Table of Contents


Spinnaker is an open-source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform originally developed at Netflix and now maintained by the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF). It empowers organizations to release software changes with high velocity and confidence by providing a robust set of tools for creating, managing, and automating deployment pipelines across various cloud providers and technologies.

Key Features


Code Examples

While Spinnaker primarily operates through its web-based user interface and pipeline configurations, here are a few conceptual code snippets to illustrate its usage:

1. **Pipeline Definition (JSON):**

```json {

 "name": "My Pipeline",
 "stages": [
     "type": "bake",
     "name": "Bake Image",
     "regions": ["us-west-2"],
     "bakeConfig": {
       "package": "myapp-1.0.0.tgz",
       "baseOs": "ubuntu",
       "baseAmi": "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"
     "type": "deploy",
     "name": "Deploy to Staging",
     "clusters": [
         "application": "my-app",
         "account": "my-aws-account",
         "stack": "staging",
         "freeFormDetails": "",
         "cloudProvider": "aws"
} ```

2. **Canary Configuration (JSON):**

```json {

 "name": "Canary Analysis",
 "analysisType": "realTimeAutomatic",
 "canaryConfig": {
   "lifetimeDuration": "PT30M",
   "metricsAccountName": "my-metrics-account",
   "scopes": [
       "scopeName": "default",
       "controlScope": "baseline",
       "experimentScope": "canary"
} ```

3. **Webhook Trigger (JSON):**

```json {

 "type": "webhook",
 "source": "jenkins",
 "payloadConstraints": {
   "eventType": "build_success"
} ```

These examples demonstrate how Spinnaker's pipelines can be configured to define complex workflows, incorporate canary analysis, and be triggered by external events like Jenkins builds.

Additional Resources