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brew install ghc


Homebrew on macOS

brew search ghc

=⇒ Formulae

ghc ghc@8.6 ghcup ghq ghz grc shc ghc@8.10 ghc@8.8 gh ✔ ghi ghr gcc ✔

=⇒ Casks


If you meant “ghc” specifically:

It was migrated from homebrew/cask to homebrew/core.

iMac ~ % brew install ghc

=⇒ Downloading

=⇒ Downloading

=⇒ Downloading from

=⇒ Pouring ghc–9.2.4.monterey.bottle.tar.gz

=⇒ /usr/local/Cellar/ghc/9.2.4/bin/ghc-pkg recache

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/ghc/9.2.4: 7,752 files, 1.5GB

=⇒ Running `brew cleanup ghc`…

Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.

Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).

iMac ~ % ghc --version

The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 9.2.4

iMac ~ % ghc --help


   ghc [command-line-options-and-input-files]

To compile and link a complete Haskell program, run the compiler like so:

   ghc Main

where the module Main is in a file named Main.hs (or Main.lhs) in the current directory. The other modules in the program will be located and compiled automatically, and the linked program will be placed in the file `Main' (or `Main.exe' on Windows).

Alternatively, ghc can be used to compile files individually. Each input file is guided through (some of the) possible phases of a compilation:

   - unlit:	extract code from a "literate program"
   - hscpp:	run code through the C pre-processor (if -cpp flag given)
   - hsc:	run the Haskell compiler proper
   - gcc:	run the C compiler (if compiling via C)
   - as:	run the assembler
   - ld:	run the linker

For each input file, the phase to START with is determined by the file's suffix:

   - .lhs	literate Haskell		 unlit
   - .hs	plain Haskell			 ghc
   - .hc	C from the Haskell compiler	 gcc
   - .c	C not from the Haskell compiler  gcc
   - .s	assembly language		 as
   - other	passed directly to the linker	 ld

The phase at which to STOP processing is determined by a command-line option:

   -E		stop after generating preprocessed, de-litted Haskell

	     (used in conjunction with -cpp)
  -C		stop after generating C (.hc output)
  -S		stop after generating assembler (.s output)
  -c		stop after generating object files (.o output)

Other commonly-used options are:

   -v[n]	    Control verbosity (n is 0--5, normal verbosity level is 1,

              -v alone is equivalent to -v3)

   -O		    An `optimising' package of compiler flags, for faster code
   -prof	    Compile for cost-centre profiling

	     (add -fprof-auto for automagic cost-centres on all
	      top-level functions)

   -H14m	    Increase compiler's heap size (might make compilation

	    faster, especially on large source files).

   -M              Output Makefile rules recording the

	    dependencies of a list of Haskell files.

Given the above, here are some TYPICAL invocations of ghc:

   # compile a Haskell module to a .o file, optimising:
   % ghc -c -O Foo.hs
   # link three .o files into an executable called "test":
   % ghc -o test Foo.o Bar.o Baz.o
   # compile a Haskell module to C (a .hc file), using a bigger heap:
   % ghc -C -H16m Foo.hs
   # compile Haskell-produced C (.hc) to assembly language:
   % ghc -S Foo.hc

The User's Guide has more information about GHC's *many* options. An online copy can be found here:

If you *really* want to see every option, then you can pass '–show-options' to the compiler.


Haskell: Haskell Fundamentals, Haskell Inventor - Haskell Language Designer: Lennart Augustsson, Paul Hudak, John Hughes, Simon Peyton Jones, John Launchbury, Erik Meijer, Philip Wadler in 1990 (see Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture (FPCA 1987); Haskell keywords, Haskell data structures - Haskell algorithms, Haskell syntax, Haskell OOP, Haskell compiler (ghc - Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System), Haskell installation (brew install ghc, choco install ghc) Haskell IDEs, Haskell development tools, Haskell DevOps - Haskell SRE - Haskell CI/CD, Cloud Native Haskell - Haskell Microservices - Serverless Haskell, Haskell Security - Haskell DevSecOps, Haskell and databases, Haskell data science - Haskell DataOps, Haskell machine learning - Haskell DL, Haskell deep learning, Functional Haskell, Haskell concurrency - Haskell parallel programming - Async Haskell, Haskell and scientific computing, Haskell history, Haskell bibliography, Haskell courses, Haskell glossary, Haskell topics, Haskell courses, Haskell Standard Library, Haskell libraries, Haskell frameworks, Haskell scientific computing, Haskell research, Haskell GitHub, Written in Haskell, Haskell popularity, Haskell Awesome list, Haskell topics, Haskell Versions (navbar_haskell - see also navbar_haskell_standard_library, navbar_haskell_libraries, navbar_haskell_reserved_words, navbar_haskell_functional, navbar_haskell_concurrency)

Homebrew: Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book Homebrew Chapter, Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, Homebrew Glossary, Homebrew Fundamentals, Homebrew Inventor - Homebrew Designer: Mike McQuaid, Brew DevOps - Homebrew on macOS - macOS DevOps - MacOps, Homebrew on Linux - Linux DevOps - LinuxOps, Homebrew Automation, Idempotent, Refreshenv, Homebrew Topics, macOS Package Managers, Package managers, macOS Configuration Management, PowerShell on macOS Ansible on macOS, Chef on macOS, Puppet on macOS (navbar_brew - see also navbar_choco, navbar_package_manager)

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