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Jealousy (Skt. īrṣyā; Tib. ཕྲག་དོག་, trakdok, Wyl. phrag dog) — one of the five poisons | five main destructive emotions. It is a combination of attachment and aggression.

Jealousy is also counted as one of the fifty-one mental states defined in Abhidharma literature and belongs to the subgroup of the twenty subsidiary destructive emotions, according to the Compendium of Abhidharma.


In the Khenjuk, Mipham Rinpoche says:

Alternative Translations

Teachings on How to Overcome Jealousy Given to the [[About Rigpa]] | [[Rigpa]] Sangha

Category of Destructive Emotions Category of Abhidharma Category of Fifty-one mental states Category of Twenty subsidiary destructive emotions