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Fair Use Source: Rst0tPrd 2022


“When you read these lines, Rust has achieved its biggest goal: make an offer to programmers to write their production systems in a different language. By the end of the book, it is still your choice to follow that path, but you have all you need to consider the offer. I’ve been part of the growth process of two widely different languages: Ruby and Rust - by programming them, but also by running events, being part of their project management and running business around them. Through that, I had the privilege of being in touch with many of the creators of those languages and consider some of them friends. Rust has been my one chance in life to see and help a language grow from the experimental stage to adoption in the industry.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“I’ll let you in on a secret I learned along the way: programming languages are not adopted because of a feature checklist. It’s a complex interplay between good technology, the ability to speak about it and finding enough people willing to take long bets. When I write these lines, over 5000 people have contributed to the Rust project, often for free, in their spare time - because they believe in that bet. But you don’t have to contribute to the compiler or be recorded in a git log to contribute to Rust. Luca’s book is such a contribution: it gives newcomers a perspective on Rust and promotes the good work of those many people.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“Rust was never intended to be a research platform - it was always meant as a programming language solving real, tangible issues in large codebases. It is no surprise that it comes out of an organization that maintains a very large and complex codebase - Mozilla, creators of Firefox. When I joined Rust, it was just ambition - but the ambition was to industrialize research to make the software of tomorrow better. With all of its theoretical concepts, linear typing, region based memory management, the programming language was always meant for everyone. This reflects in its lingo: Rust uses accessible names like “Ownership” and “Borrowing” for the concepts I just mentioned. Rust is an industry language, through and through.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“And that reflects in its proponents: I’ve known Luca for years as a community member who knows a ton about Rust. But his deeper interest lies in convincing people that Rust is worth a try by addressing their needs. The title and structure of this book reflects one of the core values of Rust: to find its worth in writing production software that is solid and works. Rust shows its strength in the care and knowledge that went into it to write stable software productively. Such an experience is best found with a guide and Luca is one of the best guides you can find around Rust.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

“Rust doesn’t solve all of your problems, but it has made an effort to eliminate whole categories of mistakes. There’s the view out there that safety features in languages are there because of the incompetence of programmers. I don’t subscribe to this view. Emily Dunham, captured it well in her RustConf 2017 keynote: “safe code allows you to take better risks”. Much of the magic of the Rust community lies in this positive view of its users: whether you are a newcomer or an experienced developer, we trust your experience and your decision-making. In this book, Luca offers a lot of new knowledge that can be applied even outside of Rust, well explained in the context of daily software praxis. I wish you a great time reading, learning and contemplating.” (Rst0tPrd 2022)

Florian Gilcher,

Management Director of Ferrous Systems and

Co-Founder of the Rust Foundation

Fair Use Sources

Rust: Rust Fundamentals, Rust Inventor: Rust Language Designer: Graydon Hoare on July 7, 2010; Rust RFCs, Rust Scripting, Rust Keywords, Rust Built-In Data Types, Rust Data Structures - Rust Algorithms, Rust Syntax, Rust OOP - Rust Design Patterns, Rust Package Manager ( - Rust Crates - Rust Cargo), Rust Virtualization, Rust Interpreter, Rust REPL, Rust IDEs (JetBrains RustRover, IntelliJ - CLion with JetBrains Rust Plugins, Visual Studio Code), Rust Development Tools, Rust Linter, Rustaceans-Rust User, Rust Uses, List of Rust Software, Rust Popularity, Rust Compiler (rustc), Rust Transpiler, Rust DevOps - Rust SRE, Rust Data Science - Rust DataOps, Rust Machine Learning, Rust Deep Learning, Functional Rust, Rust Concurrency - Rust Parallel Programming - Async Rust, Rust Standard Library, Rust Testing, Rust Libraries, Rust Frameworks, Rust History, Rust Bibliography, Manning Rust Series, Rust Glossary - Rust Official Glossary, Rust Topics, Rust Courses, Rust Research, Rust GitHub, Written in Rust, Rust Awesome List. (navbar_rust)

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