Laziness (Skt. kauśīdya; Tib. ལེ་ལོ་, Wyl. le lo) — one of the fifty-one mental states defined in Abhidharma literature. According to the Compendium of Abhidharma, it belongs to the subgroup of the twenty subsidiary destructive emotions. It is also one of the five faults, because it prevents us from even beginning the practice of meditation and prevents diligence. It is of three kinds of laziness | three kinds.
In the Khenjuk, Mipham Rinpoche says:
The Bodhicharyavatara (VII, 3) mentions three causes of laziness:
Patrul Rinpoche says: :Spurred on by the hook of impermanence, you can overcome the laziness of inactivity. The laziness of attachment to negative behaviour can be overcome by thinking about the joys of the sacred Dharma. The laziness of self-discouragement can be overcome by encouraging yourself and bolstering your self-confidence.
Category of Buddhist Key Terms Category of Meditation Category of Five faults Category of Abhidharma Category of Fifty-one mental states Category of Destructive Emotions Category of Twenty subsidiary destructive emotions