
JetBrains AI Assistant

Return to JetBrains AI, JetBrains AI Pro

It is powered by OpenAI and Google Gemini as the primary third-party providers, as well as by a number of JetBrains’ proprietary LLM modelsJetBrains Mellum LLM

Select between Google Gemini, OpenAI, or local models to tailor interactions for a more customized experience

JetBrains AI Assistant

Use AI Assistant features Here is how you can work with AI Assistant:

  • Chat with AI Assistant to ask questions related to your project or iterate on a task.
  • Use prompts to explain and refactor your code.
  • Generate code right in the editor.
  • Use AI-powered code completion to get code suggestions for single lines, entire functions, and even blocks of code in real time.
  • Explain commits and generate commit messages.
  • Generate documentation.
  • Convert files to another language.
  • Generate tests.
  • Generate terminal commands.
jetbrains_ai_assistant.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/01 06:46 by

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