Table of Contents
Fifty-one mental states or factors (Skt. ekapañcāśaccaitasika; Tib. སེམས་བྱུང་ལྔ་བཅུ་རྩ་གཅིག་, semjung ngabchu tsachik, Wyl. sems byung lnga bcu rtsa gcig) — although there are many possible mental states (sem jung), the higher Abhidharma teachings speak of fifty-one, which are held to be particularly important.
[[Five ever-present mental states]] | [[Five ever-present factors]]
[[Five object-determining mental states]] | [[Five object-determining factors]]
[[Eleven virtuous states]]
[[Six root destructive emotions]]
When the last state of beliefs or 'views' is divided into the five wrong views
<noinclude>Six root destructive emotions (Skt. mūlakleśa; Tib. རྩ་ཉོན་དྲུག་, tsa nyön druk, Wyl. rtsa nyon drug) — the six fundamental destructive emotions, from among the fifty-one mental states:
</noinclude>#Ignorance (Skt. avidyā; Tib. མ་རིག་པ་)
Alternative Translations
- six root defilements (Padmakara Translation Group)
- six root afflictions (David Karma Choepel)
- six primary dissonant mental states (Gyurme Dorje)
Category of Destructive Emotions Category of Six root disturbing emotions | start Category of Abhidharma Category of Fifty-one mental states Category of Enumerations Category of 06-Six</noinclude>
[[Twenty subsidiary destructive emotions]]
<noinclude>Twenty subsidiary destructive emotions (Skt. upakleśa; Tib. ཉེ་ཉོན་ཉི་ཤུ་, Wyl. nye nyon nyi shu) from the fifty-one mental states:
</noinclude>#Rage (Skt. krodha; Tib. ཁྲོ་བ་, Wyl. khro ba)
- Resentment (Skt. upanāha; Tib. འཁོན་དུ་འཛིན་པ་, Wyl. ‘khon du ‘dzin pa)
- Spitefulness (Skt. pradāśa; Tib. འཚིག་པ་, Wyl. ‘tshig pa)
- Cruelty (Skt. vihiṃsā; Tib. རྣམ་པར་འཚེ་བ་, Wyl. rnam par ‘tshe ba)
- Pretension (Skt. māyā; Tib. སྒྱུ་, Wyl. sgyu)
- Lack of shame (Skt. āhrīkya; Tib. ངོ་ཚ་མེད་པ་, Wyl. ngo tsha med pa)
- Disregard (Skt. anapatatrāpya; Tib. ཁྲེལ་མེད་པ་, Wyl. khrel med pa)
- Concealment (Skt. mrakśa; Tib. འཆབ་པ་, Wyl. ‘chab pa)
- Miserliness (Skt. mātsarya; Tib. སེར་སྣ་, Wyl. ser sna)
- Self-satisfaction (Skt. mada; Tib. རྒྱགས་པ་, Wyl. rgyags pa)
- Lack of faith (Skt. āśraddhya; Tib. མ་དད་པ་, Wyl. ma dad pa)
- Carelessness (Skt. pramāda; Tib. བག་མེད་པ་, Wyl. bag med pa)
- Forgetfulness (Skt. muṣitasmṛtitā; Tib. བརྗེད་ངས་, Wyl. brjed ngas)
- Inattention (Skt. asaṃprajanya; Tib. ཤེས་བཞིན་མིན་པ་, Wyl. shes bzhin min pa)
- Excitement (Skt. auddhatya; Tib. རྒོད་པ་, Wyl. rgod pa)
- Distraction (Skt. vikṣepa; Tib. རྣམ་པར་གཡེང་བ་, Wyl. rnam par g.yeng ba)<noinclude>
Alternative Translations
- Twenty lesser defilements (Padmakara)
- Subsidiary dissonant mental states (Gyurme Dorje)
- Subsidiary afflictions (Tony Duff)
Category of Abhidharma Category of Twenty subsidiary destructive emotions | start Category of Fifty-one mental states Category of Destructive Emotions Category of Enumerations Category of 20s-Twenties</noinclude>
[[Four variables]]
Further Reading
- Herbert V. Guenther & Leslie S. Kawamura, Mind in Buddhist Psychology: A Translation of Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan's “The Necklace of Clear Understanding”, (Dharma Publishing, 1975)