| frame | [[Sogyal Rinpoche and Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche during an empowerment]] Empowerment (Skt. abhiṣeka or abhisiddhi<ref>Tsele Natsok Rangdrol, Empowerment and the Path of Liberation (Hong Kong: Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 1993), page 17.</ref>; Tib. དབང་, Wyl. dbang, wang) or granting an empowerment (Skt. abhiṣiñca; Tib. དབང་བསྐུར་བ་, Wyl. dbang bskur ba)<ref>Philippe Cornu, Dictionnaire encyclopédique du bouddhisme (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2001), page 29</ref> refers to the Vajrayana ritual which awakens the special capacity for primordial wisdom (Tib. yeshe) to arise in the mind of the disciple.<ref>Mipham Rinpoche, Essence of Clear Light, si khron mi rigs dpe sprun khang, p.501.</ref> It is called 'empowerment' because when we receive it, we are empowered to follow a particular spiritual practice, and so come to master its realization.<ref>Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Guru Yoga (Ithaca: Snow Lion, 1999), page 63.</ref> It is said: :In the Secret Mantra Vehicle, there can be no accomplishment without empowerment, :For that would be like a boatman without oars. And also: :Without empowerment there's no accomplishment; :You can't get oil from pressing sand.<ref>Patrul Rinpoche, The Words of My Perfect Teacher (Boston: Shambhala, Revised edition, 1998), page 332.</ref>
Empowerments can only be granted by qualified vajra masters and requires for the students receiving them to maintain the specific vajrayana precepts (Skt. samaya), on the basis of the taking refuge | refuge and bodhisattva vow | bodhisattva vows. (See Two Causes & Four Conditions for further details.)
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche reminds us of the real meaning of 'empowerment': :“The most common description of abhisheka is that it is a transfer of power during a ceremony to give recipients the authorization to hear, study and practise the teachings of the vajrayana; we therefore “receive an empowerment.” But the problem is that receiving an empowerment suggests someone is giving us a power we previously lacked[…], and is a long way away from the true spirit of tantric initiation. During an initiation we are introduced to an aspect of ourselves that already exists within us but that we have yet to recognize, and it is the activation of this recognition that we call 'empowerment' or 'initiation'. This is the real meaning of abhisheka.”<ref>Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, Not for Happiness (Boston & London: Shambhala, 2012), page 192.</ref>
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche writes: :“Abhisheka is a Sanskrit term, and its two fundamental meanings have been translated into Tibetan as torwa and lugpa. Torwa is usually translated as “dismantling” and refers to the cocoon of ignorance in which we are wrapped and that needs to be dismantled; and lugpa is translated as “pouring”—as in “pouring blessings”—and more obliquely, as “discovering our buddhanature.””<ref>Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, op. cit., p.192</ref>
Tsele Natsok Rangdrol explains the etymological definition of empowerment in the following way: :“Formerly your body, speech and mind followed deluded habitual tendencies and possessed no independent power. The method that now provides you with natural authority over the indivisible state of the four kayas is called 'empowerment'.”<ref>Tsele Natsok Rangdrol, op. cit., page 17.</ref>
Empowerment is to ripen or mature our buddha nature. Even though all beings possess the buddha nature, without receiving empowerment it is not possible to receive blessings and accomplishments through a particular practice, just as it will never be possible to get oil by pressing sand.<ref>reference needed for sentence.</ref>
His Holiness the Dalai Lama says: :“When an empowerment is conferred on you, it is the nature of your mind—the buddha nature—that provides a basis upon which the empowerment can ripen you. Through the empowerment, you are empowered into the essence of the five buddha families | buddhas of the five families. In particular, you are ‘ripened’ within that particular family through which it is your personal predisposition to attain buddhahood.”<ref>source?</ref>
In addition, to these aspects, Patrul Rinpoche adds that empowerments:
According to Khenpo Ngakchung:<ref>Khenpo Ngawang Pelzang, A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher (Boston & London: Shambhala, 2004), page 277.</ref> :“In general there are three types of empowerment:
:The ground empowerment is so called because when the nature of mind, sugatagarbha, is realized, this constitutes the “empowerment” of nirvana, and when it is not realized, this constitutes the “empowerment” of the three worlds of samsara. This nature is actually what is to be matured in the ground empowerment of the path empowerment . :The path empowerment is divided into three: ground, path, and result:
:The result empowerment: In the very instant following the result empowerment of the path, one gains mastery of the wisdom of omniscience and has authority over everything in samsara and nirvana.”
When other sources refer to ground, path and fruition empowerments, they most usually refer to what Khenpo Ngakchung presents as the ground empowerment of the path empowerment, the path empowerment of the path empowerment, and the result empowerment of the path empowerment.
In this context, Patrul Rinpoche explains that:<ref>Patrul Rinpoche, op. cit., page 332.</ref>
And Tulku Thondup says that:<ref>Tulku Thondup, Enlightened Journey (Boston: Shambala, 1995), page 113.</ref>
According to the inner tantras, there are four empowerments | four levels or stages within any ground empowerment of the path empowerment:
Two causes and four conditions are necessary for an empowerment to fully take place:
Many great masters have bestowed the most important empowerments needed for our practice upon the About Rigpa | Rigpa sangha over the years, in particular, Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche in 1987 and 1990, Kyabjé Penor Rinpoche in 1988 and 1995, Kyabjé Dodrupchen Rinpoche in 1999, Kyabjé Trulshik Rinpoche in 1999, 2003, and 2005, and Yangthang Rinpoche in 2012 and 2013.
For the complete list of empowerments given to the Rigpa Sangha, see the 'Empowerments Given to the Rigpa Sangha' page.