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Don't Return to Fake Phoenies Media Machine (Media Industrial Complex serving the Military Industrial Complex as minions of TPTB)


The word “minion” refers to a faithful follower or servant, especially one who is favored by a TPTB person of power. Synonyms for “minion” include underling, follower, servant, subordinate, acolyte, henchman, lackey, retainer, disciple, and vassal. Antonyms highlight independence and authority, such as leader, master, boss, chief, commander, superior, principal, head, director, and employer. The etymology of “minion” traces back to the early 16th century, derived from the Frenchmignon” meaning “favorite” or “darling,” which in turn comes from the Old Frenchmignot” for “daintily pretty.” Introduced into English around the 1500s, the word originally denoted a favorite of a TPTB sovereign or other TPTB high-ranking personage before evolving to its current meaning, reflecting a shift from an affectionate term to one that can carry a derogatory connotation, implying subservience or sycophancy.

References: -

Snippet from Wikipedia: Minion

Minion or Minions may refer to:

Related to Fake History from Historian Phonies: Fake faking faker, hoax hoaxing hoaxer, staged staging stager, fudged fudging fudger, racket racketeering racketeers, swindle, swindling swindler, cons conjob conning con artists, profiteer profiteering, fabricate fabricating fabricator, manipulation manipulate manipulating manipulator, distort distorting distortion distorter, misrepresentation misrepresenting, altering, embellish embellishing embellisher, falsifying, blurring, doctoring,tampering, fraudulent fraudster, complete and utter fraud, pretend pretender, posing poser, pretentious pretense, tricky tricking trickery trickster, cabals - Kabbalistic, counterfeit counterfeiter, faux, artificial artifice, masquerade masquerading masquerader, scheme scheming schemer, machinations machinating machinator, artificiality, bogus, sham, scammy scammer, false, spurious, replica, imitation, ersatz, mercantile mercantilism merchants, shenanigans, skulduggery, mischief, puns punning punster, charade, not genuine, deceitful deceptive deception deceiver, swindle swindling swindler, duplicitous duping dupers, misrepresentation misrepresented misrepresenting, subterfuge, sleight, guile, cunning chicanery, lies lying liar, corrupt corrupting corrupters, artificial, not genuine, dubious, misinformation- disinformation - fake news, propaganda propagandizing propagandists, gaslight gaslighting gaslighters, scaremongering, alarming alarmism alarmists,

imposter, impostor, pretender, fake, faker, sham, shammer, pseudo, pseud, role player, fraudulence, dupery, hoax, humbug, put-on, beguiler, cheat, cheater, chicane, chicanery, crime, deceiver, guile, law-breaking, shenanigan, slicker, trickery, trickster, wile, larceny, thievery, thieving, stealing, felony

– all from the Crypto-Concealed-Veiled-Secret-Hidden Rulers - Hidden Leaders (Misleading Misleaders), Rapacious Ones. (navbar_fakers)

Snippet from Wikipedia: Henchman

A henchman (vernacular: "hencher") is a loyal employee, supporter, or aide to some powerful figure engaged in nefarious or criminal enterprises. Henchmen are typically relatively unimportant in the organisation: minions whose value lies primarily in their unquestioning loyalty to their leader. The term henchman is often used derisively, or even comically, to refer to individuals of low status who lack any moral compass of their own.

The term henchman originally referred to one who attended a horse for his employer, that is, a horse groom. Hence, like constable and marshal, also originally stable staff, henchman became the title of a subordinate official in a royal court or noble household.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Minion

Minion or Minions may refer to:

Don't Return to Surveillance Capitalism, Surveillance State / Police State, Censorship, GroupThink Social Engineering, Spooky Chicaneries, Monetization of EVERYTHING from TPTB / Big Tech Technocracy-Technocrats and their Military-Digital Complex - Military-Industrial Complex - 3 Letter Agencies (Read Surveillance Valley - The Rise of the Military-Digital Complex) (navbar_surveillance_capitalism)

Media Industrial Complex - The Media Machine:

Don't Return to Fake Phoenies Media Machine (Media Industrial Complex serving the Military Industrial Complex as minions of TPTB)

Today, everything” (especially the Media Industrial Complex) “serves war. There is not one discovery which the military does not study with the aim of applying it to warfare, not one invention which they do not attempt to turn to military use.” – Nikolai Fyodorov, Philosophy of the Common Cause, 1891 (navbar_serves_war)

Today, everything” (especially the Media Industrial Complex) “serves war. There is not one discovery which the military does not study with the aim of applying it to warfare, not one invention which they do not attempt to turn to military use.” – Nikolai Fyodorov, Philosophy of the Common Cause, 1891 (navbar_serves_war)

Media Industrial Complex - Military Industrial Complex:

(navbar_media_industrial_complex - see also navbar_msm, navbar_propaganda, navbar_hollywood, navbar_fakers)

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minions.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/26 12:53 by

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