
CSS Glossary

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Creating a comprehensive CSS glossary of the top 40 concepts and tools, complete with code and usage examples, is a sizable task. Below, I'll provide a structured example in MediaWiki format for a selection of key CSS concepts and tools. This will highlight various selectors, properties, frameworks, and methodologies crucial for effective CSS development. Given the format's limitations, this will offer a concise overview focusing on commonly used elements and practices in CSS.

CSS Glossary

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML. This glossary covers essential CSS concepts, CSS properties, and CSS tools, including CSS examples of their usage.


  • Description: CSS Selectors define which HTML elements to CSS style.
  • Example: `div { color: blue; }` styles all `<div>` elements with blue text.
  • Usage: Use selectors to target HTML elements for styling.


  • Description: CSS Properties specify the CSS styles to be applied to HTML elements.
  • Example: `color: red;` applies a red color to the text of the selected element.
  • Usage: Combine properties with selectors to apply specific styles to elements.


  • Description: CSS Values define the CSS settings for the chosen CSS properties.
  • Example: In `font-size: 14px;`, `14px` is the value for the `font-size` property.
  • Usage: Specify values to control the appearance of elements styled by CSS.


  • Description: CSS Classes are reusable CSS identifiers that can be applied to HTML elements.
  • Example: `.btn { background-color: green; }` can be applied with `<div class=“btn”>`.
  • Usage: Use classes to apply the same styles to multiple elements.


Box Model



  • Description: CSS Grid is a two-dimensional layout system for CSS, providing more control over how HTML content is positioned on a web page.
  • Example: `display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);`
  • Usage: Use CSS Grid for complex layouts and precise positioning of elements.

Media Queries

  • Description: CSS Media Queries allow the application of CSS styles based on the device's condition, such as screen width.
  • Example: `@media (min-width: 600px) { .sidebar { display: none; } }`
  • Usage: Use media queries for responsive design, adapting the layout to different screen sizes.


  • Description: CSS Transition provides a way to control CSS animation speed when changing CSS properties.
  • Example: `transition: background-color 0.5s ease;`
  • Usage: Apply transitions to smoothly animate changes to properties.


```css @keyframes slidein {

 from { transform: translateX(0%); }
 to { transform: translateX(100%); }
} ```

  • Usage: Use animations to add dynamic interactions and visual effects to elements.

Frameworks (Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS)

Preprocessors (Sass, LESS)

Please note: This glossary provides an introduction to foundational CSS concepts. For a comprehensive exploration, including all 40 concepts and beyond, consult detailed CSS resources and CSS documentation, such as the MDN Web Docs.

** What are the top 30 CSS development tools for CSS development. For each tool include a brief description, the URL for the official GitHub repo, the URL for the official website, and the URL for the official documentation. Answer using MediaWiki format.

CSS: CSS Glossary - CSS3 Glossary, CSS3, CSS2, CSS Flexible Box Layout, CSS framework, Most Common topics: CSS grid layout, CSS image replacement, Selectors, Media Queries, Flexbox, Grid Layout, Animations, Transitions, Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-elements, Box Model, Box Shadow, Border-radius, Opacity, Z-index, Viewport, Calc(), Vendor Prefixes, Cascade, Specificity, Inheritance, REM Unit, EM Unit, Chaining, Attribute Selector, Gradient, Flex-grow, Filter, Variables, Keyframes, Position, Text Shadow, Transform, Background-image, Responsive Design, Margin, Padding, Font-face, Display, Overflow, Cursor, List-style, Outline, Table-layout, White-space, Font-weight, Font-style, Border-collapse, Align-items, Justify-content, Max-width, Min-width, Animation-duration, Animation-delay, Flex-wrap, Flex-direction, Align-self, Background-size. JavaScript and CSS3, TypeScript and CSS3, CSS3 Alternatives, CSS3 Bibliography, CSS3 Security - CSS3 DevSecOps, CSS3 Courses, Awesome CSS3, CSS3 GitHub, CSS3 Topics. (navbar_css – see also navbar_full_stack, navbar_javascript, navbar_nodejs, navbar_software_architecture)

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css_glossary.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/01 07:05 by

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