
DevOps for 20 Languages and Frameworks by Cloud Monk (December 2024)

The Cloud Monk, Losang Jinpa, is now focused writing until end of December 2025 on his polyglot programmer compendium - concordance books Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book and DevOps for 20 Languages by Cloud Monk (with a particular focus on Cloud Native DevSecOps and Web API Security) to be published on GitHub and this Wiki. (navbar_devops_book - navbar_devops_focus

DevOps Focus: Cloud Monk is focused on “All Things DevOps”: DevOps Topics, Kubernetes DevOps Topics, Cloud Native DevOps Topics, Azure DevOps Topics, AWS DevOps Topics, GCP DevOps Topics, Python DevOps Topics, Java DevOps Topics, JavaScript DevOps Topics, Golang DevOps Topics, Linux DevOps Topics, PowerShell DevOps Topics, Windows DevOps Topics, SQL Server DevOps Topics. (navbar_devops_focus)

DevOps is the union of DevOps people | people, DevOps process | process, and DevOps products | products to enable DevOps and continuous delivery | continuous delivery of DevOps value | value to our end users.” – Donovan Brown of Microsoft DevOps | Microsoft

DevOps Tools

DevOps by Programming Language

DevOps by Programming Language:

PYPL PopularitY of Programming Languages (PYPL)

Worldwide, Sept 2022 compared to a year ago:

Rank - Language - "Market" Share - Trend

  • 1. Python - 28.29 % – -1.8 %
  • 2. Java - 17.31 % – -0.7 %
  • 3. JavaScript - 9.44 % – -0.1 %
  • 4. C - 7.04 % – -0.1 %
  • 5. C/C++ - 6.27 % – -0.4 %
  • 6. PHP - 5.34 % – -1.0 %
  • 7. R - 4.18 % – +0.3 %
  • 8. TypeScript - 3.05 % – +1.5 %
  • 9. Go - 2.16 % – +0.6 %
  • 10. Swift - 2.11 % – +0.5 %
  • 11. Objective-C - 1.93 % – -0.0 %
  • 12. Kotlin - 1.88 % – +0.0 %
  • 13. MATLAB - 1.55 % – +0.1 %
  • 14. Rust - 1.5 % – +0.7 %
  • 15. Ruby - 1.13 % – +0.1 %
  • 16. VBA - 0.94 % – -0.3 %
  • 17. Dart - 0.83 % – +0.2 %
  • 18. Ada - 0.79 % – +0.2 %
  • 19. Scala - 0.73 % – +0.2 %
  • 20. Visual Basic - 0.62 % – -0.1 %
  • 21. Lua - 0.54 % – +0.1 %
  • 22. ABAP) - 0.53 % – +0.0 %
  • 23. Julia - 0.41 % – -0.0 %
  • 24. Groovy - 0.34 % – -0.1 %
  • 26. Cobol - 0.32 % – -0.0 %
  • 27. Haskell - 0.29 % – +0.1 %
  • 28. Perl - 0.29 % – -0.1 %
  • 29. Delphi/Pascal - 0.19 % – +0.2 %

Fair Use from © Pierre Carbonnelle, 2022 -

Database DevOps

Database DevOps:

SQL DevOps - Database DevOps:

Cloud Monk's Picks:

1. PostgreSQL DevOps, 2. MySQL DevOps / MariaDB DevOps, 3. Microsoft SQL Server DevOps, 4. MongoDB DevOps, 5. Redis DevOps, 6. Google Firebase DevOps, 7. Oracle DevOps, 8.Amazon DynamoDB DevOps (, 9. Cassandra DevOps, 10. IBM DB2 DevOps

Simplify from:

Microservices DevOps

Data Engineering DevOps

DevOps Clouds

DevOps Bibliography

DevOps: DevOps for 20 Languages by Cloud Monk (December 2024), DevOps and SRE - DevOps and CI/CD

DevOps Culture, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery, Infrastructure as Code, Configuration Management, Containerization, Microservices Architecture, Monitoring and Logging, Cloud Computing, Automation Tools, Version Control Systems, CI/CD Pipelines, Testing Automation, Security in DevOps (DevSecOps), Kubernetes, Docker, Ansible, Terraform, Puppet, Chef, Git, Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, GitHub Actions, Prometheus, Grafana, Elastic Stack (ELK), Nagios, Selenium, Load Testing, Performance Testing, Code Quality Analysis, Artifact Repository, JFrog Artifactory, Sonatype Nexus, Scrum, Agile Methodologies, Lean IT, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), Incident Management, Change Management, Project Management, Team Collaboration Tools, Virtualization, Network Automation, Database Management and Automation, Serverless Architecture, Cloud Service Providers, API Management, Service Mesh, Observability, Chaos Engineering, Cost Optimization in Cloud

Cloud Native DevOps - Microservices DevOps - DevOps Security - DevSecOps, DevOps by Programming Language, Functional Programming and DevOps, Concurrency and DevOps, Data Science DevOps - DataOps - Database DevOps, Machine Learning DevOps - MLOps, DevOps Bibliography, DevOps Courses, DevOps Glossary - Glossaire de DevOps - French, Awesome DevOps, DevOps GitHub, DevOps Topics. (navbar_devops - see also navbar_devops_focus, navbar_devsecops, navbar_cicd, navbar_agile)

WHERE ARE MY DATABASES INFO? Popular and Most Popular: and (Web Technology Usage Trends - Web and Internet Technology Usage Statistics), The Chrome User Experience Report (also known as the Chrome UX Report, or CrUX for short), Popular Frameworks, Popular Web Frameworks, Popular Libraries (Popular JavaScript Libraries, Popular Python Libraries, Popular Java Libraries), Standard Libraries, Popular Software, (Most Popular Relational Databases DBMS, NoSQL Database Management Systems and Data Stores), Most Popular Websites. Most Popular Programming Languages are determined by StackOverflow Tags, StackOverflow Developer Survey, JetBrains State of Developer Ecosystem, RedMonk Programming Language Rankings, PYPL (PopularitY of Programming Language) Index, TIOBE Index, GitHub Octoverse, GitHub Star Ranking for Repositories, Most GitHub Stars, Most GitHub Forks, Rosetta Code: (1. Python, 2. JavaScript, 3. Java, 4. C Sharp | C, 5. CPP | C++, 6. PHP, 7. TypeScript, 8. Ruby, 9. C, 10. Swift, 11. R, 12. Objective-C, 13. Scala, 14. Go, 15. Kotlin, 16. Rust, 17. Dart, 18. Lua, 19. Perl, 20. Haskell, 21. Julia, 22. Clojure, 23. Elixir, 24. F Sharp | F, 25. Assembly, 26. Shell/bash, 27. SQL, 28. Groovy, 29. PowerShell, 30. MATLAB, 31. VBA, 32. Racket, 33. Scheme, 34. Prolog, 35. Erlang, 36. Ada, 37. Fortran, 38. COBOL, 39. VB.NET, 40. Lisp, 41. SAS, 42. D, 43. LabVIEW, 44. PL/SQL, 45. Delphi/Object Pascal, 46. ColdFusion, 47. CLIST, 48. REXX. Old Programming Languages: APL, Pascal, Algol, PL/I). (navbar_popular - see also navbar_famous, navbar_best_practices, navbar_anti-patterns)

Cloud Monk is Retired ( for now). Buddha with you. © 2025 and Beginningless Time - Present Moment - Three Times: The Buddhas or Fair Use. Disclaimers


devops_for_20_languages_and_frameworks_by_cloud_monk.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/01 07:02 by

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