
ng related ONLY: Give me a 125 term vocabulary list sorted by popularity in usage (by commonly used / frequency of use in codebases). That means 125 terms, not 125 words. DO NOT REPEAT YOURSELF. Acronyms related to ng technology are allowed but they must be expanded. e.g. RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization). The terms should have to do ONLY with and SPECIFICALLY with ng, CANNOT include generic operating system terms, generic IT terms, or computing terms. No definitions. Just the words. Each word should be surrounded by double brackets and separated by a comma and on the same lines. e.g. robots, robotics. Etc.

ng, ng new, ng serve, ng build, ng test, ng lint, ng e2e, ng generate, ng g, ng add, ng update, ng version, ng doc, ng deploy, ng xi18n, ng analytics, ng config, ng extract-i18n, ng run, ng cache, ng help, ng build --prod, ng build --aot, ng build --watch, ng build --output-path, ng build --optimization, ng build --source-map, ng build --extract-css, ng build --base-href, ng build --deploy-url, ng build --stats-json, ng build --named-chunks, ng build --vendor-chunk, ng build --common-chunk, ng build --build-optimizer, ng serve --port, ng serve --host, ng serve --open, ng serve --watch, ng serve --live-reload, ng serve --ssl, ng serve --proxy-config, ng serve --disable-host-check, ng serve --poll, ng test --watch, ng test --code-coverage, ng test --browsers, ng test --reporters, ng test --progress, ng test --karma-config, ng lint --fix, ng lint --format, ng e2e --protractor-config, ng e2e --dev-server-target, ng e2e --base-url, ng e2e --element-explorer, ng generate component, ng generate service, ng generate module, ng generate directive, ng generate pipe, ng generate guard, ng generate class, ng generate interface, ng generate enum, ng generate library, ng generate application, ng generate workspace, ng generate schematic, ng add @angular/material, ng add @angular/pwa, ng update @angular/core, ng update @angular/cli, ng update --force, ng update --all, ng config cli.defaultCollection, ng config cli.packageManager, ng config, ng config schematics, ng config projects, ng config architect, ng config targets, build, serve, test, e2e, ng cache clean, ng cache info, ng deploy --configuration, ng deploy --base-href, ng deploy --progress, ng deploy --verbose, ng xi18n --out-file, ng xi18n --output-path, ng xi18n --i18n-format, ng xi18n --locale, ng xi18n --missing-translation, ng xi18n --progress, ng analytics on, ng analytics off, ng analytics ci, ng analytics share, ng doc angular, ng doc component, ng doc directive, ng doc pipe, ng doc service, ng help serve, ng help build, ng help generate, ng help lint, ng help test, ng help update, ng help deploy.

navbar_ng.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/01 06:39 by

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