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Machik Labdron / Machig Labdrön / Machig Labdron

Machik Labdron: disciple of Padama Sangye and founder of Chö (Chod practice).

The great female Guru who established the system of Chod (gcod) in Tibet, a system of practices based on Prajnaparamita. Consort and disciple of the Indian Buddhist Masters Phadampa Sangye (pha dam pa sangs rgyas) and Thopa Bhadra (thod pa bha dra). Thöpa Bhadra was the father of her two sons and four daughters.

Machig Labdrön. (1031 - 1129). The great female Master who set down the Vajrayogini Chod practice, cutting through ego-clinging. Disciple and consort of the Indian Buddhist Master Phadampa Sangye. Machig Labdrön means 'Only Mother Lamp of Dharma.'

Alternate Names
  • * [[Yogini] Macik Labdron and the Formation of Chod Sect] - Section 2 of China Tibetology article: “Nuns of the unique Joyul (gcod-yul) Sect of Tibetan Buddhism”

Buddhist Masters Chod Chod Masters

Tibetan Dictionary rydic2003 ma

machik_labdron.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:19 by