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Cloud Resiliency

Cloud Resiliency Market Survey

Cloud Resiliency

List the competing alternatives in 1. AWS Resiliency, 2. Azure Resiliency, 3. GCP Resiliency, 4. IBM Cloud Resiliency, 6. IBM z Mainframe Resiliency, 7. Oracle Cloud Resiliency, 8. Kubernetes Resiliency, 9. VMWare Cloud Resiliency / Tanzu Resiliency, 10. Alibaba Cloud Resiliency, 11. DigitalOcean Resiliency, 12. Huawei Cloud Resiliency, 13. Tencent Cloud Resiliency, 14. On-Premises Data Center Resiliency using Open Source Cloud / Private Cloud Technologies. When you make a numbered list, precede the number with an asterisk and a space. Put a section heading for each paragraph. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.


AWS Resiliency

  • 1. AWS Auto Scaling: Automatically adjusts resources to maintain performance and minimize cost.
  • 2. Amazon S3: Offers highly durable storage that provides 99.999999999% durability of objects over a given year.
  • 3. AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB): Distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as Amazon EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses.

Azure Resiliency

  • 1. Azure Site Recovery: Ensures business continuity by keeping business apps and workloads running during outages.
  • 2. Azure Availability Zones: Protects your applications and data from datacenter failures with redundant, physically separated locations within an Azure region.
  • 3. Azure Backup: Simple and secure backup as a service offering protection against ransomware and data loss.

GCP Resiliency

  • 1. Google Cloud Load Balancing: Distributes applications’ compute resources in single or multiple regions, close to the users, to meet high availability requirements.
  • 2. Google Cloud Storage: Designed for 99.999999999% durability in a given year to provide highly durable storage for objects.
  • 3. Google Cloud's operations suite (formerly Stackdriver): Provides monitoring, logging, and diagnostics to ensure optimal performance and availability.

IBM Cloud Resiliency

  • 1. IBM Cloud Internet Services: A set of edge services designed to provide secure, reliable, and scalable infrastructure.
  • 2. IBM Cloud Satellite: Extends IBM cloud services anywhere a client needs them, on-premises or at the edge, for a consistent hybrid cloud environment.
  • 3. IBM Cloud Object Storage: Offers high durability, resiliency, and security for storing critical data.

IBM z Mainframe Resiliency

  • 1. IBM z/OS: Offers a highly secure and scalable enterprise operating system with built-in disaster recovery and business continuity features.
  • 2. IBM Geo-Replication: Provides data replication across geographically dispersed datacenters for enhanced resiliency.

Oracle Cloud Resiliency

Kubernetes Resiliency

  • 1. Kubernetes ReplicationControllers: Ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any one time for application availability.
  • 2. Kubernetes StatefulSets: Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods, and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods.

VMWare Cloud Resiliency

  • 1. VMware Site Recovery Manager: Provides disaster recovery and business continuity solutions between on-premises data centers and VMware Cloud on AWS.
  • 2. VMware Tanzu: Offers modern container infrastructure to ensure applications are built and run resiliently on any cloud.

Alibaba Cloud Resiliency

DigitalOcean Resiliency

  • 1. DigitalOcean Droplets: Virtual machines that can be quickly scaled up or down as required.
  • 2. DigitalOcean Spaces: A scalable object storage service designed for security, scalability, and reliability.

Huawei Cloud Resiliency

Tencent Cloud Resiliency

On-Premises Data Center Resiliency using Open Source / Private Cloud Technologies

  • 1. OpenStack: An open source software for creating private and public clouds, ensuring scalability and resiliency through various services.
  • 2. Ceph: A highly resilient open source storage platform that delivers object, block, and file storage in a single unified system.

``` This summary outlines the resiliency features and solutions offered by various cloud providers and technologies, highlighting their approaches to ensure high availability, disaster recovery, and continuous operation capabilities.

Best Practices for Cloud Resiliency

Cloud Resiliency Best Practices

Summarize this topic in 20 paragraphs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.


Introduction to Cloud Resiliency

Cloud resiliency refers to the ability of a cloud computing environment to recover quickly from infrastructure or service disruptions while maintaining continuous business operations. Effective cloud resiliency practices are essential for minimizing downtime and ensuring data integrity and availability in the face of outages or disasters.

Understanding the Resiliency Spectrum

The resiliency spectrum in cloud computing includes preventative measures to avoid failures, corrective actions to quickly recover from disruptions, and adaptive strategies to learn from incidents. Balancing these aspects is key to developing a comprehensive cloud resiliency strategy.

Designing for Failure

Adopting a mindset that anticipates failure is crucial in cloud resiliency. Design systems and applications with the assumption that components will fail. This involves implementing redundant systems, failover mechanisms, and disaster recovery (DR) solutions to ensure high availability (HA) and maintain service continuity.

Redundancy and Replication

Ensuring data redundancy and replication across multiple geographical regions or availability zones is a core component of cloud resiliency. This practice helps protect against data loss and service interruptions due to localized disasters or infrastructure failures.

Automated Backup and Recovery

Implement automated backup and recovery processes to safeguard data and ensure it can be quickly restored in the event of loss or corruption. Regularly test backup solutions to confirm data integrity and recovery time objectives (RTOs).

Scalable and Flexible Resources

Leverage the cloud's scalable and flexible resources to adapt to changing load requirements and mitigate performance bottlenecks. Use auto-scaling features to dynamically adjust resource allocation in response to real-time demand.

Load Balancing

Employ load balancing to distribute traffic evenly across multiple servers or resources, enhancing the responsiveness and availability of applications. Load balancing also contributes to effective traffic management during peak usage times.

Fault Isolation and Containment

Practice fault isolation and containment to prevent failures from cascading through the system. Microservices architectures and containerization can help isolate components, making it easier to identify and address issues without impacting the entire application.

Dependency and Third-party Service Management

Manage dependencies and third-party services carefully to reduce the risk of failure. Evaluate the resilience of external services and consider implementing fallback strategies to maintain functionality if a third-party service becomes unavailable.

Monitoring and Alerting

Implement comprehensive monitoring and alerting systems to detect anomalies, performance issues, and failures in real time. Use this data to trigger automated responses or alert relevant personnel to potential issues.

Regular Testing and Drills

Conduct regular testing and disaster recovery drills to assess the effectiveness of your resiliency strategy. Simulate various failure scenarios to ensure that recovery procedures and failover mechanisms work as intended.

Incident Management and Communication

Develop a clear incident management and communication plan to handle disruptions efficiently. This plan should include roles and responsibilities, communication channels, and procedures for escalating and resolving incidents.

Continuous Improvement

Adopt a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and updating your resiliency strategies based on lessons learned from incidents and advancements in technology. Incorporate feedback from testing and real-world events to enhance system robustness.

Decoupling and Modularization

Decouple and modularize applications to reduce interdependencies and minimize the impact of failures. This approach allows individual components to fail without affecting the entire system, facilitating easier recovery.

Consider data sovereignty and legal compliance when implementing cloud resiliency measures. Ensure that data replication and storage practices comply with regulatory requirements, especially when data crosses international borders.

Cloud Service Model Considerations

Evaluate the specific resiliency features and responsibilities associated with different cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS). Understand your responsibilities versus those of your cloud provider to ensure coverage across all aspects of your cloud environment.

Security and Resiliency Integration

Integrate security practices with resiliency planning to protect against cyber threats that could compromise data integrity and availability. Implement robust access controls, encryption, and security monitoring as part of your resiliency strategy.

Cost Management

Balance resiliency needs with cost management. While implementing high levels of redundancy and failover capabilities can enhance resiliency, it is also important to consider the financial implications and optimize resource usage to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Leveraging Cloud Native Services

Take advantage of cloud-native services and features designed to enhance resiliency, such as managed databases, serverless computing, and integrated monitoring and security services. These services often provide built-in high availability and disaster recovery capabilities.

Partnering with Cloud Providers for Best Practices

Work closely with cloud providers to understand their resiliency offerings and best practices. Leverage their expertise and resources to complement your own resiliency strategies and ensure a robust cloud environment.

Conclusion: Embracing Cloud Resiliency

Embracing cloud resiliency is vital for maintaining service continuity, protecting data, and ensuring a seamless user experience. By implementing these best practices, organizations can build a resilient cloud infrastructure capable of with

standing and quickly recovering from disruptions. ``` This structured guide provides a comprehensive overview of best practices for enhancing cloud resiliency, covering everything from design principles and operational strategies to incident management and continuous improvement.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Resilience

Resilience, resilient, or resiliency may refer to:

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