
COBOL for the 21st Century Acknowledgments

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“ (Cbl21stC 2006)


Our special thanks to (1) the following individuals at John Wiley & Sons: Beth Lang Golub, Executive Editor; Susan Elbe, Publisher; Ann Berlin, Vice President of Production and Manufacturing; Lorraina Raccuia, Assistant Editor; (2) Shelley Flannery, Copy Editor and Proofreader; (3) Ed Burke and Lorraine Burke of Studio 25N for project management; and (4) Carol L. Eisen for her invaluable assistance in the preparation of the manuscript.

We thank the following reviewers and survey respondents for their many helpful suggestions: Anthony Basilico, Community College of Rhode Island; Alfred Benoit, Johnson & Wales University; Joel Bernstein, DePaul University; Raymond Daniel, University of Central Oklahoma; Ann Fruhling, University of Nebraska–Omaha; Malcolm J. W. Gibson, Devry University; Trudy M. Gift, Hagerstown Community College; John Grznar, University of Texas–Arlington; Cynthia Jenson, Jacksonville State University; Denise S. Leete, Pennsylvania College of Technology; Robert Lieb, Texas Tech University; Ronald Lemos, California State, LA; Michael James Payne, Purdue University; Cynthia Riemenschneider, University of Arkansas; Loren K. Rhodes, Juniata College; Carl Slemmer, Frostburg State University; Peter H. W. van der Goes, Rose State College; Vernon A. Vollertsen, University of Central Oklahoma; Ken Weiss, Baldwin Wallace; Charles R. Woratschek, Robert Morris University; Ronald Zucker, University of North Florida.

A special word of thanks to Hofstra University for giving us the opportunity to experiment with some new ideas and techniques, and to our students, whose interesting and insightful questions helped us improve our pedagogic approach.

The following acknowledgment is reproduced from COBOL Edition, U.S. Department of Defense, at the request of the Conference on Data Systems Languages.

“Any organization interested in reproducing the COBOL report and specifications in whole or in part, using ideas taken from this report as the basis for an instruction manual or for any other purpose is free to do so. However, all such organizations are requested to reproduce this section as part of the introduction to the document. Those using a short passage, as in a book review, are requested to mention 'COBOL' in acknowledgment of the source, but need not quote this entire section.

COBOL is an industry language and is not the property of any company or group of companies, or of any organization or group of organizations.

“No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by any contributor or by the COBOL Committee as to the accuracy and functioning of the programming system and language. Moreover, no responsibility is assumed by any contributor or by the committee, in connection therewith.

Procedures have been established for the maintenance of COBOL. Inquiries concerning the procedures for proposing changes should be directed to the Executive Committee of the Conference on Data Systems Languages.

“The authors and copyright holders of the copyrighted material used herein

FLOW-MATIC (Trademark of Sperry Rand Corporation), Programming for the Univac (R) I and II, Data Automation Systems copyrighted 1958, 1959, by Sperry Rand Corporation; IBM Commercial Translator Form No. F28-8013, copyrighted 1959 by IBM; FACT, DSI 27A5260-2760, copyrighted 1960 by Minneapolis-Honeywell

have specifically authorized the use of this material in whole or in part, in the COBOL specifications. Such authorization extends to the reproduction and use of COBOL specifications in programming manuals or similar publications.”

N. S., R. A. S., J. P. L.

Fair Use Sources

COBOL: Effective IBM Enterprise COBOL, Object-Oriented Programming for COBOL - Object-Oriented COBOL, COBOL Best Practices, COBOL FAQ, COBOL Standards (ISO COBOL-2023 - ISO/IEC 1989-2023 Standard), IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Deprecated / Defunct Micro Focus Visual COBOL - Visual COBOL - Managed COBOL from Micro Focus (JVM COBOL and .NET COBOL), COBOL Fundamentals, COBOL Inventor - COBOL Language Designer: 1959 by Howard Bromberg, Norman Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E. Sammet, William Selden, Gertrude Tierney, with indirect influence from Grace Hopper, CODASYL, ANSI COBOL, ISO/IEC COBOL; Modern COBOL - Legacy COBOL, IBM COBOL, COBOL keywords, COBOL data structures - COBOL algorithms, COBOL syntax, Visual COBOL, COBOL on Windows, COBOL on Linux, COBOL on UNIX, COBOL on macOS, Mainframe COBOL, IBM i COBOL, IBM Mainframe DevOps, COBOL Paradigms (Imperative COBOL, Procedural COBOL, Object-Oriented COBOL - COBOL OOP, Functional COBOL), COBOL syntax, COBOL installation, COBOL containerization, COBOL configuration, COBOL compilers, COBOL IDEs, COBOL development tools, COBOL DevOps - COBOL SRE, COBOL data science - COBOL DataOps, COBOL machine learning, COBOL deep learning, COBOL concurrency, COBOL history, COBOL bibliography, COBOL Glossary - Glossaire de COBOL - French, COBOL topics, COBOL courses, COBOL Standard Library, COBOL libraries, COBOL frameworks, COBOL research, Grace Hopper, COBOL GitHub, Written in COBOL, COBOL popularity, COBOL Awesome list, COBOL Versions. (navbar_cobol - see also navbar_mainframe, navbar_fortran)

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