Table of Contents

| frame | [[Khyungpo Naljor]] The Shangpa Kagyü (Tib. ཤངས་པ་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་, Wyl. shangs pa bka' brgyud) school was founded by Khyungpo Naljor (1002-1064) who was prophesied by the Buddha. He made his seat in a place called Shang in the Tsang region of Tibet. He was therefore known as the Lama Shangpa and his lineage the Shangpa Kagyü. Thangtong Gyalpo and Jetsün Taranatha were among the great masters who upheld this lineage, which is one of the Eight practice lineages. In the 19th century, when the lineage was almost extinguished, the great masters Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo gathered together the transmissions of the different branches and gave renewed energy to the lineage. Kalu Rinpoche and Bokar Rinpoche were the recent heads of this school, and founded a great number of centres in the West.

Oral Teachings Given to the [[About Rigpa]] | [[Rigpa]] Sangha About the Shangpa Kagyü Lineage

Further Reading

Category of Schools and Lineages Category of Shangpa Kagyü | shangpa_kagyue