Table of Contents
Choco Cleaner
Chocolatey related ONLY: Give me a 100 term vocabulary list sorted by popularity in usage (by commonly used / frequency of use in codebases). That means 100 terms, not 100 words. DO NOT REPEAT YOURSELF. Acronyms related to Chocolatey technology are allowed but they must be expanded. e.g. RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization). The terms should have to do ONLY with and SPECIFICALLY with Chocolatey, CANNOT include generic operating system terms, generic IT terms, or computing terms. No definitions. Just the words. Each word should be surrounded by double brackets and separated by a comma and on the same lines. e.g. robots, robotics. Etc.
Chocolatey, choco command, choco install, choco uninstall, choco upgrade, choco update, choco search, choco list, choco pack, choco push, choco download, choco verify, choco config, choco feature, choco source, choco pin, choco unpin, choco export, choco import, choco outdated, choco clean, choco info, choco show, choco help, choco new, choco template, choco pack --build, choco push --force, choco uninstall --force, choco upgrade --all, choco upgrade --noop, choco install --yes, choco install --force, choco config list, choco config get, choco config set, choco config unset, choco config --global, choco config --local, choco feature enable, choco feature disable, choco feature list, choco source add, choco source remove, choco source enable, choco source disable, choco source update, choco source list, choco pin add, choco pin remove, choco pin list, choco export --file, choco import --file, choco outdated --ignore-pinned, choco outdated --all, choco outdated --version, choco clean --all, choco clean --cache, choco clean --temp, choco verify --force, choco verify --fix, choco verify --checksum, choco install --debug, choco upgrade --debug, choco pack --debug, choco push --debug, choco template --force, choco template create, choco template list, choco template install, choco template update, choco template remove, choco template show, choco search --exact, choco search --pre, choco list --local, choco list --include-programs, choco list --approved, choco list --not-approved, choco info --verbose, choco show --detailed, choco help --verbose, choco help --examples, choco new --name, choco new --template, choco pack --template, choco install --params, choco install --ignore-checksums, choco upgrade --params, choco upgrade --ignore-checksums, choco uninstall --params, choco uninstall --ignore-checksums, choco upgrade --skip-powershell.
Chocolatey Software Package Manager: Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book, Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, Chocolatey Glossary - Glossaire de Chocolatey - French, Chocolatey Fundamentals, Chocolatey Inventor - Chocolatey Designer: Rob Reynolds, Chocolatey DevOps - Chocolatey WinOps - WinOps, Chocolatey Tools (InstChoco, choco-package-list-backup and choco-cleaner by bcurran3), Boxstarter, Chocolatey Community Package Repository, Idempotent, Chocolatey install (InstChoco), Refreshenv, PowerShell on Windows, Package managers, Windows Package Managers, Windows Configuration Management - Windows Server Configuration Management, Ansible on Windows, Chef on Windows, Puppet on Windows, Debloat, choco-package-list-backup, Choco Cleaner, winget Windows Package Manager vs Chocolatey. (navbar_choco - see also navbar_brew, navbar_package_manager)
choco install choco-cleaner
Chocolatey v0.12.1
2 validations performed. 1 success(es), 1 warning(s), and 0 error(s).
Validation Warnings:
A pending system reboot request has been detected, however, this is being ignored due to the current Chocolatey configuration. If you want to halt when this occurs, then either set the global feature using:
- choco feature enable -name=exitOnRebootDetected
- or pass the option –exit-when-reboot-detected.
Installing the following packages:
By installing, you accept licenses for the packages.
Progress: Downloading choco-cleaner… 100%
choco-cleaner v0.0.8.4 [Approved]
choco-cleaner package files install completed. Performing other installation steps.
The package choco-cleaner wants to run 'chocolateyinstall.ps1'.
Note: If you don't run this script, the installation will fail.
Note: To confirm automatically next time, use '-y' or consider:
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
Do you want to run the script?([Y]es/[A]ll - yes to all/[N]o/[P]rint): y
Adding \ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\choco-cleaner.bat and pointing it to PowerShell command C:\tools\BCURRAN3\choco-cleaner.ps1
SUCCESS: The scheduled task “choco-cleaner” has successfully been created.
Folder: \
TaskName Next Run Time Status
choco-cleaner 2/13/2022 11:00:00 PM Ready
Now configured to run Choco-Cleaner at 11:00 PM every SUNDAY.
You can manually run Choco-Cleaner from the Command Prompt, Powershell, or the Windows Start Menu icon.
The install of choco-cleaner was successful.
Software install location not explicitly set, it could be in package or default install location of installer.
Chocolatey installed 1/1 packages.
See the Chocolatey log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log).
PS C:\Users\USERNAME> choco-cleaner
Choco-Cleaner.ps1 v0.0.8.4 (05/28/2021) - deletes unnecessary residual Chocolatey files to free up disk space
Copyleft 2017-2021 Bill Curran ( - free for personal and commercial use
Choco-Cleaner Summary:
- Deleting unnecessary Chocolatey _processed.txt (WTF?) file…
- Deleting 83 unnecessary Chocolatey .ignore files…
- Deleting 9 unnecessary Chocolatey .old files…
- Deleting 455 unnecessary Chocolatey cache files (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey)…
- NO unnecessary Chocolatey cache files (C:\Windows\temp\chocolatey) to delete.
- Deleting 238 unnecessary Nuget cache files…
- Deleting unnecessary Chocolatey config backup file…
- Deleting 6 unnecessary Chocolatey lib-bad package files…
- Deleting 5 unnecessary Chocolatey lib-bkp package files…
- Deleting 12 unnecessary Chocolatey package embedded archive files in toolsDir…
- Deleting unnecessary Chocolatey package embedded archives and executables in .nupkg files…
- Deleting 2 unnecessary Chocolatey package embedded Microsoft installers…
- Deleting 58 unnecessary Chocolatey package embedded various read me files…
- Deleted 5 unnecessary Chocolatey orphaned shim files.
Choco-Cleaner finished deleting unnecessary Chocolatey files and reclaimed ~ 8,738,816 KB! – 8.7 GB!!
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