
The five female buddhas of the five families, also known as the five mothers (Tib. ཡུམ་ལྔ་, Wyl. yum lnga) are:

  1. Dhatvishvari also known as Vajra Datvishvari or White Tara, the consort of Vairochana, who represents the purity of the element space
  2. Buddhalochana the consort of Akshobhya, who represents the purity of the element earth
  3. Mamaki the consort of Ratnasambhava, who represents the purity of the element water
  4. Pandaravasini the consort of Amitabha, who represents the purity of the element fire
  5. Samayatara also known as Green Tara, the consort of Amoghasiddhi, who represents the purity of the element wind<noinclude>

Buddhas and Deities Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities Buddhas of the Five Families Enumerations 05-Five</noinclude>

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