| frame | '''Shri Singha Shedra in the distance below the mountains that surround Dzogchen Monastery''' photo courtesy of Matthew Pistono
Shri Singha Shedra (Tib. ཤྲཱི་སིམཧ་བཤད་གྲྭ, Wyl. shrI simha bshad grwa) — the famous shedra at Dzogchen Monastery founded by Gyalsé Shenpen Thayé in the nineteenth century<ref>Dreyfus (2005) p. 288 gives the year as 1848 </ref>, which produced many of the finest scholars in Tibet. Among the great masters who studied and/or taught at the shedra were Khenpo Pema Vajra, Mipham Rinpoche, Khenpo Shenga, Khenpo Ngakchung, Khenpo Kunpal, Pöpa Tulku and Khenpo Tsöndrü.