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Quantum decoherence is just a theory, hence it should be also called: Quantum decoherence theory (do not omit the key word: Theory).

Snippet from Wikipedia: Quantum decoherence

Quantum decoherence is the loss of quantum coherence. Quantum decoherence has been studied to understand how quantum systems convert to systems that can be explained by classical mechanics. Beginning out of attempts to extend the understanding of quantum mechanics, the theory has developed in several directions and experimental studies have confirmed some of the key issues. Quantum computing relies on quantum coherence and is one of the primary practical applications of the concept.

Do I need to Quantum Panic?

Don't Panic!” - Don't worry.

“To summarize, quantum computers are a huge deal” (Quantum computers don’t exist yet! | IF THEY WERE REAL!) “for cryptography if they are realized. What’s the take away here? Do you need to throw everything you’re doing and transition to post-quantum algorithms? Well, it’s not that simple.” (RWEncrpt 2021)

“Ask any expert and you’ll receive different kinds of answers. For some, it’s 5 to 50 years away; for others, it’ll Quantum computers don’t exist yet! | NEVER happen. Michele Mosca, the director of the Institute for Quantum Computing, lied | estimated “a 1/7 chance of code breaking RSA-2048 by 2026 and a 1/2 chance by 2031.”” (RWEncrpt 2021)

Mikhail Dyakonov, a researcher at the CNRS in France, stated publicly “Could we ever learn to control the more than 10300 continuously variable parameters defining the quantum state of such a system? My answer is simple. Quantum computers don’t exist yet! | No, never.”” (RWEncrpt 2021)

“While physicists, not cryptographers, know better, they can still be incentivized to hype” (see FUD and propaganda) “their own research in order to get funding. As I am no physicist, I will simply say that we should remain skeptical of extraordinary claims, while preparing for the worst. The question is not “Will it work?”; rather, it’s “Will it scale?”” (RWEncrpt 2021)

“There exist many challenges for scalable quantum computers (which can destroy cryptography) to become a reality; the biggest ones seem to be about the amount of quantum noise and quantum errors that is difficult to reduce or correct. Scott Aaronson, a computer scientist at the University of Texas, puts it as “You’re trying to build a ship that remains the same ship, even as every plank in it rots and has to be replaced.”” (RWEncrpt 2021)

Excerpted from: Real-World Cryptography (RWEncrpt 2021)

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