Table of Contents
CPP Standard Template Library (STL)
Top Topics in CPP STL
CPP STL strings equivalents: Compare and contrast for Python, PowerShell, Bash, Rust, Golang, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Kotlin, Scala, Clojure, Haskell, F Sharp, Erlang, Elixir, Swift, C Sharp, CPP, C Language, Zig, PHP, Ruby, Dart, Microsoft T-SQL, Oracle PL/SQL, PL/pgSQL, Julia, R Language, Perl, COBOL, Fortran, Ada, VBScript, Basic, Pascal.
Now give me a ===Comparison Table=== covering all 35 languages
: Compare and contrast for Python, PowerShell, Bash, Rust, Golang, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Scala, Clojure, Haskell, Kotlin, Swift, C Sharp, CPP, C language, PHP and Bash
- Iterators: Abstractions for traversing containers, including input iterators, output iterators, forward iterators, bidirectional iterators, and random-access iterators.
- Algorithms: Functions like sort, binary_search, lower_bound, upper_bound, accumulate, and transform.
- CPP Strings: The string class and its associated methods for managing sequences of characters.
- CPP Smart Pointers: Tools like unique_ptr, shared_ptr, and weak_ptr for automatic memory management.
- CPP Function Objects (Functors): Objects like greater, less, and user-defined functors for flexible comparisons and operations.
- CPP Lambdas: Inline anonymous functions introduced for flexibility in algorithms and functional programming.
- CPP STL Utility Components: Tools like pair, tuple, and optional for combining and managing related data.
- CPP STL Containers Adapters: stack, queue, and priority_queue as simplified abstractions over containers.
- CPP Ranges: Utilities introduced in C++20 for simplifying container traversal and manipulation.
- CPP STL Hashing Containers: unordered_map, unordered_set, and their multiset/multimap counterparts for fast lookups.
- CPP STL Filesystems: filesystem namespace for file operations like path manipulation, directory iteration, and file attributes.
- CPP STL Regular Expressions: regex and related classes for pattern matching.
- CPP STL Allocators: Custom memory management tools and the allocator class.
- CPP STL Bit Manipulation: Tools like bitset for managing binary data.
- CPP STL Parallel Algorithms: Introduced in C++17, offering parallelized versions of existing algorithms for performance.
- CPP STL Policy-Based Data Structures: Advanced features like comparison and allocation policies in specific containers.
- CPP STL Type Traits: Utilities in <type_traits> for type inspection and manipulation.
- CPP Metaprogramming: Features like constexpr, static_assert, and templates for compile-time programming.
- CPP STL Memory Utilities: Functions like align and concepts like placement new.
- CPP STL Atomic Operations: atomic for lock-free thread-safe programming.
- CPP STL Custom Comparators: Defining custom rules for sorting and ordering in associative containers like set and map.
- CPP STL Emplace Operations: Methods like `emplace` and `emplace_back` for in-place construction of elements in containers.
- CPP STL Initialization Utilities: Using tools like initializer_list for uniform initialization of containers.
- CPP STL Scoped Enumerations: enum class and their integration with STL algorithms and utilities.
- CPP STL Dynamic Arrays: Using vector and its methods to manage dynamic memory efficiently.
- CPP STL Circular Buffers: Utilizing deque for managing data with FIFO-like behavior.
- CPP STL Heap Utilities: Functions like make_heap, push_heap, and pop_heap for priority queue operations.
- CPP STL Partitioning Algorithms: partition, stable_partition, and related utilities for segregating elements.
- CPP STL Permutations: Algorithms like next_permutation and prev_permutation for sequence manipulation.
- CPP STL Transform Algorithms: transform for applying operations to elements in a range.
- CPP STL Policy-Based Sorting: Controlling behavior with custom predicates and projections.
- CPP Default Arguments: Utilizing default values in function templates and STL algorithms.
- CPP STL Erase-Remove Idiom: Pattern to remove elements efficiently from containers like vector.
- CPP STL Shared Mutex: shared_mutex for read-write lock synchronization.
- CPP STL Scoped Locks: scoped_lock for managing multiple mutexes.
- CPP STL Custom Allocators: Implementing specialized allocators for performance tuning in containers.
- CPP STL Reference Wrappers: reference_wrapper for passing objects by reference in algorithms.
Further Topics in CPP STL
- Policy-Based Memory Management: Advanced use of allocators and memory resource management with `std::pmr`.
- Observer Pointer: Using `std::weak_ptr` to prevent cyclic references in smart pointer graphs.
- STL Debugging Utilities: Tools like `std::debug_alloc` and container-specific debugging methods.
- Slicing Containers: Creating subsets of data using span or custom iterators.
- Predicate-Based Algorithms: Functions like `std::find_if`, `std::any_of`, `std::all_of`, and `std::none_of`.
- Container Growth Policies: Understanding how containers like vector handle memory allocation and growth.
- Iterators Adapters: Using `std::reverse_iterator`, `std::back_inserter`, and `std::insert_iterator` for specialized iteration.
- Input Validation with STL: Techniques using algorithms like `std::count` and `std::find` for validation tasks.
- Default Comparators: less_equal, greater_equal, and custom comparison operations in associative containers.
- Algorithm Complexity: Analysis and optimization of STL algorithms with respect to time and space complexity.
- Multi-Threaded STL Use: Leveraging thread-safe operations with containers like `std::deque` and `std::list`.
- Custom Hash Functions: Implementing hash policies for `std::unordered_map` and `std::unordered_set`.
- Traits-Based Programming: Using `std::enable_if`, `std::is_same`, and other type traits for template specialization.
- SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error): Techniques to enable or disable templates based on type traits.
- Compile-Time Computation: Using `constexpr` and `std::integral_constant` for calculations during compilation.
- Named Requirements: Guidelines for types and concepts required by STL algorithms and containers.
- Move Iterators: `std::move_iterator` to enable efficient moves in algorithms like `std::copy`.
- Parallel Execution Policies: Options like `std::execution::par` and `std::execution::par_unseq` for parallelized algorithms.
- Stable Algorithms: Understanding and using stable sort algorithms like `std::stable_sort`.
- Custom STL Extensions: Extending STL with user-defined traits, allocators, and iterators.
- Sequence Views: Advanced use of ranges and views to create on-the-fly transformations (introduced in C++20).
- Adaptor Containers: Customizing container behavior using adapters or wrappers.
- Deque Characteristics: Internal block allocation and its performance impact compared to vector.
- Iterator Invalidations: Behavior of iterators upon container modification for different container types.
- STL Design Philosophy: Understanding STL's generic programming principles and abstraction layers.
Additional Topics in CPP STL
- Structured Bindings: Decomposing data structures like `std::pair` and `std::tuple` into individual variables.
- Pairing Heap Operations: Managing heaps using STL utilities and custom comparators.
- Ownership Semantics: Understanding `std::unique_ptr` versus `std::shared_ptr` and ownership transfer.
- Lazy Evaluation: Leveraging STL ranges and views for delayed computations.
- Search Utilities: Using `std::find_end`, `std::search_n`, and `std::equal_range` for complex searches.
- Dynamic Memory Policies: Customizing `std::allocator_traits` for advanced memory management.
- STL Containers of Containers: Handling nested containers and their unique iteration and memory challenges.
- Range-Based For Loops: Simplified iteration over containers with modern C++ syntax.
- Vectorization in STL: Utilizing compiler optimizations for SIMD operations in algorithms.
- Custom Comparators in Maps: Implementing and optimizing custom sorting rules for `std::map` and `std::set`.
- Partial Sorting: Using `std::nth_element` and `std::partial_sort` for targeted sorting tasks.
- Algorithm Stability Guarantees: Ensuring data consistency with stable algorithms.
- Multi-Dimensional Data with STL: Managing 2D and higher-dimensional arrays using STL containers.
- Stateful Lambdas: Capturing states and variables in lambda functions for advanced algorithm customization.
- Allocator-Aware Containers: Using custom allocators to optimize container performance.
- Random Number Generators: Utilities in `<random>` for uniform, normal, and custom distributions.
- Cartesian Product Implementation: Combining multiple containers for cross-product computation.
- Zip Iteration: Iterating over multiple containers in parallel using `std::tuple` and custom iterators.
- Container-Specific Methods: Unique features of containers like `splice` in `std::list` and `reserve` in `std::vector`.
- Tuple Utilities: Working with `std::tie`, `std::get`, and structured bindings for tuples.
- Stable Iterators: Identifying containers that guarantee iterator stability after modifications.
- Time Measurement: Using `<chrono>` for performance benchmarking and time tracking.
- STL in Embedded Systems: Adapting STL features for constrained environments.
- Non-Modifying Sequence Algorithms: Using `std::count`, `std::distance`, and `std::mismatch`.
- Function Binders: Using `std::bind` and `std::function` for creating reusable functional objects.
- Data Integrity in Concurrent STL: Techniques to maintain integrity when using containers in multithreaded programs.
cpp_standard_template_library_stl.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/01 07:05 by