create-react-app, npx create-react-app, yarn create react-app, create-react-app --template, create-react-app --use-npm, create-react-app --typescript, create-react-app --verbose, create-react-app --scripts-version, create-react-app --info, create-react-app --proxy, create-react-app --eslint, create-react-app --env, create-react-app --force, create-react-app --inspect, create-react-app --help, react-scripts, react-scripts start, react-scripts build, react-scripts test, react-scripts eject, react-scripts lint, react-scripts --version, react-scripts --watch, react-scripts --coverage, react-scripts --setup-tests, react-scripts --env=development, react-scripts --env=production, react-scripts --report, react-scripts --config-overrides, react-scripts --reset-cache, react-scripts --no-cache, react-scripts --quiet, react-scripts --verbose, react-scripts --inline-sourcemaps, react-scripts --output-path, react-scripts --skip-preflight-check, react-scripts --no-warnings, react-scripts --debug, react-scripts --profile, react-scripts --optimize, react-scripts --single-bundle, react-scripts --experimental, react-scripts --strict, react-scripts --max-old-space-size, public folder, src folder, index.html, index.js, App.js, App.css, App.test.js, logo.svg, serviceWorker.js, setupTests.js, package.json, node_modules folder, dependencies, devDependencies, npm start, npm build, npm test, npm eject, yarn start, yarn build, yarn test, yarn eject, proxy in package.json, homepage in package.json, scripts in package.json, dependencies in package.json, babel.config.js, webpack.config.js, webpackDevServer.config.js, jest.config.js, eslint.config.js, style.css, sass integration, scss integration, PostCSS integration, autoprefixer, tailwindcss integration, redux integration, react-router integration, dotenv integration, API proxying, proxy middleware, PWA setup, manifest.json, favicon.ico, precache manifest, sw.js, workbox, service worker, hot module reloading, Fast Refresh, tree shaking, code splitting, lazy loading, React.StrictMode, eslint rules, eslint-plugin-react, eslint-plugin-import, eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y, eslint-config-react-app, jest testing, jest matchers, jest mocks, enzyme testing, enzyme adapter, react-testing-library, react-hooks testing, coverage reports, source maps, webpack loaders, webpack plugins, CSS modules, CSS-in-JS, styled-components integration, emotion integration, asset optimization.
(navbar_react.js - see also React CLI navbar_create-react-app, navbar_npx, navbar_jamstack and navbar_gatsby, navbar_angular, navbar_vue, navbar_spring, navbar_javascript_libraries, navbar_javascript, navbar_javascript_standard_library, navbar_typescript, navbar_web_development_cli
create-react-app related ONLY: Give me a 300 term vocabulary list sorted by popularity in usage (by commonly used / frequency of use in codebases). That means 300 terms, not 300 words. DO NOT REPEAT YOURSELF. Acronyms related to create-react-app technology are allowed but they must be expanded. e.g. RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization). The terms should have to do ONLY with and SPECIFICALLY with create-react-app, CANNOT include generic operating system terms, generic IT terms, or computing terms. No definitions. Just the words. Each word should be surrounded by double brackets and separated by a comma and on the same lines. e.g. robots, robotics. Etc.