| frame | '''Saraha''' courtesy of Himalayan Art
Saraha (Skt.; Tib. མདའ་བསྣུན་, danün, Wyl. mda' bsnun) was one of the greatest Indian mahasiddhas and is known for his celebrated songs of realization (Skt. dohā). He was also one of Nagarjuna's teachers. In iconography he is depicted holding an arrow.
According to the Tibetan tradition, Saraha's dohas can be divided into three cycles:
the King Dohas,
Queen Dohas and
People Dohas.
The Dohākoṣa corresponds to the 'People Dohas'.
Further Reading
Buddha's Lions: Lives of the Eighty-four Siddhas, Emeryville, Dharma Publishing, 1979
Herbert V. Guenther,
Ecstatic Spontaneity: Saraha's Three Cycles of Doha, Asian Humanities Press, 1993 (includes translations of the King, Queen and People Dohas)
Herbert V. Guenther, The Royal Song of Saraha, Berkeley: Shambhala, 1973
Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Dreaming the Great Brahmin: Tibetan Traditions of the Buddhist Poet-Saint Saraha, Oxford University Press, 2005
Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche,
A Song for the King: Saraha on Mahamudra Meditation, ed. by Michele Martin, tr. by Michele Martin & Peter O'Hearn, Boston: Wisdom, 2006
Roger R. Jackson, Tantric Treasures: Three Collections of Mystical Verse from Buddhist India, Oxford University Press, 2004
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