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Kotlin Vocabulary List (Sorted by Popularity)

Kotlin Programming Language, Kotlin Compiler, Kotlin JVM Target, Kotlin Gradle Plugin, Kotlin Standard Library, Kotlin Coroutines, Kotlin Multiplatform, Kotlin IntelliJ Integration, Kotlin Android Integration, Kotlin DSL (Domain Specific Language), Kotlin Extension Function, Kotlin Data Class, Kotlin Lambda Expression, Kotlin Inline Function, Kotlin Sealed Class, Kotlin CoroutineScope, Kotlin suspend Function, Kotlin Deferred Type, Kotlin Channel Type, Kotlin Flow API, Kotlin Val Keyword, Kotlin Var Keyword, Kotlin fun Keyword, Kotlin Class Keyword, Kotlin Object Keyword, Kotlin Companion Object, Kotlin Interface Keyword, Kotlin Enum Class, Kotlin Inline Class, Kotlin Typealias Keyword, Kotlin Lateinit Keyword, Kotlin Lazy Initialization, Kotlin Null Safety, Kotlin Safe Calls, Kotlin Elvis Operator, Kotlin Non-Null Assertion, Kotlin Smart Cast, Kotlin When Expression, Kotlin Type Inference, Kotlin Default Arguments, Kotlin Named Arguments, Kotlin Constructor Keyword, Kotlin Secondary Constructor, Kotlin Init Block, Kotlin Primary Constructor, Kotlin Property Accessor, Kotlin Getter, Kotlin Setter, Kotlin Field Keyword, Kotlin Backing Field, Kotlin Backing Property, Kotlin Inline Property, Kotlin Reified Type Parameter, Kotlin Generics, Kotlin Star Projection, Kotlin Covariance, Kotlin Contravariance, Kotlin In Keyword, Kotlin Out Keyword, Kotlin Type Projection, Kotlin Type Erasure, Kotlin Variance Annotation, Kotlin Upper Bounds, Kotlin Lower Bounds, Kotlin Type Parameter, Kotlin Intersection Type, Kotlin Union Type (Planned), Kotlin Nothing Type, Kotlin Unit Type, Kotlin Any Type, Kotlin Array Type, Kotlin String Type, Kotlin Boolean Type, Kotlin Int Type, Kotlin Long Type, Kotlin Double Type, Kotlin Float Type, Kotlin Char Type, Kotlin Byte Type, Kotlin Short Type, Kotlin UInt Type, Kotlin ULong Type, Kotlin UByte Type, Kotlin UShort Type, Kotlin Unsigned Types, Kotlin Immutable Collections, Kotlin Mutable Collections, Kotlin List Interface, Kotlin MutableList Interface, Kotlin Set Interface, Kotlin MutableSet Interface, Kotlin Map Interface, Kotlin MutableMap Interface, Kotlin Sequence Type, Kotlin Iterable Interface, Kotlin Iterator Interface, Kotlin Extension Property, Kotlin Top-Level Function, Kotlin Top-Level Property, Kotlin Package Keyword, Kotlin Import Keyword, Kotlin Internal Keyword, Kotlin Private Keyword, Kotlin Protected Keyword, Kotlin Public Keyword, Kotlin By Keyword, Kotlin Operator Keyword, Kotlin Tailrec Keyword, Kotlin Inline Keyword, Kotlin Noinline Keyword, Kotlin Crossinline Keyword, Kotlin External Keyword, Kotlin Expect Keyword, Kotlin Actual Keyword, Kotlin suspend Modifier, Kotlin Abstract Keyword, Kotlin Final Keyword, Kotlin Open Keyword, Kotlin Override Keyword, Kotlin Const Keyword, Kotlin Infix Keyword, Kotlin Inline Classes, Kotlin Value Class, Kotlin Experimental Annotation, Kotlin Opt-In Annotation, Kotlin RequiresOptIn Annotation, Kotlin Expect/Actual Mechanism, Kotlin Multiplatform Source Set, Kotlin Native Target, Kotlin JS Target, Kotlin Common Main, Kotlin Common Test, Kotlin Ktor Framework Integration, Kotlin Serialization Library, Kotlin Koin Dependency Injection, Kotlin Dagger Integration, Kotlin Hilt Integration, Kotlin kapt Tool, Kotlin Typealias for Function Types, Kotlin Contract DSL, Kotlin Contract Functions, Kotlin Inline Reified Functions, Kotlin coroutines suspendCoroutine, Kotlin coroutines withContext, Kotlin coroutines async, Kotlin coroutines launch, Kotlin coroutines delay, Kotlin coroutines runBlocking, Kotlin coroutines channel, Kotlin coroutines flowOn, Kotlin coroutines collect, Kotlin coroutines StateFlow, Kotlin coroutines SharedFlow, Kotlin coroutines MutableStateFlow, Kotlin coroutines MutableSharedFlow, Kotlin coroutines flowOf, Kotlin coroutines emptyFlow, Kotlin coroutines flow, Kotlin coroutines callbackFlow, Kotlin coroutines combine Flow, Kotlin coroutines zip Flow, Kotlin coroutines flatMapConcat, Kotlin coroutines flatMapMerge, Kotlin coroutines flatMapLatest, Kotlin coroutines map Flow, Kotlin coroutines filter Flow, Kotlin coroutines onEach Flow, Kotlin coroutines catch Flow, Kotlin coroutines retry Flow, Kotlin coroutines shareIn Flow, Kotlin coroutines stateIn Flow, Kotlin Inline Functions Optimization, Kotlin Function Literals, Kotlin Function Type, Kotlin Receiver Type, Kotlin Extension Lambda, Kotlin SAM (Single Abstract Method) Conversion, Kotlin TypeAlias for Complex Types, Kotlin High-Order Function, Kotlin Lambdas with Receiver, Kotlin apply Function, Kotlin with Function, Kotlin run Function, Kotlin let Function, Kotlin also Function, Kotlin takeIf Function, Kotlin takeUnless Function, Kotlin runCatching Function, Kotlin mapCatching Function, Kotlin onFailure Function, Kotlin onSuccess Function, Kotlin fold Function, Kotlin reduce Function, Kotlin associate Function, Kotlin groupBy Function, Kotlin joinToString Function, Kotlin sortedBy Function, Kotlin sortedByDescending Function, Kotlin filter Function, Kotlin filterNot Function, Kotlin filterNotNull Function, Kotlin mapNotNull Function, Kotlin flatMap Function, Kotlin flatten Function, Kotlin distinct Function, Kotlin distinctBy Function, Kotlin chunked Function, Kotlin windowed Function, Kotlin zip Function, Kotlin partition Function, Kotlin plus Function for Collections, Kotlin minus Function for Collections, Kotlin getOrElse Function, Kotlin getOrNull Function, Kotlin random Function on Collections, Kotlin shuffle Function on Collections, Kotlin associateWith Function, Kotlin associateBy Function, Kotlin require Function, Kotlin check Function, Kotlin assert Function, Kotlin lazy Delegate, Kotlin lazyThreadSafetyMode, Kotlin Delegation Pattern, Kotlin delegated Property, Kotlin by lazy, Kotlin by Delegates.notNull, Kotlin by Delegates.observable, Kotlin by Delegates.vetoable, Kotlin property Delegation, Kotlin storing properties in a map, Kotlin Reflection, Kotlin KClass Type, Kotlin KFunction Type, Kotlin KProperty Type, Kotlin KParameter Type, Kotlin KType Type, Kotlin KMutableProperty Type, Kotlin callBy Reflection, Kotlin isInitialized Reflection, class, functionName, propertyName, Kotlin Bound Reference, Kotlin Unbound Reference, Kotlin JVM Annotations, Kotlin @JvmStatic Annotation, Kotlin @JvmOverloads Annotation, Kotlin @JvmName Annotation, Kotlin @JvmField Annotation, Kotlin @JvmSynthetic Annotation, Kotlin @JvmDefault Annotation, Kotlin @Throws Annotation, Kotlin @Synchronized Annotation, Kotlin @Volatile Annotation, Kotlin SAM Constructor, Kotlin Scripting, Kotlin Script File (.kts), Kotlin Gradle Script (build.gradle.kts), Kotlin Kotlinx Packages, Kotlin kotlinx.coroutines, Kotlin kotlinx.serialization, Kotlin kotlinx.datetime, Kotlin kotlinx.cli, Kotlin Metadata Annotations, Kotlin Intrinsics, Kotlin Inline Classes Stability, Kotlin Unsigned Integers Support, Kotlin Range Expressions, Kotlin IntRange, Kotlin LongRange, Kotlin CharRange, Kotlin UIntRange, Kotlin ULongRange, Kotlin ClosedRange Interface, Kotlin Progressions, Kotlin IntProgression, Kotlin LongProgression, Kotlin CharProgression, Kotlin RangeTo Operator, Kotlin until Function, Kotlin downTo Function, Kotlin step Function, Kotlin in Operator for Ranges, Kotlin !in Operator for Ranges, Kotlin for Loop over Ranges, Kotlin indices Property, Kotlin Indices in Arrays, Kotlin Indices in Strings, Kotlin Indices in Collections, Kotlin Null Safety Operators, Kotlin , Kotlin , Kotlin !! Non-Null Assertion, Kotlin let Scope Function, Kotlin run Scope Function, Kotlin also Scope Function, Kotlin apply Scope Function, Kotlin with Scope Function, Kotlin requireNotNull Function, Kotlin checkNotNull Function, Kotlin notNull Delegate, Kotlin Lateinit for Non-Null Properties, JvmName Annotation, JvmMultifileClass Annotation, Kotlin JvmField on top-level val, Kotlin JvmName for function, Kotlin JvmName for property, Kotlin JvmOverloads for default params, Kotlin JvmStatic in companion, Kotlin JvmDefault for interface methods, Kotlin JvmRecord Annotation, Kotlin JvmInline Annotation, Kotlin TypeOf Operator, Kotlin result Type, Kotlin Result Class, Kotlin Result.isSuccess, Kotlin Result.isFailure, Kotlin Result.getOrThrow, Kotlin Result.getOrElse, Kotlin Result.fold, Kotlin Contracts, Kotlin ContractBuilder, Kotlin CallsInPlace Contract, Kotlin Returns Contract, Kotlin ReturnsNotNull Contract, Kotlin Implicit Contract, Kotlin Contract Effects, Kotlin Inline Lambdas, Kotlin crossinline Parameter, Kotlin noinline Parameter, Kotlin tailrec Functions, Kotlin operator Overloading, Kotlin componentN Functions, Kotlin Destructuring Declarations, Kotlin Data Class copy Function, Kotlin Data Class component Functions, Kotlin Data Class equals and hashCode, Kotlin Data Class toString, Kotlin Data Class copy with named arguments, Kotlin equals Operator Check, Kotlin compareTo Operator, Kotlin plus Operator, Kotlin minus Operator, Kotlin times Operator, Kotlin div Operator, Kotlin rem Operator, Kotlin unaryPlus Operator, Kotlin unaryMinus Operator, Kotlin not Operator, Kotlin get Operator Overload, Kotlin set Operator Overload, Kotlin invoke Operator Overload, Kotlin iterator Operator Overload, Kotlin rangeTo Operator Overload, Kotlin contains Operator Overload, Kotlin index Operator Overload, Kotlin Operator precedence, Kotlin Safe Cast Operator (as, Kotlin Non-null Cast (as) Operator, Kotlin sealed Interface, Kotlin inline classes numeric conversions, Kotlin Experimental Features Flag, Kotlin @Experimental Annotation, Kotlin RequiresOptIn replaced by RequiresOptIn Annotation, Kotlin UseExperimental Annotation (deprecated), Kotlin buildString Function, Kotlin buildList Function, Kotlin buildMap Function, Kotlin buildSet Function, Kotlin buildSequence Function, Kotlin buildIterator Function, Kotlin ByteArray Type, Kotlin ShortArray Type, Kotlin IntArray Type, Kotlin LongArray Type, Kotlin FloatArray Type, Kotlin DoubleArray Type, Kotlin CharArray Type, Kotlin BooleanArray Type, Kotlin arrayOf Function, Kotlin intArrayOf Function, Kotlin charArrayOf Function, Kotlin emptyArray Function, Kotlin arrayOfNulls Function, Kotlin contentEquals Function on Arrays, Kotlin contentHashCode Function on Arrays, Kotlin contentToString Function on Arrays, Kotlin contentDeepEquals Function, Kotlin contentDeepHashCode Function, Kotlin contentDeepToString Function, Kotlin joinToString on Arrays, Kotlin copyOf on Arrays, Kotlin copyOfRange on Arrays, Kotlin fill on Arrays, Kotlin sort on Arrays, Kotlin sortBy on Arrays, Kotlin sortWith on Arrays, Kotlin reversed on Arrays, Kotlin indexOf on Arrays, Kotlin lastIndexOf on Arrays, Kotlin indexOfFirst on Arrays, Kotlin indexOfLast on Arrays, Kotlin binarySearch on Arrays, Kotlin slice on Arrays, Kotlin drop on Arrays, Kotlin take on Arrays, Kotlin dropLast on Arrays, Kotlin takeLast on Arrays, Kotlin chunked on Arrays, Kotlin windowed on Arrays, Kotlin runningFold on Arrays, Kotlin runningReduce on Arrays, Kotlin fold on Arrays, Kotlin reduce on Arrays, Kotlin foldIndexed on Arrays, Kotlin reduceIndexed on Arrays, Kotlin mapIndexed on Arrays, Kotlin forEachIndexed on Arrays, Kotlin onEachIndexed on Arrays, Kotlin Kotlinx.coroutines.test Dependency, Kotlin Test Coroutines, Kotlin runTest Function, Kotlin Unconfined Dispatcher, Kotlin Main Dispatcher, Kotlin Default Dispatcher, Kotlin IO Dispatcher, Kotlin NonCancellable Job, Kotlin CoroutineExceptionHandler, Kotlin SupervisorJob, Kotlin SupervisorScope, Kotlin withTimeout Function, Kotlin withTimeoutOrNull Function, Kotlin withContext Function, Kotlin coroutineContext Property, Kotlin ensureActive Function, Kotlin yield Function, Kotlin delay Function, Kotlin async Function, Kotlin Job Interface, Kotlin Deferred Interface, Kotlin Cancellable Continuation, Kotlin Continuation Interface, Kotlin start Coroutine, Kotlin suspendCoroutine Function, Kotlin suspendCancellableCoroutine Function, Kotlin Flow Builder Functions, Kotlin flowOf Elements, Kotlin flowOn Operator, Kotlin buffer Operator, Kotlin conflate Operator, Kotlin distinctUntilChanged Operator, Kotlin filterNotNull Operator, Kotlin debounce Operator, Kotlin throttleFirst Operator, Kotlin flatMapConcat Operator, Kotlin flatMapMerge Operator, Kotlin flatMapLatest Operator, Kotlin catch Operator, Kotlin onCompletion Operator, Kotlin retry Operator, Kotlin channelFlow Builder, Kotlin callbackFlow Builder, Kotlin MutableStateFlow class, Kotlin MutableSharedFlow class, Kotlin SharedFlow class, Kotlin StateFlow class, Kotlin StateIn Operator, Kotlin ShareIn Operator, Kotlin produceIn Operator, Kotlin consumeAsFlow Extension, Kotlin asFlow Extension, Kotlin Sequence Builder, Kotlin sequenceOf Elements, Kotlin generateSequence Function, Kotlin asSequence Function, Kotlin toList Extension, Kotlin toSet Extension, Kotlin toMap Extension, Kotlin toMutableList Extension, Kotlin toMutableSet Extension, Kotlin toMutableMap Extension, Kotlin component1 Function, Kotlin component2 Function, Kotlin destructuring Declarations in For Loops, Kotlin destructuring in lambda parameters, Kotlin internal Visibility, Kotlin private Visibility, Kotlin protected Visibility, Kotlin public Visibility, Kotlin inline Reified Type Parameter, Kotlin checkNotNull Function for Safety, Kotlin requireNotNull Function for Safety, Kotlin also for side effects, Kotlin apply for configuration, Kotlin run for last expression, Kotlin let for safe calls, Kotlin takeUnless for inverse predicate, Kotlin takeIf for direct predicate, Kotlin measureTimeMillis Function, Kotlin measureNanoTime Function, Kotlin randomOrNull Extension, Kotlin shuffle Extension on Lists, Kotlin sortBy Extension on Lists, Kotlin sorted Extension on Lists, Kotlin reversed Extension on Lists, Kotlin binarySearch Extension on Lists, Kotlin chunked Extension on Lists, Kotlin windowed Extension on Lists, Kotlin aggregate Operations on Collections, Kotlin maxOrNull Function, Kotlin minOrNull Function, Kotlin sum Function on Collections, Kotlin average Function on Collections, Kotlin foldIndexed on Collections, Kotlin reduceIndexed on Collections, Kotlin mapIndexedNotNull on Collections, Kotlin flatMapIndexed on Collections, Kotlin groupBy on Collections, Kotlin associateWith on Collections, Kotlin associateBy on Collections, Kotlin partition on Collections, Kotlin zip on Collections, Kotlin unzip on Collections, Kotlin foldRight on Collections, Kotlin reduceRight on Collections, Kotlin scan on Collections, Kotlin scanIndexed on Collections, Kotlin onEach on Collections, Kotlin onEachIndexed on Collections, Kotlin shuffle on MutableList, Kotlin sort on MutableList, Kotlin sortDescending on MutableList, Kotlin sortByDescending on MutableList, Kotlin fill on MutableList, Kotlin plusAssign Operator for Collections, Kotlin minusAssign Operator for Collections, Kotlin plus Operator for Collections, Kotlin minus Operator for Collections, Kotlin union Operator for Sets, Kotlin intersect Operator for Sets, Kotlin subtract Operator for Sets, Kotlin indexing operations on Lists, Kotlin indexing operations on Maps, Kotlin getValue Operator for Delegated Properties, Kotlin setValue Operator for Delegated Properties, Kotlin mapKeys on Maps, Kotlin mapValues on Maps, Kotlin filterKeys on Maps, Kotlin filterValues on Maps, Kotlin withDefault on Maps, Kotlin Map to MutableMap conversion, Kotlin readOnly view of a map, Kotlin readOnly view of a list, Kotlin readOnly view of a set, Kotlin buildMap builder, Kotlin buildList builder, Kotlin buildSet builder, Kotlin LinkedHashMap type, Kotlin LinkedHashSet type, Kotlin SortedSet (in standard library), Kotlin SortedMap (in standard library), Kotlin kotlin.math Package, Kotlin kotlin.random Package, Kotlin kotlin.system Package, Kotlin kotlin.reflect Package, Kotlin reflection KMutableProperty, Kotlin reflection KMutableProperty0, Kotlin reflection KMutableProperty1, Kotlin reflection KMutableProperty2, Kotlin reflection KProperty0, Kotlin reflection KProperty1, Kotlin reflection KProperty2, Kotlin reflection KTypeParameter, Kotlin reflection KVariance, Kotlin reflection isFinal Property, Kotlin reflection isOpen Property, Kotlin reflection isAbstract Property, Kotlin reflection isSealed Property, Kotlin reflection isData Property, Kotlin reflection isInner Property, Kotlin reflection isCompanion Property, Kotlin reflection KVisibility, Kotlin reflection KVisibility.PUBLIC, Kotlin reflection KVisibility.PROTECTED, Kotlin reflection KVisibility.INTERNAL, Kotlin reflection KVisibility.PRIVATE, Kotlin reflection call Function, Kotlin reflection callBy Function, Kotlin reflection property getter, Kotlin reflection property setter, Kotlin reflection extension Receiver, Kotlin reflection instance Parameter, Kotlin reflection supertypes, Kotlin reflection isMarkedNullable, Kotlin reflection starProjectedType, Kotlin reflection jvmName Extension, Kotlin reflection jvmErasure Extension, Kotlin reflection, Kotlin reflection KClass.isInstance, Kotlin reflection KClass.constructors, Kotlin reflection KClass.nestedClasses, Kotlin reflection KClass.objectInstance, Kotlin reflection KClass.isCompanion, Kotlin reflection KClass.isSealed, Kotlin reflection KClass.isData, Kotlin reflection KClass.isInner, Kotlin reflection KFunction.isSuspend, Kotlin reflection KFunction.isOperator, Kotlin reflection KFunction.isInfix, Kotlin reflection KFunction.isExternal, Kotlin reflection KFunction.isInline, Kotlin reflection KFunction.isTailrec, Kotlin reflection KFunction.isAnnotation, Kotlin reflection KFunction.isExpect, Kotlin reflection KFunction.isFun, Kotlin reflection KFunction.typeParameters, Kotlin reflection KFunction.parameters, Kotlin reflection KParameter.isOptional, Kotlin reflection KParameter.isVararg, Kotlin reflection KParameter.kind, Kotlin reflection KParameter.index, Kotlin reflection KParameter.type, Kotlin reflection KProperty.isLateinit, Kotlin reflection KProperty.isConst, Kotlin reflection KProperty.setter, Kotlin reflection KProperty.getter, Kotlin reflection KMutableProperty.setter, Kotlin reflection KMutableProperty.getter, Kotlin reflection KType.isMarkedNullable, Kotlin reflection KType.arguments, Kotlin reflection KTypeParameter.upperBounds, Kotlin reflection KTypeParameter.variance, Kotlin reflection KTypeParameter.isReified, Kotlin reflection KTypeProjection, Kotlin reflection KTypeProjection.STAR, Kotlin reflection KTypeProjection.contravariant, Kotlin reflection KTypeProjection.covariant, Kotlin reflection KTypeProjection.invariant, Kotlin reflection KProperty0.get, Kotlin reflection KProperty1.get, Kotlin reflection KProperty2.get, Kotlin reflection KProperty0.setter, Kotlin reflection KProperty1.setter, Kotlin reflection KProperty2.setter, Kotlin reflection KCallable.returnType, Kotlin reflection, Kotlin reflection KCallable.typeParameters, Kotlin reflection KCallable.isAbstract, Kotlin reflection KCallable.isFinal, Kotlin reflection KCallable.isOpen, Kotlin reflection KCallable.isSuspend, Kotlin stdlib kotlin.text Package, Kotlin toRegex Function, Kotlin Regex Class, Kotlin Regex.find Function, Kotlin Regex.findAll Function, Kotlin Regex.matchEntire Function, Kotlin Regex.replace Function, Kotlin Regex.replaceFirst Function, Kotlin Regex.split Function, Kotlin RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE, Kotlin RegexOption.MULTILINE, Kotlin RegexOption.LITERAL, Kotlin RegexOption.UNIX_LINES, Kotlin RegexOption.COMMENTS, Kotlin buildString for text, Kotlin buildCharSequence, Kotlin chars Function, Kotlin filterNotNull on CharSequence, Kotlin substring Function, Kotlin substringAfter Function, Kotlin substringBefore Function, Kotlin substringAfterLast Function, Kotlin substringBeforeLast Function, Kotlin substringRange Function, Kotlin dropWhile Function, Kotlin dropLastWhile Function, Kotlin takeWhile Function, Kotlin takeLastWhile Function, Kotlin padStart Function, Kotlin padEnd Function, Kotlin trim Function, Kotlin trimIndent Function, Kotlin trimMargin Function, Kotlin chunked for Strings, Kotlin windowed for Strings, Kotlin replace for Strings, Kotlin replaceAfter for Strings, Kotlin replaceBefore for Strings, Kotlin replaceRange for Strings, Kotlin equalsIgnoreCase Function, Kotlin capitalize Function, Kotlin decapitalize Function, Kotlin toLowerCase Function, Kotlin toUpperCase Function, Kotlin asIterable on CharSequence, Kotlin asSequence on CharSequence, Kotlin asIterable on Array, Kotlin asSequence on Array, Kotlin joinTo on Collections, Kotlin joinToString with prefix/suffix, Kotlin chunked with transform, Kotlin windowed with transform, Kotlin zipWithNext Function, Kotlin zipWithNext with transform, Kotlin reduceOrNull Function, Kotlin foldRight Function, Kotlin foldRightIndexed Function, Kotlin reduceRight Function, Kotlin reduceRightIndexed Function, Kotlin scanRight Function, Kotlin scanRightIndexed Function, Kotlin minusElement Function, Kotlin plusElement Function, Kotlin union Extension, Kotlin intersect Extension, Kotlin subtract Extension, Kotlin distinct Extension, Kotlin distinctBy Extension, Kotlin dropWhile Extension, Kotlin dropLastWhile Extension, Kotlin takeWhile Extension, Kotlin takeLastWhile Extension, Kotlin flatMapTo Function, Kotlin mapTo Function, Kotlin filterTo Function, Kotlin filterNotTo Function, Kotlin associateTo Function, Kotlin associateByTo Function, Kotlin associateWithTo Function, Kotlin groupByTo Function, Kotlin onEachTo Function, Kotlin partitionTo Function, Kotlin zipTo Function, Kotlin sequence Function, Kotlin generateSequence with seed, Kotlin sequenceOf vararg, Kotlin emptySequence Function, Kotlin asSequence on Iterable, Kotlin Sequence.flatMap, Kotlin Sequence.mapNotNull, Kotlin Sequence.filterNotNull, Kotlin Sequence.distinct, Kotlin, Kotlin Sequence.minus, Kotlin Sequence.toList, Kotlin Sequence.toSet, Kotlin Sequence.toMap, Kotlin Sequence.toMutableList, Kotlin Sequence.toMutableSet, Kotlin Sequence.toMutableMap, Kotlin ByteArray.contentEquals, Kotlin ByteArray.contentHashCode, Kotlin ByteArray.contentToString, Kotlin ByteArray.joinToString, Kotlin ByteArray.copyOf, Kotlin ByteArray.copyOfRange, Kotlin ByteArray.fill, Kotlin ByteArray.sort, Kotlin ByteArray.sortBy, Kotlin ByteArray.reversed, Kotlin ByteArray.indexOf, Kotlin ByteArray.lastIndexOf, Kotlin, Kotlin ByteArray.filter, Kotlin ByteArray.slice, Kotlin ByteArray.distinct, Kotlin ByteArray.distinctBy, Kotlin ByteArray.associate, Kotlin ByteArray.associateBy, Kotlin ByteArray.associateWith, Kotlin companion object Extensions, Kotlin object Expression, Kotlin object Declaration, Kotlin Named Companion Objects, Kotlin inline classes Experimental, Kotlin value classes as of Kotlin 1.5+, Kotlin sealed interfaces Experimental, Kotlin serialization with kotlinx.serialization, Kotlin @Serializable Annotation, Kotlin Json Class from kotlinx.serialization, Kotlin encodeToString Function, Kotlin decodeFromString Function, Kotlin encodeToByteArray Function, Kotlin decodeFromByteArray Function, Kotlin JsonConfiguration Builder, Kotlin Polymorphic Serialization, Kotlin @Polymorphic Annotation, Kotlin @SerialName Annotation, Kotlin @Transient Annotation, Kotlin @Contextual Annotation, Kotlin @SerialInfo Annotation, Kotlin @Required Annotation, Kotlin Built-In Serializers for Primitives, Kotlin Built-In Serializers for Collections, Kotlin Built-In Serializers for Maps, Kotlin Built-In Serializers for Arrays, Kotlin Built-In Serializers for Enums, Kotlin Built-In Serializers for Polymorphism, Kotlin plugin Management in Gradle Scripts, Kotlin MPP (Multiplatform Projects), Kotlin MPP Source Sets Hierarchy, Kotlin MPP Targets (JVM, JS, Native), Kotlin MPP Shared Code, Kotlin MPP Common Main Source Set, Kotlin MPP jvmMain Source Set, Kotlin MPP jsMain Source Set, Kotlin MPP iosMain Source Set, Kotlin MPP cocoapods Integration, Kotlin MPP KLib Format, Kotlin JS IR Compiler, Kotlin JS Legacy Compiler, Kotlin JS Browser DSL in Gradle, Kotlin JS Node.js Target, Kotlin Native Backend, Kotlin Native Interop with C/Objective-C, Kotlin/Native Memory Model, Kotlin/Native Gradle Plugin, Kotlin/Native KLIB Dependencies, Kotlin/Native Konan Toolchain, Kotlin/Native C Interop DSL, Kotlin Compose Multiplatform Integration, Kotlin Compose DSL, Kotlin Compose @Composable Annotation, Kotlin Compose remember Function, Kotlin Compose mutableStateOf, Kotlin Compose State, Kotlin Compose EffectHandlers, Kotlin Compose LaunchedEffect, Kotlin Compose DisposableEffect, Kotlin Compose rememberCoroutineScope, Kotlin Compose snapshotFlow, Kotlin Compose Flow.collectAsState, Kotlin Compose StateFlow.collectAsState, Kotlin Compose LiveData.observeAsState, Kotlin Compose RxJava.observeAsState.

Kotlin: Effective Kotlin, Kotlin Best Practices, Kotlin Fundamentals, Kotlin Inventor - Kotlin Language Designer: Andrey Breslav and JetBrains on July 22, 2011, Kotlin 1.0 on February 15, 2016; JVM, Kotlin on JVM, Kotlin RFCs, Kotlin Scripting, Kotlin Keywords, Kotlin Built-In Data Types, Kotlin Data Structures - Kotlin Algorithms, Kotlin Syntax, Kotlin OOP - Kotlin Design Patterns - Kotlin Best Practices, Kotlin Installation, Kotlin Containerization, Kotlin Configuration, Kotlin Compiler, Kotlin Transpiler (Kotlin/JS - Kotlin.js, kotlin.multiplatform), Kotlin Multiplatform, Kotlin REPL (Kotlin Interpreter), Kotlin IDEs (JetBrains IntelliJ, Android Studio), Kotlin development tools, Kotlin Linter, JetBrains, Kotlin Testing, Kotlin on Android, Kotlin on Windows, Kotlin on macOS, Kotlin on Linux, KTor, Kotlin DevOps - Kotlin SRE - Kotlin Scripting (kscript), Kotlin Data Science - Kotlin DataOps, Kotlin Machine Learning, Kotlin Deep Learning, Functional Kotlin, Kotlin Concurrency - Kotlin Parallel Programming - Async Kotlin, Kotlin History, Kotlin Bibliography, Manning Kotlin Series, Kotlin Glossary - Glossaire de Kotlin - French, Kotlin Topics, Kotlin Courses, Kotlin Security - Kotlin DevSecOps, Kotlin Standard Library, Kotlin Libraries, Kotlin Frameworks, Kotlin Research, Kotlin GitHub, Written in Kotlin, Kotlin Popularity, Kotlin Awesome List, Kotlin Versions. (navbar_kotlin)

Kotlin Package Manager, Kotlin Virtualization, Kotlin Interpreter, Kotlin REPL, Kotlin IDEs (IntelliJ - CLion, Visual Studio Code), Kotlin Development Tools, Kotlin Linter, Kotlinaceans-Kotlin User, Kotlin Uses, List of Kotlin Software, Kotlin Popularity, Kotlin Compiler, Kotlin Transpiler, Kotlin DevOps - Kotlin SRE, Kotlin Data Science - Kotlin DataOps, Kotlin Machine Learning, Kotlin Deep Learning, Functional Kotlin, Kotlin Concurrency - Kotlin Parallel Programming - Async Kotlin, Kotlin Standard Library, Kotlin Testing, Kotlin Libraries, Kotlin Frameworks, Kotlin History, Kotlin Bibliography, Kotlin Glossary - Kotlin Official Glossary, Kotlin Topics, Kotlin Courses, Kotlin Research, Kotlin GitHub, Written in Kotlin, Kotlin Awesome List. (navbar_Kotlin - see also navbar_java)

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