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brew install k3sup

Return to k3sup, K3S, K3S Installation, brew install, Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, choco install k3s

bootstrap K3s over SSH in < 60s πŸš€

k3sup is a light-weight K8S utility to get from zero to KUBECONFIG with k3s on any local VM or remote VM. All you need is ssh access and the k3sup binary to get kubectl access immediately.

The K8S tool is written in Go and is cross-compiled for Linux, Windows, macOS and even on Raspberry Pi.

How do you say it? Ketchup, as in tomato.

What's this for? πŸ’» This tool uses ssh to install k3s to a remote Linux host. You can also use it to join existing Linux hosts into a k3s cluster as agents. First, k3s is installed using the utility script from Rancher, along with a flag for your host's public IP so that TLS works properly. The kubeconfig file on the server is then fetched and updated so that you can connect from your laptop using kubectl.

You may wonder why a tool like this needs to exist when you can do this sort of thing with bash.

k3sup was developed to automate what can be a very manual and confusing process for many developers, who are already short on time. Once you've provisioned a VM with your favourite tooling, k3sup means you are only 60 seconds away from running kubectl get pods on your own computer. If you are a local computer, you can bypass SSH with k3sup install –local



Homebrew on macOS

brew install k3sup

Running `brew update –auto-update`…

=β‡’ Auto-updated Homebrew!

Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).

You have 1 outdated formula installed.

You can upgrade it with brew upgrade or list it with brew outdated.

=β‡’ Downloading

=β‡’ Downloading

=β‡’ Pouring k3sup–0.12.10.monterey.bottle.tar.gz

=β‡’ Caveats

zsh completions have been installed to:


=β‡’ Summary

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/k3sup/0.12.10: 8 files, 5.5MB

=β‡’ Running `brew cleanup k3sup`…

Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.

Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).

k3sup –help Usage:

 k3sup [flags]
 k3sup [command]


 # Install k3s on a server with embedded etcd
 k3sup install \
   --cluster \
   --host $SERVER_1 \
   --user $SERVER_1_USER \
   --k3s-channel stable
 # Join a second server
 k3sup join \
   --server \
   --host $SERVER_2 \
   --user $SERVER_2_USER \
   --server-host $SERVER_1 \
   --server-user $SERVER_1_USER \
   --k3s-channel stable
 # Join an agent to the cluster
 k3sup join \
   --host $SERVER_1 \
   --user $SERVER_1_USER \
   --k3s-channel stable

🐳 k3sup needs your support:

Available Commands:

 completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
 help        Help about any command
 install     Install k3s on a server via SSH
 join        Install the k3s agent on a remote host and join it to an existing server
 ready       Check if a cluster is ready using kubectl.
 update      Print update instructions
 version     Print the version


 -h, --help   help for k3sup

Use β€œk3sup [command] –help” for more information about a command. bowman@a4ra8pa2ch7an6ad9hi ~ % >….

 # Join a second server
 k3sup join \
   --server \
   --host $SERVER_2 \
   --user $SERVER_2_USER \
   --server-host $SERVER_1 \
   --server-user $SERVER_1_USER \
   --k3s-channel stable
 # Join an agent to the cluster
 k3sup join \
   --host $SERVER_1 \
   --user $SERVER_1_USER \
   --k3s-channel stable

🐳 k3sup needs your support:

Available Commands:

 completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
 help        Help about any command
 install     Install k3s on a server via SSH
 join        Install the k3s agent on a remote host and join it to an existing server
 ready       Check if a cluster is ready using kubectl.
 update      Print update instructions
 version     Print the version


 -h, --help   help for k3sup


Homebrew: Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book Homebrew Chapter, Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, Homebrew Glossary, Homebrew Fundamentals, Homebrew Inventor - Homebrew Designer: Mike McQuaid, Brew DevOps - Homebrew on macOS - macOS DevOps - MacOps, Homebrew on Linux - Linux DevOps - LinuxOps, Homebrew Automation, Idempotent, Refreshenv, Homebrew Topics, macOS Package Managers, Package managers, macOS Configuration Management, PowerShell on macOS Ansible on macOS, Chef on macOS, Puppet on macOS (navbar_brew - see also navbar_choco, navbar_package_manager)

See navbar_k8s

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brew_install_k3sup.txt Β· Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:46 by

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