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React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, especially for single-page applications. Developed by Facebook (now Meta), React was first released in 2013. It focuses on component-based architecture, virtual DOM, and declarative UI development. Below is a detailed version history of React.js, highlighting key features and changes introduced in each major release.
React 18 introduced several new features and performance optimizations, focusing on concurrent rendering and better server-side rendering (SSR).
Official documentation:
React 17 was focused on making React more resilient to future changes and improving the upgrade path, without introducing breaking changes or new features.
Official documentation:
React 16.8 was a significant release that introduced React Hooks, which revolutionized the way developers wrote functional components by providing state and lifecycle features in functional components.
Official documentation:
React 16, also known as React Fiber, introduced a complete rewrite of the underlying rendering engine, optimizing performance and enabling future advancements.
Official documentation:
React 15 was focused on improving performance, particularly for server-side rendering, and making the rendering process more consistent.
Official documentation:
React 14 introduced the ReactDOM library, which decoupled the rendering of React components from React itself, paving the way for React Native and other platforms.
Official documentation:
React 0.14 laid the foundation for separating React components from the underlying DOM manipulation.
Official documentation:
React 0.13 brought enhancements to the component lifecycle and a major update to how components were defined, making it easier to create complex, reusable components.
Official documentation:
React 0.12 focused on improving the API for defining components and added tools for making UI development more declarative.
Official documentation:
React 0.11 improved the performance of rendering complex UIs and laid the groundwork for future improvements in virtual DOM diffing.
Official documentation:
React 0.10 continued to refine the component architecture and improve performance, especially for mobile and web applications with heavy interaction.
Official documentation:
React 0.9 was focused on simplifying the API for developers, improving component composition, and laying the groundwork for more complex applications.
Official documentation:
React 0.8 focused on improving performance, stability, and debugging, making it more suitable for production use in large-scale applications.
Official documentation:
React 0.7 introduced key optimizations and new features to enhance both developer experience and the performance of web applications.
Official documentation:
React 0.6 introduced improvements to the rendering pipeline and enabled more declarative, component-based UIs.
Official documentation:
React 0.5 focused on improving the developer experience by refining the API and providing better error reporting.
Official documentation:
React 0.4 was a pivotal release, introducing JSX syntax for writing component templates within JavaScript, marking a significant shift in how UI development was approached.
Official documentation:
React 0.3 was the early release of React and introduced the fundamental ideas of declarative components and a virtual DOM for rendering performance.
Official documentation:
Since its initial release in 2013, React.js has become one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. With its core focus on a declarative, component-based architecture and virtual DOM for efficient rendering, React has evolved significantly through its version history. From the introduction of React Hooks in React 16.8 to concurrent rendering in React 18, each major release has focused on improving performance, developer experience, and the ability to build complex, scalable applications. Today, React is a cornerstone of modern web development and continues to grow as it adapts to new technologies and programming paradigms.
React.js version historyCloud Monk is Retired ( for now). Buddha with you. © 2025 and Beginningless Time - Present Moment - Three Times: The Buddhas or Fair Use. Disclaimers
React Library, React Component, React JSX, React Props, React State, React Hook, React Functional Component, React useState Hook, React useEffect Hook, React useContext Hook, React useReducer Hook, React useRef Hook, React useMemo Hook, React useCallback Hook, React useLayoutEffect Hook, React useImperativeHandle Hook, React useDebugValue Hook, React useTransition Hook, React useDeferredValue Hook, React Suspense, React StrictMode, React Fragment, React Profiler, React Memo, React Lazy, React Error Boundary, React Context API, React createContext Function, React Children API, React Render Prop, React Higher-Order Component (HOC), React Reconciliation, React Virtual DOM, React Fiber Architecture, React Concurrent Mode (Experimental), React Concurrent Features, React Server Components (Experimental), React Server-Side Rendering (SSR), React Hydration, React Streaming Server Rendering, React Concurrent Rendering, React Automatic Batching, React Transition, React Cache (Experimental), React SuspenseList (Experimental), React Strict Effects Mode (Proposed), React Offscreen Component (Experimental), React Selective Hydration, React createElement Function, React cloneElement Function, React createRef Function, React forwardRef Function, React startTransition Function, React flushSync Function, React createRoot Function, React hydrateRoot Function, React Client-Side Rendering, React DOM API, React DOM Client, React DOM Server, React DOM createPortal, React DOM flushSync, React DOM hydrate, React DOM render (Legacy), React DOM unmountComponentAtNode (Legacy), React DOM createRoot, React DOM hydrateRoot, React Legacy Mode, React Legacy Root, React Strict Effects (Proposed), React Profiling Mode, React DevTools, React DevTools Profiler, React DevTools Components Panel, React DevTools Hooks Panel, React DevTools Fiber Tree, React DevTools Trace Updates, React DevTools Bridge, React Developer Experience, React Refresh (Fast Refresh), React Hot Reloading, React Code Splitting, React Lazy Loading Components, React Suspense for Data Fetching (Experimental), React Resource (Experimental), React Cache Boundaries (Experimental), React Inline Suspense (Proposed), React Suspense SSR, React Progressive Hydration, React useSyncExternalStore Hook, React useId Hook, React useInsertionEffect Hook, React Strict Effects Phase (Proposed), React Snapshot Testing Integration, React Concurrent Suspense, React Priority Updates, React Scheduler (Internal), React Scheduler.postTask (Proposed), React Flight (Experimental), React Flight Server Renderer, React Flight Client Renderer, React Suspense Boundary, React Suspense Fallback, React Suspense DelayMs, React Transition API, React Transition Start, React Transition Suspense, React Interaction Tracing, React Lazy Component, React Lazy Loading Boundary, React Code Splitting with Suspense, React Lazy Initializer, React Hook Rules, React Hook Linting, React Hook Dependency Array, React Cleanup Function, React Effect Dependencies, React State Immutable Update, React Shallow Rendering (Legacy Testing), React Test Renderer, React Test Utils, React act Utility, React Experimental Channel, React Concurrent Features Flag, React Unstable APIs, React Fiber Node, React Fiber Lane, React Fiber Scheduler, React Fiber Root, React Update Lane, React Lane Prioritization, React Lane Model, React Priority Levels, React Transition Lane, React Render Lane, React Idle Lane, React Batched Updates, React Legacy Mode Warnings, React StrictMode Double Invocation, React Error Logging, React Error Boundaries Lifecycle, React getDerivedStateFromError, React componentDidCatch, React Error Reset Boundaries, React Command Pattern (Experimental), React Architecture, React Synthetic Events, React DOM Events Handling, React SyntheticEvent Object, React Event Pooling (Legacy), React onClick Prop, React onChange Prop, React onSubmit Prop, React onLoad Prop, React Controlled Component, React Uncontrolled Component, React Controlled Input, React Controlled Select, React Controlled Textarea, React Refs, React callback Ref, React createRef API, React forwardRef Integration, React Imperative Handle, React StrictMode Warnings, React StrictMode Lifecycles, React Concurrent UI, React Suspense for Code Splitting, React Suspense for Images (Proposals), React Suspense for CSS (Proposals), React Suspense Resource Cache, React Data Fetching Pattern, React Relay Integration (Experimental), React GraphQL Integration Patterns, React Redux Integration Patterns, React Router Integration Patterns, React Suspense in Next.js Integration, React Suspense in Gatsby Integration, React Suspense in Remix Integration, React Suspense in RSC (React Server Components), React RSC Boundaries, React RSC Modules, React RSC use, React RSC Streaming, React RSC Flight Protocol, React Babel JSX Transform, React createElement JSX, React JSX Transform (Automatic), React JSX Runtime, React JSX Dev Runtime, React JSX Factories, React JSX Fragments, React Keys, React Refs and DOM, React Portal, React Portal Target, React Portal Boundary, React Portal Fiber, React Portal Event Bubbling, React Error Overlay (Development), React Warnings in StrictMode, React Deopt Warnings, React Deferred Updates, React Offscreen Component, React Offscreen API, React Offscreen Suspense, React Offscreen for Layout Shifts, React SuspenseList API, React SuspenseList revealOrder, React SuspenseList tail, React Concurrent Navigation (Experimental), React Transition Start API, React Transition Updates, React Transition Priority, React Transition Abort, React Hydration Warnings, React Hydration Mismatch, React Hydration Recovery, React Streaming Rendering, React Partial Hydration, React Progressive Enhancement, React Progressive Disclosure, React Relay Suspense Integration, React useMutableSource (Deprecated), React useSyncExternalStore (Stable), React useSyncExternalStore Shim, React Layout Effects, React userBlocking Updates, React Discrete Updates, React Continuous Updates, React Deferred Updates, React Idle Updates, React Lane Mapping, React Lane Switching, React Lane Splitting, React Lane Deduplication, React Lane Synchronization, React Lane Suspense Boundaries, React Lane Scheduling Priority, React Transition Lane API, React DevTools Profiler API, React DevTools Scheduling Profiler, React DevTools Flame Chart, React DevTools Ranked Chart, React DevTools Fiber Inspector, React DevTools Suspense Inspector, React DevTools Bridge Protocol, React DevTools Backend, React DevTools Frontend, React DevTools Redux Integration, React DevTools Apollo Integration, React DevTools Relay Integration, React Profiler API, React Interaction Trace, React Scheduling Profiler Import, React Scheduling Profiler Export, React Scheduling Profiler Marks, React Scheduling Profiler Lane Filtering, React Scheduling Profiler Suspense Events, React Scheduling Profiler Render Durations, React Scheduling Profiler CPU Profile, React Create React App Integration, React Babel Plugin Transform React JSX, React Babel Plugin Transform React DisplayName, React Babel Plugin Transform React Inline Elements, React Babel Plugin Transform React Remove PropTypes, React Babel Plugin Transform React Constant Elements, React Code Mods, React Deprecation Codemods, React Refresh Integration, React Fast Refresh API, React Fast Refresh Overlay, React Fast Refresh Boundaries, React Fast Refresh Error Recovery, React Hooks ESLint Rules, React Hooks Exhaustive Deps Rule, React Hooks Lint Warnings, React Hooks Stable Identity, React Hooks Pure Calculation, React Hooks Memoization, React Hooks Cleanup Function, React Hooks Dependencies Array Best Practices, React Hooks State Initialization, React Hooks State Merging, React Hooks State Immuntability, React Hooks as State Machine, React Hooks with Suspense Integration, React Hooks with Relay Integration, React Hooks with GraphQL Integration, React Hooks with Router Integration, React Hooks with Redux Integration, React Hooks Testing, React Testing Library Integration, React Testing Library act, React Testing Library render, React Testing Library screen, React Testing Library queries, React Testing Library userEvent, React Testing Library mock Components, React Testing Library Suspense Testing, React Testing Library Hook Testing, React Testing Library Context Testing, React Test Renderer create, React Test Renderer act, React Test Renderer toJSON, React Test Renderer update, React Test Renderer unmount, React Test Renderer fiberTree, React Shallow Renderer (Legacy), React Shallow Renderer getRenderOutput, React Shallow Renderer Simulate, React Shallow Renderer legacy lifecycles, React Legacy Lifecycles, React componentDidMount, React componentDidUpdate, React componentWillUnmount, React getDerivedStateFromProps, React getSnapshotBeforeUpdate, React UNSAFE_componentWillMount (Deprecated), React UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps (Deprecated), React UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate (Deprecated), React PureComponent, React shouldComponentUpdate, React static getDerivedStateFromError, React unstable_batchedUpdates, React unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer (Legacy), React SyntheticEvent System, React SyntheticEvent persist, React SyntheticEvent preventDefault, React SyntheticEvent stopPropagation, React SyntheticEvent nativeEvent, React SyntheticEvent currentTarget, React SyntheticEvent target, React SyntheticEvent type, React SyntheticEvent bubbles, React SyntheticEvent cancelable, React SyntheticEvent defaultPrevented, React SyntheticEvent eventPhase, React SyntheticEvent isTrusted, React SyntheticEvent timeStamp, React SyntheticEvent isPropagationStopped, React SyntheticEvent isDefaultPrevented, React SyntheticMouseEvent, React SyntheticKeyboardEvent, React SyntheticFocusEvent, React SyntheticDragEvent, React SyntheticTouchEvent, React SyntheticPointerEvent, React SyntheticWheelEvent, React SyntheticClipboardEvent, React SyntheticCompositionEvent, React SyntheticInputEvent, React SyntheticUIEvent, React SyntheticAnimationEvent, React SyntheticTransitionEvent, React SyntheticMediaEvent, React SyntheticMutationEvent (Non-Standard), React Portal Implementation, React Portal Fiber Node, React Portal Container, React Portal Event Handling, React Portal Reconciliation, React SSR createNodeStream (Legacy), React SSR renderToString, React SSR renderToStaticMarkup, React SSR renderToPipeableStream, React SSR renderToReadableStream (Experimental), React SSR Suspense Support, React SSR Streaming Support, React SSR Streaming Suspense Boundary, React SSR Progressive Enhancement, React SSR Data Hydration, React SSR Error Handling, React SSR On-the-fly Code Splitting, React SSR Lazy Components, React SSR Suspense Waterfall, React SSR Suspense Boundary Splitting, React SSR Resource Preloading, React SSR Asset Hints, React SSR Logging, React SSR Performance, React SSR Security Considerations, React SSR Markup Checksum, React SSR Container Diffing, React SSR Node.js Streams Integration, React SSR Web Streams Integration (Experimental), React SSR Edge Runtime Integration, React Suspense Waterfall Model, React Suspense Concurrent Rendering, React Suspense Data Fetcher, React Suspense with GraphQL, React Suspense with Relay Hooks, React Suspense with SWR (React Hooks Library), React Suspense with React Query, React Suspense with Apollo Client, React Suspense Error Boundaries, React Suspense Lazy Initialization, React Suspense Priority Lanes, React Suspense Back Pressure, React Suspense Streaming Server Protocol, React Suspense Resource Normalization, React Suspense Resource Batching, React Suspense Cache Invalidation, React Suspense Cache Revalidation, React Suspense Integrations with Router, React Suspense Integrations with Next.js, React Suspense Integrations with Remix, React Suspense Integrations with Gatsby, React Suspense Integrations with RSC Protocol, React Suspense and Offscreen, React Suspense and Transitions, React Suspense with Parallel Routes, React Suspense with Segment-based Loading, React Suspense with Prefetching, React Suspense with Idle Callback, React Suspense and Priority Inversion, React Suspense Debugging Tools, React Suspense Profiler Events, React Suspense and DevTools Timeline, React Suspense and Error Logging, React Suspense and Error Recovery, React Suspense and Hydration Warnings, React Suspense and Progressive Enhancement, React Suspense and Partial Rendering, React Suspense and Incremental Rendering, React Suspense and View Streaming, React Suspense and Progressive Disclosure, React Suspense and Data Streaming, React Suspense and Lazy Routes, React Suspense and Data Routers, React Suspense and Code Routers, React Suspense and Boundary Splitting, React Suspense and Nested Boundaries, React Suspense and Race Conditions, React Suspense and Memory Management, React Suspense and CPU Scheduling, React Suspense and GPU Scheduling (Conceptual), React Suspense and Lane Mapping, React Suspense and SSR Lanes, React Suspense and Offscreen Priority, React Suspense and Back Pressure Signals, React Suspense and Partial Hydration Signals, React Suspense and Streaming Markers, React Suspense and Eager Dependencies, React Suspense and Lazy Dependencies, React Suspense and Render Abort, React Suspense and Transition Abort, React Suspense and Refresh Boundaries, React Suspense and Bridge Protocols, React Suspense and Flight Protocol, React Suspense and Resource Hints, React Suspense and Preload Hints, React Suspense and Preconnect Hints, React Suspense and DNS Prefetch Hints, React Suspense and Named Suspense Boundaries, React Suspense and SuspenseList revealOrder, React Suspense and SuspenseList tail, React Suspense and Suspense Fallback Delays, React Suspense and Soft Navigation, React Suspense and Hard Navigation, React Suspense and Suspense as Data API (Proposed), React Suspense and Graph APIs (Conceptual), React Suspense and Data Source Integration, React Suspense and Render Cache, React Suspense and Asset Loading, React Suspense and CSS Streaming, React Suspense and Font Loading, React Suspense and Image Loading, React Suspense and Prefetch Policies, React Suspense and Preload Policies, React Suspense and Intersection Observers (Conceptual), React Suspense and Partial Offscreen, React Suspense and Staged Rendering, React Suspense and Progressive Decoding, React Suspense and Prioritized Scheduling, React Suspense and Performance Budgets, React Suspense and DevTools Scheduler Panel, React Suspense and Telemetry Hooks, React Suspense and Experimental Channels, React Suspense and Internal Hooks, React Suspense and Asset Cache, React Suspense and Resource Cleanup, React Suspense and GC Hooks, React Suspense and Leak Detection, React Suspense and Lane Tracing, React Suspense and Lane Profiling, React Suspense and Lane Priority Inversion, React Suspense and Lane Deduplication, React Suspense and Lane Synchronization, React Suspense and Lane Scheduling Priority, React Suspense and Transition Lane APIs, React Suspense and Offscreen Switch, React Suspense and Mode Switching, React Suspense and DevTools Experimental Panels, React Suspense and Testing Strategies, React Suspense and Act in Tests, React Suspense and Jest Integration, React Suspense and React Testing Library Integration, React Suspense and Shallow Renderer (Legacy), React Suspense and Test Renderer Integration, React Suspense and SSR Test Mocks, React Suspense and Flight Test Mocks, React Suspense and Relay Test Renderer, React Suspense and GraphQL Mocks, React Suspense and Data Mocking Strategies, React Suspense and Progressive Data Mocks, React Suspense and Legacy Mode Mocks, React Suspense and StrictMode Warnings, React Suspense and Strict Effects Warnings, React Suspense and Dev Warnings, React Suspense and Fiber Debugging, React Suspense and Fiber Tools, React Suspense and Fiber Commits, React Suspense and Partial Commits, React Suspense and Partial Flushes, React Suspense and Root-level Suspense Boundaries, React Suspense and Sibling Suspense Boundaries, React Suspense and Nested Suspense Boundaries, React Suspense and Batch Suspense Boundaries, React Suspense and Error Boundaries Combined, React Suspense and Error Re-try, React Suspense and Stale Data Removal, React Suspense and Data Revalidation, React Suspense and Eager Suspense Boundaries, React Suspense and Late Suspense Boundaries, React Suspense and Code Expiration, React Suspense and Data Expiration, React Suspense and Resource Expiration, React Suspense and Stale-While-Revalidate Patterns, React Suspense and Progressive Enhancement Patterns, React Suspense and Lazy Initialization Patterns, React Suspense and Data Hooks Integration, React Suspense and Custom Hooks for Data, React Suspense and useCacheFor Data (Conceptual), React Suspense and Transition API for Data, React Suspense and Preflight Requests, React Suspense and Early Hints Integration, React Suspense and link rel=preload, React Suspense and link rel=prefetch, React Suspense and link rel=preconnect, React Suspense and DNS Prefetching, React Suspense and partial hydration streaming, React Suspense and Byte-level Streaming
React.js: Effective React, React Best Practices, Web Development Best Practices, React.js Glossary - Glossaire de React.js - French, React.js Libraries (React Router, Redux, Material-UI, Next.js, Styled Components, Ant Design, React Spring, Formik, React Hook Form, MobX, Gatsby, Chakra UI, Emotion, Recharts, React Query, React Table, Framer Motion, React Virtualized, Redux-Saga, React Bootstrap, React Select, React DnD, Apollo Client, Reactstrap, Loadable Components, React Motion, Redux Thunk, React Joyride, React Final Form, React Tooltip, React Icons, Lodash, Axios, React Helmet, Moment.js, React Transition Group, React Testing Library, Enzyme, Draft.js, React Grid Layout, React Color, React Slick, Semantic UI React, Tailwind CSS, React Dropzone, React Datepicker, React Native Web, React Modal, React Drag and Drop, React Image Gallery); React Fundamentals, React Inventor - React Library Designer: Jordan Walke of Facebook (Meta) on May 29, 2013; React Architecture, React Keywords, React Data Structures - React Algorithms, Jamstack Syntax, React OOP - React Design Patterns, React Installation, Cloud Native React - React Containerization (React Deployment on Kubernetes, React Deployment on OpenShift, React Deployment on Docker, React Deployment on Podman), React Microservices, React Serverless (React on Azure Functions, React on OpenFaaS, React on AWS Lambda, React on Google Cloud Functions, React as a Service, React Configuration, React Development Tools: React CLI, React Compiler - Transpiling React, React CI/CD - React Build Pipeline, React IDEs (Visual Studio Code, React VSCode Extensions - JetBrains WebStorm), React Linters, React with Mobile: React Native - React with Android - React with iOS, React Development on Windows, React Development on macOS, React Development on Linux, React DevOps - React SRE, React with Data Science - React with DataOps, React with Machine Learning, React with Deep Learning, Functional React, React Concurrency - Async React - React with ReactJS, Full-Stack React, Cloud Monk's Favorite GitHub React Repos, React Hooks, React Redux, React Routing, React Animations, React Core / React Basics - React Fundamentals, React Advanced Concepts - React Advanced Topics, React Powerful, React Fast, React User-Friendly, React Reactive - React Reactive Web Apps, React Versions: React 19, React 18, React 17, React 16, React 15, React 14; React Modern, React User Interfaces, React Patterns - React Design Patterns - React Best Practices - React Code Smells, React.js Developer - React.js Development, React Components, React UIs, React Props, React Dynamic Data Binding, React User Events, React Hooks, React Fragments, React Portals, React Side-Effects, React Class-Based Components - React Functional Components, React Forms - React User Input, React with Redux - Redux Toolkit, React with TypeScript, React vs Angular, React vs Vue.js, React with Progressive Web Apps (PWA), React with WebAssembly, React with REST - React with GraphQL, React with Spring Boot - React with Quarkus, React with .NET, React with Django - React with Flask, React with Jamstack, React with Static Site Generators: Gatsby.js, Next.js, Netlify, Netlify CMS, React Jobs, React Projects, React History, React Bibliography - React Docs, React Glossary, React Topics, React Courses, React Security - React DevSecOps - Pentesting React, React "Standard Library", React Libraries, JavaScript Frameworks, React Research, React GitHub, Written in React, React Popularity, Awesome List.
(navbar_react.js - see also React CLI navbar_create-react-app, navbar_npx, navbar_jamstack and navbar_gatsby, navbar_angular, navbar_vue, navbar_spring, navbar_javascript_libraries, navbar_javascript, navbar_javascript_standard_library, navbar_typescript