
Cloud Monk's Book Purchases

Why Invest in So Many Books?

Question: Why did the Cloud Monk invest (actually purchase) in so many books over the last 8 years?

Answer: To complete the equivalent of a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science with full time self study via extensive daily reading and hands-on practice from 2016 until 2024 (8 years).

On Study and Practice: “If you practice, but don't study, it is blind. If you study, but don't practice, it is sterile.” – Buddhist Tien Tai Master Zhi Yi

You must integrate gnosis and praxis - knowledge and practice to bring about wisdom.

Older Books

2023 Book Purchases

2022 Book Purchases

Cloud Monk's Book Purchases in 2022

Book Title, Followed by Date Book Purchased, followed by Book Keywords - Book Topics

  1. Rootkits - Subverting the Windows Kernel by Hoglund, Greg, Butler, Jamie, Addison-Wesley Professional

2021 Book Purchases

BE SURE TO ADD ALL of the MANNING MEAP and other Books including, eBay and Packt Pub purchasing directly from Packt in 2016-2017

Cloud Monk's Book Purchases in 2021

  1. Little Pine - musings of a heretic a year of poems [[2015-16 (Kindle Books) by Moore, James A.]]; Book Purchased on January 7, 2021
  2. The Heart of It - Select Poems - 1979-[[2015 (Kindle Books) by Moore, James A.]]; Book Purchased on January 7, 2021

2020 Book Purchases

Cloud Monk's Book Purchases in 2020

Pivotal Certified Professional Core Spring 5 Developer Exam - A Study Guide Using Spring Framework 5 by Cosmina, Iuliana]]; Book Purchased on February 8, 2020

2019 Book Purchases

Cloud Monk's Book Purchases in 2019

2018 Book Purchases

Cloud Monk's Book Purchases in 2018

2017 Book Purchases

Cloud Monk's Book Purchases in 2017

  1. Mastering Skype for Business [[2015 (Kindle Books) by Hanna, Keith]]; Book Purchased on September 1, 2016
  2. Microservices with Docker on Microsoft Azure, Publisher: Addison-Wesley (Kindle Books) by Scholl, Boris, Swanson, Trent, Fernandez, Daniel]]; Book Purchased on August 31, 2016

2015 Book Purchases

Cloud Monk's Book Purchases in [[2015

]]; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015 Transcending Time - An Explanation of the Kalachakra Six-Session Guruyoga An Explanation of the Kalacakra Six-session Guru Yoga by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lamrimpa, Gen, Wallace, B. Alan

]]; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015 Vajrayogini Sadhana and Commentary by Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey

]]; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015 Tantra - The Foundation of Buddhist Thought, Volume 6 The Foundation of Buddhist Thought by Tsering, Geshe Tashi, McDougall, Gordon, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Thubten, Publisher: Wisdom Publications; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015

Sublime Path to Kechara Paradise - Vajrayogini's Eleven Yogas of Generation Stage Practice As Revealed by Glorious Naropa Vasrayoyini's Eleven Yogas of Generation Stage Practice as Revealed by the Glorious Naropa by Tharchin, Sermey Geshe Lobsang

]]; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015 Meditation on Vajrabhairava by Sharpa Tulku

]]; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015

An Offering Cloud of Nectar - A Compilation of Mind Training by Coghlan, Ian, Zarpani, Voula, Rinpoche, H. E. Choden

]]; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015 Stairway to the State of Union - A Collection of Teachings on Secret Mantra by Coghlan, Ian, Zarpani, Voula, Rinpoche, H. E. Choden

]]; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015 Hundreds of Deities of Tusita by Rinpoche, H. E. Choden, Ian Coghlan

]]; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015

]]; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015

]]; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015

]]; Book Purchased on September 11, 2015

You Are The Eyes Of The World by Longchenpa, Lipman, Kennard, Peterson, Merrill

]]; Book Purchased on April 23, 2015 The Supreme Source - The Fundamental Tantra Of Dzogchen Semde Kunjed Gyalpo The Fundamental Tantra of the Dzogchen Semde, Kunjed Gyalpo by Namkhai Norbu, Chogyal, Clemente, Andriano

]]; Book Purchased on March 31, 2015

Bibliography of Cloud Native SRE-DevOps-DevSecOps Azure-AWS-GCP-IBM Containers-Docker-Kubernetes-FaaS-PaaS Serverless

Bibliography: Books, De-DRM (Calibre and Anna's Archive Shadow Library), Publishers and Publications, (ISBN), Amazon (ASIN), Apple Books-Kindle-eBooks. (navbar_bibliography - see also navbar_shadow_library, navbar_propaganda)

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cloud_monk_s_book_purchases.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/28 15:46 by

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