
CPP Virtual-Function Table

CPP virtual-function table - table of all virtual functions for a class. The most common way of implementing virtual functions is to have each object of a class with virtual functions contain a virtual function pointer pointing to the class' virtual function table.

CPP Virtual-Function Table

The CPP virtual-function table (vtable), introduced in the year of CPP's first release in 1983, is a core mechanism enabling runtime polymorphism. This feature facilitates dynamic dispatch, allowing derived class implementations to override base class methods, ensuring the correct method is called for an object, irrespective of the reference or pointer type used. The virtual-function table is an internal compiler-generated data structure mapping virtual function calls to their respective implementations.

When a class declares one or more virtual functions, the compiler generates a vtable for that class. Each vtable contains pointers to the virtual functions that the class supports. For example, if a base class declares a virtual function and a derived class overrides it, the derived class's vtable will replace the pointer to the base class's function with a pointer to its override. This mechanism allows CPP programs to achieve polymorphic behavior, which is vital for object-oriented design.

Every object of a class with virtual functions includes a hidden pointer known as the vptr (vtable pointer). This pointer links to the vtable corresponding to the object's dynamic type. During program execution, when a virtual function is invoked, the vptr directs the call to the appropriate entry in the vtable, ensuring that the function belonging to the object's actual type is executed.

The use of the virtual-function table in CPP is integral to runtime polymorphism, a key feature in frameworks like Kubernetes for dynamically managing containerized workloads. For instance, dynamic dispatch enables Kubernetes resource objects to process API requests differently depending on their types. The following code demonstrates this concept in a Kubernetes-related context:


  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <string>

// Base class representing a Kubernetes resource class KubernetesResource { public:

   virtual void describe() const {
       std::cout << "Generic Kubernetes resource\n";
   virtual ~KubernetesResource() = default;

// Derived class for Kubernetes Pods class Pod : public KubernetesResource { public:

   void describe() const override {
       std::cout << "This is a Kubernetes Pod\n";

// Derived class for Kubernetes Services class Service : public KubernetesResource { public:

   void describe() const override {
       std::cout << "This is a Kubernetes Service\n";

// Function to describe a Kubernetes resource void displayResource(const KubernetesResource& resource) {

   resource.describe(); // Dynamic dispatch

int main() {

   Pod pod;
   Service service;
   displayResource(pod);      // Resolves to Pod's describe method
   displayResource(service);  // Resolves to Service's describe method
   return 0;
} ```

In this example, the virtual-function table ensures that the appropriate `describe` method is called at runtime based on the actual type of the object (`Pod` or `Service`) passed to the `displayResource` function.

The virtual-function table mechanism is efficient but introduces some overhead. Each object of a polymorphic class carries an additional pointer, the vptr, increasing memory usage. Additionally, function calls require a level of indirection to access the vtable, slightly impacting performance. However, these costs are typically outweighed by the benefits of polymorphism.

Modern CPP compilers employ various optimizations, such as devirtualization, where the compiler determines at compile time that the type of an object is known. In such cases, it may bypass the vtable, replacing dynamic dispatch with a direct function call, thereby improving performance.

The virtual-function table is not standardized in CPP but is implemented consistently across major compilers like GCC, Clang, and MSVC. This lack of standardization can lead to issues in binary compatibility when mixing code compiled with different compilers.

Understanding the inner workings of the virtual-function table is crucial for debugging and optimizing polymorphic CPP programs. By mastering this concept, developers can write robust, flexible, and efficient object-oriented applications suitable for modern ecosystems like Kubernetes and beyond.

Wasm-Specific Code Example

The virtual-function table is crucial for implementing runtime polymorphism in environments like WebAssembly (Wasm), which is designed for executing portable code across different platforms, including browsers and serverless environments. Here is a Wasm-specific example demonstrating how a polymorphic design with a virtual-function table can be applied to handle dynamic behavior, such as managing cloud resources in a Wasm runtime.


  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <string>

// Base class for cloud resources class CloudResource { public:

   virtual void configure() const {
       std::cout << "Configuring a generic cloud resource.\n";
   virtual ~CloudResource() = default;

// Derived class for Kubernetes Pods class KubernetesPod : public CloudResource { public:

   void configure() const override {
       std::cout << "Configuring a Kubernetes Pod in Wasm.\n";

// Derived class for Serverless Functions class ServerlessFunction : public CloudResource { public:

   void configure() const override {
       std::cout << "Configuring a Serverless Function in Wasm.\n";

// Function to demonstrate dynamic dispatch void configureResource(const CloudResource& resource) {


int main() {

   KubernetesPod pod;
   ServerlessFunction function;
   // Dynamic dispatch in a Wasm runtime
   configureResource(pod);      // Resolves to KubernetesPod's configure method
   configureResource(function); // Resolves to ServerlessFunction's configure method
   return 0;
} ```

  1. Explanation:

1. **Polymorphism with virtual-function table**:

  * The `configure` method is declared as `virtual` in the base class, enabling derived classes (`KubernetesPod` and `ServerlessFunction`) to provide their own implementations. 
  * At runtime, the correct implementation is chosen based on the dynamic type of the object.

2. **Compilation to Wasm**:

  * This code can be compiled to [[Wasm]] using [[Emscripten]]:
    emcc wasm_example.cpp -o wasm_example.html -s WASM=1
  * The compiled [[Wasm]] module can then be executed in a browser or a [[Wasm]] runtime.

3. **Runtime Execution**:

  * When executed in a [[Wasm]] environment, the vtable mechanism ensures that calls to `configure` resolve dynamically to the appropriate derived class method.

  1. Use Case:

This pattern is especially useful in cloud-native applications where resources like Kubernetes Pods and serverless functions are managed dynamically. Using polymorphism with Wasm allows these resource types to be handled flexibly in cross-platform, resource-constrained environments like browsers or serverless computing platforms.

This example showcases the integration of CPP's virtual-function table with the Wasm ecosystem, leveraging polymorphism for dynamic runtime behavior in a portable and efficient manner.

POCO-Specific Example: Creating a CPP Web Server

The POCO (Portable Components) CPP Libraries provide an efficient way to build web servers using object-oriented principles. In this example, we'll implement a simple HTTP server using POCO and showcase the use of virtual-function table for polymorphic behavior, enabling runtime configuration of request handlers.


  1. include “Poco/Net/HTTPServer.h”
  2. include “Poco/Net/HTTPRequestHandler.h”
  3. include “Poco/Net/HTTPRequestHandlerFactory.h”
  4. include “Poco/Net/HTTPServerParams.h”
  5. include “Poco/Net/ServerSocket.h”
  6. include “Poco/Util/ServerApplication.h”
  7. include <iostream>
  8. include <string>

using namespace Poco::Net; using namespace Poco::Util;

// Base handler class class BaseRequestHandler : public HTTPRequestHandler { public:

   virtual void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response) override {
       std::ostream& responseStream = response.send();
       responseStream << "Base handler: Default response\n";
   virtual ~BaseRequestHandler() = default;

// Derived handler for handling specific routes class CustomRequestHandler : public BaseRequestHandler { public:

   void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response) override {
       std::ostream& responseStream = response.send();
       responseStream << "{ \"message\": \"Handled by CustomRequestHandler\" }\n";

// Factory for creating request handlers dynamically class RequestHandlerFactory : public HTTPRequestHandlerFactory { public:

   HTTPRequestHandler* createRequestHandler(const HTTPServerRequest& request) override {
       if (request.getURI() == "/custom") {
           return new CustomRequestHandler();
       return new BaseRequestHandler();

// Application entry point class WebServerApp : public ServerApplication { protected:

   int main(const std::vector& args) override {
       HTTPServerParams* params = new HTTPServerParams;
       ServerSocket socket(8080); // Listen on port 8080
       HTTPServer server(new RequestHandlerFactory(), socket, params);
       std::cout << "Starting server on port 8080...\n";
       waitForTerminationRequest(); // Wait for CTRL+C or kill signal
       std::cout << "Shutting down server...\n";
       return Application::EXIT_OK;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

   WebServerApp app;
   return app.run(argc, argv);
} ```

Explanation of Components

  • Dynamically creates instances of request handlers. If the request URI is `/custom`, a `CustomRequestHandler` is returned; otherwise, the default `BaseRequestHandler` is used.
  • Configures and starts the HTTP server on port 8080, using the `RequestHandlerFactory` for processing incoming requests.

Steps to Build and Run

1. Install POCO Libraries:

  • Using a package manager like `vcpkg`:
     vcpkg install poco
  • Or download and build from the official POCO site.

2. Compile the Code: ```bash g++ -std=c++17 -o WebServer WebServer.cpp -lPocoNet -lPocoFoundation ```

3. Run the Server: ```bash ./WebServer ```

4. Test the Server:

  • Open a browser or use `curl`:
     curl http://localhost:8080/
     curl http://localhost:8080/custom

Key Highlights

  • The virtual-function table enables dynamic dispatch of the `handleRequest` method at runtime, allowing seamless handling of different routes.
  • This modular approach showcases the extensibility of POCO CPP Libraries for building robust web server applications.

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AWS SDK for CPP Specific Code Example

The AWS SDK for CPP enables developers to interact with various AWS services using CPP. This example demonstrates leveraging the virtual-function table to create a polymorphic structure for handling different AWS resources dynamically. This approach provides flexibility in interacting with services like Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB using a unified interface.


  1. include <aws/core/Aws.h>
  2. include <aws/s3/S3Client.h>
  3. include <aws/s3/model/PutObjectRequest.h>
  4. include <aws/dynamodb/DynamoDBClient.h>
  5. include <aws/dynamodb/model/PutItemRequest.h>
  6. include <iostream>
  7. include <memory>

// Base class representing an AWS resource class AWSResource { public:

   virtual void performOperation() const = 0; // Pure virtual function
   virtual ~AWSResource() = default;

// Derived class for Amazon S3 class S3Resource : public AWSResource { public:

   void performOperation() const override {
       Aws::S3::S3Client s3Client;
       Aws::S3::Model::PutObjectRequest request;
       auto input_data = std::make_shared();
       *input_data << "Hello, AWS S3!";
       auto outcome = s3Client.PutObject(request);
       if (outcome.IsSuccess()) {
           std::cout << "Successfully uploaded to S3.\n";
       } else {
           std::cerr << "Failed to upload to S3: " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << "\n";

// Derived class for Amazon DynamoDB class DynamoDBResource : public AWSResource { public:

   void performOperation() const override {
       Aws::DynamoDB::DynamoDBClient dynamoClient;
       Aws::DynamoDB::Model::PutItemRequest request;
       Aws::DynamoDB::Model::AttributeValue value;
       request.AddItem("example-key", value);
       auto outcome = dynamoClient.PutItem(request);
       if (outcome.IsSuccess()) {
           std::cout << "Successfully inserted into DynamoDB.\n";
       } else {
           std::cerr << "Failed to insert into DynamoDB: " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << "\n";

// Function to perform operations on AWS resources void executeResourceOperation(const AWSResource& resource) {

   resource.performOperation(); // Dynamic dispatch using vtable

int main() {

   Aws::SDKOptions options;
       S3Resource s3Resource;
       DynamoDBResource dynamoDBResource;
       // Dynamic dispatch based on the resource type
   return 0;
} ```

Explanation of Components

  • This is an abstract base class representing a generic AWS resource. It declares a pure virtual function `performOperation` to be implemented by derived classes.

Steps to Build and Run

1. Install AWS SDK for CPP:

  • Download and build the SDK from the AWS GitHub repository or use a package manager if available.

2. Compile the Code: ```bash g++ -std=c++17 -o AWSResourceExample AWSResourceExample.cpp -laws-cpp-sdk-s3 -laws-cpp-sdk-dynamodb -laws-cpp-sdk-core ```

3. Run the Program: ```bash ./AWSResourceExample ```

4. Test Results:

Key Highlights

  • The virtual-function table ensures dynamic dispatch, enabling flexible handling of different resource types.
  • The AWS SDK for CPP integration demonstrates real-world application scenarios, providing a scalable and extensible approach to cloud resource management.

Azure SDK for CPP Specific Code Example

The Azure SDK for CPP provides tools and libraries to interact with Azure services programmatically. Leveraging the virtual-function table in CPP, we can design a polymorphic structure for managing interactions with different Azure resources dynamically, such as Azure Blob Storage and Azure Key Vault.


  1. include <azure/storage/blobs.hpp>
  2. include <azure/keyvault/secrets.hpp>
  3. include <iostream>
  4. include <memory>

// Base class representing an Azure resource class AzureResource { public:

   virtual void performOperation() const = 0; // Pure virtual function
   virtual ~AzureResource() = default;

// Derived class for Azure Blob Storage class BlobStorageResource : public AzureResource { public:

   void performOperation() const override {
       const std::string connectionString = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=your_account_name;AccountKey=your_account_key;";
       auto blobServiceClient = Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobServiceClient::CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
       auto containerClient = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient("example-container");
       // Create a container if it does not exist
       try {
           std::cout << "Blob container created successfully.\n";
       } catch (const std::exception& e) {
           std::cerr << "Failed to create blob container: " << e.what() << "\n";

// Derived class for Azure Key Vault Secrets class KeyVaultResource : public AzureResource { public:

   void performOperation() const override {
       const std::string keyVaultUrl = "https://your-keyvault-name.vault.azure.net/";
       auto credential = std::make_shared();
       Azure::Security::KeyVault::Secrets::SecretClient secretClient(keyVaultUrl, credential);
       // Set a secret in the Key Vault
       try {
           auto secretResponse = secretClient.SetSecret("example-secret", "secret-value");
           std::cout << "Secret set successfully: " << secretResponse.Value.Name << "\n";
       } catch (const std::exception& e) {
           std::cerr << "Failed to set secret: " << e.what() << "\n";

// Function to perform operations on Azure resources void executeResourceOperation(const AzureResource& resource) {

   resource.performOperation(); // Dynamic dispatch using vtable

int main() {

   try {
       // Create instances of Azure resources
       BlobStorageResource blobStorage;
       KeyVaultResource keyVault;
       // Perform operations dynamically
   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
       std::cerr << "An error occurred: " << e.what() << "\n";
   return 0;
} ```

Explanation of Components

  • An abstract base class defining a polymorphic interface for Azure resources.
  • Demonstrates dynamic dispatch by calling the appropriate implementation of `performOperation` at runtime based on the actual object type.

Steps to Build and Run

1. Install Azure SDK for CPP:

  • Follow the official Azure SDK for CPP documentation to install the required libraries.

2. Compile the Code: ```bash g++ -std=c++17 -o AzureResourceExample AzureResourceExample.cpp -lazure-storage-blobs -lazure-security-keyvault-secrets -lazure-identity ```

3. Run the Program: ```bash ./AzureResourceExample ```

4. Test Results:

Key Highlights

  • The virtual-function table ensures that operations are dynamically dispatched based on the resource type, providing extensibility.
  • The Azure SDK for CPP integration illustrates real-world usage scenarios, making it easier to manage diverse Azure services in a unified way.

Google Cloud CPP Client Libraries Specific Code Example

The Google Cloud CPP Client Libraries enable developers to interact programmatically with various Google Cloud services using CPP. This example demonstrates using the virtual-function table mechanism to manage polymorphic behavior dynamically for two common Google Cloud services: Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud Pub/Sub.


  1. include <google/cloud/storage/client.h>
  2. include <google/cloud/pubsub/publisher.h>
  3. include <google/cloud/pubsub/subscription.h>
  4. include <iostream>
  5. include <memory>

// Base class representing a Google Cloud resource class GoogleCloudResource { public:

   virtual void performOperation() const = 0; // Pure virtual function
   virtual ~GoogleCloudResource() = default;

// Derived class for Google Cloud Storage class CloudStorageResource : public GoogleCloudResource { public:

   void performOperation() const override {
       auto client = google::cloud::storage::Client::CreateDefaultClient().value();
       const std::string bucket_name = "example-bucket";
       try {
           auto bucket_metadata = client.CreateBucketForProject(bucket_name, "your-project-id", google::cloud::storage::BucketMetadata()).value();
           std::cout << "Bucket created: " << bucket_metadata.name() << "\n";
       } catch (const std::exception& e) {
           std::cerr << "Failed to create bucket: " << e.what() << "\n";

// Derived class for Google Cloud Pub/Sub class PubSubResource : public GoogleCloudResource { public:

   void performOperation() const override {
       auto publisher = google::cloud::pubsub::Publisher(
       auto result = publisher.Publish(google::cloud::pubsub::MessageBuilder().SetData("Hello, Pub/Sub!").Build());
       if (result.ok()) {
           std::cout << "Message published successfully.\n";
       } else {
           std::cerr << "Failed to publish message: " << result.status() << "\n";

// Function to perform operations on Google Cloud resources void executeResourceOperation(const GoogleCloudResource& resource) {

   resource.performOperation(); // Dynamic dispatch using vtable

int main() {

   try {
       // Create instances of Google Cloud resources
       CloudStorageResource cloudStorage;
       PubSubResource pubSub;
       // Perform operations dynamically
   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
       std::cerr << "An error occurred: " << e.what() << "\n";
   return 0;
} ```

Explanation of Components

  • An abstract base class representing a generic Google Cloud resource. It provides the `performOperation` interface, which is implemented polymorphically.
  • A function that accepts a reference to the base class and dynamically dispatches the appropriate `performOperation` method based on the derived class type.

Steps to Build and Run

1. Install Google Cloud CPP Client Libraries:

2. Compile the Code: ```bash g++ -std=c++17 -o GoogleCloudResourceExample GoogleCloudResourceExample.cpp -lgoogle_cloud_cpp_storage -lgoogle_cloud_cpp_pubsub ```

3. Run the Program: ```bash ./GoogleCloudResourceExample ```

4. Test Results:

Key Highlights

Kubernetes Engine API CPP Client Library Specific Code Example

The Kubernetes Engine API CPP Client Library allows developers to interact with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) programmatically using CPP. This example demonstrates leveraging the virtual-function table to dynamically manage multiple Kubernetes cluster-related operations, such as creating and deleting clusters.


  1. include <google/cloud/container/cluster_manager_client.h>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <memory>

// Base class representing a Kubernetes Engine operation class KubernetesOperation { public:

   virtual void performOperation(google::cloud::container::ClusterManagerClient& client) const = 0; // Pure virtual function
   virtual ~KubernetesOperation() = default;

// Derived class for creating a Kubernetes cluster class CreateClusterOperation : public KubernetesOperation { public:

   void performOperation(google::cloud::container::ClusterManagerClient& client) const override {
       google::container::v1::CreateClusterRequest request;
       auto* cluster = request.mutable_cluster();
       try {
           auto response = client.CreateCluster(request);
           if (response.ok()) {
               std::cout << "Cluster created successfully: " << response->name() << "\n";
           } else {
               std::cerr << "Failed to create cluster: " << response.status() << "\n";
       } catch (const std::exception& e) {
           std::cerr << "Error during cluster creation: " << e.what() << "\n";

// Derived class for deleting a Kubernetes cluster class DeleteClusterOperation : public KubernetesOperation { public:

   void performOperation(google::cloud::container::ClusterManagerClient& client) const override {
       google::container::v1::DeleteClusterRequest request;
       try {
           auto response = client.DeleteCluster(request);
           if (response.ok()) {
               std::cout << "Cluster deleted successfully.\n";
           } else {
               std::cerr << "Failed to delete cluster: " << response.status() << "\n";
       } catch (const std::exception& e) {
           std::cerr << "Error during cluster deletion: " << e.what() << "\n";

// Function to perform Kubernetes operations dynamically void executeOperation(const KubernetesOperation& operation, google::cloud::container::ClusterManagerClient& client) {

   operation.performOperation(client); // Dynamic dispatch using vtable

int main() {

   try {
       auto client = google::cloud::container::ClusterManagerClient(google::cloud::container::MakeClusterManagerConnection());
       CreateClusterOperation createOperation;
       DeleteClusterOperation deleteOperation;
       // Perform operations dynamically
       executeOperation(createOperation, client);
       executeOperation(deleteOperation, client);
   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
       std::cerr << "An error occurred: " << e.what() << "\n";
   return 0;
} ```

Explanation of Components

  • An abstract base class defining a polymorphic interface for Kubernetes operations. The `performOperation` method is implemented by derived classes to handle specific tasks.
  • A function that accepts a reference to the base class and dynamically dispatches the appropriate `performOperation` method based on the derived class type.

Steps to Build and Run

1. Install Kubernetes Engine API CPP Client Library:

2. Compile the Code: ```bash g++ -std=c++17 -o KubernetesEngineExample KubernetesEngineExample.cpp -lgoogle_cloud_cpp_container ```

3. Run the Program: ```bash ./KubernetesEngineExample ```

4. Test Results:

Key Highlights

HashiCorp Vault Specific Code Example

The CPP library for HashiCorp Vault, hosted at https://github.com/abedra/libvault, provides an interface for interacting with HashiCorp Vault in CPP. The following example demonstrates using polymorphism with the virtual-function table to manage operations like reading and writing secrets in HashiCorp Vault.


  1. include <vault/client.h>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <memory>

// Base class representing a Vault operation class VaultOperation { public:

   virtual void performOperation(Vault::Client& client) const = 0; // Pure virtual function
   virtual ~VaultOperation() = default;

// Derived class for writing a secret to Vault class WriteSecretOperation : public VaultOperation { public:

   void performOperation(Vault::Client& client) const override {
       Vault::Parameters params;
       params["key"] = "example-value";
       auto response = client.post("v1/secret/data/example", params);
       if (response.status == 200) {
           std::cout << "Secret written successfully.\n";
       } else {
           std::cerr << "Failed to write secret: " << response.body << "\n";

// Derived class for reading a secret from Vault class ReadSecretOperation : public VaultOperation { public:

   void performOperation(Vault::Client& client) const override {
       auto response = client.get("v1/secret/data/example");
       if (response.status == 200) {
           std::cout << "Secret read successfully: " << response.body << "\n";
       } else {
           std::cerr << "Failed to read secret: " << response.body << "\n";

// Function to execute Vault operations dynamically void executeVaultOperation(const VaultOperation& operation, Vault::Client& client) {

   operation.performOperation(client); // Dynamic dispatch using vtable

int main() {

   try {
       Vault::Config config;
       config.address = ""; // Vault server address
       config.token = "your-vault-token"; // Vault token
       Vault::Client client(config);
       WriteSecretOperation writeOperation;
       ReadSecretOperation readOperation;
       // Perform operations dynamically
       executeVaultOperation(writeOperation, client);
       executeVaultOperation(readOperation, client);
   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
       std::cerr << "An error occurred: " << e.what() << "\n";
   return 0;
} ```

Explanation of Components

  • An abstract base class defining the interface for Vault operations. The `performOperation` method is implemented polymorphically by derived classes.
  • A function that dynamically dispatches the appropriate operation at runtime based on the derived class type.

Steps to Build and Run

1. Install the CPP library for HashiCorp Vault:

2. Compile the Code: ```bash g++ -std=c++17 -o VaultExample VaultExample.cpp -lvault ```

3. Run the Program: ```bash ./VaultExample ```

4. Test Results:

Key Highlights

CPP DevOps CLI Automation CLIUtils CLI11 Specific Code Example

The CLIUtils CLI11 library, hosted at https://github.com/CLIUtils/CLI11, is a powerful CPP library for creating command-line interfaces (CLI). This example demonstrates how to use polymorphism and the virtual-function table to dynamically manage different CLI commands for DevOps tasks such as deploying an application or managing configurations.


  1. include <CLI/CLI.hpp>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <memory>

// Base class for DevOps commands class DevOpsCommand { public:

   virtual void execute() const = 0; // Pure virtual function
   virtual ~DevOpsCommand() = default;

// Derived class for deploying an application class DeployCommand : public DevOpsCommand { public:

   void execute() const override {
       std::cout << "Executing deployment tasks...\n";
       // Simulate deployment process
       std::cout << "Application deployed successfully.\n";

// Derived class for managing configurations class ConfigCommand : public DevOpsCommand { public:

   void execute() const override {
       std::cout << "Managing application configurations...\n";
       // Simulate configuration process
       std::cout << "Configurations updated successfully.\n";

// Function to execute commands dynamically void executeCommand(const DevOpsCommand& command) {

   command.execute(); // Dynamic dispatch using vtable

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

   CLI::App app{"CPP DevOps CLI using CLI11"};
   std::unique_ptr command;
   // Register "deploy" command
   app.add_flag("--deploy", [&command]() {
       command = std::make_unique();
   }, "Deploy an application");
   // Register "config" command
   app.add_flag("--config", [&command]() {
       command = std::make_unique();
   }, "Manage application configurations");
   try {
       app.parse(argc, argv);
       if (command) {
       } else {
           std::cout << "No valid command provided. Use --help for available commands.\n";
   } catch (const CLI::ParseError& e) {
       return app.exit(e);
   return 0;
} ```

Explanation of Components

  • An abstract base class defining the interface for all DevOps commands. The `execute` method is implemented polymorphically in derived classes.
  • Implements the `execute` method to simulate deployment tasks, providing a dynamic way to handle deployment commands.
  • Implements the `execute` method to manage configurations, showcasing polymorphic behavior for configuration management.

Steps to Build and Run

1. Install CLIUtils CLI11:

2. Compile the Code: ```bash g++ -std=c++17 -o DevOpsCLIExample DevOpsCLIExample.cpp -lCLI11 ```

3. Run the Program:

  • To deploy an application:
     ./DevOpsCLIExample --deploy
  • To manage configurations:
     ./DevOpsCLIExample --config

4. Test Results:

  • The program dynamically resolves commands based on the provided flags (`–deploy` or `–config`), showcasing how the virtual-function table mechanism enables flexible CLI command management.

Key Highlights

  • The virtual-function table enables runtime determination of the appropriate command to execute based on user input.
  • The CLIUtils CLI11 library simplifies the creation of a robust, user-friendly CLI for DevOps automation tasks, enhancing flexibility and extensibility.
cpp_virtual-function_table.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/01 07:05 by

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