
Core Kubernetes by Jay Vyas and Chris Love

Table of Contents

brief contents

1 Why Kubernetes exists

2 Kubernetes - Why the Pod?

3 Kubernetes - Let’s build a Pod

4 Kubernetes - Using cgroups for processes in our Pods

5 Kubernetes - CNIS and providing the Pod with a network

6 Kubernetes Troubleshooting large-scale network errors

7 Kubernetes Pod storage and the CSI

8 Kubernetes Storage implementation and modeling

9 Kubernetes - Running Pods - How the kubelet works

10 Kubernetes DNS

11 Kubernetes control plane

12 Kubernetes etcd and the control plane

13 Kubernetes Container and Pod security

14 Kubernetes Nodes and security

15 Kubernetes Installing applications


Front matter



about this book

about the authors

about the cover illustration

1 Why Kubernetes exists

1.1 Reviewing a few key terms before we get started

1.2 The infrastructure drift problem and Kubernetes

1.3 Containers and images

1.4 Core foundation of Kubernetes

All infrastructure rules in Kubernetes are managed as plain YAML

1.5 Kubernetes features

1.6 Kubernetes components and architecture

The Kubernetes API

Example one: An online retailer

Example two: An online giving solution

1.7 When not to use Kubernetes

2 Why the Pod?

2.1 An example web application

Infrastructure for our web application

Operational requirements

2.2 What is a Pod?

A bunch of Linux namespaces

Kubernetes, infrastructure, and the Pod

The Node API object

Our web application and the control plane

2.3 Creating a web application with kubectl

The Kubernetes API server: kube-apiserver

The Kubernetes scheduler: kube-scheduler

Infrastructure controllers

2.4 Scaling, highly available applications, and the control plane


Cost management

3 Let’s build a Pod

3.1 Looking at Kubernetes primitives with kind

3.2 What is a Linux primitive?

Linux primitives are resource management tools

Everything is a file (or a file descriptor)

Files are composable

Setting up kind

3.3 Using Linux primitives in Kubernetes

The prerequisites for running a Pod

Running a simple Pod

Exploring the Pod’s Linux dependencies

3.4 Building a Pod from scratch

Creating an isolated process with chroot

Using mount to give our process data to work with

Securing our process with unshare

Creating a network namespace

Checking whether a process is healthy

Adjusting CPU with cgroups

Creating a resources stanza

3.5 Using our Pod in the real world

The networking problem

Utilizing iptables to understand how kube-proxy implements Kubernetes services

Using the kube-dns Pod

Considering other issues

4 Using cgroups for processes in our Pods

4.1 Pods are idle until the prep work completes

4.2 Processes and threads in Linux

systemd and the init process

cgroups for our process

Implementing cgroups for a normal Pod

4.3 Testing the cgroups

4.4 How the kubelet manages cgroups

4.5 Diving into how the kubelet manages resources

Why can’t the OS use swap in Kubernetes?

Hack: The poor man’s priority knob

Hack: Editing HugePages with init containers

QoS classes: Why they matter and how they work

Creating QoS classes by setting resources

4.6 Monitoring the Linux kernel with Prometheus, cAdvisor, and the API server

Metrics are cheap to publish and extremely valuable

Why do I need Prometheus?

Creating a local Prometheus monitoring service

Characterizing an outage in Prometheus

5 CNIS and providing the Pod with a network

5.1 Why we need software-defined networks in Kubernetes

5.2 Implementing the service side of the Kubernetes SDN: The kube-proxy

The kube-proxy’s data plane

What about NodePorts?

5.3 CNI providers

5.4 Diving into two CNI networking plugins: Calico and Antrea

The architecture of a CNI plugin

Let’s play with some CNIs

Installing the Calico CNI provider

Kubernetes networking with OVS and Antrea

A note on CNI providers and kube-proxy on different OSs

6 Troubleshooting large-scale network errors

6.1 Sonobuoy: A tool for confirming your cluster is functioning

Tracing data paths for Pods in a real cluster

Setting up a cluster with the Antrea CNI provider

6.2 Inspecting CNI routing on different providers with the arp and ip commands

What is an IP tunnel and why do CNI providers use them?

How many packets are flowing through the network interfaces for our CNI?


CNI-specific tooling: Open vSwitch (OVS)

Tracing the data path of active containers with tcpdump

6.3 The kube-proxy and iptables

iptables-save and the diff tool

Looking at how network policies modify CNI rules

How are these policies implemented?

6.4 Ingress controllers

Setting up Contour and kind to explore ingress controllers

Setting up a simple web server Pod

7 Pod storage and the CSI

7.1 A quick detour: The virtual filesystem (VFS) in Linux

7.2 Three types of storage requirements for Kubernetes

7.3 Let’s create a PVC in our kind cluster

7.4 The container storage interface (CSI)

The in-tree provider problem

CSI as a specification that works inside of Kubernetes

CSI: How a storage driver works

Bind mounting

7.5 A quick look at a few running CSI drivers

The controller

The node interface

CSI on non-Linux OSs

8 Storage implementation and modeling

8.1 A microcosm of the broader Kubernetes ecosystem: Dynamic storage

Managing storage on the fly: Dynamic provisioning

Local storage compared with emptyDir


CSI (container storage interface)

8.2 Dynamic provisioning benefits from CSI but is orthogonal

Storage classes

Back to the data center stuff

8.3 Kubernetes use cases for storage

Secrets: Sharing files ephemerally

8.4 What does a dynamic storage provider typically look like?

8.5 hostPath for system control and/or data access

hostPaths, CSI, and CNI: A canonical use case

Cassandra: An example of real-world Kubernetes application storage

Advanced storage functionality and the Kubernetes storage model

8.6 Further reading

9 Running Pods: How the kubelet works

9.1 The kubelet and the node

9.2 The core kubelet

Container runtimes: Standards and conventions

The kubelet configurations and its API

9.3 Creating a Pod and seeing it in action

Starting the kubelet binary

After startup: Node life cycle

Leasing and locking in etcd and the evolution of the node lease

The kubelet’s management of the Pod life cycle

CRI, containers, and images: How they are related

The kubelet doesn’t run containers: That’s the CRI’s job

Pause container: An “aha” moment

9.4 The Container Runtime Interface (CRI)

Telling Kubernetes where our container runtime lives

The CRI routines

The kubelet’s abstraction around CRI: The GenericRuntimeManager

How is the CRI invoked?

9.5 The kubelet’s interfaces

The Runtime internal interface

How the kubelet pulls images: The ImageService interface

Giving ImagePullSecrets to the kubelet

9.6 Further reading

10 DNS in Kubernetes

10.1 A brief intro to DNS (and CoreDNS)

NXDOMAINs, A records, and CNAME records

Pods need internal DNS

10.2 Why StatefulSets instead of Deployments?

DNS with headless services

Persistent DNS records in StatefulSets

Using a polyglot deployment to explore Pod DNS properties

10.3 The resolv.conf file

A quick note about routing

CoreDNS: The upstream resolver for the ClusterFirst Pod DNS

Hacking the CoreDNS plugin configuration

11 The core of the control plane

11.1 Investigating the control plane

11.2 API server details

API objects and custom API objects

Custom resource definitions (CRDs)

Scheduler details

Recap of scheduling

11.3 The controller manager


Service accounts and tokens

11.4 Kubernetes cloud controller managers (CCMs)

11.5 Further reading

12 etcd and the control plane

12.1 Notes for the impatient

Visualizing etcd performance with Prometheus

Knowing when to tune etcd

Example: A quick health check of etcd

etcd v3 vs. v2

12.2 etcd as a data store

The watch: Can you run Kubernetes on other databases?

Strict consistency

fsync operations make etcd consistent

12.3 Looking at the interface for Kubernetes to etcd

12.4 etcd’s job is to keep the facts straight

The etcd write-ahead log

Effect on Kubernetes

12.5 The CAP theorem

12.6 Load balancing at the client level and etcd

Size limitations: What (not) to worry about

12.7 etcd encryption at rest

12.8 Performance and fault tolerance of etcd at a global scale

12.9 Heartbeat times for a highly distributed etcd

12.10 Setting an etcd client up on a kind cluster

Running etcd in non-Linux environments

13 Container and Pod security

13.1 Blast radius



13.2 Container security

Plan to update containers and custom software

Container screening

Container users—do not run as root

Use the smallest container

Container provenance

Linters for containers

13.3 Pod security

Security context

Escalated permissions and capabilities

Pod Security Policies (PSPs)

Do not automount the service account token

Root-like Pods

The security outskirts

14 Nodes and Kubernetes security

14.1 Node security

TLS certificates

Immutable OSs vs. patching nodes

Isolated container runtimes

Resource attacks

CPU units

Memory units

Storage units

Host networks vs. Pod networks

Pod example

14.2 API server security

Role-based access control (RBAC)

RBAC API definition

Resources and subresources

Subjects and RBAC

Debugging RBAC

14.3 Authn, Authz, and Secrets

IAM service accounts: Securing your cloud APIs

Access to cloud resources

Private API servers

14.4 Network security

Network policies

Load balancers

Open Policy Agent (OPA)


14.5 Kubernetes tips

15 Installing applications

15.1 Thinking about apps in Kubernetes

Application scope influences what tools you should use

15.2 Microservice apps typically require thousands of lines of configuration code

15.3 Rethinking our Guestbook app installation for the real world

15.4 Installing the Carvel toolkit

Part 1: Modularizing our resources into separate files

Part 2: Patching our application files with ytt

Part 3: Managing and deploying Guestbook as a single application

Part 4: Constructing a kapp Operator to package and manage our application

15.5 Revisiting the Kubernetes Operator

15.6 Tanzu Community Edition: An end-to-end example of the Carvel toolkit


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