User Tools

Site Tools


Table of Contents


  • Definition: GNOME Shell is the core user interface of the GNOME desktop environment, providing the primary interface for interacting with the system.
  • Function: Manages the overall user experience, including window management, application launching, and system notifications.
  • Components:
  • Activities Overview: A unified view for managing windows, virtual desktops, and launching applications.
  • Dash: A quick-access bar for favorite and running applications.
  • Top Bar: Displays system status, notifications, and the system menu.
  • System Menu: Provides quick access to system settings, power options, and user session management.
  • Features:
  • Modern and intuitive interface designed for ease of use and productivity.
  • Supports dynamic workspaces for better multitasking.
  • Integrated search functionality to quickly find applications, files, and system settings.
  • Extensible through GNOME Shell extensions, allowing users to customize and enhance the desktop experience.
  • Usage: Used as the default user interface in the GNOME desktop environment, providing a seamless and cohesive experience for users.


  • Accessing the Activities Overview:
    • Press the “Super” key (Windows key) or click on “Activities” in the top left corner of the screen.
  • Managing virtual desktops:
    • In the Activities Overview, drag windows to the sides to create new workspaces or move them between existing ones.
  • Installing GNOME Shell extensions:


  • GNOME Shell: Core user interface of the GNOME desktop environment, providing window management, application launching, and system notifications with a modern and intuitive design.
gnome_shell.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/07 04:34 by

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