Vipaśyin (Skt.; Tib. རྣམ་གཟིགས་, Wyl. nam gzigs), the 998th buddha of the glorious aeon.
Śikhin (Skt.; Tib. གཙུག་ཏོར་ཅན་ , Wyl. gtsug tor can), the 999th buddha of the glorious aeon.
Viśvabhū (Skt.; Tib. ཐམས་ཅད་སྐྱོབས་ , Wyl. thams cad skyobs), the 1,000th and final buddha of the glorious aeon.
Krakucchanda (Skt. ; Tib. འཁོར་འཇིག་ , Wyl. khor 'jig), the first buddha of the fortunate aeon.
Kanakamuni (Skt.; Tib. གསེར་ཐུབ་ , Wyl. gser thub), the second buddha of the fortunate aeon.
Kāśyapa (Skt.; Tib. འོད་སྲུང་, Wyl. od srung), the third buddha of the fortunate aeron.
Śākyamuni (Skt.; Tib. ཤཱ་ཀྱ་ཐུབ་པ་ , Wyl. shA kya thub pa), the fourth and present Buddha of the fortunate aeon.