in pathlib, 307–308
POSIX vs. non-POSIX, 959–960
reading data from CSV files, 467
shell-style syntaxes. See shlex module
strings in XML text, 455–457
time, clock time, 219–220
unparsing URLs in urllib.parse, 756–758
and validating command-line arguments. See argparse module
watching events in XML while, 451–453
XML document, 445–446
XML parsed tree, 446–447
partial() method
algorithms in functools, 148–149
Future callbacks in asyncio, 627–628
receiving Unix signals in asyncio, 668
scheduling callbacks soon in asyncio, 622–623
partial objects acquiring function properties, 145–147
functools primarily using, 143
overview of, 144–145
working with any callable object, 147–148
parts property, parsing paths in pathlib, 307
PassThrough, Unicode data/network communication, 382–383
Password prompt security. See getpass module
pathlib module
building paths, 305–307
creating concrete paths, 309
deleting from file system, 318–319
directory contents, 309–312
file properties, 315–317
file types, 313–315
manipulating directories and symbolic links, 312–313
new in Python 3, 1352
parsing paths, 307–308
path representations, 305
permissions, 317–318
reading and writing files, 312
file system paths as objects. See pathlib module
platform-independent manipulation of filenames. See os.path module
representations in pathlib, 305
scanning for configuration files, 1172–1175
Pattern matching
fnmatch Unix-style glob, 323–326
glob filename, 319–323
Patterns, regular expressions. See re module
pdb module
breakpoint jumps, 1130–1134
breakpoint management, 1120–1123
breakpoint use, 1117–1120
breakpoints for changing execution flow, 1129–1130
breakpoints for watching data change, 1128–1129
breakpoints triggering actions, 1127–1128
changes in Python 3, 1361
conditional breakpoints, 1124–1125
control interface, 1104–1105
customization using aliases, 1136–1137
debugging after failure, 1104
examining of stack variables, 1107–1111
ignoring breakpoints, 1125–1127
for interactive debugging, 1101
navigating execution stack, 1105–1107
overview of, 1023
program restart, 1134–1136
saving configuration settings, 1137–1139
startup from command line, 1101–1102
startup within interactive interpreter, 1102–1103
startup within program, 1103
stepping through a program, 1111–1117
temporary breakpoints, 1123–1124
peer argument, process_message()in smtpd, 848
PEP 230, warnings, 1279
Per-instance context, decimal, 248
clock time, 211
comparing clocks, 212–213
determining best clock data source, 216–217
Performance analysis
compiler optimizations, 1309–1311
loop performance, 1303–1309
Permissions, file
changing in pathlib, 317–318
copying from one file to another, 340–342
managing, 1230–1233
removing file system object in pathlib, 319
testing, urllib.robotparser, 774–775
UDS, 716–717
permutations() function, itertools, 180–181
Permutations, random, 258–260
permutations_with_ replacement() function, itertools, 182
Persistent storage of objects. See shelve module
pformat() function, pprint, 138–139
Pi character, handling encoding errors, 374
Picking random items, random, 258
pickle module
applications of message signatures, 530–533
changes in Python 3, 1361–1362
circular references, 402–404
encoding/decoding data in strings, 396–397
json module
vs., 803–804
new column types in sqlite3, 424–425
object serialization via, 396
passing arguments to multiprocessing process, 587
problems reconstructing objects, 399–400
sending binary objects in XML-RPC, 824–825
unpicklable objects, 400–402
working with streams, 397–399
pip (package installer), 1024, 1167–1168
PIPE, subprocess
capturing output, 538–540
connecting segments, 545–546
select() function monitoring, 729–734
working directly with, 542–545
pipe_data_received(), protocol abstraction with subprocesses, 662
pipes module, changes in Python 3, 1362
PKG files, managing paths, 1338–1339
pkgutil module
data files in packages, 1341–1344
development versions of packages, 1336–1338
import paths for packages, 1334–1336
nested packages, 1340–1341
overview of, 1329, 1332–1334
Plain text help, 1024–1025
platform module
basic FIFO queue, 112
changes in Python 3, 1362
executable architecture, 1250
interpreter, 1246–1247
operating system/hardware information, 1248–1250
overview of, 1169, 1246
platform() function, 1247–1248
platform(), as identifier of platform, 1247–1248
filename manipulation independent of. See os.path module
getting version/platform information, 1276–1277
module styles supported by Python, 1330–1331
obtaining information about architecture, 1250
specific options in select, 742
symbolic links and, 1234
system version information. See platform module
Plural values, in gettext, 1008–1010
PLY package, text-related supplements to standard library, 1367
Podcast-feed URLs, traversing parsed tree, 447
Podcasting client, building threaded, 114–117
POLLERR error, using poll() in select, 740
poll()function, select, 737–741
Pool class
managing concurrent tasks. See concurrent.futures module
multiprocessing, 611–617
pop_all() method, ExitStack, 208–209
Popen class, subprocess, 535–536
popen2 module, removed from Python 3, 1354
Populating deque, 85
Port numbers, socket addresses, 697–700
Porting Python 2 to Python 3
deprecated modules, 1355–1356
new modules, 1352
references, 1351
removed modules, 1354–1355
renamed modules, 1352–1353
summarizing changes to modules, 1356–1365
Positional arguments, in argparse, 904–905
Positional parameters, in sqlite3, 419–420
Positive and negative signs, math, 272–274
Positive look ahead assertion (?=pattern), regular expressions, 44–45
Positive look behind assertion (?⇐pattern), regular expressions, 47–48
managing file system paths in pathlib, 305
timestamps in datetime_date, 223–224
vs. non-POSIX parsing in shlex, 959–960
Posixfile module, 1355
postcmd() method, overriding base class methods, 945–946
Posting form data, urllib.request, 766–767
postloop() method, overriding base class methods in cmd, 945–946
Postmortem debugging, pdb, 1104
pow() function, math exponents, 278
pprint() function, 136–137
pprint module
arbitrary classes, 138–139
controlling output width, 140–142
debugging with, 65
formatting, 137–138
limiting nested output, 139–140
pretty-print data structures, 136
printing, 136–137
recursion, 139
Pre-input hook, readline, 934
prec attribute of context, 244–245
Precision context, decimal, 245
precmd() method, overriding base class methods in cmd, 945
predicate, textwrap_, 10–11
Predicting names, tempfile, 335–336
preloop() method, overriding base class methods in cmd, 945
Pretty-print data structures. See pprint module
Pretty-printing XML, 458–459
print()call, printing time, 214
print_event(), running events with delay, 999–1000
print_exc(), traceback exception reporting, 1082–1084
print_stack(), traceback applied to low-level stack APIs, 1086–1087
Priorities for events, in sched, 1001
PriorityQueue, 112–113
prmonth(), formatting calendar, 233
Process pools concurrent.futures, 685–686
multiprocessing, 611–613
combining coroutines with threads and, 670–673
concurrency using system. See multiprocessing module
creating, 1240–1242
detect/change process owner, 1235–1237
determining current, multiprocessing, 588–589
exit status, multiprocessing, 594–596
managing concurrent operations within. See threading module
managing environment of, 1237–1238
managing like threads. See multiprocessing module
managing working directory for, 1238–1239
multiprocessing basics, 586–587
signaling between, subprocess, 550–553
spawning additional. See subprocess module
spawning new, 1244–1245
subclassing, multiprocessing, 597–598
supplements to standard library, 1369
UDS socket communication, 717
waiting for child, 1242–1244
process_exited() method, protocol abstraction, 662
process_message() method, smtpd, 847–848
Processor clock time, 211, 214–216
ProcessPoolExecutor, 672–673, 684–685
process_time(), CPU time via, 211
product()function, itertools, 177–180
profile module
overview of, 1023, 1140
run method, 1140–1142
statistics (pstats), 1144–1148
Programmatically, creating enumerations, 71–72
Programming interface, trace, 1074–1075
restarting using pdb, 1134–1136
shutdown callbacks. See atexit module
stepping through using pdb, 1111–1117
Progress metadata, fileinput, 989–990
Prompts, interactive, 1182–1183
prompt_toolkit, 1371
abstract, 1292–1295
file, in os.path, 302–303
function, 145–147, 149–151
parsing paths in pathlib, 307–308
pathlib file, 315
setting element, 459–461
shlex, 955–956
socket, 693
Protocol abstraction, with subprocesses in asyncio, 661–664
Protocol class, asynchronous I/O, 644–650
Protocol handlers, customizing in urrlib.request, 770–773
Proxies, weakref, 126–127
Proxy server, stmpd, 851
Pseudorandom numbers. See random module
limiting report contents, 1145–1146
printing callers and callees of functions, 1146–1148
profiling and, 1144–1145
pstdev()function, statistics variance, 293–294
PurePosixPath class, managing file paths in pathlib, 305
PureProxy class, proxy server in stmpd, 851
PureWindowsPath class, managing file paths in pathlib, 305
put() method, basic FIFO queue, 112
pvariance()function, statistics variance, 293–294
pyclbr module
class browser, 1160–1161
overview of, 1024
scanning for classes, 1161–1162
scanning for functions, 1162–1163
pydoc module, 1023–1026
PyParsing tool, 1367
PyQuery library, 1370
Pyramid package, 1370
Code Quality Authority, 1371–1372
ZIP archives, 519–521
pytz package, 1368
pytz, time zone support via, 232
pyvenu, virtual environments, 1163–1164
PyYAML, 1371
PyZipFile class, Python ZIP archives, 519–521
Queries, sqlite3
calling functions during, 436–438
with regular expressions, 439–440
retrieving data, 415
using variables with, 419
Queue, double-ended. See deque module
queue module
building threaded podcast client, 114–117
defined, 65
LIFO queue, 112
priority queue, 113–114
as thread-safe FIFO implementation, 111
quote() function, 760, 953
Quoted strings, parsing in shlex, 951–953
quote_plus() function, 760
Quoting options, CSV files, 468–469
Race conditions, searching readable files, 346
radians() function, math angles, 282
randint() function, random integers, 257
random() function. See random module
Random integers, 257
random module
changes in Python 3, 1362
as generating random numbers, 254
multiple simultaneous
generators, 261–262
non-uniform distributions, 263–264
permutations, 258–260
picking random items, 258
as pseudorandom number generators, 254
random integers, 257
sampling, 260–261
saving state, 255–256
seeding, 255
SystemRandom, 262–263
Random values, UUID 4, 802
randrange() function, random integers, 257
Rational numbers. See fractions module
raw argument, 975–976
Raw bytes, 391–393
raw_decode method, JSONDecoder, 813–814
Re-entrant locks, threading, 576–578
re module
changes in Python 3, 1362
compiling expressions, 15
constraining search, 28–29
dissecting matches with groups, 30–36
finding patterns in text, 14–15
listing mailboxes, imaplib, 867–868
looking ahead or behind, 44–48
matching files using, 1156–1157
memory-map files used with, 364–365
modifying string with patterns, 53–54
multiple matches, 16
queryies in sqlite3 with, 439–440
as regular expressions, 13–14
searching and parsing text, 1367
self-referencing, 48–53
splitting with patterns, 55–57
translating patterns in fnmatch, 325–326
re module, pattern syntax
anchoring, 26–27
character sets, 20–23
escape codes, 23–26
overview, 17
repetition, 18–20
re module, search options case-insensitive matching, 36–37
embedding flags in patterns, 43
input with multiple lines, 37–38
overview of, 14
Unicode, 38–39
verbose expression syntax, 39–43
read() method
access data from archive, 514
asynchronous I/O, 651, 654
calling subprocesses, 664–666
customizing protocol handlers, 770–773
I/O multiplexing abstractions, 724–725
reading configuration files, 961–963
readable sockets, 730–731, 738–739
compressed data in gzip, 489–490
compressed files in bz2, 497–498
configuration files, 961
files in pathlib, 312
GNU zip files, gzip, 486
from Maildir mailbox, 858
mbox mailbox, 853–854
memory-map files, 361–362
metadata from archive, tarfile, 504–505
metadata from archive, zipfile, 512–514
read text efficiently. See linecache module
Unicode data, 498–499
readline module
accessing completion buffer, 927–931
auto-completion for commands, 942–944
cmd module
using, 938
completing text, 924–927
configuring readline, 923–924
GNU readline library with, 922–923
hooks, 934–935
input history, 931–934
overview of, 887
readmodule(), 1161–1163
Receiving signals, 554–555
controlling, 1190–1191
deep copy, 133–136
examining file system contents, 1228–1229
pprint, 139
in substitution errors during interpolation, 977
Redirecting output streams, contextlib, 201
Reducing data sets, functools, 158–160
ref class, reference callbacks, 122–123
Reference counts, memory management, 1187–1188
ReferenceError exception, weakref proxies, 127
circular, 402–404
finding to uncollectable objects, 1259–1261
impermanent object. See weakref module
tracing, 1255–1257
register() attribute, of generic functions, 161–163
alternate API names, xmlrpc.server, 831–832
arbitrary API names, xmlrpc.server, 831–832
concrete classes, abc, 1287–1288
custom encoding, codecs, 386–389
data channels using poll(), 737–738
decorator syntax, atexit, 994
dispatching calls, xmlrpc.server, 835–836
dotted API names, xmlrpc.server, 830–831
exit callbacks, atexit, 993–994
introspection API, xmlrpc.server, 837–839
new column types, sqlite3, 424
Registry, shutil-managed archive, 348–349
Regular expressions. See re module
Relational database, embedded. See sqlite3 module
Reload modules, 1213–1214
directory contents, 344–345
empty directory, 318
messages from Maildir mailbox, 858–860
messages from mbox mailbox, 854
sections/options from ConfigParser, 971
keys in OrderedDict, 96–97
mappings with ChainMap, 76–77
repeat() function, values in itertools, 170–172
regular expression character sets, 23
regular expression escape codes, 24–26
regular expression patterns, 18–20
of warnings, 1283–1284
replace() method, dates, 224–225
replace mode, decoding errors, 375
Request handlers
creating network servers, socketserver, 742–744, 748
implementing web servers, http.server, 781–783
requests package, Internet, 1369
Resolution, datetime, 221–222, 224
resolve() method, normalizing path, 306, 313
resource module, 1169, 1251–1254
controlling access to, multiprocessing, 603–604
controlling access to, threading, 572–576
controlling concurrent access to, multiprocessing, 605–607
limiting access to concurrent, threading, 581–583
thread specific data, 583–585
ResourceWarning warnings, debugging with asyncio, 673
Restricting access to data, sqlite3, 442–444
gathering from coroutines, 635–636
of tasks, concurrent.futures, 679–680, 683
Retrieving data, sqlite3, 415
return command, stepping through program in pdb, 1116–1117
Reverse lookups, socket, 697, 698–699
rfc822 module, removed from Python 3, 1354
rglob() method, directory contents in pathlib, 311–312
Rich comparison methods, functools, 151–153
Rich comparison operators, 184
RLock, re-entrant locks, 576–577
RobotFileParser.can_fetch(), testing access permissions, 774–775
robots.txt, urllib. robotparser, 773–776
rollback() method, preserve changes in transactions, 429–430
rollover() method, temporary spooled files, 334
double-ended queue, 87–88
of log files, 981–982
Rounding, decimal, 245–247
Row objects, sqlite3, 417–419
RSS feed, converting M3U files to, 987–989
Rules, sharing parser (in argparse), 901–902
accessing operating system features. See os module
accessing system version information. See platform module
determining interpreter settings. See sysconfig module
finding message catalogs at, 1007–1008
garbage collection. See gc module
load and activate message catalog in gettext, 1004
managing system resources. See Resources overview of, 1169
system-specific configuration. See sys module
rx argument, matching files with regular expression, 1156–1157
safe_substitute() method, string.Template, 3
Sampling, random, 260–261
configuration files, 972
state, random, 255–256
scandir, examining file system contents, 1229–1230
sched module
canceling events, 1001–1002
event priorities, 1001
implementing timed event scheduler, 998–999
overlapping events, 1000
running events with delay, 999–1000
timed event scheduler using, 998–999
callbacks in asyncio, 622–623
implementing timed event scheduler. See sched module
individual tasks in concurrent.futures, 678–679
Schema, database in sqlite3, 413
Search. See also re module, search options
constraints in regular expressions, 28–29
criteria in imaplib, 872–874
files in shutil, 345–346
messages in imaplib, 872
options in configparser, 972–975
Sections, configparser
configuration file format, 961
modifying settings, 970–971
option search path, 972–975
testing if present, 965
Secure password prompt. See getpass module
Seeding, in random, 255
seek() method
in-memory streams, io, 391
reading compressed data, gzip, 489–490
reading compressed files, bz2, 497–498
reading/writing Unicode data, bz2, 499
temporary files, tempfile, 332
select module
non-blocking I/O with timeouts, 734–737
platform-specific options, 742
using poll(), 737–741
using select(), 729–734
wait for I/O efficiently with, 728–729
select statements, query parameters in sqlite3, 421
select()function, calling programs in selectors, 724
Selecting mailbox, imaplib, 871
selectors module
Echo client, 726–727
Echo server, 724–725
I/O multiplexing abstractions with, 724
new in Python 3, 1352
operating model, 724
server and client together, 727–728
Self-referencing regular expressions, 48–53
multiprocessing, 605–607
threading, 581–583
Sequence operators, functional interface for, 186–187
SequenceMatcher class, difflib, 61–64
comparing. See difflib module
Counter initialization via data, 80
deques as type of container for, 84
efficiently merging sorted, 108–109
of fixed type data. See array module
reducing data set in functools, 160
object. See also pickle module, 587
XML to stream, 464–466
ServerProxy object, connecting to XML-RPC server, 817–819
connecting to IMAP, 864–866
connecting to XML-RPC, 817–819
creating network. See socketserver module
I/O multiplexing abstractions, selectors, 724–728
implementing web. See http.server module
looking up addresses in network, 700–702
sample mail. See smtpd module
sending binary data to, 722
TCP/IP, 704–711
types, socketserver, 742–743
UDP, 711–713
UDS, 714–716
Service information, socket, 697
Sessions, signaling between processes, 550–553
set() method
modifying settings in ConfigParser, 970–971
signaling between threads, 571–572
sets module, removed from Python 3, 1355
accessing configuration, 963–970
modifying configparser, 970–971
setuptools-git, 1371
setuptools module, 1371
sha module, removed from Python 3, 1355
SHA1 algorithm
in hashlib, 525
in hmac, 529
UUID 3 and 5, name-based values, 800–801
shallow argument, comparing files in filecmp, 354
Shallow copies, duplicate objects, 130–131
shallow module, 1340
Shared namespaces, multiprocessing, 608–610
Shared state, multiprocessing, 608
Sharing parser rules, argparse, 901–902
shell argument, subprocess, 537
Shell commands, running, 947–948
Shell-style syntaxes, parsing. See shlex module
shelve module, 405–408, 1362
custom package importing, 1211–1213
importing modules from shelf, 1205–1211
reloading modules, 1213–1214
shlex module
controlling parser, 956–957
embedded comments, 954
error handling, 957–958
including other sources of tokens, 955–956
making safe strings for shells, 953
parse-style syntaxes with, 951
parsing quoted strings, 951–953
POSIX vs. non-POSIX parsing, 959–960
splitting strings into tokens, 954
Short-form options, getopt, 917
shorten() function, truncating long text, 12–13
show_code, printing summary of function, 1299
showwarning(), warning message delivery, 1284
shuffle() function, random, 258–260
shutdown() method, concurrent.futures, 683–684
shutil module
archives, 346–350
copying file metadata, 340–342
copying files, 337–340
file system space, 350–351
finding files, 345–346
as high level file operations, 337
working with directory trees, 342–345
SIGINT. See signal module
Sign flag, creating Decimals from, 240
Signal handlers
mixing signals and threads, 558–560
receiving signals via, 554–555
retrieving registered, 555–556
signal module
alarms, 556–557
asynchronous system events via, 553
changes in Python 3, 1362
ignoring signals, 557–558
receiving signals, 554–555
retrieving registered handlers, 555–556
signaling between processes, subprocess, 548–553
signals and threads, 558–560
mixing threads and, 558–560
between processes, 602–603
between threads, 571–572
Signals, receiving Unix, 668–670
signature(), method or function arguments, 1319–1322
Signing cryptographic messages, hmac, 528
Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)
email. See smtplib module
sample mail servers. See smtpd module
SimpleCompleter class, autocompletion of text in readline, 925–927
SimpleObject, reconstructing objects in pickle, 400
SimpleXMLRPCServer, 828–829, 835–836
Sine function, math, 284, 288
Single-character wildcards, 321–322
singledispatch() decorator, generic functions, 161–163
site module
customizing site configuration, 1175–1176
customizing user configuration, 1176–1177
import path, 1169–1170
managing user directories, 1171–1172
overview of, 1169, 1177–1178
scanning for path configuration files, 1172–1175
site-wide configuration, 1169
caching in functools, 156–158
constraining queue, 88–89, 111
struct buffer. See weakref module
skipkeys argument, encoding dictionaries, 807
skipping unittests for unmet conditions, 1067
sleep() function
alarms in signal, 557
mixing signals and threads, 559–560
processor clock time, 216
sched using, 999
using map() with basic thread pool, 677–678
SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol)
email. See smtplib module
sample mail servers. See smtpd module
smtpd module
create custom mail server, 847
debugging server, 850
mail server base class, 847–850
proxy server, 851
smtplib module
authentication and encryption, 843–846
create client to send data to test server, 848–849
sending email message, 841–843
verifying email address, 846–847
SMTP_SSL, email encryption in smtplib, 843
Sniffer class, detecting CSV dialects, 472–474
SOCK_DGRAM sockets, 694
socket module
changes in Python 3, 1362
finding service information, 697–700
IP address representations, 702–703
looking up hosts on network, 694–697
looking up server addresses, 700–702
multicast, 717–721
network communication with, 693
non-blocking communication and timeouts, 723
sending binary data, 721–723
TCP/IP client and server, 704–711
user datagram client and server, 711–717
socket.error exception, 695, 723
socketpair() function, UDS sockets, 717
enabling SSL in asyncio on, 656–658
monitoring using select()function, 729–734
using poll() in select, 737–741
socketserver module
changes in Python 3, 1363
compressing network data in bz2, 499–500
creating network servers with, 742
Echo example, 744–749
implementing server, 743
request handlers, 743
server objects, 743
server types, 742–743
threading and forking, 749–751
socketserver.TCPServer, 786
SOCK_STREAM sockets, 694
Sort algorithm. See heapq module
Sorted order
queue. See queue module
use bisect to maintain lists in, 109–111
Source code
creating message catalogs from, 1004–1007
disassembling, 1301–1302
retrieving for class or method, 1318–1319
retrieving from ZIP archive, 1346–1347
Source files
compiling to byte-code, 1155–1159
reading Python, 329–330
Sources of arguments, argparse, 895–897
spawning new processes, 1244–1245
Special constants, math, 265
Special values, decimal, 243–244
Spider access control, Internet, 773–776
iterators, itertools, 164–167
parsing paths, os.path, 296–298
with patterns, re, 55–57
strings into tokens, shlex, 954
Spooled files, tempfile, 333–334
SQL-injection attacks, 419
sqlalchemy ORM, 1368
sqlite3 module
bulk loading, 421–422
creating database, 412–415
custom aggregation, 440–441
defining new column types, 422–425
determining types for columns, 426–427
embedded relational database via, 412
exporting contents of database, 435–436
isolation levels, 431–434
in-memory databases, 434–435
query metadata, 417
querying with regular expressions, 439–440
restricting access to data, 442–444
retrieving data, 415–417
row objects, 417–419
threading and connection sharing, 441–442
transactions, 428–430
using Python functions in SQL, 436–438
using variables with queries, 419–421
Square root, computing in math, 278–279
sre module, removed from Python 3, 1355
SSL communication, enabling on sockets, 656–658
SSLContext, encryption, 656
controlling recursion, 1190–1191
examination of variables in, 1107–1111
examining, 1079–1081
inspecting frames and, 1324–1327
stack level in warnings, 1286
traces. See traceback module
watching with trace hooks, 1224–1225
Stacking behavior, ChainMap, 77
Stacks, dynamic context manager, 202–209
Standard deviation, statistics variance, 292–294
starmap() function, converting inputs in itertools, 169
start argument, 170, 257
start() method, search for patterns in text, 14
Start-up hook, readline, 934
start_server() method, 652, 656
STARTTLS extension, email authentication/encryption, 844–845
stat() method
managing file system permissions, 1230–1231
pathlib file properties, 315–316
Static analysis tool, Python Code Quality Authority, 1372
Static methods, marking as abstract, 1295–1296
statistics module
averages, 290–292
new in Python 3, 1352
variance, 292–294
Statistics, profiling and, 1140, 1144–1148
Status conditions, IMAP4
mailbox, 869–871
status(), mailbox in imaplib, 869–871
statvfs module, removed from Python 3, 1355
stddev() function, statistics variance, 293–294
stderr attribute, subprocess capturing error output, 543–544
capturing output, 538–541
interaction with another command, 546–548
stdin attribute, subprocess, 542–543, 546–548
stdin attribute, sys, 1186–1187
stdout attribute, subprocess capturing error output, 543–544
capturing output, 538–541
connecting segments of pipe, 545–546
interaction with another command, 546–548
working with pipes, 542–543
stdout attribute, sys, 1186–1187
step argument
new values, itertools, 170
random integers, math, 257
stepping through program, pdb, 1111–1114
step() method, custom aggregation in sqlite3, 440–441
stop argument, random integers in math, 257
Storage of objects, persistent. See shelve module
store action, arguments, 891
str class
modify strings with patterns, 53–54
as text processing tool, 1
Stream-oriented transport, SOCK_STREAM sockets, 694
StreamReader instance, asynchronous I/O, 651, 653
asynchronous IO, in asyncio, 650–655
calling subprocesses with, in asyncio, 664–666
mixed-content, in bz2, 495
mixed content, in zlib, 480–481
serializing XML to, 464–466
working with file-like, in pickle, 397–399
working with, in gzip, 490–491
working with, in json, 813–814
wrapping byte, in io, 392–393
StreamWriter instance, asynchronous I/O, 651, 653
strftime() function, 219–220, 230–231
strict mode
handling decoding errors, 375
handling encoding errors, 373
string module
advanced templates, 4–6
changes in Python 3, 1363
constants, 1, 6–7
formatter, 6
functions, 1–2
template tool, 1, 2–4, 1367
StringIO buffers, in-memory streams, 390–391
configuration settings, 964
converting in argparse, 910–912
creating fractions, 251
dis accepting string arguments, 1301–1302
encoding and decoding. See codecs module
encoding/decoding data in, 396–397
making safe for shells, 953
multiliner, 970
packing/unpacking data into, 117–118
parsing command line arguments with, 889–890
parsing in XML, 455–457
parsing quoted, 951–953
retrieving docstring for object, 1316–1317
splitting into tokens, 954
Unicode primer, 365–366
value types, 966–969
string.Template, 1–6
strptime() function
datetime, 230–231
time, 218–219
Struct class, 117–121
struct module
as binary data structures, 117
buffers, 120–121
changes in Python 3, 1363
defined, 65
endianness, 118–120
functions vs. Struct class, 117
packing and unpacking, 117–118
sending binary data, 721–723
struct_time, 217–220
sub(), modify strings with patterns, 53–54
from abstract base class, 1289–1291
from base class, 1288–1289
creating Process, multiprocessing, 597–598
creating Thread, threading, 568–569
Subdirectory, listing files in, 321
Submodules, within packages, 1333
subn(), modify strings with patterns, 54
subprocess module
changes in Python 3, 1363
connecting segments of pipe, 545–546
interacting with another command, 546–548
running external command, 536–542
signaling between processes, 548–553
spawning additional processes, 535–536
working with pipes directly, 542–545
subprocesses, asyncio
calling with coroutines/streams, 664–666
sending data to, 666–668
using protocol abstraction with, 661–664
SubprocessProtocol, asyncio, 661–664
Substitution errors, interpolation in configparser, 977–978
subTest(), repeating unitests with different inputs, 1065–1066
suffix property, parsing paths in pathlib, 308
Switch interval, controlling/debugging threads, 1197–1198
Switching translations, gettext, 1012
Symbolic links
creating in pathlib, 313
functions for, 1234
removing in pathlib, 318–319
Synchronization primitives, asyncio
Condition, 640–641
Event, 639–640
Lock, 637–639
overview of, 637
Queue, 642–644
Synchronizing operations, multiprocessing, 604–605
Synchronizing threads, threading, 578–581
sys module
applied to build-time version information, 1178–1179
built-in modules, 1201–1202
byte ordering, 1194
changes in Python 3, 1363–1364
command-line arguments captured by interpreter, 1185–1186
CPython command-line flags, 1180–1181
custom importers, 1203–1205
custom package importing, 1211–1213
debugging threads, 1198–1200
defining maximum values in memory, 1191
determining object size, 1188–1190
exception handling, 1194–1197
exception monitoring, 1225–1227
floating-point values, 1192–1193
handling of import errors, 1214–1215
imported modules, 1200–1201
importer cache, 1217–1218
importing from shelf, 1205–1211
input/output streams (stdin/stdout), 1186–1187
integer values in memory management, 1193
interactive prompts, 1182–1183
interpreter install location, 1184–1185
interpreter display hook, 1183–1184
memory management features, 1187
meta-path, 1218–1221
module import path, 1202–1203
module reload, 1213–1214
overview of, 1169
recursion, 1190–1191
reference counts and garbage collection, 1187–1188
retrieval of import package data, 1215–1217
returning exit code (exit()), 1187
switch interval for threads, 1197–1198
for system-specific configuration, 1178
thread support, 1197
tracing function calls, 1221–1222
tracing inside functions, 1222–1224
Unicode defaults, 1181–1182
watching the stack, 1224–1225
sys.argv, commands from, 950–951
sysconfig module
configuration variables, 1270–1272
getting version and platform information, 1276–1277
management of installation paths, 1272–1276
overview of, 1169, 1270
sys.exit(), invoking registered callbacks, 997
sys.path, compiling, 1157
sys.stderr, getpass(), 936–937
sys.stdout, getpass(), 936
sys.stdout.buffer, 464–466
System clock, 214
system(), running external commands, 1239–1240
SystemRandom class, random, 262–263
Tab completion
GNU readline library, 923
text in readline, 924–927
tabnanny module
indentation validator, 1153–1154
overview of, 1023–1024
supplements to standard library, 1371
Tabs vs. windows, webbrowser, 796
hyperbolic functions, 288
trigonemetric functions, 284
tar archive access. See tarfile module
tarfile module
appending to archives, 510
creating new archives, 508
extracting files from archive, 506–507
reading metadata from archive, 504–505
tar archive access via, 503
testing tar files, 503–504
using alternative archive member names, 508–509
working with compressed archives, 510–512
writing data from sources other than files, 509
duration modeling, 264
executing concurrently, asyncio, 628–632
managing pools of concurrent. See concurrent.futures module
as subclass of Future, asyncio, 618
timed event scheduler, sched, 998–1002
TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) socket choosing address for listening, 708–711
as client, 705–706
client and server together, 706–707
easy client connections, 707–708
as server, 704–705
UDS vs., 714
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 694
TCPServer class, socketserver, 742–743
tempfile module
named files, 333
predicting names, 335–336
spooled files, 333–334
temporary directories, 335
temporary file location, 336–337
as temporary file system objects, 330
temporary files, 331–332
advanced string, 4–6
string, 1–2
using ChainMap instances as, 77
Temporary directories, tempfile, 335
Temporary files, tempfile, 331–332, 336–337
Terminal, using getpass() without, 937–938
Terminating processes, multiprocessing, 564–567
access permissions, urllib.robotparser, 774–775
with doctest. See doctest module
exceptional values, math, 265–267
file types, pathlib, 313–314
files, os.path, 303–304
in-memory databases, sqlite3, 434–435
tar files, 503–504
with unittest. See unittest module
ZIP files, 512
test_patterns() function, regular expressions, 17, 33–34
command-line filter framework for, 987–992
comparing. See difflib module
completing in readline, 924–927
constants and templates. See string module
content of nodes, 449–450
formatting paragraphs. See textwrap module
getting help with plain, 1024–1025
overview of, 1
reading efficiently. See linecache module
regular expressions. See re module
supplements to standard library, 1367
wrapping byte streams for, 392–393
reading compressed data in gzip, 489–490
reading compressed files in bz2, 495
reading/writing Unicode data in bz2, 498–499
wrapping byte streams for text data, 392–393
textwrap module
combining dedent and fill(), 9–10
defined, 1
example data, 8
filling paragraphs, 8
as formatting text paragraphs, 7
hanging indents, 12
indenting blocks, 10–11
removing existing indentation, 8–9
truncating long text, 12–13
Thread context, decimal, 248–249
thread module, removed from Python 3, 1355
Thread objects, 560–561
Thread-safe FIFO implementation. See queue module
Thread-specific data, threading module, 583–585
adding in http.server, 786–787
adding in socketserver, 749–751
combining coroutines with, asyncio, 670–673
and connection sharing, sqlite3, 441–442
debugging, 1198–1200
managing processes like. See multiprocessing module
mixing signals and, 558–560
supplements to standard library, 1369
switch interval for, 1197–1198
sys support for, 1197
threading module
changes in Python 3, 1364
controlling access to resources, 572–576
daemon versus non-daemon threads, 564–567
determining current thread, 562–564
enumerating all threads, 567–568
isolation levels, sqlite3, 432
limiting concurrent access to resources, 581–583
managing concurrent operations within process via, 560
re-entrant locks, 576–578
signaling between threads, 571–572
subclassing Thread, 568–569
synchronizing threads, 578–581
Thread objects, 560–562
thread-specific data, 583–585
Timer threads, 570
ThreadingMixIn, 749–750, 787
ThreadPoolExecutor, 670–673, 677–678
Thresholds, garbage collection, 1261–1265
clock time. See time module
components, 217–218
datetime. See datetime module
event scheduler to run tasks at specific, 998–1002
execution, for small bits of Python code, 1148–1153
formatting in locale, 1022
overview, 211
scheduling callback for specific, 624–625
supplements to standard library, 1368
zones, 218–219, 231–232
time class, datetime_time, 221–222
time module
changes in Python 3, 1364
as clock time, 211
comparing clocks, 211–213
defined, 211
monotonic clocks, 214
parsing and formatting times, 219–220
performance counter, 216–217
processor clock time, 214–216
supplements to standard library, 1368
time components, 217–218
wall clock time, 213–214
working with time zones, 218–219
time-to-live value (TTL), sending multicast messages, 720
timedelta objects, datetime, 225–227
time()function, clock time, 211, 213–214
timeit module
contents of, 1148
example, 1148–1149
overview of, 1023
values stored in dictionary, 1149–1152
non-blocking I/O with, 734–735
socket operations, 723
using poll(), 737
Timer class, timeit, 1148–1151
TLS (transport layer security) encryption, email in smtplib, 843–846
today() class method, datetime_date, 222–223
tofile() method, arrays and files, 101
including other sources of, shlex, 955–956
splitting strings into, shlex, 954
Trace hooks
overview of, 1221
tracing inside functions, 1222–1224
watching stack, 1224–1225
trace module
applied to execution, 1069–1070
code coverage report, 1070–1073
example program, 1069
function relationship report, 1073–1074
options, 1077–1078
overview of, 1023
programming interface, 1074–1075
saving data, 1076–1077
Trace object, 1074–1075
traceback module
applied to low-level exception APIs, 1082–1086
applied to low-level stack APIs, 1086–1089
examining stack (FrameSummary), 1080–1081
examining stack (StackSummary), 1079–1080
example, 1079
exceptions, 1081–1082
overview of, 1023, 1078
stack summary, 1079–1081
TracebackException class, 1081–1082
Tracebacks. See also traceback module
applying dis to, 1302–1303
detailed tracebacks, cgitb, 1090–1092
doctest for, 1032–1033
examining local variables, cgitb, 1093–1096
logging tracebacks, cgitb, 1098–1101
traceback dump, cgitb, 1089–1090
exception monitoring, 1225–1227
function calls, 1221–1222
inside functions, 1222–1224
references, 1255–1257
–trackcalls, function calls report, 1073–1074
database, sqlite3, 428
discarding changes, sqlite3, 429–430
preserving changes, sqlite3, 428–429
codec used for many data, 377–378
encoding, 376–377
message catalog. See gettext module
pattern, 325–326
Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol. See TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) socket
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 694
Transport argument, asyncio, 662
Transport classes, asynchronous I/O, 644–645
Transport layer security (TLS) encryption, email in smtplib, 843–846
Transport protocol, retrieve port number to, 699–700
Tree structure, logging, 984–985
TreeBuilder, customizing, 453–455
Triangular distribution, random, 263
Trigonometry, math, 284–288
truediv()function, operator, 185–186
trunc() function, math, 270–271
Truncating long text, 12–13
Truth-checking, unittest for, 1054
truth() function, logical operations, 183
try:except statement, ignoring exceptions in contextlib, 199–200
try:finally block, context manager API, 192
TTL (time-to-live value), sending multicast messages, 720
tty, using getpass() without terminal, 937–938
as convenient containers for simple uses, 89
encoding/decoding simple data types in json, 804–805
Enum non-integer member values, 72–75
row objects in sqlite3, 417–419
subclass with named fields. See namedtuple module
Twisted library, 1369
TypeError exceptions
caching in functools, 158
comparing enums, 68
dbm module, 411
reducing data set in functools, 160
Types, specific shelve, 408
TZ environment variable, time zones, 218–219
tzinfo abstract base class, datetime_timezone, 231–232
tzset() function, time zones, 218–219
UDP (user datagram protocol)
datagram sockets associated with, 694
sending multicast messages via, 718–720
UDPServer class, socketserver, 743
UDS (Unix Domain Sockets), 694, 714–717
data and network communication, codecs, 380–383
decoding errors, codecs, 374–376
defaults, 1181–1182
encoding errors, codecs, 373–374
primer, codecs, 365–366
reading and writing, bz2, 498–499
reading configuration files, config, 962–963
regular expression search, re, 38–39
Unique values, Enum, 69–71
unittest module
addCleanup(), 1371
basic test structure, 1051
changes in Python 3, 1364
containers, 1056–1061
doctests compared with, 1026
equality-checking, 1054–1056
exceptions, 1061–1062
fixtures tests, 1062–1065
ignoring test failure, 1068–1069
integrating doctests with, 1047–1048
outcomes, 1052–1054
overview of, 1023
repeating tests with different inputs, 1065–1066
running, 1051–1052
skipping tests for unmet conditions, 1067
truth-checking, 1054
Universally Unique Identifiers. See uuid module
key-value databases. See dbm module
receiving signals with asyncio, 668–670
Unix Domain Sockets (UDS), 694, 714–717
UnixDatagramServer class, socketserver, 743
UnixStreamServer class, socketserver, 743
unlink() method, removing file system object in pathlib, 318–319
unlock() method, remove messages from mbox mailbox, 854
archive files, shutil, 349–350
data into strings, struct, 117–118
pre-allocated buffers, struct, 120–121
Unparsing URLs, urllib.parse, 756–758
Unpicklable objects, 400–402
Unregister, canceling exit callbacks in atexit, 994–995
until command, stepping through program in pdb, 1115–1116
unused_data attribute, mixed-content streams, 481, 495
incremental, hashlib, 526–527
initialization, Counter, 80
query parameters, sqlite3, 421
wrapper, functools, 145–147
files for encoding, urllib.request, 767–770
messages, imaplib, 881–883
urllib.parse module
encoding query arguments, 759–761
joining, 758
parsing, 754–756
split URLs into components with, 753
unparsing, 756–758
urllib.request module
adding outgoing headers, 765–766
creating custom protocol handlers, 770–773
encoding arguments, 763–764
HTTP GET, 761–763
HTTP POST, 764–765
Internet-related supplements to standard library, 1369
network resource access with, 761
posting form data from request, 766–767
uploading files, 767–770
Internet spider access control with, 773
long-lived spiders, 775–776
robots.txt, 773–774
testing access permissions, 774–775
urlopen() function, urllib.request, 761–766
urlparse() function, urllib.parse, 754–758
building threaded podcast client, 114–117
finding nodes in XML document, 447–448
network resource access. See urllib.request module
safe variations for Base64
encoding, 778–780
splitting into components. See urllib.parse module
traversing parsed tree, 447
User datagram protocol. See UDP (user datagram protocol) user module, removed from Python 3, 1355
use_rawinput, cmd, 949
USER_BASE directory, 1171–1172
UserDict module, changes in Python 3, 1365
UserList module, changes in Python 3, 1365
customizing configuration of, 1176–1177
managing directories, 1171–1172
UserString module, changes in Python 3, 1365
UTC, time zones, datetime, 231–232
UTF-16 encoding
byte order in codecs, 370–372
understanding encodings, 366
Western languages, 366
UTF-32 encoding, codecs, 370–372
UTF-8 encoding
Base64 encoding, 777
loading standard codecs from, 387
reading Unicode configuration files, 962–963
understanding encodings, 367
Western languages, 366
uuid module
changes in Python 3, 1365
implementing UUIDs, 797–798
UUID 1, IEEE 802
MAC Address, 798–800
and 5, name-based values, 800–801
UUID 4, random values, 802
working with UUID objects, 802–803
uvloop library, 1369
V value property, enumerations, 66, 71
Value types, configparser, 966–969
ValueError exception
Enum, 70
handling in shlex, 957–958
namedtuple invalid field names, 91–92
square root of negative value, 279
accessing existing, ChainMap, 75–76
approximating, fraction, 253
combining with interpolation, configparser, 975–979
duplicate, bisect, 110–111
encoding, http.cookies, 793–794
floating-point, math, 271–272
floating-point, memory management, 1192–1193
integer, memory management, 1193
manipulating date and time, datetime, 221–222
maximum, memory management, 1191
missing keys returning default, Counter, 82–84
new iterator, itertools, 169–172
retrieving, Counter, 81
returning from coroutines, asyncio, 619–620
special, decimal, 243–244
testing for exceptional, math, 265–267
unique enumeration, enum, 69–75
updating, ChainMap, 77–78
Variable argument lists, argparse, 908–910
compiler optimizations, 1309–1311
configuration, 1270–1272
environment, managing process environment, 1237–1238
examining local, in tracebacks, 1093–1096
examining stack, pdb, 1107–1111
parsing paths in os.path, 296
using with queries, sqlite3, 419
variable_stack() method, contextlib, 204, 209
Variance, statistics, 292–294
variations, IMAP4
client library, 864
venv module
contents of virtual environment, 1164–1165
creating virtual environments, 1163–1164
managing package versions during development, 1336–1338
new in Python 3, 1352
supplements to standard library, 1371
using virtual environments, 1165–1167
levels, logging API, 982–984
regular expression syntax, 39–43
verbose option, connecting to XML-RPC server, 818
verbose_copy(), directory trees in shutil, 342–343
Verify email address, smtplib, 846–847
version action, arguments, 891–892
build-time information, 1178–1179
getting platform information and, 1276–1277
site disabled for backward compatibility, 1177–1178
Virtual environments creating, 1163–1167
venv module. See venv module
virtualenv module, 1336–1338, 1371
virtualenv module, 1336–1338, 1371
von Mises, or circular normal, distribution, random, 264
vonmisesvariate() function, angular distribution, 264
wait for I/O efficiently. See select module
wait() method
child processes, 1242–1244
multiple coroutines, 632–635
signaling between threads, 571–572
synchronizing threads, 580–581
walk(), examine file system contents, 1228–1229
Wall clock time. See also time module, 213–214
warn(), generating warnings, 1280–1281
warnings module
alternatives for message delivery, 1284–1285
categories and filtering, 1280
filtering with patterns, 1281–1283
formatting, 1285
generating, 1280–1281
logging integration with, 985–986
overview of, 1279
repeated, 1283–1284
stack level in, 1286
wc() function, statistics variance, 293
WeakKeyDictionary class, caching objects, 127
weakref module
caching objects, 127–130
finalizing objects, 123–126
as impermanent references to objects, 121
memory management with, 65
proxies, 126–127
reference callbacks, 122–123
references, 122
WeakValueDictionary class, caching objects, 127–130
Web Robots Page, robots.txt, 774
webbrowser module, displaying Web pages, 796–797
weekheader() method, calendar, 234
Weibull distribution, random, 264
weibullvariate() function, Weibull distribution, 264 What’s New, Python documentation, 1351
which() function, finding files in shutil, 345–346
whichdb module, 408–411, 1365
difference-based reporting (REPORT_NDIFF), 1036–1037
managing blank lines in doctest, 1034–1036
width argument, pprint, 140–142
Wildcards, filename pattern matching in glob, 320–322
Windows OS
obtaining operating information, 1249–1250
vs. tabs, webbrowser, 796
with statement
context manager enabled by, 191–194
converting generator function into context manager, 196–198
decimal_context_manager, 247–248
stacking context managers, 202–206
WRAPPER_UPDATES, functools, 146–147
wrapt package, 1367–1368
writable sockets, 730–732, 738–739
write() method
alternative archive member names, zipfile, 516
creating new archive, zipfile, 514–516
saving configuration files in config, 972
serializing XML to stream, 464–466
Writeback, shelves, 406–408
writepy() method, Python ZIP archives, 519–521
writer() function, sqlite3, 432
compressed files in bz2, 495–497
compressed files in gzip, 486–488
data from sources other than files, tarfile, 509
data from sources other than files, zipfile, 517–518
files in pathlib, 312
GNU zip files, gzip, 486
Unicode data, 498–499
xgettext, message catalogs, 1004–1005
XML manipulation API. See xml.etree.ElementTree module
client library for. See xmlrpc.client module
server. See xmlrpc.server module
xmlcharrefreplace, lossless error handling, 374
xml.dom.minidom, pretty-printing XML, 458–459
xml.etree.ElementTree module
building documents with element nodes, 457–458
building trees from lists of nodes, 461–464
changes in Python 3, 1365
creating custom TreeBuilder, 453–455
data supplements to standard library, 1368
ElementTree library, 445
finding nodes in document, 447–448
parsed node attributes, 449–450
parsing strings, 455–457
parsing XML document, 445–446
pretty-printing XML, 458–459
serializing XML to stream, 464–466
setting element properties, 459–461
traversing parsed tree, 446–447
watching events while parsing, 451–453
XML manipulation API via, 445
xmlrpc.client module
binary data, 823–825
combining calls into one message, 826–827
connecting to server, 817–819
data types, 819–822
exception handling, 825–826
passing objects, 822–823
XML-RPC client library, 816–817
xmlrpc.server module
alternate API names, 829–830
arbitrary API names, 831–832
dispatching calls, 835–836
dotted API names, 830–831
exposing methods of objects, 832–834
introspection API, 837–839
simple server, 828–829
XML-RPC server, 827
YAML, application configuration, 1371
ZIP archive. See also zipimport module
accessing code from, 1345–1346
example, 1344–1345
finding modules in, 1345
retrieving source code from, 1346–1347
Zip files, read and write GNU. See gzip module
zip() function, itertools, 165, 171
zipfile module
appending to files, 518–519
creating new archives, 514–516
extracting archived files from archive, 514
limitations, 521
Python ZIP archives, 519–521
reading metadata from archive, 512–514
testing ZIP files, 512
using alternative archive member names, 516
writing data from sources other than files, 517
writing with ZipInfo instance, 517–518
ZIP archive access with, 511
zipimport module
accessing code from ZIP archive, 1345–1346
changes in Python 3, 1365
determining if package or regular module, 1348
example, 1344–1345
finding modules inside ZIP archive, 1345
finding non-code data, 1348–1350
overview of, 1329, 1344
retrieving source code from ZIP archive, 1346–1347
ZipInfo instance, zipfile, 517–518
zip_longest() function, itertools, 165
zlib module
checksums, 481–482
compressing network data, 482–486
GNU zlib compression via, 477
GZipFile vs., 490
incremental compression/decompression, 479–480
mixed content streams, 480–481
working with data in memory, 477–479