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GitHub Repos:

Fetched on 2020/08/19 12:14

3538 Repositories

  1. vscode - 101681
  2. terminal - 67077
  3. TypeScript - 63552
  4. PowerToys - 34246
  5. calculator - 20113
  6. CNTK - 16837
  7. playwright - 15735
  8. MS-DOS - 15338
  9. dotnet - 11947
  10. LightGBM - 11379
  11. AirSim - 10542
  12. vcpkg - 9994
  13. WSL - 9948
  14. fluentui - 9196
  15. napajs - 8861
  16. ChakraCore - 8256
  17. reactxp - 8187
  18. ai-edu - 8139
  19. winget-cli - 8043
  20. nni - 6717
  21. WinObjC - 6064
  22. ailab - 6036
  23. vscode-go - 5978
  24. STL - 5841
  25. winfile - 5823
  26. pyright - 5620
  27. cpprestsdk - 5515
  28. VFSForGit - 5245
  29. MMdnn - 4905
  30. SandDance - 450012345…›
  31. fast - 4496
  32. mimalloc - 4434
  33. FASTER - 4133
  34. GSL - 4103
  35. ethr - 3954
  36. code-push - 3942
  37. SPTAG - 3787
  38. malmo - 3569
  39. Quantum - 3019
  40. tsdoc - 2837
  41. DeepSpeed - 2830
  42. DMTK - 2769
  43. verona - 2760
  44. VoTT - 2738
  45. GW-BASIC - 2411
  46. PTVS - 2284
  47. perfview - 2244
  48. bond - 2186
  49. dowhy - 2136
  50. Detours - 2120
  51. winrt-rs - 2115
  52. ELL - 2101
  53. checkedc - 1904
  54. rushstack - 1903
  55. SEAL - 1825
  56. dts-gen - 1812
  57. pai - 1798
  58. just - 1683
  59. msquic - 1623
  60. DirectXTK - 1582
  61. BlingFire - 1428
  62. wil - 1402
  63. tsyringe - 1391
  64. msphpsql - 1371
  65. Pyjion - 1348
  66. Win2D - 1342
  67. unilm - 1302
  68. pxt - 1277
  69. caffe - 1211
  70. HoloJS - 1172
  71. onnxjs - 1147
  72. Trill - 1088
  73. presidio - 1066
  74. maker.js - 1047
  75. cppwinrt - 989
  76. ShaderConductor - 986
  77. ProjectOxford-ClientSDK - 981
  78. Windows-Driver-Frameworks - 971
  79. FFmpegInterop - 955
  80. VSSDK-Extensibility-Samples - 939
  81. automatic-graph-layout - 932
  82. Mobius - 926
  83. PowerBI-visuals - 925
  84. botframework-solutions - 921
  85. rDSN - 920
  86. DialoGPT - 915
  87. vscode-eslint - 913
  88. tigertoolbox - 909
  89. gated-graph-neural-network-samples - 908
  90. DirectXTex - 907
  91. EconML - 904
  92. vscode-dev-containers - 903
  93. MASS - 892
  94. MSRC-Security-Research - 884
  95. WindowsCompositionSamples - 881
  96. GalaxyExplorer - 878
  97. EdgeML - 877
  98. ace - 842
  99. CodeContracts - 834
  100. Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream - 832
  101. TextWorld - 829
  102. LightLDA - 816
  103. xaml-standard - 815
  104. VS-PPT - 805
  105. AdaptiveCards - 802
  106. Recognizers-Text - 799
  107. node-v0.12 - 797
  108. ProjectReunion - 794
  109. redux-dynamic-modules - 791
  110. dotnet-apiport - 791
  111. AzureTipsAndTricks - 768
  112. Multiverso - 755
  113. mssql-jdbc - 747
  114. DirectXMath - 746
  115. monaco-editor-samples - 744
  116. azure-pipelines-image-generation - 738
  117. vscode-arduino - 737
  118. MixedRealityToolkit - 717
  119. python-language-server - 716
  120. Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK - 705
  121. Microsoft-threat-protection-Hunting-Queries - 705
  122. tolerant-php-parser - 700
  123. OpenAPI.NET - 699
  124. CDM - 694
  125. tslint-microsoft-contrib - 694
  126. appcenter - 683
  127. SmartHotel360 - 675
  128. node-pty - 675
  129. clrmd - 675
  130. msix-packaging - 671
  131. Xaml-Controls-Gallery - 670
  132. PowerBI-JavaScript - 669
  133. tslib - 666
  134. dotnet-samples - 657
  135. dtslint - 656
  136. xlang - 655
  137. ClearScript - 654
  138. WSLab - 653
  139. Deep3DFaceReconstruction - 651
  140. RoomAliveToolkit - 641
  141. BuildXL - 638
  142. TypeScript-New-Handbook - 637
  143. vscode-languageserver-node - 628
  144. MCW - 627
  145. DirectXTK12 - 627
  146. azure-repos-vscode - 624
  147. Cognitive-Samples-IntelligentKiosk - 622
  148. linux-vm-tools - 621
  149. typescript-styled-plugin - 621
  150. TypeScript-WeChat-Starter - 618
  151. diskspd - 614
  152. MIEngine - 608
  153. vscode-icons - 600
  154. TechnicalCommunityContent - 600
  155. pict - 599
  156. ReSub - 595
  157. InteractiveDataDisplay.WPF - 587
  158. Windows-Machine-Learning - 583
  159. cordova-plugin-code-push - 579
  160. vstest - 578
  161. angle - 578
  162. azure-pipelines-yaml - 577
  163. vscode-cmake-tools - 576
  164. vscode-docker - 576
  165. IEDiagnosticsAdapter - 576
  166. botbuilder-dotnet - 564
  167. vswhere - 551
  168. samples-for-ai - 544
  169. Windows-iotcore-samples - 534
  170. DbgShell - 532
  171. electionguard - 529
  172. uwp-experiences - 529
  173. XamlBehaviors - 529
  174. SmartHotel360-Mobile - 527
  175. GraphView - 524
  176. WhatTheHack - 520
  177. PartsUnlimited - 519
  178. tf-gnn-samples - 518
  179. chart-parts - 517
  180. fhir-server - 516
  181. MixedRealityCompanionKit - 505
  182. SymCrypt - 495
  183. LLVMSharp - 491
  184. UVAtlas - 489
  185. code-with-engineering-playbook - 487
  186. accessibility-insights-web - 486
  187. vs-threading - 486
  188. RepPoints - 476
  189. scalar - 475
  190. MLOps - 473
  191. - 473
  192. ptvsd - 472
  193. PowerBI-Developer-Samples - 470
  194. binskim - 466
  195. singleshotpose - 465
  196. BotFramework-Composer - 462
  197. thrifty - 461
  198. AL - 456
  199. CSharpClient-for-Kafka - 456
  200. DevSkim - 455
  201. workbooks - 451
  202. Freeflow - 450
  203. pxt-microbit - 446
  204. RoslynClrHeapAllocationAnalyzer - 446
  205. sqlworkshops - 443
  206. TypeScript-Website - 442
  207. vscode-generator-code - 442
  208. mssql-scripter - 441
  209. MixedReality-WebRTC - 440
  210. coyote - 439
  211. typed-rest-client - 439
  212. go-winio - 438
  213. bedrock - 437
  214. Mesh-processing-library - 436
  215. com-rs - 431
  216. prose - 431
  217. InventorySample - 430
  218. pylance-release - 428
  219. mu - 425
  220. BikeSharing360_MobileApps - 424
  221. llvm-mctoll - 423
  222. ApplicationInsights-JS - 422
  223. debug-adapter-protocol - 419
  224. TailwindTraders - 416
  225. RockPaperScissorsLizardSpock - 414
  226. powerapps-tools - 414
  227. lain - 413
  228. PowerBI-CSharp - 412
  229. docker - 407
  230. IIS.Administration - 405
  231. angular-react - 404
  232. botbuilder-js - 401
  233. YamUI - 399
  234. vscode-tslint - 392
  235. ALEX - 391
  236. botbuilder-python - 391
  237. ngconf2015demo - 391
  238. project-rome - 390
  239. snmalloc - 387
  240. fluent-xaml-theme-editor - 387
  241. types-publisher - 386
  242. RTVS - 382
  243. BuildCast - 379
  244. XmlNotepad - 379
  245. DirectXMesh - 379
  246. fluent-ui-react - 376
  247. botbuilder-tools - 376
  248. MixedRealityDesignLabs_Unity - 375
  249. 25-days-of-serverless - 374
  250. roosterjs - 372
  251. TypeSearch - 372
  252. qsharp-compiler - 371
  253. DesktopBridgeToUWP-Samples - 370
  254. O-CNN - 368
  255. DataConnectors - 368
  256. fluentui-apple - 367
  257. dotnet-framework-docker - 366
  258. CCF - 365
  259. BotFramework-Samples - 365
  260. RulesEngine - 364
  261. Xbox-ATG-Samples - 363
  262. satcheljs - 362
  263. testfx - 360
  264. react-native-tscodegen - 357
  265. cordova-samples - 357
  266. Localization - 353
  267. ClangSharp - 351
  268. appcenter-cli - 348
  269. vs-streamjsonrpc - 347
  270. FX11 - 345
  271. XamlBehaviorsWpf - 344
  272. EasyRepro - 343
  273. ProjectOxford-Apps-MimickerAlarm - 343
  274. generator-docker - 343
  275. MLOpsPython - 341
  276. KubeGPU - 341
  277. fastlane-plugin-appcenter - 341
  278. AMBROSIA - 340
  279. FERPlus - 340
  280. msticpy - 338
  281. VCSamples - 337
  282. Windows-appsample-customers-orders-database - 329
  283. charticulator - 325
  284. HoloLensForCV - 325
  285. DXUT - 325
  286. bistring - 324
  287. appcenter-sdk-apple - 324
  288. AaronLocker - 319
  289. monaco-editor-webpack-plugin - 319
  290. WindowsProtocolTestSuites - 319
  291. avml - 318
  292. vs-tools-for-ai - 318
  293. SDN - 318
  294. multiview-human-pose-estimation-pytorch - 315
  295. AzureML-BERT - 315
  296. SQL-Server-R-Services-Samples - 313
  297. SLAyer - 311
  298. DirectX-Specs - 309
  299. ApplicationInsights-dotnet - 309
  300. Windows-appsample-rssreader - 304
  301. ApplicationInsights-aspnetcore - 304
  302. krabsetw - 303
  303. TailwindTraders-Mobile - 301
  304. appcenter-sdk-react-native - 301
  305. tfs-cli - 301
  306. PowerApps-Samples - 300
  307. redux-dag-history - 300
  308. gather - 296
  309. git - 289
  310. Cognitive-Samples-VideoFrameAnalysis - 287
  311. fsharplu - 287
  312. checkedc-clang - 286
  313. Appsample-Photosharing - 286
  314. etcd3 - 285
  315. powerbi-desktop-samples - 284
  316. azure-pipelines-task-lib - 282
  317. FeatureManagement-Dotnet - 279
  318. IPC - 278
  319. vscode-vsce - 278
  320. OMS-Agent-for-Linux - 276
  321. ghcrawler - 275
  322. LocalizedStringKit - 274
  323. AzureSearch_JFK_Files - 274
  324. vscode-java-debug - 272
  325. ALAppExtensions - 270
  326. ReportingServicesTools - 269
  327. Sora - 269
  328. WinDbg-Samples - 268
  329. Cognitive-Face-Android - 267
  330. hcsshim - 264
  331. HolographicAcademy - 263
  332. typescript-tslint-plugin - 261
  333. glTF-SDK - 261
  334. monaco-languages - 261
  335. vscode-postgresql - 260
  336. vscode-js-debug - 258
  337. fluentui-react-native - 258
  338. vscode-cordova - 257
  339. schemy - 256
  340. VS-ColorThemes - 256
  341. JSanity - 256
  342. NimbusML - 255
  343. artifacts-credprovider - 255
  344. opensource-portal - 252
  345. Tx - 251
  346. TypeScript-wiki - 250
  347. knack - 247
  348. hdfs-mount - 247
  349. pxt-arcade - 245
  350. StudentsAtBuild - 244
  351. mouselog - 244
  352. join-dev-design - 243
  353. vsts-extension-samples - 243
  354. vscode-tools-for-ai - 242
  355. TSJS-lib-generator - 242
  356. Reactors - 241
  357. fabrikate - 236
  358. VSProjectSystem - 236
  359. service-fabric-services-and-actors-dotnet - 234
  360. team-explorer-everywhere - 234
  361. data-accelerator - 233
  362. sqltoolsservice - 233
  363. ConferenceVision - 232
  364. vs-mef - 231
  365. Reporting-Services - 230
  366. icecaps - 228
  367. appcenter-sdk-dotnet - 226
  368. graphics-driver-samples - 225
  369. Azure-Kinect-Samples - 224
  370. QuantumLibraries - 223
  371. Microsoft.Unity.Analyzers - 221
  372. timelinestoryteller - 220
  373. PQCrypto-VPN - 219
  374. WPFDXInterop - 219
  375. MapsSDK-Unity - 218
  376. PowerStig - 217
  377. clarity-js - 217
  378. tf2-gnn - 216
  379. xbox-live-api - 216
  380. 0xDeCA10B - 212
  381. WinDev - 211
  382. slow-cheetah - 211
  383. BaselineManagement - 210
  384. Microsoft365DSC - 209
  385. Analysis-Services - 206
  386. XamarinAzure_ShoppingDemoApp - 205
  387. ntttcp-for-linux - 205
  388. Dynamics-AX-Integration - 204
  389. ApplicationInsights-node.js - 204
  390. Build2020_DigitalSwag - 203
  391. CameraTraps - 203
  392. VSLinux - 203
  393. vscode-textmate - 203
  394. Yams - 201
  395. TypeScript-TmLanguage - 200
  396. OCR-Form-Tools - 199
  397. Chakra-Samples - 199
  398. PQCrypto-SIDH - 198
  399. omi - 197
  400. Recursive-Cascaded-Networks - 196
  401. vscode-sublime-keybindings - 196
  402. Oryx - 195
  403. cordova-simulate - 195
  404. typescript-lit-html-plugin - 194
  405. AI - 193
  406. vscode-node-debug - 193
  407. Microsoft-Rocketbox - 192
  408. SqlNexus - 192
  409. TACO - 192
  410. DisentangledFaceGAN - 189
  411. Cognitive-Face-iOS - 189
  412. AirSim-NeurIPS2019-Drone-Racing - 188
  413. libHttpClient - 186
  414. Ironclad - 186
  415. vsminecraft - 186
  416. vscode-react-sample - 185
  417. mattercenter - 185
  418. LQ-Nets - 184
  419. MSBuildSdks - 184
  420. DNS-Challenge - 183
  421. DMF - 183
  422. glTF-Toolkit - 183
  423. DirectML - 182
  424. windows-framer-toolkit - 182
  425. node-jsonc-parser - 182
  426. Office-Online-Test-Tools-and-Documentation - 182
  427. php-sdk-binary-tools - 182
  428. ivy - 181
  429. MaskFlownet - 180
  430. IgniteTheTour - 180
  431. Product-Recommendations - 180
  432. DLWorkspace - 180
  433. vscode-typescript-tslint-plugin - 179
  434. uf2 - 178
  435. TSS.MSR - 178
  436. Win2D-Samples - 178
  437. DSCEA - 175
  438. winsdkfb - 175
  439. xunit-performance - 174
  440. app-innovation-workshop - 173
  441. VSLua - 173
  442. vscode-edge-devtools - 172
  443. Windows.UI.Composition-Win32-Samples - 172
  444. BusinessPlatformApps - 172
  445. BotBuilder-CognitiveServices - 172
  446. Cognitive-Face-Windows - 172
  447. openscraping-lib-csharp - 171
  448. microsoft-r-open - 169
  449. TagAnomaly - 168
  450. navcontainerhelper - 168
  451. ProphetNet - 167
  452. vscode-java-test - 166
  453. clang - 166
  454. BotFramework-DirectLineJS - 165
  455. DiagManager - 165
  456. mwt-ds - 165
  457. AzureBot - 163
  458. verisol - 162
  459. vscode-iot-workbench - 162
  460. accessibility-insights-windows - 161
  461. appcenter-sdk-android - 161
  462. UnitTestBoilerplateGenerator - 160
  463. vscode-samples - 158
  464. mail2bug - 158
  465. vscode-figma-toolkit - 157
  466. eEVM - 157
  467. CMake - 157
  468. PartsUnlimitedMRP - 156
  469. vs4mac-labs - 155
  470. SmartHotel360-Website - 154
  471. WindowsDevicePortalWrapper - 154
  472. vscode-codicons - 153
  473. MRDL_Unity_PeriodicTable - 153
  474. WebRTC-universal-samples - 153
  475. monaco-typescript - 153
  476. Spartan - 152
  477. Bing-Maps-Fleet-Tracker - 152
  478. OpenAPI.NET.CSharpAnnotations - 152
  479. llvm - 152
  480. etl2pcapng - 151
  481. vscode-loc - 151
  482. MSC-Microsoft-Security-Updates-API - 151
  483. Cognitive-Vision-Windows - 151
  484. MSBuildForUnity - 150
  485. vstest-docs - 150
  486. vscode-hexeditor - 148
  487. Microsoft-Win32-Content-Prep-Tool - 148
  488. jericho - 147
  489. TrillSamples - 147
  490. vscode-debugadapter-node - 147
  491. playwright-python - 145
  492. IRNet - 145
  493. malmo-challenge - 145
  494. vscode-ios-web-debug - 143
  495. opencv - 143
  496. SDNet - 142
  497. Windows-appsample-lunch-scheduler - 142
  498. Windows-appsample-familynotes - 141
  499. mu_basecore - 140
  500. node-uwp - 140
  501. Windows-appsample-networkhelper - 140
  502. winstore-jscompat - 140
  503. Oscar - 139
  504. debugpy - 139
  505. seismic-deeplearning - 137
  506. vscode-npm-scripts - 137
  507. distributed_word_embedding - 137
  508. openssl - 137
  509. poshtools - 136
  510. GenStudio - 134
  511. cppgraphqlgen - 134
  512. IIS.WebManager - 134
  513. Windows-appsample-trafficapp - 134
  514. hyperspace - 133
  515. acceleratoRs - 133
  516. Windows-appsample-coloringbook - 133
  517. uf2-samdx1 - 132
  518. AADConnectConfigDocumenter - 132
  519. PowerBI-visuals-tools - 132
  520. xbox-live-unity-plugin - 131
  521. Cognitive-LUIS-Windows - 131
  522. TVHelpers - 131
  523. vso-agent - 131
  524. Windows-Sandbox-Utilities - 130
  525. PowerPlatformConnectors - 130
  526. Microsoft-Rocket-Video-Analytics-Platform - 129
  527. Application-Insights-Workbooks - 129
  528. L4 - 129
  529. BingMapsRESTToolkit - 129
  530. fluentui-android - 128
  531. qsharp-runtime - 128
  532. SmartHotel360-Backend - 128
  533. vscode-mock-debug - 128
  534. extendvs - 128
  535. language-server-protocol-inspector - 127
  536. MRLightingTools-Unity - 126
  537. D3D12TranslationLayer - 125
  538. FishStore - 125
  539. TailwindTraders-Website - 125
  540. frameworkcontroller - 124
  541. appcenter-build-scripts-examples - 124
  542. Cognitive-Vision-Android - 124
  543. VS-Macros - 124
  544. edge-diagnostics-adapter - 124
  545. vscode-css-languageservice - 123
  546. Availability-Monitor-for-Kafka - 123
  547. CsWinRT - 122
  548. aksworkshop - 122
  549. vscode-remote-try-node - 122
  550. fhir-server-samples - 122
  551. LUIS-Samples - 122
  552. constrained-graph-variational-autoencoder - 121
  553. snca.pytorch - 120
  554. PointerSQL - 120
  555. Windows-appsample-photo-editor - 117
  556. ManagedEsent - 117
  557. Snip-Insights - 116
  558. OpenType-SVG-Font-Editor - 116
  559. Range-V3-VS2015 - 116
  560. vscode-atom-keybindings - 116
  561. CoCosNet - 115
  562. RdpGamepad - 115
  563. AIVisualProvision - 115
  564. distributed_skipgram_mixture - 115
  565. vscode-extension-vscode - 115
  566. MS-SNSD - 114
  567. VanArsdel - 114
  568. kafka-proxy-ws - 114
  569. AzureMonitorCommunity - 112
  570. MPNet - 112
  571. ReverseDSC - 112
  572. BluetoothLEExplorer - 112
  573. BikeSharing360_Websites - 112
  574. winmd-rs - 111
  575. Microsoft-MPI - 111
  576. MCW-Big-data-and-visualization - 111
  577. WingtipTicketsSaaS-DbPerTenant - 111
  578. vcperf - 110
  579. 2D-TAN - 110
  580. graph-based-code-modelling - 110
  581. vsts-work-item-migrator - 110
  582. bobsql - 110
  583. vscode-mono-debug - 110
  584. vss-web-extension-sdk - 110
  585. ApplicationInsights-Python - 110
  586. Elevation - 109
  587. petridishnn - 107
  588. CanadianBuildingFootprints - 106
  589. MixedReality-SpectatorView - 105
  590. Picnic - 104
  591. Cognitive-LUIS-Python - 103
  592. Azure_Kinect_ROS_Driver - 102
  593. Cognitive-Emotion-Android - 102
  594. macaw - 101

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Microsoft: Microsoft People (Bill Gates), Microsoft Criticism (), Big Tech. (navbar_microsoft - see also navbar_bigtech, navbar_propaganda)

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