Regex: String in Programming Languages, sed, grep, Regex Basic Syntax, Regex Character Classes, Regex Quantifiers, Regex Anchors and Boundaries, Regex Grouping and Capturing, Regex Greedy vs. Lazy Matching, Regex Lookahead and Lookbehind, Regex Backreferences, Regex Flags, Regex Unicode Matching, Regex Common Patterns, Regex Performance Optimization, Regex in JavaScript, Regex in Python, Regex in Java, Regex in PHP, Regex Libraries, Regex Pattern Matching, Regex Tools, Regex Testing, Regex Multiline Matching, Regex Escape Sequences, Regex Named Groups, Regex Conditionals in Regex, Regex Advanced Techniques, Regex in CPP | Regex in C++, Regex in C Sharp | Regex in C, Regex in Ruby, Regex in SQL, Regex Word Boundaries, Regex in Perl, Regex Non-capturing Groups, Regex Assertions, Regex in Bash, Regex Whitespace Matching, Regex in PowerShell, Regex Dynamic Regex, Regex in Swift, Regex in Go, Regex in R, Regex Line Anchors, Regex Character Ranges, Regex POSIX Character Classes, Regex Balancing Groups, Regex Recursion in Regex, Regex Atomic Grouping, Regex Backtracking, Regex in Objective-C, Regex in Kotlin, Regex Dot Matches Newline Setting, GitHub Regex, Awesome Regex. (navbar_regex - see also navbar_strings)