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  • Definition: The /etc/passwd file is a system file on Unix-like operating systems that contains essential information about user accounts.
  • Function: Stores user account information necessary for user login and system processes, but not passwords.
  • Components: Each line in the /etc/passwd file represents a user account and consists of several fields separated by colons:
     1. **Username**: The user’s login name.
     2. **Password Placeholder**: An 'x' indicating that the password is stored in the /etc/shadow file.
     3. **User ID (UID)**: A unique identifier for the user.
     4. **Group ID (GID)**: A unique identifier for the user’s primary group.
     5. **GECOS**: A field that typically contains the user's full name and other information.
     6. **Home Directory**: The absolute path to the user’s home directory.
     7. **Shell**: The command interpreter or shell assigned to the user.
  • Features:
     * Provides necessary information for user authentication and login.
     * Used by various system processes to retrieve user-related information.
     * Contains publicly readable information, but passwords are stored in /etc/shadow for security.
  • Usage: Essential for system administration, used to manage and retrieve user account information.


  • Sample entry in /etc/passwd:
     john:x:1001:1001:John Doe,,,:/home/john:/bin/bash

 * **john**: Username
 * **x**: Password placeholder (indicates the actual password is in /etc/shadow)
 * **1001**: User ID (UID)
 * **1001**: Group ID (GID)
 * **John Doe,,,:**: GECOS field
 * **/home/john**: Home directory
 * **/bin/bash**: Shell

  • Viewing the /etc/passwd file:
     cat /etc/passwd
  • Adding a new user (modifies /etc/passwd):
     sudo useradd newuser


  • /etc/passwd: A critical system file on Unix-like operating systems that contains user account information, necessary for user login and system processes, with passwords securely stored in the /etc/shadow file.
etc_passwd.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/07 04:34 by

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