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| frame | [[Dharmakirti]] Sautrantika (Skt. Sautrāntika; Tib. མདོ་སྡེ་པ་, Dodépa, Wyl. mdo sde pa) — a shravakayana school of early Buddhism, which formed out of the larger Sarvastivadin school.

Sautrantika means ‘Follower of the Sutras’, and the members of this school are so-called because they do not accept the Abhidharma as a definitive teaching of the Buddha.


There are two kinds of Sautrantikas or ‘Sutra Followers’:

Sautrantika View of Two Truths

Khenpo Ngakchung says:

:Then, if we consider the Sautrantikas, it says in the Commentary on Valid Cognition<ref>


::“That which can perform a function<br> ::Is here said to be ultimately existent.<br> ::All that can not perform a function<br> ::Is said to be relatively existent.<br> ::These are specific and general characteristics.”<br>

:So, here, in this context, anything with unique characteristics that can perform a function is said to be absolute truth, and anything that is generally characterized and can not perform a function is said to belong merely to relative truth. Although things are explained this way when analyzing things so as to determine whether or not they have unique characteristics, this does not mean to say that there are not other classifications of the two truths.

Other Tenets

Alternative Translations



Further Reading

Category of Buddhist Key Terms Category of Schools and Lineages Category of Hinayana Schools Category of Philosophical Tenets