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To install the AIPService module, which is used to manage Azure Information Protection (AIP) in PowerShell, follow these steps:

  1. Step-by-Step Installation

1. **Open PowerShell as an Administrator**:

  - Search for [[PowerShell]] in the Start menu.
  - Right-click on [[Windows PowerShell]] or [[PowerShell]] and select "Run as administrator."

2. **Check PowerShell Version**:

  - Ensure you have a compatible version of [[PowerShell]] by running the following command:

3. **Install the AIPService Module**:

  - Use the `Install-Module` cmdlet to install the [[AIPService]] module from the [[PowerShell Gallery]]:
    Install-Module -Name AIPService

4. **Confirm Installation**:

  - You may be prompted to confirm the installation and trust the repository. Respond with `Y` or `A` to proceed.

5. **Import the Module**:

  - After installation, import the [[AIPService]] module into your current session to use its cmdlets:
    Import-Module AIPService

6. **Verify Installation**:

  - Confirm that the module is installed and loaded by listing the available cmdlets:
    Get-Command -Module AIPService

  1. Example Usage
  1. Connect to Azure Information Protection Service

Before you can manage AIP, you need to connect to the AIP service: ```powershell Connect-AipService ``` This command prompts you to enter your Azure credentials to authenticate.

  1. Example Cmdlets

- **Get-AipServiceConfiguration**: Retrieves the current configuration settings for the AIP service.


- **Set-AipServiceConfiguration**: Modifies the configuration settings for the AIP service.

 Set-AipServiceConfiguration -UsageLoggingEnabled $true

- **Get-AipServiceKeys**: Retrieves the protection keys used by the AIP service.


- **Add-AipServiceSuperUser**: Adds a user to the AIP super user group, allowing them to decrypt content protected by AIP.

 Add-AipServiceSuperUser -EmailAddress ""

  1. Updating the AIPService Module

To update the AIPService module to the latest version, use the `Update-Module` cmdlet: ```powershell Update-Module -Name AIPService ```

  1. Uninstalling the AIPService Module

If you need to uninstall the AIPService module, use the `Uninstall-Module` cmdlet: ```powershell Uninstall-Module -Name AIPService ```

The AIPService module provides powerful cmdlets for managing and configuring Azure Information Protection, enabling administrators to automate and streamline their AIP management tasks effectively.

aipservice.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/06 19:00 by

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