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Deserialization is the process of converting data from its serialized form back into its original format or data structure. Serialized data is typically stored or transmitted in a compact, platform-independent format, such as binary or text, for purposes such as storage, communication, or inter-process communication. Deserialization involves parsing the serialized data and reconstructing the original data objects, including their structure, types, and values. This process is the reverse of serialization, where data objects are converted into a serialized format for storage or transmission. Deserialization is commonly used in software development for tasks such as reading data from files, receiving data over a network, or communicating between different components or systems. It is an essential part of many programming frameworks and libraries that support serialization, such as Java's ObjectInputStream, Python's pickle module, or .NET's BinaryFormatter. Deserialization must be performed carefully to ensure that the reconstructed data is valid, complete, and free from security vulnerabilities such as code injection or data corruption.

deserialization.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/01 07:02 by

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