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Anger (Skt. pratigha; Tib. ཁོང་ཁྲོ་, kong tro; Wyl. khong khro) — one of the root destructive emotions and one of the fifty-one mental states defined in Abhidharma literature. According to the Compendium of Abhidharma, it belongs to the subgroup of the six root destructive emotions.


In the Khenjuk, Mipham Rinpoche says:


The word 'anger' translates several Tibetan terms, including khongtro (Wyl. khong khro) and shyédang (Wyl. zhe sdang). His Holiness the Dalai Lama has advised that the latter term should be translated as hatred, because the word anger can sometimes, in rare circumstances, be seen as positive, whereas hatred like shyédang can never be positive. However, when it appears in the context of tantra, he says, it should be translated as anger.

Alternative Translations


Oral Teachings on Overcoming Anger Given by [[Sogyal Rinpoche]]

Further Reading

Category of Buddhist Key Terms Category of Destructive Emotions Category of Six root disturbing emotions Category of Fifty-one mental states