
Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)

Cloud Native Computing Foundation: CNCF Projects, Cloud Native Frameworks, Cloud Native DevOps - Cloud Native SRE - Cloud Native CI/CD, Cloud Native Security - Cloud Native DevSecOps - Falco, Cloud Native Kubernetes, Cloud Native Containerization, Cloud Native Docker, Cloud Native Service Mesh, Cloud Native Microservices, Cloud Native AWS - Cloud Native AWS - Cloud Native GCP - Cloud Native IBM Cloud - Cloud Native Mainframe, Cloud Native Mobile (Cloud Native Android, Cloud Native iOS), Cloud Native Programming Languages ( Cloud Native C# .NET - Cloud Native Azure, Cloud Native Golang, Cloud Native Java - Cloud Native Spring - Cloud Native Quarkus, Cloud Native JavaScript - Cloud Native React, Cloud Native Kotlin, Cloud Native Python - Cloud Native Django - Cloud Native Flask, Cloud Native Rust, Cloud Native Swift, Cloud Native TypeScript - Cloud Native Angular; Cloud Native Linux, Cloud Native Windows, Cloud Native Message Brokers, Cloud Native Kafka, Cloud Native Functional Programming, Cloud Native Concurrency, Cloud Native Data Science - Cloud Native Databases, Cloud Native Machine Learning, Cloud Native Bibliography, Manning Cloud Native Series, Cloud Native Courses, Cloud Native Glossary - Glossaire de Cloud Native - French, Awesome Cloud Native, Cloud Native GitHub, Cloud Native Topics. (navbar_cncf - see also navbar_cloud_native_languages, navbar_k8s)

Snippet from Wikipedia: Cloud Native Computing Foundation

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is a Linux Foundation project that was started in 2015 to help advance container technology and align the tech industry around its evolution.

It was announced alongside Kubernetes 1.0, an open source container cluster manager, which was contributed to the Linux Foundation by Google as a seed technology. Founding members include Google, CoreOS, Mesosphere, Red Hat, Twitter, Huawei, Intel, RX-M, Cisco, IBM, Docker, Univa, and VMware. Today, CNCF is supported by over 450 members. In order to establish qualified representatives of the technologies governed by the CNCF, a program was announced at the inaugural CloudNativeDay in Toronto in August, 2016.

Dan Kohn (who also helped launch the Core Infrastructure Initiative) led CNCF as executive director until May 2020. The foundation announced Priyanka Sharma, director of Cloud Native Alliances at GitLab, would step into a general manager role in his place. Sharma describes CNCF as "a very impactful organization built by a small group of people but [within] a very large ecosystem" and believes that CNCF is entering into a "second wave" due to increased industry awareness and adoption.

In August 2018 Google announced that it was handing over operational control of Kubernetes to the community. Since its creation, CNCF has launched a number of hosted sub-projects.

In January 2020, the CNCF annual report for the previous year was issued and reflected significant growth to the foundation across membership, event attendance, training, and industry investment. In 2019, CNCF grew by 50% since the previous year with 173 new members and nearly 90% growth in end-users. The report revealed a 78% increase in the usage of Kubernetes in production.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation


Who we are


Technical oversight committee

Governing board


Annual Report 2021





Services for projects

CNCF Graduated & incubating projects

Sandbox projects

Archived projects

Cloud Native trail map

Cloud Native landscape

End user tech radar

Project journey reports

Project tools

Cloud Native Credits

Continuous integration

Graduation criteria

Website guidelines

Community infrastructure lab

Copyright notices


Software conformance

(Certified Kubernetes)


Kubernetes Training Partners (KTP)

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)

Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP)

Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)


End user community


Online programs

End user case studies


Job board


KubeWeekly newsletter

Cloud Native community groups

Phippy and friends

Cloud Native Glossary


Mailing lists



Blog & news



Media coverage


Media resources

Brand guidelines

Project logos




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Graduated and incubating projects


View on the CNCF landscape containerd (accepted to CNCF on March 29, 2017) Container Runtime CoreDNS (accepted to CNCF on February 27, 2017) Coordination & Service Discovery Envoy (accepted to CNCF on September 13, 2017) Service Proxy etcd (accepted to CNCF on December 11, 2018) Coordination & Service Discovery Fluentd (accepted to CNCF on November 8, 2016) Logging Harbor (accepted to CNCF on July 31, 2018) Container Registry Helm (accepted to CNCF on January 18, 2016) Application Definition & Image Build Jaeger (accepted to CNCF on September 13, 2017) Tracing Kubernetes (accepted to CNCF on March 16, 2016) Scheduling & Orchestration Linkerd (accepted to CNCF on January 23, 2017) Service Mesh Open Policy Agent (OPA) (accepted to CNCF on March 29, 2018) Security & Compliance Prometheus (accepted to CNCF on May 9, 2016) Monitoring Rook (accepted to CNCF on January 29, 2018) Cloud Native Storage The Update Framework (TUF) (accepted to CNCF on October 24, 2017) Security & Compliance TiKV (accepted to CNCF on August 28, 2018) Database Vitess (accepted to CNCF on February 5, 2018) Database Incubating View on the CNCF landscape Argo (accepted to CNCF on April 7, 2020) Continuous Integration & Delivery Buildpacks (accepted to CNCF on October 3, 2018) Application Definition & Image Build Cilium Cloud Native Network CloudEvents (accepted to CNCF on May 22, 2018) Streaming & Messaging Container Network Interface (CNI) (accepted to CNCF on May 23, 2017) Cloud Native Network Contour (accepted to CNCF on July 7, 2020) Service Proxy Cortex (accepted to CNCF on September 20, 2018) Monitoring CRI-O (accepted to CNCF on April 8, 2019) Container Runtime Crossplane (accepted to CNCF on June 23, 2020) Scheduling & Orchestration Dapr (accepted to CNCF on November 3, 2021) Framework Dragonfly (accepted to CNCF on November 15, 2018) Container Registry Emissary-Ingress (accepted to CNCF on March 26, 2021) API Gateway Falco (accepted to CNCF on October 10, 2018) Security & Compliance Flagger Continuous Integration & Delivery Flux (accepted to CNCF on July 15, 2019) Continuous Integration & Delivery gRPC (accepted to CNCF on February 16, 2017) Remote Procedure Call Keda (accepted to CNCF on March 9, 2020) Installable Platform KubeEdge (accepted to CNCF on March 18, 2019) Automation & Configuration Litmus (accepted to CNCF on June 23, 2020) Chaos Engineering Longhorn (accepted to CNCF on October 11, 2019) Cloud Native Storage NATS (accepted to CNCF on March 15, 2018) Streaming & Messaging Notary (accepted to CNCF on October 24, 2017) Security & Compliance OpenTelemetry (accepted to CNCF on May 17, 2019) Tracing Operator Framework (accepted to CNCF on July 9, 2020) Application Definition & Image Build SPIFFE (accepted to CNCF on March 29, 2018) Key Management SPIRE (accepted to CNCF on March 29, 2018) Key Management Thanos (accepted to CNCF on July 20, 2019) Monitoring Maturity levels CNCF projects have a maturity level of sandbox, incubating, or graduated, which corresponds to the Innovators, Early Adopters, and Early Majority tiers of the Crossing the Chasm diagram. The maturity level is a signal by CNCF as to what sorts of enterprises should be adopting different projects. Projects increase their maturity by demonstrating their sustainability to CNCF’s Technical Oversight Committee: that they have adoption, a healthy rate of changes, and committers from multiple organizations; have adopted the CNCF Code of Conduct; and have achieved and maintained the Core Infrastructure Initiative Best Practices Badge. Full details are in the Graduation Criteria v1.1.

View the project proposal process.

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