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Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime) is an open-source, portable, event-driven runtime designed to simplify the development of resilient, microservice applications across cloud and edge environments. It offers a set of building blocks, or APIs, that abstract away common complexities in distributed systems, empowering developers to focus on their application logic rather than infrastructure concerns.

Key Features

  • **Service-to-Service Invocation:** Dapr simplifies communication between services through its service invocation building block. It provides features like service discovery, retries, and circuit breaking to ensure reliable communication and handle failures gracefully.
  • **State Management:** The state management building block offers a consistent API to interact with various state stores, such as Redis, Azure Cosmos DB, and PostgreSQL. It provides features like optimistic concurrency control and eventual consistency for managing stateful data in a distributed environment.
  • **Publish and Subscribe:** Dapr's pub/sub building block enables asynchronous communication between services using a publish-subscribe pattern. It supports various pub/sub brokers like RabbitMQ, Kafka, and Azure Service Bus, facilitating event-driven architectures.
  • **Bindings:** Bindings allow applications to interact with external systems and resources, such as message queues, databases, or cloud services, through a unified interface.
  • **Actors:** The actor model provides a way to build stateful, concurrent, and distributed applications using virtual actors that communicate via asynchronous messages.
  • **Observability:** Dapr automatically instruments your applications with metrics, logs, and traces, enabling you to gain insights into the behavior and performance of your microservices.
  • **Secrets Management:** It provides a secure way to manage and access secrets from various secret stores like Kubernetes Secrets, Azure Key Vault, and HashiCorp Vault.


  • **Simplified Development:** Dapr abstracts away the complexities of building distributed applications, allowing developers to focus on their application logic and reducing the need for boilerplate code.
  • **Portability:** Dapr's platform-agnostic nature enables you to run your applications on different cloud providers or on-premises environments without major modifications.
  • **Resilience:** Built-in features like retries, timeouts, and circuit breaking enhance the resilience of your applications, making them more tolerant to failures.
  • **Observability:** Dapr's automatic instrumentation provides valuable insights into the behavior and performance of your microservices.
  • **Security:** Dapr incorporates security best practices like mTLS encryption and access control to protect your applications and data.

Code Examples

1. **Service Invocation (Python):**

```python import requests

response =

   json={"data": "Hello, world!"}
) ```

2. **State Management (Node.js):**

```javascript const dapr = require(“@dapr/dapr”);

const client = new dapr.DaprClient(process.env.DAPR_HTTP_PORT || 3500, process.env.DAPR_GRPC_PORT || 50001);

await“my-state-store”, [

   key: "my-key",
   value: "my-value",
]); ```

3. **Publish/Subscribe (Go):**

```go package main

import (

dapr ""


func main() {

// Create a Dapr client
client, err := dapr.NewClient()
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("failed to create Dapr client: %v", err)
defer client.Close()
// Publish an event
if err := client.PublishEvent(context.Background(), "my-pub-sub", "my-topic", []byte("hello")); err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("failed to publish event: %v", err)

} ```

These examples demonstrate how to use Dapr building blocks for service invocation, state management, and publish/subscribe messaging in different programming languages.

Additional Resources

dapr.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/26 12:53 by

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