
Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism by Dudjom Rinpoche Bibliography

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This bibliography is divided into two parts. The first lists all those works mentioned in the texts of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche's Fundamentals and History according to the English titles given in the translations in Volume One, and provides whatever information the translators have had at their disposal regarding the actual identity of the works in question. The second gives detailed information on the specific texts and editions to which the translators have themselves referred.

The vast literature of Tibetan Buddhism remains mostly unknown to contemporary scholarship, although Tibetan language publishers in South Asia, Tibet and mainland China have reproduced thousands of manuscripts and printed texts during the last thirty years. The student of Tibetan religious history and doctrine is therefore confronted at the outset with the methodological difficulty of establishing the precise relationship between the literature to which reference is made in any given work, and the actual Tibetan literature to which we have real access at the present time. Here, we set forth the tentative results of our researches to date, certain that much emendation and revision will be called for. We have also included general titles for traditions of meditational and ritual practice which, properly speaking, do not belong in a bibliography as they are not the titles of texts. Our regret is that it has not been possible to provide the reader with a Tibetan-English index at this time, however our intention is to make this material available in the future. The remarks which follow explain our treatment of the main classes of literary materials with which we are concerned in Part One.


Of the several bodies of literature to which our texts refer, it is the Indian works which, excepting the tantras, are the best known to contemporary scholarship. Indian sūtras and treatises translated into Tibetan are usually cited by Tibetan authors by means of abbreviated rather than full titles, but this is only occasionally a source of confusion. A more common difficulty is that quotations taken from one text come to be attributed to another when citations are given from memory, as is usually the case in traditional Tibetan scholarship.

In this bibliography, we have generally avoided providing detailed information on the available editions and translations of Indian Buddhist sūtras and treatises, and instead adopted the expedient of referring the reader to recent bibliographies, especially Karl Potter's revised bibliography to the Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophy (EIPRB), Peter Pfandt's Mahāyāna Texts Translated into Western Languages (MTTWL), and several of the volumes of the new History of Indian Literature (HIL), appearing under the general editorship of Jan Gonda. In addition, we give references to the publication of relevant works in important Indological and Buddhological Series, and to some very recent contributions that are not noted in the aforementioned bibliographies.


The tantras, including both those which are adhered to by all schools of Tibetan Buddhism in common, and those which are peculiar to the Nyingma tradition, present the student of Tibetan literature with a special set of problems; for abbreviated titles are very frequently applied to several tantras and, moreover, are equally applied to the entire system of Vajrayāna practice stemming from the tantras in question. Thus, for instance, dus-'khor (Kālacakra) may refer not only to the Kālacakra Tantra in its various longer and shorter versions, but equally to any of the means for attainment, instruction manuals, empowerment ceremonies, etc., whether composed in India or Tibet, that are related to the theory and practice of the Kālacakra Tantra. These remarks apply equally to, for example, gsang-'dus (Guhyasamāja), bde-mchog (Saṃvara), kye-rdor (Hevajra), phur-pa (Vajrakīla), bka'-brgyad (Eight Transmitted Precepts), and so forth. It is therefore often not possible to establish the precise connection between any such abbreviated reference to a Vajrayāna system of practice and the known textual corpus associated with that system. Of course, when a fuller title is given, or when a textual passage is actually quoted, the situation is quite different and it may then become possible to establish the precise identification of the text cited. Similarly, comparison with accounts given in parallel source materials may help to establish the likelihood, at least, of a given abbreviated citation's exact identification.

Given these particular difficulties, we have provided, in the cases of the general titles such as those mentioned above, references which will serve to introduce some of the most important sources for the study of the Vajrayāna systems in question, at least so far as concerns the Nyingma tradition and those other schools with which it has historically been most closely associated. Thus, in any such case, the reader will find references to the foremost tantra or tantras of the system, as found in the Kangyur (T or P), and/or the Collected Tantras of the Nyingmapa (NGB). In addition, she or he will find references to several of the most important collections of Tibetan Vajrayāna materials, in which major redactions of the relevant means for attainment, etc., are given. Scholars undertaking research in this field must exercise care to determine whether or not such references may have any bearing in any given case. Those who wish to determine the general correspondences which hold between a given tantra or group of tantras in the Kangyur and the ancillary texts found in the Tangyur, are referred to A. Wayman, The Buddhist Tantras: New Light on Indo-Tibetan Esotericism, pp. 233-9.

The reader should note that the references we have given to NGB include, in addition to citation by volume, the precise index number which is assigned to each tantra included in NGB in the catalogue of that collection by Prof. Eiichi Kaneko, the Ko-tantura Zenshū Kaidai Mokuroku. This work, with Prof. Kaneko's learned introduction surveying the overall structure of Nyingmapa literature, represents the first major systematic contribution to the analysis of the tremendous body of extant Nyingma tantras.


Here, as everywhere else, texts are usually cited by abbreviated rather than full titles, and these may sometimes refer not to single texts, but to whole groups of related works by a single author. These problems are compounded by the absence of any comprehensive inventory of extant and available Tibetan literature. In general, we have attempted to locate Tibetan works among the Tibetan language publications of the past decades. Inevitably, our occasional failure to locate a given work is not, in the absence of other evidence, proof that the work in question is unavailable. Since the only fully comprehensive collection of South Asian Tibetan language publications is that acquired by the United States Library of Congress under the conditions of Public Law 480, and its successor programmes for the acquisition of books and periodicals, we have provided, along with the standard bibliographical data for such publications, the Library of Congress Accessions Lists' temporary catalogue numbers. Scholars wishing to locate, in American library collections, texts so listed will find that this will greatly facilitate the search.

Note that when a given text has been published many times, we do not always list all editions. With a very few exceptions we have ignored the numerous Tibetan editions of popular works from the Kangyur and Tangyur.

TREASURES (gter-ma)

It is this genre, of those with which we have been concerned, that is the least known and most troublesome to the bibliographer. The brief titles of treasures, like those of tantras, are used to refer to whole classes of literature rather than to single texts, so that in many cases it is impossible to determine with certainty the specific text to which a given citation applies. Moreover, there are instances in which different cycles revealed by altogether different treasure-finders share precisely the same title, and this, compounded with the fact that many of the treasure-finders are themselves known by a variety of names, further frustrates the effort to establish precise textual identifications. In all such instances, we can do no more than provide references to published editions of the cycle or cycles which appear to be in question, leaving it to future researchers to achieve greater precision.

The treasures that have come down to us can be divided according to the different ways in which they are arranged. Four types of collection are particularly noteworthy in the present context: (i) collections of single cycles, or of several very closely related cycles, which attempt to incorporate all the literature belonging to the cycle or cycles concerned. Examples would be the most complete editions of the Innermost Spirituality of Longcenpa (klong-chen snying-thig), the Gathering of the Guru's Intention (bla-ma dgongs-'dus), or the Four-Part Innermost Spirituality (snying-thig ya-bzhi). (ii) Smaller collections also based upon single cycles, but incorporating only the liturgical texts actually utilised by the tradition, or monastic establishment, responsible for publishing the collection. Examples are the innumerable local redactions of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, the Natural Liberation of Intention (zhi-khro dgongs-pa rang-grol), or of the Consummation of All that is Precious (dkon-mchog spyi-'dus), that are found throughout the Tibetan-speaking regions of the Himalayas. (iii) Collections of the “complete” treasures of a single treasure-finder. For examples, see CLTC, JTPD, PLTC and RLTC in the list of Abbreviations for Volume Two. (iv) In a class by itself is the Store of Precious Treasure (rin-chen gter-mdzod), which anthologises an extraordinary quantity of material, drawn from hundreds of treasure cycles.

In our references to treasure cycles, we generally attempt to provide substantial data on cycles which have appeared in publications representing types (i) and (iii). Smaller liturgical collections of type (ii) are usually omitted. References to the Store of Precious Treasure (RTD) have been provided selectively, in accord with the following guidelines: (1) where RTD appears to include a substantial redaction of a given cycle, we have referred to it, though fragments separated from the main body of the cycle as it occurs in RTD may be omitted; (2) where a major cycle is incorporated in RTD only in the form of many small selections scattered throughout, we have indicated that fact without providing precise citations; (3) where a very well known cycle is represented in RTD only by a few small selections, it may be ignored altogether; and (4) very rare cycles occurring in RTD are cited wherever we have been able to establish their identity.


A number of individuals and institutions generously shared materials with us specifically in connection with the compilation of this bibliography. The following remarks we hope will convey our grateful indebtedness to them.

Dr Helmut Eimer's researches into several of the main areas of Tibetan Buddhist history provide rich stores of documentation. In addition, Dr Eimer kindly called our attention to MTTWL. Dr Eiichi Kaneko's catalogue of the Collected Tantras of the Nyingmapa has been mentioned above. Without it, our references to the Nyingma tantras would undoubtably be much poorer. The task of surveying published Pönpo literature was much assisted by Dr Samten G. Karmay, whose A Catalogue of Bonpo Publications, is a mine of information on that tradition. Dr Steven D. Goodman provided us at an early stage with his catalogue of the Four-Part Innermost Spirituality (NYZ), which has not yet been published, and which has facilitated our work with that great collection. Our references to materials associated with the tradition of Thangtong Gyelpo are primarily due to Dr Janet Gyatso, of the Department of Religion, Amherst College. For much valuable data on Tibetan doxographical literature we thank Dr Katsumi Mimaki, whose Blo gsal grub mtha' provides a richly informative study of that genre. Mrs Hannah Robinson, of the former Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions (IASWR) Library, Stony Brook, New York, kindly made portions of her catalogue of that library's Tibetan holdings available to us. The hard task of locating relevant material in the Store of Precious Treasure was much eased for us by Bhikkhuni Sik K. Yeshe Zangmo's An Index of the Rinchen Gter Mdzod Chenmo, kept in the library of Cambridge University. Also, thanks are due to the Interlibrary Loan Office of the Rockefeller Library, Brown University, for procuring for us a great many works not available at Brown, to Mudd Library, Yale University, for rare permission to enter their stacks to consult the PL480 Tibetan collection which is housed there, and to the library of the School of Oriental and African Studies in London.

Finally, something must be said of our gratitude to Mr E. Gene Smith, of the US Library of Congress. Without his more than twenty years of labour on behalf of Tibetan literature, very little of the rich body of material that is now available to us would ever have seen the light of day. For scholars, Gene Smith has opened up a previously uncharted continent, and for those practising within the Tibetan religious tradition, he has insured that the textual resources, on which the survival of the living tradition to a very great extent depends, will be available to be transmitted to a new generation of men and women of the Buddhist community.

Part One

Works Cited by the Author


Titles of texts generally appear in italics in the translations. Those of rites and teachings are mostly unemphasised.

Page numbers for the appearance of each entry in Volume One have been given in italic type within square brackets. Abbreviated and alternative titles have generally been listed individually and cross-referenced to a main entry where more information and a complete listing of page references can be found. Elements commonly omitted in abbreviation are indicated in the main entry by parentheses, and alternative titles are listed before the page numbers.

Works Cited by the Author

Abbreviated Logic Course, bsdus-tshad. Refer to n. 1109. The most ancient text of this genre presently available appears to be the Ra-ba stod-pa'i bsdus-grva. Pub. Dharamsala: Damchoe Sangpo, 1980. I-Tib 80-901211. [821]

Abridged Commentary on the Eighty-Chapter Magical Net. brgyad-cu-pa'i bsdus-'grel. Auth. Vimalamitra. NL. [481]

Abridged Commentary on the Tantra of the Awakening of the Great Vairocana. rnam-snang mngon-byang-gi bsdus-'grel. Skt. Vairocanābhisambodhitantrapiṇḍārtha. Auth. Buddhaguhya. T 2662. [466]

Abridged Tantra of Kālacakra. dus-kyi 'khor-lo bsdus-pa. [894] See Kālacakra Tantra

Ace Lhamo. A-lce lha-mo. Theatrical tradition ascribed to Thang-stong rgyalpo. Refer to n. 1077. [803]

Alchemical Transmutation into Gold. gser-'gyur(-gyi bstan-bcos bsdus-pa). Skt. Rasāyanaśāstroddhṛti. T 4314. Concerning this work, see E. T. Fenner, “Rasāyana in the Tantras—What is it?” Wind Horse 1 (1981), pp. 99-111. [99]

Alchemy Cycle. bcud-len skor. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. Possibly to be identified with the alchemical texts in BMGD Vol. 7. [786]

Alchemy of White Siṃhavaktrā. seng-gdong dkar-mo'i bcud-len. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 48, pp. 331-5. [858]

All-Accomplishing King. kun-byed (rgyal-po). See (Tantra of the) All-Accomplishing King

All-Gathering Awareness. kun-'dus rig-pa. See (Root Tantra of) All-Gathering Awareness

Amrta Tantra. bdud-rtsi'i rgyud. Possibly to be identified with the Eight Volumes of Nectar. But cf. T 401, 435 and 645. [651] See also Nectar the Enlightened Attributes and Vajrāmṛta Cycle

Analysis of the Meaning of Empowerment. dbang-don rnam-par 'byed-pa. Unidentified. Quoted in Lo-chen Dharmaśrī, gsang-bdag zhal-lung. [364]

Analysis of the Middle and Extremes. dbus-mtha' (mam-'byed). Skt. Madhyāntavibhāga or Madhyāntavibhaṅga. Auth. Maitreyanātha. T 4021. B.Budh. 30 (1936). EIPRB 1241-9. MTTWL 112. TSWS 10 (1967). One of the Five Doctrines of Venerable Maitreya. [95, 202] See also Eight Dissertations

Analysis of Phenomena and Reality. chos dang chos-nyid rnam-'byed. Skt. Dharmadharmatāvibhāga or Dharmadharmatāvibhaṅga. Auth. Maitreyanātha. T 4022-3. One of the Five Doctrines of Venerable Maitreya. [95]

Analysis of the Sugata's Texts. bde-bar gshegs-pa'i gzhung rnam-par 'byed-pa. Skt. Sugatamatavibhaṅgakārikā. Auth. Jetāri. T 3899. HIL 7.1, p. 100. The Sanskrit text has been recovered and edited by J. Newman on the basis of its inclusion in the commentary on the Kālacakra Tantra called Taintless Light. [233]

Analysis of the Three Vows. sdom-gsum rab-dbye or sa-skya paṇḍita'i rab-dbye. Auth. Sa-skya Paṇḍita. SK Vol. 5, no. 24. See Jared Rhoton, trans., Sakya Paṇḍita's Treatise on the Three Codes. Albany: SUNY Press, 2002. Also referred to as the Treatise which Analyses the Three Vows. [827, 893, 907, 929, 931] Analyses the Three Vows. [827, 893, 907, 929, 931]

Analysis of the Two Truths, bden-gnyis rnam-'byed. Skt. Satyadvayavibhaṅgakārikā. Auth. Jñānagarbha. T 3881. HIL 7.1, pp. 68-71. Ed. and trans. D. M. Eckel, Jñānagarbha's Commentary on the Distinction between the Two Truths. Albany, New York: SUNY Press, 1986. [233]

Analytical Commentary on the Tantra of the Secret Nucleus. gsang-ba snying-po-la 'grel-pa rnam-bshad-kyi 'grel. Auth. Buddhaguhya. NL. Stated by Lo-chen Dharmaśrī, gsang-bdag zhal-lung, p. 107, to be one of the five main Indian commentaries on this tantra. [466]

Ancient Annotation. rnam-mchan rnying-pa. Refer to n. 430. [431]

Annotations on the Parkap Commentary and the Innermost Point, spar-khab-dang thugs-thig-la mchan-bu. Auth. Mkhas-grub ye-shes rgyal-mtshan. NL. [697]

Answers to Queries on Doctrinal History, a Storehouse of Gems, chos-'byung dris-lan nor-bu'i bang-mdzod. Auth. gYag-sde 'dul-'dzin Mkhyen-rab rgya-mtsho. Probably this is the Saṅs rgyas bstan pa'i chos 'byuṅ dris lan nor bu'i phreñ ba. Pub. Gangtok, Sikkim: Dzongsar Chhentse Labrang, 1981. I-Tib 81-902988. [965]

Answers to the Questions of the Kadampa Spiritual Benefactor Namkabum. bka'-gdams-pa'i dge-bshes nam-mkha'-'bum-gyi dris-lan. Auth. Sa-skya Paṇḍita. SK Vol. 5, no. 96. [929]

Answers to the Questions of Nyemo Gomcen. snyi-mo sgom-chen-gyi dris-lan. Auth. Sa-skya Paṇḍita. SK Vol. 5, no. 98. [203]

Answers to Questions which Refer to the Sources. zhus-len [sic] khung-gdab. NL. [654]

Anthologised Sūtras. mdo-mang. T 846-1108 (i.e. gzungs-'dus). [703]

Anthology of Caraka. tsa-ra-ka 'bum-sde. Skt. Carakasaṃhitā. Auth. Caraka (but in our text attributed to Ātreya). Skt. edn. with Hindi, Gujarati and English trans. Shree Gulabkunverba, Ayurvedic Society. 6 vols. Jamnagar: Gulabkunverba, 1949. [65-6]

Anthology of Vedic Treatises. rig-byed-kyi bstan-bcos 'bum-sde. [65] See Four Veda

Apprehending the Entire Intention, a Commentary on the Guhyasamāja. 'dus-pa-la'ang 'grel-pa dgongs-pa thams-cad nye-bar len-pa. Skt. Śrīguhyasamājaṭīkā. Auth. Vajrahāsya. T 1909. [466]

Armour Against Darkness, a Commentary on the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions, mdo'i 'grel-chen (or mdo-'grel) mun-pa'i go-cha. Auth. Gnubs-chen Sangs-rgyas Ye-shes. NMKMG Vols. 50-1. A commentary based upon it is composed by Kaḥ-thog mkhan-po Nus-ldan, Dpal spyi mdo dgoṅs pa 'dus pa'i 'grel pa. Kalimpong: Dupjung Lama, 1983. I-Tib 83-903671. [612, 673, 674]

Array of the Path of the Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul (lam) rnam-bkod or lam rnam-bkod. Skt. Māyāpathavyavasthāpana. Auth. Indrabhūti. P 4737. [346, 360-1, 460, 462, 533, 673, 674, 696]

Ārya Cycle of Guhyasamāja. 'phags-skor-gyi 'dus-pa. This is Guhyasamāja according to the tradition of Nāgārjuna, Āryadeva and Candrakīrti. Refer to A. Wayman, The Buddhist Tantras: New Light on Indo-Tibetan Esotericism. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973, Ch. 2. Idem, Yoga of the Guhyasamājatantra. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1980. Also referred to as Nāgārjuna's Cycle of Teachings on the Guhyasamāja. [464, 502-3]

Ascertainment of the Meaning of the Tantra. ṭī-kā rgyud-don rnam-nges. Auth. Sman-lung-pa Shākya-'od. NL. [686]

Ascertainment of the Three Vows. sdom-gsum rnam-(par) nges-(pa'i) bstan-bcos. Auth. Mnga'-ris Paṇ-chen Padma dbang-rgyal. NMKMG Vol. 37. Xylo. Stengs-po-che Monastery, Nepal. N-Tib 78-914802. Also referred to as the Treatise which Ascertains the Three Vows. [731, 808, 869]

Ascertainment of Valid Cognition. tshad-ma rnam-nges. Skt. Pramāṇaviniścaya. Auth. Dharmakīrti. T 4211. EIPRB 2128-30. MTTWL170. See also C. Lindtner, “Marginalia to Dharmakīrti's Pramāṇaviniścaya I-II” Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 28 (1984), pp. 149-75. [102, 158, 687]

Aspiration of Good Conduct. bzang(-po) spyod(-pa'i smon-lam-gyi rgyal-po). Skt. Bhadracaryāpraṇidhānarāja. T 44, 1095 and 4377. Part of the Sūtra of the Arrayed Bouquet. MTTWL 25. Skt. and Tib. edn. S. K. Pathak, Śrīḥ Āryabhadracaripraṇidhānarāja. Gangtok, Sikkim: Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, 1961. [119]

Astrological Treatise entitled Martial Conquest. gYul-las rnam-rgyal. Skt. Yuddhajayanāmatantrarājasvarodaya. T 4322. HIL 6.4, pp. 77-8. [104]

Atharvaveda. srid-bsrung. The second of the Four Veda. HIL 1.1, Ch. 6. [65]

Ati, Citi, Yangti. ati spyi-ti yang-ti. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. Refer to n. 1029. [775]

Atiyoga and Vajrasattva Cycles, rdor-sems a-ti'i skor. Disc. Gter-bdag gling-pa. (1) Atiyoga Cycle: Rdzogs pa chen po A ti sab don sñiṅ po'i chos skor. Pub. Dehra Dun: D. G. Khochhen Trulku, 1977. I-Tib 77-903287. (2) Vajrasattva Cycle: Rdo rje sems dpa' thugs kyi sgrub pa. Pub. Dehra Dun: D. G. Khochhen Trulku, 1976. I-Tib 77-900724. RTD Vol. 3, pp. 231-566. [828]

Attainment of Alchemy on the Basis of the Maṇḍala of the Gathering of the Sugatas of the Eight Transmitted Precepts. bka'-brgyad bde-gshegs 'dus-pa'i dkyil-'khor-la brten-pa'i ra-sa-ya-na'i sgrub-pa. NL. [682]

Attainment of Elixir (according to) the Attainment of Mind. thugs-sgrub sman-sgrub. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. RLTC Vol. 3, pp. 411-32 and 445-91. [793]

Attainment of Hayagrīva and Vajravārāhī as Consorts in Coalcscent Union. na-phag yab-yum zung-'jug-tu sgrub-pa. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. NL. [793]

Attainment of Longevity, the Giver of the Glory of Immortality. tshe-sgrub 'chi-med dpal-ster. Disc. Thang-stong rgyal-po. In: The collected works of Thaṅ-stoṅ-rgyal-po, Thimphu: Kunzang Tobgey, 1976. I(Bhu)-Tib 77-900723; Vol. 4, pp. 629-51. GTKT Vol. 1, pp. 427-80; Vol. 13, pp. 592-622. [802, 804]

Attainment of Longevity, the Hot Sunbeam. tshe-sgrub tsha-ba dmar-thag. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. RTD Vol. 31, pp. 1-42. [815]

Attainment of Longevity, the Innermost Spirituality of Vairocana. tshe-sgrub bai-ro'i thugs-tig. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 63, pp. 489-524. [858]

Attainment of Longevity, Integrating Gems with the Path. tshe-sgrub nor-bu lam-khyer. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vol. 12, pp. 3-168. [797]

Attainment of Longevity, the Thunderbolt Vajra. tshe-sgrub gnam-lcags rdo-rje. Disc. Rig-'dzin 'Ja'-tshon snying-po. JTPD Vol. 2. RTD Vol. 24, pp. 19-39; Vol. 30, pp. 387-506. SSS 14 (1972). I-Tib 75-928501. Pub. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh: Ngawang Sonam, 1979. I-Tib 79-903494. [811]

Attainment of Medicinal Pills (from the Flesh of One) Born (as a Brahman) Seven Times. skye-bdun ril-sgrub. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. NL. [793]

Attainment of Mind, the Dispeller of All Obstacles. thugs-sgrub bar-chad kun-sel. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vols. 1-9, passim. RTD passim. Pub. New Delhi: Karma Chhophel, 1973. I-Tib 74-900028. [844, 845, 848, 865]

Attainment of Mind, the Expressive Play of Indestructible Wrath. thugs-sgrub rdo-rje drag-rtsal. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 2. [846]

Attainment of Mind, the Gathering of the Sugatas. thugs-sgrub bde-gshegs 'dus-pa. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. RTD Vols. 7-8, passim. [844]

Attainment of Mind, Utterly Secret and Unsurpassed. thugs-sgrub yang-gsang bla-med. Disc. Thang-stong rgyal-po. NL. [802]

Attainment of Mind, the Wish-fulfilling Gem. thugs-sgrub yid-bzhin nor-bu. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vols. 9-10. RTD Vol. 15, pp. 141-345. Also referred to as the Cycle of the Attainment of Mind as the Wish-fulfilling Gem. [846, 856]

Aural Lineage according to the Cycle of the Black Chest. snyan-brgyud sgro-ba nag-po'i skor. NL. Roerich in Blue Annals. p. 145, takes sgro-ba nag-po to be the name of a person rather than an object. [658]

Aural Lineage of the Vajra Bridge. snyan-brgyud rdo-rje zam-pa. See Vajra Bridge

Aural Lineages of Ketsang and of the Narrow Path to the Fortress. ke-tshang dang rdzong-'phrang snyan-brgyud. Listed separately as the Ketsangma (Tradition of the Great Perfection) and Transmitted Precepts of the Narrow Path to the Fortress.

Auspicious Aeon Sūtra. mdo-sde bskal-po bzang-po. Skt. Bhadrakalpikasūtra. T 94. MTTWL 26. [943]

Authentic Conduct of a Bodhisattva. byang-chub sems-dpa'i spyod-pa dam-pa. Skt. Āryabodhisattvacaryānirdeśasūtra. T 184. MTTWL 42. [322, 899]

Autocommentary on the Mind at Rest. sems-nyid ngal-gso rtsa-'grel [595] See Great Chariot

Avalokiteśvara, the Churner of Saṃsāra's Hellish Depths. spyan-ras-gzigs na-rag dong-sprugs. Disc. Guru Chos-dbang. RTD Vol. 76, pp. 497-626. [569]

Avalokiteśvara according to the Tradition of the King. spyan-ras-gzigs rgyal-po lugs. This refers to the empowerments and means for attainment derived from the Collected Works of the King concerning the Mantra “Oṃ Maṇi Padme Hūṃ”. DZ Vol. 11, pp. 598-617. GDKT Vol. 22, no. 130. RTD Vol. 33, pp. 1-237. [578]

(Awakening of Great) Vairocana. rnam(-par) snang(-mdzad) mngon(-par) byang(-chub-pa). Skt. Mahāvairocanābhisaṃbodhitantra. T 494. MTTWL 124. GDKT Vol. 3, no. 20. [271, 272, 618]

Basic Root Tantra of Vajrakīla. phur-pa rtsa-ba sor-bzhag. Perhaps to be identified with the Root Fragment of Vajrakīla. Skt. Vajrakīlayamūlatantrakhāṇḍa. T 439. GCKZ Vol. 3. NMKMG Vol. 10. [651]

Bean-Sprout Rites (belonging to the Cycle of White Mañjuśrī according to the System of Mati). makṣa'i las-sbyor. GTKT Vol. 2, pp. 124-6. [870]

Beauteous Flower Garland Ritual Manual, las-byang me-tog phreng-mdzes. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. BMGD Vol. 1. RTD Vol. 9, pp. 387-416. [682, 841]

Bhairava (Cycle/Tantra). 'jigs-byed. T 468 and 470. GDKT Vols. 9-10, nos. 54-9. KGNZ] Vol. 5, pp. 85-177. Also referred to as the [[Vajrabhairava Tantra. [283, 442, 477, 675, 707, 708] See also Yamāntaka (Cycle/Tantra), Yamāri (Cycle/Tantra) and Yamāntaka and Yamāri: Introductory Note

Bhaṭṭārikā according to the Tradition of Ra Lotsāwa. rje-btsun-ma rva-lugs. Possibly to be identified with the tradition represented by GDKT Vol. 12, no. 69. [562]

Billion Lines on the Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness. shes-phyin bye-ba-phrag-brgya-pa. Skt. *Śatakoṭiprajñāpāramitā. NA. [154]

Billion Verses of the Great Collection of Most Extensive Sūtras according to the Greater Vehicle. shin-tu rgyas-pa chen-po'i mdo-sde theg-chen-gyi 'dus-pa chen-po bye-ba-phrag-brgya-pa. Skt. * Mahāvaipulyamahāyānasūtrāntamahāsaṃgraha. NA. [154]

Binding of the Chapters of the Gathering of the Sugatas. bde-'dus-kyi sa-gcod tshoms-kyi chings. NL. [89]

Biographical Injunction in Eight Chapters, rnam-thar thang-yig le'u brgyad-pa. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL. [789]

Biographies of the Hundred Treasure-finders. See Earlier and Later Versions of the Biographies of the Hundred Treasure-finders

Biography of Chöying Rangdröl. rnam-thar rgyal-ba-mchog-gi zhal-gsung-ma. Auth. Dalai Lama V, Ngag-dbang blo-bzang rgya-mtsho. TWB 5597. [684]

Biography of Lord Atiśa. jo-bo'i rnam-thar. See H. Eimer, Rnam thar rgyas pa, Materialen zu einer Biographie des Atiśa. Asiatische Forschungen 67. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1979. [891]

Biography of the Thirteen Stores. mdzod-khang bcu-gsum-gyi rnam-thar. Auth. Ratna gling-pa. RLTC Vol. 13, pp. 39-236. [793]

Black Deity Vajrakīla. phur-pa lha-nag. [687, 710, 712]

Black Further Innermost Spirituality. yang-tig nag-po. Disc. Dung-mtsho raspa. Published in 3 vols. Dalhousie: Damchoe Sangpo, 1979. I-Tib 79-906946. RTD Vol. 91, pp. 1-299. SSS 41 (1972). I-Tib 72-908332. [718]

Black Hayagrīva. rta-mgrin nag-po. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. NL. [786]

Black Tortoise Divination Chart. gtad-khram rus-sbal nag-po. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. NL. [786]

Black Trilogy. nag-po skor-gsum. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vol. 11, pp. 445-521. The three black-coloured protective deities whose rites are contained here are gshin-rje kha-thun nag-po, phra-men phag-sha nag-po and mu-stegs gu-lang nag-po. [797]

Black Yamāri. gshin-rje dgra-nag. Skt. Kṛṣṇayamāri. T 469, 473. NGB Vols. 20-2. GDKT Vol. 8, no. 52. NMKMG Vol. 4. Also referred to as the Black Tantra of Yamāntaka. [283, 477, 571, 578, 614, 665, 708] See also Yamāri (Cycle/Tantra) and Yamāntaka and Yamāri: Introductory Note

Blossom of Esoteric Instructions. man-ngag snye-ma. Skt. Śrīsampuṭatantrarājaṭīkāmnāyamañjarī. Auth. Abhayākaragupta. T 1198. [264-5]

Blue Annals. deb(-ther) sngon(-po). Auth. 'Gos Lo-tsā-ba Gzhon-nu-dpal. Trans. G. N. Roerich, The Blue Annals. 2nd edn., Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1976. Pub. Lokesh Chandra, SP 212 (1974). I-Tib 75-900107. Typeset edn., Chengdu: Sichuan Minorities Press, 1984. 2 vols. [398, 617, 921, 965]

Blue-robed Vajrapāṇi. phyag-rdor gos-sngon-can. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa and Dri-med lhun-po. NL. [786]

Blue-skirted One's Cycle (of Vajraklla). gsham-sngon-can-gyi skor. Refer to n. 704. [603, 712]

Bodhisattva Level, byang-sa. Skt. Bodhisattvabhūmi. Auth. Asaṅga. T 4037. Part of the Yogācāra Level. MTTWL 41. TSWS 7 (1978). See also M. Tatz, Asaṅga's Chapter on Ethics. Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1986. [108, 872]

Bodhisattva Vows according to Three Traditions, byang-sdom bka'-srol gsum. See the Glossary of Enumerations under three traditions of bodhisattva vow. The current rites for the conferral of these vows, as transmitted within the Nyingma tradition, are found in: DZ Vol. 2, pp. 387-486. NMKMG Vol. 1. [729, 827]

Body of Consciousness, rnam-shes tshogs. Skt. Vijñānakāya. Auth. Devaśarman. Only extant in Chinese: Taishō 1539. EIPRB 86. One of the Seven Sections of the Abhidharma. See also L. de La Vallée Poussin (trans.) in Études Asiatiques, Publications de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Vol. 19 (1925), pp. 343-76. Idem, L'Abhidharmakośa du Vasubandhu. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1923-36, Vol. 1, pp. xxxiii-xxxvi. Fumimaro Watanabe, Philosophy and its Development in the Nikāyas and Abhidharma. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1983, Ch. 11. [90]

Body of the Elemental Bases. khams-kyi tshogs. Skt. Dhātukāya. Auth. Pūrṇa (or, according to other sources, Vasumitra). Only extant in Chinese: Taishō 1540. EIPRB 85. One of the Seven Sections of the Abhidharma. See also L. de La Vallée Poussin, L'Abhidharmakośa du Vasubandhu. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1923-36, Vol. 1, pp. xli-xlii. [90]

Brahman's Cycle (of the Great Perfection), (rdzogs-chen) bram-ze'i skor. NGB Vol. 7. [651]

Brief Account of the Truths according to the Madhyamaka. dbu-ma bden-chung. Skt. Satyadvayāvatāra. Auth. Atiśa. T 3902 and 4467. HIL 7.1, p. 113. MTTWL210. [762]

Brief Teaching of Empowerment. dbang mdor-bstan. Skt. Sekoddeśa. T 361. GOS 90 (1941). SP 18 (c. 1963). SP 69 (1966). [674]

Brief Teaching on the Tenets of the View. lta-'dod mdor-bstan. Skt. Pradarśanānumatoddeśaparīkṣā. Auth. Narendrakīrti. P 4610. [250]

Buddhakapāla. sangs-rgyas thod-pa. T 424. GDKT Vol. 15, no. 86. KGNZ] Vol. 3, pp. 203-92. [503, 576] [[Buddhasamāyoga (Tantra). sangs-rgyas mnyam-sbyor. T 366-7. NGB Vol. 16, nos. 206-8. GDKT Vol. 10, nos. 61-2. NMKMG Vol. 3. SP 70 (1966). [258, 260, 459, 461, 464, 477, 533, 620, 707, 827, 893]

Buddhasamāyoga Tantra which, Known Alone, Liberates All. sangs-rgyas mnyam-sbyor-gyi rgyud gcig-shes kun-grol. Disc. Guru Chos-dbang. Perhaps to be identified with the Saṅs-rgyas mñam-sbyor lcags-sñug-ma. 2 vols. Paro: Ugyen Tempai Gyaltsen, 1980. I(Bhu)-Tib 80-901439. [764]

Cakrasaṃvara. 'khor-lo sdom-pa or bde-mchog. T 368. GDKT Vols. 11-12, nos. 63-7; Vols. 13-14, nos. 71-80. KGNZ] Vol. 3, pp. 3-202. An indigenous [[Tibetan work representing the Cakrasaṃvara cycle is translated in Kazi Dawa-Samdup, Shrī Sambhāra, a Buddhist Tantra in A. Avalon (ed.), Tantrik Texts, Vol. 7. London: Luzac and Co., 1919. [283, 362, 467, 485, 562, 568, 657, 675, 827, 849, 850, 895]

Cakrasaṃvara and Hevajra. bde-dgyes. Listed separately.

Cakrasaṃvara according to the Tradition of Ghaṇṭāpāda. bde-mchog dril-bu-pa. Skt. Śrīcakrasaṃvarasādhana. Auth. (Vajra)ghaṇṭāpāda. T 1432. GDKT Vols. 11-12, no. 65. [576]

Catalogue of the Collected Tantras, a Discourse Resembling a Great Divine Drum, rgyud-'bum dkar-chag lha'i rnga-bo-che lta-bu'i gtam. Auth. Kaḥ-thog Paṇḍita 'Gyur-med tshe-dbang mchog-grub. NGB Vols. 35-6. [41, 398, 966]

Catalogues of the Collected Tantras. rgyud-'bum-gyi dkar-chag. Refer to preceding entry, the Narrative History of the Precious Collected Tantras and n. 1245. Note also in this context Chos-rgyal 'Phags-pa, Rgyud-sde'i dkar-chag, in Sa-skya bka'-'bum, Vol. 7, pp. 136.3-138.2.6. [893]

Ceremonial Arrangements of the Empowerment for the Sūtra (which Gathers All Intentions), mdo-dbang-gi chog-khrigs. Auth. Dro-ston Dpal-ldan-grags. NL. Apparently incorporated into the tradition of the Empowerment Ceremony (entitled) the River of Honey. [700]

Ceremonial Arrangements of Nyelpa. gnyal-pa'i chog-khrigs. Auth. Gnyal-pa Bde-legs. NL. [701]

Ceremonial Arrangements for the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions, the Magical Net, and so forth, (published in ten volumes), mdo-sgyu sogs-kyi chog-khrigs glegs-bam bcu. Redacted by Rgyal-sras Gzhan-phan mtha'-yas. NL in this form, but largely preserved in NMKMG. [737]

Ceremony for Brandishing the Ritual Kīla of Orgyen. o-rgyan-gyi las-phur gdengs-chog. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa and Dri-med lhun-po. NL. [786]

Chapter on Discriminative Awareness from the Introduction to the Conduct of a Bodhisattva. spyod-'jug shes-rab le'u. The ninth chapter of the Introduction to the Conduct of a Bodhisattva. [875]

Chapterless Commentary on the Supplementary Magical Net. le-lag-gi sa-ma 'grel. Auth. Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po. NL. [92]

Chapter on Light Feet. sdeb-sbyor yang-pa'i bya-ba. Probably to be identified with the introductory sections of the Precious Source of Prosody. Lochen Dharmaśrī's own commentary on this may be found in: LCSB Vol. 3. SK Vol. 8, no. 1. TWPS 80. [730]

Chapter entitled the Vision of Vajrasattva. rdor-sems zhal-mthong-gi le'u. Chapter seventy-four of the Eighty-Chapter Magical Net. [459-60]

Charm which Overthrows when Hurled. thun-phog 'gyel. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa and Dri-med lhun-po. NL. [786]

Churner of the Depths of Hell. (na-rag) dong-sprugs. A rite of Vajrasattva belonging to the Transmitted Precepts of the Nyingma tradition. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 144-58. LCSB Vol. 13. NMKMG Vol. 13. Alternatively, the Avalokiteśvara cycle called the na-rag dong-sprugs, discovered by Guru Chos-dbang: RTD Vol. 76, pp. 497-626. [673, 674, 731]

Churner of Saṃsāra's Depths. 'khor-ba dong-sprugs. [136]

Churner of saṃsāra's Depths. 'khor-ba dong-sprugs. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 10. [846]

Clarification of Commitments, dam-tshig gsal-bkra. Skt. Samayavivyakti. Auth. Līlāvajra (Vilāsavajra). P 4744. [96, 464]

Clarifying Lamp, sgron-gsal. Skt. Pradīpodyotana. Auth. Candrakīrti. T 1785. Skt. edn. Pradhan, TSWS Vol. 25 (1985). Also referred to as the Commentary on the Guhyasamāja Tantra called the Clarifying Lamp. [109, 260-1, 464, 502, 681, 689]

Clarifying Lamp of the Five Stages. rim-lnga gsal-sgron. Auth. Tsong-kha-pa. Typeset edn.: Varanasi, 1969. I-Tib 79-905623. [681]

Clear Distinction, bye-brag gsal-ba. Skt. Vaiśeṣikadarśana/sūtra. Auth. Kaṇāda (Ulūka). EIPRB 479-532. HIL 6.2, pp.' 53-9. [65]

Clear Judgement. rnam-dpyod gsal-ba. Skt. Mīmāṃsādarśana. Auth. Jaimini (but in our text attributed to Bhṛgu). EIPRB 136-212. [65]

Clear Nucleus Grammar. brda-sprod snying-po gsal-ba. Auth. Dpang Lo-tsā-ba Blo-gros brtan-pa. TWPS 78. [100]

Clearly Worded Commentary, tshig-gsal. Skt. Mūlamadhyamakavṛttiprasannapadā. Auth. Candrakīrti. T 3860. B.Budh. 4 (1903-13). BST 10 (1960). EIPRB 451, 645, 647-8, 655-7, 659, 662-5, 747, 2019, 2027, 2084-92. HIL 7.1, pp. 74-81, 126, 129. MTTWL 139. [76, 94, 577]

Clearly Worded Commentary and Introduction to the Madhyamaka. tshig-'jug. Listed separately.

Clear Word, tshig-gsal. Skt. Prasphuṭapadā. Auth. Dharmamitra. T 3796. [128-9]

Collected Stories of the Great Lineage of Riddles. lde-brgyud chen-po'i sgrung-'bum. Refer to n. 1004. [762]

Collected Tantras. rgyud-'bum. An early edition of the following entry. [669, 670]

Collected Tantras (of the Nyingmapa). rnying(-ma'i) rgyud(-'bum). NGB. Note that there appear to be considerable variations among the different editions, of which, besides NGB, two have been published to date: (1) The Mtshams-brag manuscript. Thimphu, Bhutan: National Library, Royal Government of Bhutan, 1982. 46 vols. Bhu-Tib 82-902165. (2) The Rgyud-'bum of Vairocana. 8 vols. SSS 16-23 (1971). I-Tib 70-924557. In addition, the India Office Library, London, houses a manuscript set probably based on the Sde-dge xylo., which is still available in Kham. Also referred to as the Precious Collected Tantras of the Ancient Translation School. [40, 41, 577, 686, 723-4, 730, 734, 795, 830, 851]

Collected Works of Jikme Lingpa (in nine volumes). gsung-'bum glegs-bam dgu. JLSB. [41]

Collected Works of the King concerning the Mantra “Oṃ Maṇi Padme Hūṃ.” ma-ṇi bka'-'bum. Disc. Grub-thob Dngos-grub, Mnga'-bdag Nyang and Ston-pa Shākya-'od. Pub. New Delhi: Trayang and Jamyang Samten, 1975. 2 vols. I-Tib 75-901057. Besides this, numerous smaller editions have appeared. The secondary literature is surveyed in A.-M. Blondeau, “Le 'Découvreur' du Maṇi bka'-'bum — était-il Bon-po?” in L. Ligeti (ed.), Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984, Vol. 1, pp. 77-123. [577] See also Avalokiteśvara according to the Tradition of the King

Collected Works of Locen Dharmaśrī (in eighteen volumes). bka'-'bum pustaka bco-brgyad. Auth. Lo-chen Dharmaśrī. Pub. in 19 vols. LCSB. [41, 732]

Collected Works of Mipham Rinpoche. mi-pham rin-po-che'i legs-bshad rgya-mtsho. MPSB. [41, 966]

Collected Works of Pema Trhinle (in thirteen volumes). padma phrin-las-kyi bka'-'bum pod bcu-gsum. No complete edition has yet become available. [41]

Collected Works of Terdak Lingpa (in thirteen volumes). gter-bdag gling-pa'i gsung-'bum po-ti bcu-gsum. No complete edition has been published to date. The best editions of his writings and treasures to appear so far are those published by D. G. Khochhen Trulku, to which we refer wherever possible throughout this bibliography. [831]

Collection of Eulogies, bstod-tshogs. Skt. Stavakāya. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 1118-36. EIPRB 633-7. HIL 7.1, pp. 31-2. MTTWL 55. See also F. Tola and C. Dragonetti, “Nāgārjuna's Catuḥstava” JIP 13 (1985), pp. 1-54. [203, 207, 216, 301] See also Eulogy to the Expanse of Reality and Eulogy to the Inconceivable Madhyamaka

Collection of the Greater Vehicle, (theg-pa chen-po) bsdus-pa. Skt. Mahāyānasaṃgraha. Auth. Asaṅga. T 4048. EIPRB 1250-2. MTTWL 125. [91, 202, 214]

Collection of Madhyamaka Reasoning, (dbu-ma) rigs-tshogs. Skt. Yuktikāya. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 3824-8. HIL 7.1, pp. 4-23. Tib. edn. L. P. Lhalungpa. Dbuma [sic] rigs tshogs drug. Delhi, 1970. The five (or six) collections of reasoning are enumerated in Fundamentals, p. 94. Ratnāvalī replaces the now unavailable Vyavahārasiddhi in this and other Tibetan editions. [94, 203, 206, 301]

Collection of Meaningful Expressions. ched-du brjod-pa'i tshoms. Skt. Udānavarga. Auth. Dharmatrāta. T 326. Tib. edn. H. Beckh. Udānavarga: eine Sammlung Buddhistischer Spruche in Tibetischer Sprache. Berlin, 1911. Skt. edn. F. Bernhard. Udānavarga. 2 vols. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1965-8. Trans. G. Sparham, The Tibetan Dhammapada. London: Wisdom Publications, 1986. [58, 90, 221]

Collection of Prosody. sdeb-sbyor-gyi tshoms. Auth. Sa-skya Paṇḍita. SK Vol. 5, no. 15: sdeb-sbyor sna-tshogs me-tog-gi chun-po. [105]

Collection of Realization. rtog-bsdus/-'dus. Skt. Sarvakalpasamuccayasarvabuddhasamāyogottaratantra. T 367. NGB Vol. 16, no. 208. [122]

Combined Means for Attainment of the Three Roots called “Perpetual Vision of Accomplishment”. rtsa-gsum dril-sgrub dngos-grub brtan-gzigs. Disc. Sangs-rgyas bla-ma. NA. [751] See also Twenty-onefold Dialogue concerning the Combined Means for Attainment of the Three Roots

Commentaries on the Kālacakra Tantra and the Vajracatuḥpīṭha Tantra. dus-gdan-gyi 'grel-pa. Listed separately as Taintless Light (the Great Commentary on the Kālacakra) and Commentary on the Four Seats.

Commentaries on the Ornament of Emergent Realization. rgyan-'grel-rnams. T 3787-9, 3791, 3793-6. [230]

Commentaries on the Treasury of the Abhidharma. mdzod-'grel rnams. T 4090-6, 4421. [90, 943] See also Treasury of the Abhidharma

Commentary and Annotations on the Array of the Path of the Magical Net. lam rnam-bkod-la ṭī-kā-dang mchan-bu. Auth. Mkhas-grub Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan. NL. [697]

Commentary on the Array of the Path of the Magical Net. lam rnam-bkod-la ṭī-kā. Auth. Kha-ba dkar-po-ba Nam-mkha' rgyal-mtshan. NL. [697]

Commentary on the Array of the Path of the Magical Net. lam rnam-bkod-kyi ṭī-kā. Auth. Rog Shes-rab-'od. NL. [702]

Commentary based on the Text of the Parkap Commentary, 'grel-pa spar-khab gzhung-du byas-pa'i ṭī-kā. Auth. Rdo-rje rgyal-mtshan. NL. [687]

Commentary on the Bhairava Tantra. 'jigs-byed rgyud-kyi 'grel-pa. Auth. Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po. NL. [707]

Commentary on the Buddhasamāyoga. mnyam-sbyor 'grel-pa. Auth. Hūṃkara. [533] See Elucidation of the Significance of the Four Limbs

Commentary on the Buddhasamāyoga. mnyam-sbyor 'grel-pa. Auth. Kukkurāja. See Six Arrays of Esoteric Meaning

Commentary on the Buddhasamāyoga. mnyam-sbyor-gyi 'grel-pa. Auth. Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po. NL. [707]

Commentary on the Clarification of Commitments entitled the Clear Mirror. dam-tshig gsal-bkra-la 'grel-pa gsal-ba'i me-long. Auth. Mkhas-grub Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan. NL. [697]

Commentary on the Collection of Meaningful Expressions. ched-du brjod-pa'i tshoms-kyi 'grel-pa. Skt. Udānavargavṛtti. Auth. Prajñāvarman. T 4100. Tib. edn. M. Balk, Prajñāvarman's Udānavargavivaraṇa. Bonn: Indica et Tibetica Verlag, 1984. 2 vols. [92]

Commentary on Difficulties entitled Endowed with Pristine Cognition dka'-'grel ye-shes-ldan. Skt. Śribuddhakapālatantrapañjikā Jñānavatī. Auth. Saraha. T 1652. [261]

Commentary on the Discriminative Awareness Chapter (of the Introduction to the Conduct of a Bodhisattva). spyod-'jug sher-le'i 'grel-pa or sher-ṭīk. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. Refer to n. 1211. Pub. Gangtok: Sherab Gyaltsen, 1979. I-Tib 79-903492. MPSB Vol. 13. [871, 875]

Commentary on Enlightened Mind. byang-chub sems-'grel. Skt. Bodhicittavivaraṇa. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 1800-1. HIL 7.1, pp. 104-5. MTTWL 36. Ed. and trans. in C. Lindtner, Nagarjuniana. Indiske Studier IV. Copenhagen: Akademisk Verlag, 1982, pp. 180-217. [234]

Commentary which Epitomises the Hevajra (Tantra). don-bsdus-kyi 'grel-pa. Skt. Hevajrapiṇḍārthaṭīkā. Auth. Vajragarbha. T 1180. [269] See also Trilogy of Commentaries by Bodhisattvas

Commentary on the Eulogy (entitled Taintless Gem Rosary), bstod-'grel. Auth. Sa-skya Paṇḍita. SK Vol. 5, no. 65: dri-ma med-pa zhes-bya-ba'i rgya-cher 'grel-pa. [203]

Commentary on the Final Meditation, bsam-gtan phyi-ma'i 'grel-pa. Skt. Dhyānottarapaṭalaṭīkā. Auth. Buddhaguhya. T 2670. [349]

Commentary on the Four Hundred Verses. dbu-ma bzhi-brgya-pa'i 'grel-pa. Skt. Bodhisattvayogācāracatuḥśatakaṭīkā. Auth. Candrakīrti. T 3865. EIPRB 2080. MTTWL 54. [309] See also Four Hundred Verses.

Commentary on the Four Seats, gdan(-bzhi) 'grel(-pa). Skt. Catuḥpīṭhatantrarājasmṛtinibandha. Auth. Bhavabhadra. T 1607. [104]

Commentary on the General Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions. spyi-mdo (dgongs-pa 'dus-pa)'i 'grel-pa. Auth. Indrabhūti (King Ja). NL. [485]

Commentary on the Guhyasamāja Tantra, based on the Guru's Instruction. 'dus-pa-la rgyud-kyi bshad-pa. Skt. Śrīguhyasamājatantranidānagurūpadeśanavyākhyāna. Auth. Līlāvajra (Vilāsavajra). T 1910. [464]

Commentary on the Guhyasamāja Tantra called the Clarifying Lamp, 'dus-pa'i rgyud-'grel gsal-sgron. See Clarifying Lamp and Four Subcommentaries on the Commentary on the Guhyasamāja Tantra called the Clarifying Lamp

Commentary on the Hundred Thousand Line Transcendental Perfection. 'bum-ṭīk. Auth. Daṃṣṭrasena. T 3807. Refer to n. 1325. [944]

Commentary on the Intention of the Four Glorious Tantras of Medical Science, dpal-ldan rgyud-bzhi'i dgongs-pa (gYu-thog-pas) bkral-pa. [99] See Four Glorious Tantras of Medical Science

Commentary on the Introduction to the Three Bodies. sku gsum-la 'jug-pa'i sgo'i 'grel-pa. Skt. Kāyatrayavṛtti. Auth. Jñānacandra. T 3891. [183]

Commentary on the Kālacakra Tantra (entitled Taintless Light), dus-'khor rgyud-'grel (dri-med 'od). See Taintless Light (the Great Commentary on the Kālacakra)

Commentary on the Litany of the Names of Mañjuśrī. 'jam-dpal-gyi mtshan yang-dag-par brjod-pa bla-med rgyud-tu bkral-ba'i ṭī-kā or 'jam-dpal mtshan-brjod-kyi 'grel-pa. Auth. Līlāvajra (Vilāsavajra). T 2533. [464]

Commentary on the Litany of the Names of Mañjuśrī. Tha-ga-na'i mtshan-brjod-kyi 'grel-pa. Auth. Thagana. None of the commentaries on the Litany of the Names of Mañjuśrī available in the Tangyur is attributed to this author. Tibetan authorities sometimes identify it with T 2538 by Smṛtijñānakīrti. [703]

Commentary on the Magical Net of Mañjuśrī. 'phags-pa 'jam-dpal-gyi mtshan yang-dag-par brjod-pa'i rgya-cher bshad-pa. Skt. Mañjuśrīnāmasaṃgītiṭīkā. Auth. Mañjuśrīkīrti. T 2534. [305]

Commentary on the Nucleus of Indestructible Reality. rdo-rje snying(-po'i rgyud-kyi) 'grel-(pa). Skt. Vajrahṛdayālaṃkāratantrapañjikā. Auth. Rab-tu zhi-ba'i bshes-gnyen. T 2515. Alternatively, the text referred to may be the Commentary which Epitomises the Hevajra Tantra. [82, 211]

Commentary on the Oral Instructions of Sublime Mañjuśrī. 'phags-pa 'jam-dpal dbyangs-kyi zhal-lung-gi 'grel-pa. Skt. Sukusumanāmamukhāgamavṛtti. Auth. Vitapāda. T 1866. [313]

Commentary, Outline and Synopsis of the Secret Nucleus. gsang-ba snying-po-la 'grel-pa sa-bcad bsdus-don. Auth. Mkhas-grub Ye-shes rgyalmtshan. NL. [697]

Commentary on the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities (of the Magical Net) and on Vajrakīla according to the Transmitted Precepts. zhi-khro-dang phur-pa bka'-ma'i 'grel-pa. Auth. Mkhas-grub Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan. NL. [697]

Commentary of Pāṇini. pā-ṇi-pa'i 'grel-pa. Skt. Pāṇinivyākaraṇasūtra. Auth. Pāṇini. T 4420. HIL 5.2, Ch. 2. [99-100]

Commentary on the Prātimokṣa Sūtra in Fifty Sections. so-thar-gyi mdo'i 'grel-pa bam-po lnga-bcu-pa. Skt. Prātimokṣasūtraṭīkāvinayasamuccaya. Auth. Vimalamitra. T 4106. [92]

Commentary on the Realization of the Eighty-Chapter Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul brgyad-cu-pa'i mngon-rtogs 'grel. Auth. Gnubs-chen Sangs-rgyas ye-shes. NL. [612]

Commentary on the Root Tantra of Cakrasaṃvara. bde-mchog rtsa-rgyud-kyi 'grel-pa. Skt. Śrīcakrasaṃvaratantrarājasaṃvarasamuccayanāmavṛtti. Auth. Indrabhūti. T 1413. [462]

Commentary on the Root Tantra entitled Seven Seals. rtsa-rgyud-la 'grel-pa rgya-bdun-ma. Auth. Hūṃkara. NL. [489]

Commentary of the Seal of Entrustment, a Memorial of the Deities of the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions. 'dus-pa mdo'i lha-thems gtad-rgya'i 'grel-pa. Auth. Zur-ham Shākya 'byung-gnas. NL. [672]

(Commentary on the Secret Nucleus entitled) Dispelling Darkness in the Ten Directions. snying-'grel phyogs-bcu mun-sel. Auth. Klong-chen rab-'byams-pa. Refer to Trilogy which Dispels Darkness for publication details. Trans. GGFTC. Another recent study which draws extensively on this work is: H. V. Guenther, Matrix of Mystery. Boulder/London: Shambhala, 1985. [92, 677, 681, 707]

Commentary on the Secret Nucleus. gsang-ba snying-po-la ṭīkā rgyas-pa. Auth. Rta-ston Gzi-brjid. NL. [660]

Commentary on the Secret Nucleus. snying-'grel. Not precisely identified. It should be noted that the abbreviation snying-'grel is also used to refer to Vajragarbha's Commentary which Epitomises the Hevajra (Tantra). [477-8]

Commentary on the Secret Nucleus entitled (Illuminating Lamp of the) Fundamental Text. snying-po'i 'grel-pa (khog-gshung) gsal-sgron. Auth. Vimalamitra. P 4739. [266] See Illuminating Lamp of the Fundamental Text

Commentary on the Secret Nucleus (by Sūryaprabhāsiṃha). nyi-'od seng-ge'i 'grel-pa. Skt. Śrīguhyagarbhatattvaviniścayavyākhyānaṭīkā. Auth. Sūryaprabhāsiṃha. P 4719. Pub. Gangtok: Dodrup Sangye, 1976. I-Tib 76-902441. [40, 688, 916]

Commentary on the Six-limbed Yoga. sbyor-drug 'grel-pa. Skt. Ṣaḍaṅgayoga Auth. Anupamarakṣita. T 1367. [674]

Commentary on the Sublime Seal of Great Realization. 'phags-pa rtogs-chen phyag-rgya'i 'grel-pa. NL. Cf. T 4524. [85]

Commentary on the Supreme Continuum of the Greater Vehicle. rgyud bla-ma'i 'grel-pa. Skt. Mahāyānottaratantraśāstravyākhyā. Auth. Asaṅga. T 4025. [170, 174, 175, 186] See also Supreme Continuum of the Greater Vehicle

Commentary on the Sūtra of the Teaching Delivered by Akṣayamati. blo-gros mi-zad-pas bstan-pa'i mdo-'grel. Skt. Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtravṛtti. Auth. Vasubandhu. T 3994. [943]

Commentary on Tampa Rinpoche's General Exposition of the Vehicles. dam-pa rin-po-che'i theg-pa spyi-bcing-gi 'grel-pa. Auth. Mkhas-grub Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan. NL. [697]

Commentary on the Tantra of the Awakening of Great Vairocana. rnam-snang mngon-byang-gi 'grel-pa. Skt. Mahāvairocanābhisaṃbodhitantraṭīkā. Auth. Buddhaguhya. T 2663. [269]

Commentary on the Tantra of the Dialogue with Subāhu. dpung-bzang-gi rgyud-kyi 'grel-pa. Skt. Subāhuparipṛcchānāmatantrapiṇḍārtha. Auth. Buddhaguhya. T 2671. Cf. T 2672-3. [260]

Commentary on the Tantra of the Purification of All Evil Destinies. ngan-song sbyong-rgyud-kyi 'grel-pa. Auth. Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po. NL. [707]

Commentary on the Tantra of the Secret Nucleus. gsang-snying 'grel-pa. Auth. Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po. NMKMG Vol. 25. Pub. Gangtok: Dodrup Sangyay Lama, 1976. I-Tib 76-902140. Also referred to as the Four Modes and Fifteen Aspects Commentary and the Precious Jewel Commentary. [707]

Commentary on Vajrakīla according to the Transmitted Precepts. See Commentary on the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities (of the Magical Net) and the Commentary on Vajrakīla according to the Transmitted Precepts

Commentary on the Verification of Co-emergence. lhan-cig skyes-grub-kyi gzhung-'grel. Skt. Sahajasiddhipaddhati. Auth. Ma Dpal-mo (Śrī). T 2261. [485]

Commentary on the Verse Summation of the Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness, sdud-pa'i 'grel-pa. Skt. Sañcayagāthāpañjikā. To be identified with either T 3792 by Haribhadra, or T 3798 by Buddhaśrījñāna. [92]

Common Savour. ro-snyoms. An essential precept of the Great Seal according to the 'Brug-pa bka'-brgyud tradition. The fundamental texts are given in DZ Vol. 7, pp. 59-88. [549]

Compendium of the Abhidharma. mngon-pa kun-las-btus-pa. Skt. Abhidharmasamuccaya. Auth. Asaṅga. T 4049. EIPRB 1212-23. MTTWL 1. [90, 91, 526, 666, 762]

Compendium of the Abhidharma and Treasury of the Abhidharma. mngon-pa gong-'og rnams. Listed separately.

Compendium of Lessons. bslab-btus. Skt. Śikṣāsamuccaya. Auth. Śāntideva. T 3939-40. B.Budh. 1 (1897-1902). BST 11 (1961). EIPRB 3444-50. HIL 7.1, pp. 83-5, 128. MTTWL 211. See also J. Hedinger, Aspekte der Schulung in der Laufbahn eines Bodhisattva. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1984. [92, 235, 577]

Compendium of the Nucleus of Pristine Cognition. ye-shes snying-po kun-las btus-pa. Skt. Jñānasārasamuccaya. Auth. Āryadeva. T 3851. HIL 7.1, p. 106. MTTWL 88. See also K. Mimaki, “Le commentaire de Mi pham sur le Jñānasārasamuccaya” in Mélanges offerts au Professeur J. W. de Jong. Canberra, 1982. [65]

Compendium of the Sūtra's Meaning. mdo'i don bsdu-ba. Skt. Guhyārthasūtrapiṇḍārtha. Auth. Dharmabodhi. P 4751. [489]

Compendium of Valid Cognition. tshad-ma kun(-las) btus(-pa). Skt. Pramāṇasamuccaya. And its commentary, Pramāṇasamuccayavṛtti. Auth. Dignāga. T 4203-4. EIPRB 519, 846, 1774-93. MTTWL 166. HOS 47 (1968). [91, 92, 101, 102, 103, 564]

Complete Elucidation of the Hidden Meaning of the Cakrasaṃvara. bdem-chog sbas-don kun-gsal. Auth. Tsong-kha-pa. TWB 5316. [681]

Components of the Doctrine. chos-kyi phung-po. Skt. Dharmaskandha. Auth. Śāriputra (according to the Tibetan tradition, but elsewhere attributed to Maudgalyāyana). At present extant only in Chinese: Taishō 1537. EIPRB 13. L. de La Vallée Poussin, L'Abhidharmakośa de Vasubandhu. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1923-36, Vol. 1, p. xxxvii. One of the Seven Sections of the Abhidharma. [90]

Condensed Commentary on the Secret Nucleus. snying-'grel piṇḍārtha. Skt. Guhyagarbhapiṇḍārtha. Auth. Vimalamitra. P 4755. [92]

Conquest of Objections. gnod-'joms. Auth. Vasubandu. Refer to n. 1325. [944]

Consummation of Secrets. gsang-ba yongs-rdzogs. See (Eight Transmitted Precepts, the) Consummation of Secrets

Cremation Ritual. ro-sreg-gi las. Skt. Māyājālalaghudṛṣṭāntasvāśrayakrama. Auth. Vimalamitra. P 4747. [481]

Crest of Indestructible Reality. rdo-rje gtsug-tor. Skt. Vajroṣṇīṣakriyātantra. See F. Lessing and A. Wayman, Mkhas Grub Rje's Fundamentals of the Buddhist Tantras. The Hague/Paris: Mouton, 1968, p. 137. The only section of this tantra presently available is T 808, Dhyānottarapaṭala. [305]

Crossing the Lion's Neck. seng-ge mjing-bsnol. NL. [565]

Crossing the Peacock's Neck. rma-bya mjing-bsnol. NGB Vol. 2, nos. 36-7. [136]

Crown Ornament of the Aural Lineage, the Cycles of the Wish-fulfilling Gem. snyan-brgyud gtsug-rgyan yid-bzhin nor-bu'i skor-rnams. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. NA. [815]

Crystal Mirror of the Great All-Seeing Svarodaya. kun-gzigs dbyangs-'char chen-mo shel-gyi me-long. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. Pub. Sataun, HP: Getse Tulku Kunga Lodoy, Kham Kathok Tibetan Society, 1969. I-Tib 77-910110. [870]

Crystal Mirror of Philosophical Systems. thu'u-bkvan-gyi grub-mtha' shel-dkar me-long. Auth. Thu'u-bkvan Blo-bzang Chos-kyi nyi-ma. Pub. in Collected Works of Thu'u-bkwan blo-bzaṅ chos-kyi-ñi-ma, Vol. 2. Delhi: Ngawang Gelek Demo, 1969. I-Tib 73-902408. Typeset edn.: Gansu: Minorities Press, 1984. For translated selections, see S. C. Das, Studies in the History and Religion of Tibet. Delhi: Mañjuśrī, 1971. D. S. Ruegg, “The Jo naṅ pas: A School of Buddhist Ontologists according to the Grub mtha' śel gyi me loṅ” Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (1963), pp. 73-91. [755-6]

Culmination of the Supreme Path. lam-mchog mthar-thug. Auth. Zhang Rin-po-che. DZ Vol. 5, pp. 744-77. [201-2]

Cycle of the Attainment of the Glorious Four-faced Protector and of Mahādeva. dpal-mgon gdong-bzhi-pa dang lha-chen sgrub-skor. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. NA. [815]

Cycle of the Attainment of Mind as the Wish-fulfilling Gem. See Attainment of Mind, the Wish-fulfilling Gem

Cycle of the Attainment of Nectar-Elixir. bdud-rtsi sman-sgrub-kyi skor. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vol. 9, pp. 383-539. [791]

Cycle of Common Sciences. thun-mong rig-gnas-kyi skor. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. Refers to those works in MPSB which concern the four common sciences and the five minor sciences. [877]

Cycle of Dedicatory Prayers and Benedictions. bsngo-smon shis-brjod-kyi skor. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. Refers to the many such works found throughout MPSB. [877]

Cycle of Eulogies and Narratives. bstod-tshogs-dang rtogs-brjod-kyi skor. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. Refers to the eulogies, etc. found throughout MPSB. [877]

Cycle of Glorious Cakrasaṃvara and the Four-armed Protector of Transmitted Precepts. dpal bde-mchog bka'-srung phyag-bzhi-pa'i skor. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. NA. [815]

Cycle of the Glorious Neuter Lord. dpal-mgon ma-ning skor. Disc. Rig-'dzin 'Ja'-tshon snying-po. JTPD Vols. 6-7. Also pub. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh: Ngawang Sonam, 1979. I-Tib 79-903471. [811]

Cycle of the Glorious Tiger-riding Lord. dpal-mgon stag-zhon skor. Disc. Dung-'phreng-can, and offered to Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. NA. [815]

Cycle of Götsangpa's Guidance or Guidance on the Path according to Götsangpa. rgod-tshang-pa'i khrid-kyi skor or rgod-tshang-pa'i lam-khrid. Auth. Rgod-tshang-pa Mgon-po rdo-rje. This material is found scattered throughout the known works of the author: The Collected Works of Rgod-tshaṅ-pa Mgon-po-rdo-rje. 2 vols. Pub. SNGP, 1972. I-Tib 72-906726. 3 vols. Pub. Thimphu: Kunzang Tobgey, 1976. I(Bhu)-Tib 76-902028. 5 vols. Pub. Thimphu: Tango Monastic Community, 1981. Bhu-Tib 81-901041. [571, 576]

Cycle of Hevajra. dgyes-pa rdo-rje'i skor. See Hevajra (Cycle/Tantra)

Cycle of Innermost Spirituality. snying-thig-gi skor. See Four-Part Innermost Spirituality

Cycle of Instructions on Caṇḍālī, Mother of Life, from the Innermost Spirituality of Immortality. 'chi-med thugs-tig-gi tshe-yum tsaṇḍa-lī'i gdams-skor. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. Redacted by 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. RTD Vol. 77, pp. 389-414. [858] See also Cycle of the Means for the Attainment of Caṇḍālī, Mother of Life and the Root Text of Caṇḍālī, Mother of Life

Cycle of Instructions of Zhang Tshelpa. zhang tshal-pa'i gdams-skor. See, e.g., Źaṅ tshal pa'i bka' thor bu. SNGP 1972. I-Tib 72-900813. Cf. also Culmination of the Supreme Path. [576]

Cycle of the Jambhalas of the Five Families. Dzam-lha rigs-lnga'i skor. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL. [791]

Cycle of Krodhakālī. khros-ma nag-mo'i skor. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [775]

Cycle of the Magical Net of the Three Roots. rtsa-gsum sgyu-'phrul drva-ba'i skor. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. Possibly to be identified with RTD Vol. 7, pp. 49-90. [856]

Cycle of Mahākāla and Malevolent Mantras. mgon-po-dang ngan-sngags-kyi skor. Disc. Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer. NL. However, cf. the cycle of the Four-armed Lord according to the Treasures of Nyang. [756]

Cycle of Meaning, which is Aro's Great System of Guidance. a-ro'i khrid-mo-che don-skor. [571] See Seven Sessions of Aro (Yeshe Jungne)

Cycle of the Means for the Attainment of Caṇḍālī, Mother of Life, tshe-yum tsaṇḍā-lī'i sgrub-skor. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. [864] See Cycle of Instructions on Caṇḍālī, Mother of Life, from the Innermost Spirituality of Immortality

Cycle of the Means for the Attainment of the Guru's Four Bodies. bla-ma sku-bzhi'i sgrub-thabs-kyi skor. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. NL. However, cf. Four Cycles of the Means for the Attainment of the Guru. [856]

Cycle of the Means for the Attainment of the Three Roots. rtsa-gsum sgrub-skor. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. RLTC Vol. 16. RTD Vol. 5, p. 507 to Vol. 6, p. 121. [793]

Cycle of the Meditational Deities of Atiśa. jo-bo'i yi-dam skor. To be identified with the Snar-thang brgya-rtsa, GDKT Vol. 13. [577]

Cycle of Mind in its Natural State. gnyug-sems skor. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. NNS 57 (1972). I(Sik)-Tib 72-903167. ZGSB Vol. 1. Litho. Varanasi: Tarthang Tulku, 1965. I-Tib-76. [878]

Cycle of Minor Rites. las-phran-gyi skor. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vol. 11, pp. 522-603. [797]

Cycle of the Neuter Lord. mgon-po ma-ning-gi skor. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [775]

Cycle of Profound Doctrines which are Mind Treasures. zab-chos thugs-gter skor. Disc. Thang-stong rgyal-po. NL. [802]

Cycle of the Sciences of Inner Meaning. nang-don rig-pa'i skor. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. This refers to the majority of works in MPSB, including philosophical treatises and commentaries, and texts on all aspects of Buddhist practice. [877]

Cycle of the Small Son which is a Non-Dual Tantra of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-chen gnyis-med rgyud bu-chung-gi skor. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vol. 6. [796]

Cycle Summarising the Essence of the Great Gathering of Transmitted Precepts. bka'-'dus chen-mo'i snying-po mdor-bsdus skor. See (Ocean of Doctrine, the Great) Gathering of Transmitted Precepts

Cycle of the Tantra of the Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul skor-gyi yig-cha. Auth. Lo-chen Dharmaśrī. LCSB Vols. 6-7, 12. NMKMG Vols. 11-12, 32-4. SSS 36 (1972). I-Tib 72-903163. [375]

Cycle of Trhopupa. khro-phu-pa'i skor. Transmitted in the lineage of Khro-phu lo-tsā-ba Byams-pa-dpal. DZ Vol. 5, pp. 530-7. GDKT Vol. 11. [577]

Cycle of the Universal Gathering of the Three Roots. rtsa-gsum spyi-'dus-kyi skor. Disc. Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 7, pp. 49-90. [856]

Cycle of Yamāntaka. gshed-skor. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL. [791]

Cycle of Yamāntaka, Lord of Life. gshin-rje tshe-bdag-gi skor. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [776]

Cycle of Zhanglön and Pomra, Protectors of the Transmitted Precepts. bka'-srung zhang-blon-dang spom-ra'i skor. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. NA. [815]

Cycles of the Attainment of Peaceful Mañjuśrī. 'jam-dpal zhi-sgrub-kyi skor-rnams. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. RTD Vol. 25, pp. 425-517. [815]

Cycles of the Innermost Spirituality of the Accomplished Master. grub-thob thugs-tig-gi skor-rnams. See Innermost Spirituality of the Accomplished Master

Cycles of the Luminous Expanse of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-chen klong-gsal-gyi skor-rnams. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vols. 5 and 17. [796]

Cycles of the Means for the Attainment of Amitāyus and Hayagrīva. tshed-pag-med-dang rta-mgrin sgrub-skor-gyi shog-ser. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. NL. [864]

Cycles of the Wrathful Guru and Protectors of the Teaching. gu-ru drag-po dang bstan-srung skor. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [776]

Daily Yoga of the Awareness-holder. rig-'dzin rgyun-gyi rnal-'byor. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. RTD Vol. 15, pp. 415-22. [865]

Decree of Emperor Qubilai Qan. se-chen-gan-gyi lung. Refer to n. 812. [662]

Definitive Order of the Chronology of the Teaching. bstan-rtsis-kyi rnam-bzhag. Auth. Kaḥ-thog Rig-'dzin Tshe-dbang nor-bu. Pub. in The Collected Works (Gsuṅ 'bum) of Kaḥ-thog Rig-'dzin Tshe-dbaṅ-nor-bu. Dalhousie, HP: Damchoe Sangpo, 1976. Vol. 4, pp. 103-61. I-Tib 76-905079. See also R. Prats, “Tshe-dbaṅ-nor-bu's Chronological Notes on the Early Transmission of the Bi ma sñiṅ thig” in L. Ligeti (ed.), Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. Budapest, 1984, Vol. 2, pp. 197-209. [966]

Definitive Order of the Tantrapiṭaka. bcom-ldan ral-gri'i spyi-rnam. Auth. Bcom-ldan Rig-pa'i ral-gri. NL. [827]

Definitive Order of the Three Vehicles. theg-pa gsum rnam-par gzhag-pa. Skt. Triyānavyavasthāna. Auth. Ratnākaraśānti. T 3712. [253]

Definitive Presentation of the Tantras. rgyud-kyi rnam-bzhag. Auth. Zur Byams-pa Seng-ge. NL. [665]

Definitive Verification of the Means for the Attainment of the Great Heruka. khrag-'thung chen-po'i sgrub-thabs yang-dag-par grub-pa. Skt. Saṃsiddhimahāśrīherukasādhana. Auth. Hūṃkara. T 1678. [477]

Denkarma Catalogue of the Kangyur. bka'-'gyur dkar-chag ldan-dkar-ma. Auth. Ska-ba Dpal-brtsegs and Nam-mkha'i snying-po. T 4364. Ed. M. Lalou, “Les Textes Bouddhiques au Temps du Roi Khri-sroṅ-lde-bcan” Journal Asiatique CCXLI-3 (1953), pp. 313-53. [794]

Destruction of Bewilderment. dbu-ma 'khrul-'joms. Skt. Madhyamakabhramaghāta. Auth. Āryadeva. T 3850. HIL 7.1, pp. 54, 112. [167]

Detailed Annotations on the Commentary on the Secret Nucleus and the Array of the Path of the Magical Net. snying-ṭīk-dang lam-rnam-bkod-la mchan-bu. Auth. Snye-mdo Kun-gzigs. NL. [702]

Detailed Ceremony for the Rite of the Tie to the Higher Realms. gnas-lung-la'ang cho-ga rgyas-pa. Auth. Sangs-rgyas rin-chen. NL. [673]

Detailed Commentary on the Heart Sūtra of Discriminative Awareness. shes-rab snying-po'i rgya-cher 'grel-pa. Skt. Āryaprajñāpāramitāhṛdayaṭīkā. Auth. Praśastrasena. T 3821. MTTWL 158. See also D. Lopez, The Heart Sūtra Explained. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1987. [577]

Detailed Exegesis of the Eight Transmitted Precepts. bka'-brgyad rnam-bshad. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. Pub. in Rare Writings of 'Jam-mgon 'Ju Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. Paro: Lama Dodrup Sangyay, 1977. I(Bhu)-Tib 77-902412. [875]

Detailed Exegesis of the Exposition of Valid Cognition. tshad-ma mam-'grel-gyi rnam-bshad. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. Litho. Clement Town, UP: Nyingma Lamas College, n.d. [875]

Detailed Exposition of the Array of the Path of the Magical Net. lam rnam-bkod-la rnam-bzhag. Auth. Sangs-rgyas rin-chen. NL. [673]

Detailed Exposition of the Feast Offering. tshogs-kyi 'khor-lo'i rnam-bshad. Auth. Mkhas-grub Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan. NL. [697]

Determination and Distinction. la-shan (lta-ba'i sgron-me). Auth. Bzhad-pa'i rdo-rje (i.e. Dga'-rab rdo-rje). P 4727. [350, 351]

Dhāraṇī of the Wish-fulfilling Gem. tsindha-ma-ṇi'i gzungs. Skt. Cintāmaṇidhāraṇī. Name of a formula recited in connection with the rites of Avalokiteśvara according to the Kriyā tantras. [508]

Dialogue with the Four Goddesses, lha-mo bzhis zhus-pa. Skt. Caturdevīparipṛcchā. T 446. [77]

Dialogue with Maitreya. byams-pas zhus-pa. Skt. Maitreyaparipṛcchā. T 85-6. [234]

Dialogue of Sky and Mountain, mkha'-ri'i zhu-lan. Disc. Guru Chos-dbang. NL. [838]

Dialogue with Suvikrāntavikrami. rab-rtsal mam-gnon-gyis zhus-pa. Skt. Suvikrāntavikramiparipṛcchā. T 14. EIPRB 1822-4. MTTWL 227. BST 17 (1961). [908]

Diamond Cutter. rdo-rje gcod-pa. Skt. Vajracchedikā Prajñapāramita. T 16. EIPRB 1020-45. MTTWL 244. BST 17 (1961). SOR 13 (1957). Gilgit version ed. G. Schopen, in L. O. Gómez (ed.), The Mahāyāna Path. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1989. [336]

Direct and Circuitous Paths of Transcendental Perfection according to the System of Atiśa. jo-bo-rje'i pha-rol-tu phyin-pa'i lam rkyang-khug. The precise teachings of Atiśa with which these are to be identified remain uncertain. It is also possible that the phrase has only a general denotation. [546]

Disclosure of the Contents of the Secret Nucleus. gsang-ba snying-po'i khog-dbub. Auth. Sman-lung-pa Shākya-'od. NL. [686]

Disclosure of the Contents of Yungtönpa's Commentary. gYung-ston-pa'i khog-dbub. Auth. Sgrol-ma-ba Bsam-grub rdo-rje. NMKMG Vol. 28. [660]

Disclosure of the Hidden. gab(-pa) mngon(-phyung). Name of a classification of teaching according to the Great Perfection. It is often found in the titles of books of both the Great Perfection and Great Seal traditions. Also referred to as Transmitted Precepts given in a manner which Reveals the Hidden. [331, 654, 658]

Dispelling Darkness in the Ten Directions (a Commentary on the Secret Nucleus), (snying-'grel) phyogs-bcu mun-sel. See (Commentary on the Secret Nucleus entitled) Dispelling Darkness in the Ten Directions

Disputant's Sword which Cuts through Difficulties. dka'-gcod smra-ba'i mtshon-cha. Auth. Gnubs-chen Sangs-rgyas ye-shes. NL. [612]

Dissertation, rab-tu byed-pa. Skt. Prakaraṇapāda. Auth. Vasumitra. Extant only in Chinese: Taishō 1541-2. EIPRB 84. L. de La Vallée Poussin, L'Abhidharmakośa de Vasubandhu. Paris: Paul Guethner, 1923-36, Vol. 1, pp. xxxii-xxxiii. One of the Seven Sections of the Abhidharma. [90]

Doctrinal Background for the Ḍākinī Section of Gathering of the Three Roots' Intention. rtsa-gsum dgongs-'dus mkha'-'gro'i rgyab-chos. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. [864] See Gathering of the Three Roots' Intention

Doctrinal Background for the Gathering of the Three Roots' Intention. rtsa-gsum dgongs-'dus-kyi rgyab-chos shog-ser. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. [864] See Gathering of the Three Roots' Intention

Doctrinal Cycle of Auspicious Coincidence, rten-'brel-gyi chos-skor. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 19. [848]

Doctrinal Cycle of the Four Aspects of Ritual Service and Attainment which is Luminous like the Sun and Moon. bsnyen-sgrub rnam-pa bzhi'i chos-skor nyi-zla-ltar gsal-ba. Disc. Rig-'dzin Rgod-kyi ldem-'phru-can. The identification of this amongst available Northern Treasures (byang-gter) texts is uncertain. [781]

(Doctrinal Cycle of the) Great Compassionate One. thugs-rje chen-po'i chosskor. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. RTD Vol. 35, pp. 331-527. Also referred to as the Doctrinal Cycle of Sublime Avalokiteśvara. [785-6]

Doctrinal Cycle of the Great Compassionate One as Mind at Rest. thugs-rje chen-po sems-nyid ngal-gso'i chos-skor. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. NL. [856]

(Doctrinal Cycle of the) Great Compassionate One as the Universal Gathering of the Sugatas. thugs-rje chen-po bde-gshegs kun-'dus-kyi chos-skor. Disc. Gter-bdag gling-pa. RTD Vol. 38, pp. 67-405. Pub. Dehra Dun: D. G. Khochhen Trulku, 1975. I-Tib 75-906625. [828, 843]

Doctrinal Cycle of the Innermost Spirituality of Saroruha, which is the Secret Attainment, among the Three Cycles of the Means for the Attainment of the Guru. bla-sgrub skor-gsum-gyi gsang-sgrub mtsho-skyes snying-thig-gi chos-skor. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 15, pp. 347-95. [857]

Doctrinal Cycle of the Innermost Spirituality of the Sublime Lady, 'phags-ma'i snying-thig-gi chos-skor. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 46, pp. 247-444; Vol. 57, pp. 271-392; Vol. 99, pp. 191-7, 329-83. [857]

Doctrinal Cycle of Kharak. kha-rag chos-skor. NL. See Blue Annals, pp. 999-1005. [578]

Doctrinal Cycle of (Loro) Recungpa. (lo-ro) ras-chung-pa'i chos-skor. Perhaps to be identified with the ras-chung snyan-brgyud cycle, sections of which may be found in DZ Vol. 5, pp. 251-455. See also: Gtsaṅ-smyon Heruka, Bde mchog mkha' 'gro sñan rgyud. 2 vols. SSS 11-12 (1971). I-Tib 76-924556. Byaṅ-chub bzaṅ-po, Bde mchog mkha' 'gro sñan rgyud. 2 vols. New Delhi, 1973. I-Tib 73-902914. [657]

Doctrinal Cycle of the Means for the Attainment of the Seven Lines, tshig-bdun sgrub-thabs-kyi chos-skor. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. RTD Vol. 16, pp. 301-631. [866]

(Doctrinal Cycle of the) Spontaneous Song of the Clouds, the Nucleus of Indestructible Reality, rdo-rje snying-po sprin-gyi thol-glu'i chos-skor. Disc. Lha-btsun Nam-mkha' 'jigs-med. Xylo. Gangtok, 1978. I-Tib 82-906676. [819-20]

Doctrinal Cycle of Sublime Avalokiteśvara. 'phags-pa spyan-ras-gzigs-kyi chos-skor. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. See Doctrinal Cycle of the Great Compassionate One

Doctrinal Cycle of the Utterly Secret Hayagrīva. rta-mgrin yang-gsang-gi chosskor. Disc. 'Dar-phya rū-pa, with successive additions by later treasurefinders. RTD Vol. 39, p. 359 to Vol. 40, p. 85. [715]

Doctrinal Cycles of the Ḍākinīs. mkha'-'gro'i chos-skor. Disc. Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer. Perhaps this is RTD Vol. 54, pp. 285-540. [756]

Doctrinal Cycles of the Vital Attainment of the Awareness-holder, rig-'dzin srog-sgrub-kyi chos-skor rnams. Disc. Lha-btsun Nam-mkha' 'jigs-med. RTD passim. Xylo. srog-sgrub rgyab-chos. Palace Monastery, Gangtok. I(Sik)-Tib 74-900111. Pub. in 2 vols. Gangtok: Dzongsar Chhentse Labrang, 1980. I-Tib 80-900958. [820]

Doctrinal History which is Sunlight Extending the Teaching. chos-'byung bstan-pa rgyas-pa'i nyin-byed. Auth. 'Brug-chen Padma dkar-po. SP 75 (1968). Also pub. in Collected Works of Kun-mkhyen Padma dkar-po, Vol. 2. Darjeeling: Kargyud Sungrab Nyamso Khang, 1973. I-Tib 73-902758. [965]

Doctrinal Treasury of the Transmitted Precepts in Twenty Volumes. bka'-ma'i chos-mdzod gzhung-pod yongs-rdzogs glegs-bam nyi-shu. Pub. by O-rgyan mdo-sngags chos-kyi nyi-ma at Dpal-yul. NMKMG Vols. 1-20 are based on this edition. [739]

Doctrine which Ascertains the Causal and Fruitional Aspects of Deeds, of which the Intention is Vast as Space, las-rgyu-'bras la-zlo-ba'i chos dgongs-pa nam-mkha'-dang mnyam-pa. Disc. Rig-'dzin Rgod-kyi ldem-'phru-can. The identification of this, and of the two entries which follow, amongst available Northern Treasure (byang-gter) texts is uncertain. [781]

Doctrine of Auspicious Coincidence which is like a Sandalwood Tree, rten-'brel-can-gyi chos tsan-dan-gyi sdong-po lta bu. Disc. Rig-'dzin Rgod-kyi ldem-'phru-can. NL. [781]

Doctrine which Pulverises Enemies and Obstacles, and which is like a Poisonous Plant. dgra-bgegs thal-bar rlog-pa'i chos dug-gi sdong-po lta-bu. Disc. Rig-'dzin Rgod-kyi ldem-'phru-can. NL. [781]

Doctrines of Maitreya. See Five Doctrines of (Venerable) Maitreya

Dohā (of Saraha). do-hā. Skt. Dohākośa. T 2245, 2251, 2263-4, 2266, 2273. HIL 9.3, pp. 124-33. P. C. Bagchi, Dohākośa, Pt. I. Calcutta Sanskrit Series, no. 25C. Calcutta, 1938. Trans. H. V. Guenther, The Royal Song of Saraha. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1968. M. Shahidullah, Les Chants Mystiques de Kāṇha et de Saraha. Paris: A. Maisonneuve, 1928. D. L. Snellgrove (trans.), in E. Conze (ed.), Buddhist Texts through the Ages. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954, pp. 224-39. See further the bibliography given in P. Kvaerne, An Anthology of Buddhist Tantric Songs. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1977. [197, 546, 564]

Dohā according to the Gang Tradition of the Great Seal. phyag-chen sgang-lugs-kyi do-hā. NL. [657]

Dohā Composed by Lord Maitripā. mnga'-bdag mai-tri-pas bsdebs-pa'i do-hā. Skt. Mahāmudrākanakamālā. T 2454. [329]

Dokam Inventory of the Twenty-five Great Pilgrimage Places of Dokam. mdo-khams gnas-chen nyer-lnga'i mdo-byang. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 30. Note: our interpretation of the term mdo-byang as referring to the province of mdo-khams is uncertain. An alternative rendering would take the syllable mdo in its meanings of “confluence” or “sūtra”, so that the expression as a whole might be taken to mean “synoptic inventory”. [846, 867]

Dorje Trolö. rdo-rje gro-lod. Disc. Rig-'dzin 'Ja'-tshon snying-po. RTD Vol. 19, pp. 105-21. [811]

Doubts, gdar-sha. Unidentified. But note that the phrase gdar-sha gcod is commonly used in connection with orally transmitted meditation instruction to mean “resolution of doubts”. [654, 658]

Dramatical Treatise. bha-ra-ta. Skt. Nāṭyaśāstra. Auth. Bharata. GOS 36 (1926), 68 (1934), 124 (1954), 145 (1964). Known in Tibet only through secondary references. Skt. version ed. and trans. M. Ghosh. Calcutta: Manisha Granthalaya, 1956 and 1967; and Asiatic Society, 1961. HIL 5.3, pp. 245-50. [106]

Dying Testament. 'da'-ka'i zhal-chems. Auth. Gter-bdag gling-pa. Text given in History, p. 832. Pub., with the commentary of Padma 'gyur-med rgya-mtsho, Clement Town, UP: Nyingma Lamas' College, n.d. [832]

Earlier and Later Treasure Troves. gter-kha gong-'og. General term for the treasures of Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer (gter-kha gong-ma) and those of Guru Chos-dbang (gter-kha 'og-ma). [677, 686, 730, 831, 836, 837]

Earlier and Later Versions of the Biographies of the Hundred Treasure-finders. gter-ston brgya-rtsa'i rnam-thar snga-phyi. The earlier version is the gter-brgya'i rnam-thar don-bsdus gsol-'debs. Auth. Byang-bdag Bkra-shis stobs-rgyal. RTD Vol. 2, pp. 1-31. Also pub. with a detailed commentary by Karma Mi-'gyur-dbaṅ-rgyal in Gter ton brgya rtsa'i mtshan sdom gsol 'debs. Darjeeling: Taklung Tsetrul Pema Wangyal, 1978. I-Tib 79-903886. The later version is Lives of the Hundred Treasure-finders, a Beauteous Rosary of Precious Beryl. [750]

Eight Appendices. zur-pa brgyad. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL. [790]

Eight Dissertations. pra-ka-ra-ṇa sde-brgyad. Skt. Aṣṭaprakaraṇa. Auth. Vasubandhu. Refer to n. 75 for their identification. S. Anacker, Seven Works of Vasubandhu (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984), translates the following five among the eight: Commentary on the Analysis of the Middle and Extremes, Dissertation on the Proof of Deeds, Dissertation on the Five Components, Twenty Verses and Thirty Verses. See Ornament of the Sūtras of the Greater Vehicle for references to works that involve Vasubandhu's commentary on that text. The remaining two of the Eight Dissertations—the Commentary on the Analysis of Phenomena and Reality and the Rational System of Exposition—have yet to be systematically studied by contemporary western scholars. [91]

Eight Divisions of Medical Science. yan-lag brgyad. Skt. Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā. Auth. Vāgbhaṭa (but in our text attributed to Śūra). T 4310. Ed. and trans. C. Vogel, Vāgbhaṭa's Aṣṭāṅgahṛdaya. Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft XXXVII, 2. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1965. [99]

Eighteen Esoteric Instructions of the Mental Class. sems-sde bco-brgyad. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 159-371. NMKMG Vol. 17. Longcenpa, Treasury of Spiritual and Philosophical Systems, pp. 357-8, lists the tantras from which they are derived as: rig-pa'i khu-byug, rtsal-chen 'brug-pa, khyung-chen lding-ba, rdo-la gser-zhun, mi-nub rgyal-mtshan nam-mkha' che (which five constitute the earlier translations made by Vairocana), rtse-mo byung-rgyal, nam-mkha'i rgyal-po, bde-ba 'phrul-bkod, rdzogs-pa spyi-chings, byang-chub sems-tig, bde-ba rab-'byams, srog-gi 'khor-lo, thig-le drug-pa, rdzogs-pa spyi-spyod, yid-bzhin nor-bu, kun-tu rig-pa, rje-btsun dam-pa and sgom-pa don-grub (which thirteen constitute the later translations made by Vimalamitra, Nyak Jñānakumāra and Yudra Nyingpo). Also referred to as the Eighteen Teachings of the Mental Class. [538, 673-4]

Eighteen Great Tantrapiṭaka (of the Mahāyoga). tantra (chen-po) sde bco-brgyad or rgyud-sde chen-po bco-brgyad. Zhecen Gyeltsap Pema Namgyel, sgrub-brgyud shing-rta brgyad-kyi byung-ba brjod-pa'i gtam mdor-bsdus legs-bshad padma dkar-po'i rdzing-bu, p. 29, lists these as: the five great tantras of buddha-body, speech, mind, attributes and activitiesBuddhasamāyoga, Candraguhyatilaka, Guhyasamāja, Śrīparamādya and Karmamāla; the five tantras concerned with means for attainment—heruka rol-pa, rta-mchog rol-pa, snying-rje rol-pa, bdud-rtsi rol-pa and phur-pa bcu-gnyis-pa; the five tantras concerned with conduct —ri-bo brtsegs-pa, ye-shes ngam-glog, dam-tshig bkod-pa, ting-'dzin rtse-gcig and glang-chen rab-'bog; the two supplementary tantras—rnam-snang sgyu-'phrul drva-ba and thabs-kyi zhags-pa; and the single tantra which summarises all the others—Guhyagarbha. For other enumerations, see Longcenpa, sngags-kyi spyi-don tshangs-dbyangs 'brug-sgra, pp. 27-8. E. Kaneko, Ko-Tantora Zenshū Kaidai Mokuroku. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankōkai, 1982, pp. 65-6. GGFTC, pp. 33-6. [460-1, 464, 533, 893]

Eighteen Notes on the Sūtra. mdo'i yig-sna bco-brgyad. Auth. Sukhodyotaka. NL. [489]

Eighteen Roots. rtsa-ba bco-brgyad. See (Exegetical Tradition of the) Eighteen Roots

Eighteen Significations of the Syllable A. a-don bco-brgyad. [700, 701] See Eighteen Esoteric Instructions of the Mental Class

Eighteen Teachings of the Mental Class. See Eighteen Esoteric Instructions of the Mental Class

Eighteen-Volume Collected Works. bka'-'bum pusta-ka bco-brgyad. Auth. Lochen Dharmaśrī. [732] See Collected Works of Locen Dharmaśrī

Eight General and Particular Classes of Means for Attainment (according to Mahayoga). sgrub-sde brgyad spyi be-brag rnams. NGB Vols. 20-33, 283, 361-2. [283, 361-2]

Eight Mahākāla Tantras. ma-hā-kā-la'i rgyud brgyad. Disc. Nāgārjuna. NL. Perhaps associated with T 667-9. [480]

Eight Sections of the Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul sde-brgyad. There exist different enumerations of these eight, all of which are comprised in NGB Vols. 14-15. For a discussion of these traditions, see GGFTC, pp. 37-49. [283]

Eight-Session Practice. thun-brgyad-ma. A teaching in the tradition of Atiśa, transmitted through his disciple Kham-pa lung-pa. DZ Vol. 3, pp. 52-66. [546]

Eight Transmitted Precepts. bka'-brgyad. Disc. Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer. [677, 756, 757] See Gathering of the Sugatas (of the Eight Transmitted Precepts)

(Eight Transmitted Precepts, the) Consummation of Secrets. bka'-brgyad yongs-rdzogs, bka'-brgyad gsang-ba yongs-rdzogs or bka'-brgyad gsang-rdzogs. Disc. Guru Chos-dbang. RTD Vol. 22, p. 369 to Vol. 23, p. 5; and passim. Pub. Paro: Sherab Drimey, 1983. Bhu-Tib 83-905925. [765, 773, 825, 827]

Eight Transmitted Precepts, the Mirror of Mind. bka'-brgyad thugs-kyi me-long. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vol. 10. RTD Vol. 23, pp. 431-501. Also pub. Thimphu: Kunsang Topgyel and Mani Dorji, 1979. I(Bhu)-Tib 79-906030. [796]

Eight Transmitted Precepts, the Universal Gathering of Sugatas. bka'-brgyad bde-gshegs kun-'dus. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 22. RTD Vol. 25, pp. 165-210. [846]

Eight Volumes of Nectar. bdud-rtsi bam-brgyad. Skt. Sarvapañcāmṛtasārasiddhimahodgatahṛdayaparivartāṣṭaka. T 841. NGB Vol. 26, no. 302. [480] See also Amṛta Tantra, Nectar the Enlightened Attributes and Vajrāmṛta Cycle

Eighty-Chapter Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul brgyad-cu-pa. T 834. NGB Vol. 14, no. 189. Full title: gsang-ba'i snying-po de-kho-na-nyid nges-pa. [673, 674] See also Chapter entitled the Vision of Vajrasattva

Eighty Oral Instructions. zhal-gyi gdams-pa brgyad-cu-pa. Auth. Zur-chung Shes-rab-grags. Pub., with the annotations of Zhe-chen rgyal-tshab Padma rnam-rgyal, in ZGSB Vol. 5. [645]

Elixir Drops of the Creation and Perfection of Vajrapāṇi. phyag-na rdo-rje bskyed-rdzogs bdud-rtsi'i thig-pa. Auth. Tsong-kha-pa. TWB 5268. [923]

Elucidation of the Significance of the Four Limbs: the Esoteric Instructions of the Buddhasamāyoga. sangs-rgyas mnyam-sbyor-gyi man-ngag yan-lag bshi'i don snang-bar byed-pa. Skt. Caturaṅgārthālokanāma. Auth. Hūṃkara. T 1676. [477, 533]

Emanation of the Lamp. sgron-sp(b)rul. NL. [546]

Embarking on the Ocean of Maṇḍalas: the Empowerment Ceremonies of the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions. 'dus-pa mdo'i dbang-chog dkyil-'khor rgya-mtsho'i 'jug-ngogs. Auth. Rig-'dzin Padma 'phrin-las. Pub. Dalhousie, HP: Damchoe Sangpo, 1979. 3 Vols. I-Tib 79-901767. [720]

Emergence of Cakrasaṃvara. sdom-'byung. Skt. Śrīmahāsaṃvarodayatantrarāja. T 373. Partially ed. and trans. Shiníchi Tsuda, The Saṃvarodaya Tantra: Selected Chapters. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1974. Also referred to as the Tantra of the Emergence of Cakrasaṃvara. [99, 451, 503, 688]

Emergence of Indestructible Reality. rdo-rje 'byung-ba. Skt. Vajrodaya. Auth. Ānandagarbha. T 2516. [356-7]

Empowerment Ceremony (entitled) the Jewel Rosary. dbang-chog rin-chen phreng-ba. [828] See Empowerment Ceremony of the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions (entitled) the Jewel Rosary

Empowerment Ceremony (entitled) the River of Honey. dbang-chog sbrang-rtsi'i chu-rgyun. Auth. Rdo-rje dpal-bzang-po. NL. However, at least one of the available redactions of the empowerment for the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions is clearly derived from the River of Honey, and may well include substantial portions of that text: mdo-dbaṅ-gi skor. Paro: Lama Ngodup, 1979. 3 vols. I(Bhu)-Tib 79-902891. [700, 828]

Empowerment Ceremony of the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions (entitled) the Jewel Rosary, 'dus-pa mdo'i dbang-chog rin-chen phreng-ba. NL. [828]

Empowerment Ritual of the Len Tradition, glen-lugs-kyi dbang-chog. NL. Apparently incorporated into the tradition of the Empowerment Ceremony (entitled) the River of Honey. [700]

Empowerment of Vajrapāṇi. phyag-na rdo-rje dbang-bskur. Skt. Vajrapāṇyabhiṣekamahātantra. T 496. [272]

Empowerments of Beneficence, Ability, and Profundity according to the Zur Tradition of the Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul zur-lugs-kyi phan-nus-zab gsum-gyi dbang. Refer to n. 823. [665]

Empowerments of the Expressive Play of Awareness for the Eighteen Teachings of the Mental Class, sems-sde bco-brgyad-kyi rig-pa'i rtsal-dbang. [673] See Eighteen Esoteric Instructions of the Mental Class

Enlightened Mind of Orgyen and His Consort. o-rgyan yab-yum byang-sems. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa and Dri-med lhun-po. NL. Probably it is a sacramental substance, rather than a text, that is referred to in this instance. [786]

Entire Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions, mdo yongs-rdzogs. See Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions '

Entrance to Knowledge, ye-shes-la 'jug-pa. Skt. Jñānaprasthāna. Auth. Kātyāyanīputra (or, according to other traditions, Vasumitra). Extant only in Chinese: Taishō 1543-4. EIPRB 21-6. L. de la Vallée Poussin, L'Abhidharmakośa de Vasubandhu. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1923-36, Vol. 1, pp. xxix-xxxii. One of the Seven Sections of the Abhidharma. [90]

Enumeration of Classes, yang-dag 'gro-ba'i rnam-grangs. Skt. Saṃgītiparyāya. Auth. Mahākauṣṭhila (or, according to other traditions, Śāriputra). Extant only in Chinese: Taishō 1536. EIPRB 28-9. L. de La Vallée Poussin, L'Abhidharmakośa de Vasubandhu. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1923-36, Vol. 1, p. xlii. One of the Seven Sections of the Abhidharma. [90]

Enumeration of Doctrines which is the Great Pagoda of Precious Jewels. dkon-mchog brtsegs-pa chen-po'i chos-kyi rnam-grangs. [340] See Pagoda of Precious Jewels

Epitome of the Illumination of the Real. de-kho-na-nyid snang-ba'i don-bsdus. Probably to be identified with Skt. Tattvālokāvyākhyā. Auth. Ānandagarbha. T 2510. [272]

Epitome of the Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness (in Eight Thousand Lines). brgyad-stong don-bsdus. Skt. Prajñāpāramitāpiṇḍārtha or Prajñāpāramitāsaṃgrahakārikā. Auth. Dignāga. T 3809. EIPRB 1235, 1772-3. MTTWL 160. BST 4 (1960). [182-3, 189]

Esoteric Instructions of the Dohā, do-ha'i man-ngag. See Dohā (of Saraha)

Esoteric Instructions on the Empowerment Circle. dbang-bskur-gyi 'khor-lo'i man-ngag. Skt. Ratnacakrābhiṣekopadeśakrama. Auth. Indrabhūti. T 2472. [300]

Esoteric Instructions on the Great Perfection according to (the Tradition of) Aro. rdzogs-chen a-ro-lugs-kyi man-ngag. [673, 675] See Seven Sessions of Aro (Yeshe Jungne)

Esoteric Instructions of the Path of Desire. chags-lam-gyi man-ngag. Transmitted by Karma-pa VIII, Mi-bskyod rdo-rje. The reference in History is not sufficiently precise to permit identification with any given text. Representative works in the Karmapa's tradition may be found in DZ Vol. 6, pp. 1-291. [818]

Esoteric Instructions on the Symbolism of the Great Seal. phyag-rgya chen-po brda'i man-ngag. Identification uncertain. Note that there is a work in the Tangyur by this title: Mahāmudrāratnābhigītyupadeśa. T 2445. Auth. Mkha'-'gro-ma. The reference in History, however, is probably to the Phyag rgya chen po brda'i skor gsum of Pha-dam-pa Sangs-rgyas. Pub. National Library of Bhutan, 1985. Bhu-Tib 85-902604. [545]

Esoteric Mañjuśrī. 'jam-dpal gsang-ldan. Skt. Mañjuśrīguhyaka. The transmission of this cycle in Tibet is traditionally associated with Smrtijñānakīrti, whose major work on it is T 2584. GDKT Vol. 10, no. 60. KGNZ] Vol. 4, pp. 375-504. The [[commentary by Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po is preserved in Selected Writings of Roṅ-zom Chos-kyi-bzaṅ-po. SSS 73 (1973). I-Tib 74-902673. [657, 703, 708]

Essence of the View which Negates Everything. thams-cad-la skur-ba 'debs-pa'i lta-ba'i snying-po. Apparently to be identified with the Bṛhaspatisūtra. NA. [66]

Essential Epitome of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-chen snying-po bsdus-pa. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. Perhaps to be identified with BMGD Vol. 9. [786]

Essential Inventory which Treats the Essence of the Esoteric Instructions in Seven Sections, snying-byang man-ngag gnad-kyi don-bdun-ma. Disc. Bzang-po grags-pa. NL. [780]

Essential Spirituality of Aro. a-ro'i thugs-bcud. [651] See Seven Sessions of Aro (Yeshe Jungne)

Essential Summarisation of the Tantras, Transmissions, and Esoteric Instructions of the Class of Means for Attainment, the Eight Transmitted Precepts, sgrub-sde bka'-brgyad-kyi rgyud-lung man-ngag snying-por dril-ba. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 24, p. 261 to Vol. 25, p. 91. The third part of the Innermost Spirituality of the Accomplished Master. [804]

Established Confluence of Auspicious Coincidences. rten-'brel mdo-chings. NL. [843]

Establishment of the Intrinsic Essential of the Innermost Spirituality. bsdus-pa thig-le rang-gnad-du dbab-pa. Refer to n. 522. [494]

Eulogy to the Expanse of Reality. chos-dbyings bstod-pa. Skt. Dharmadhātustava. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 1118. EIPRB 633-4, 637. MTTWL 55. HIL 7.1, pp. 31-2, 126. One of the Collection of Eulogies. See also F. Tola and C. Dragonetti, “Catuḥstava” JIP 13 (1985), pp. 1-54. [173, 796, 211, 265, 301]

Eulogy to the Inconceivable Madhyamaka. dbu-ma bsam-gyis mi-khyab-par bstod-pa. Skt. Acintyastava. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 1128. EIPRB 636. MTTWL 55. HIL 7.1, pp. 31, 126, 131. See also F. Tola and C. Dragonetti, “Catuḥstava” JIP 13 (1985), pp. 1-54. [217-18]

Exegesis of the Glorious Guhyasamāja. gsang-'dus rdo-rje bzhad-pa'i bshad-lugs. Skt. Tantrarājaśrīguhyasamājaṭīkā. Auth. Vajrahāsya. T 1909. [533]

Exegetical Commentary on the Collection of the Greater Vehicle. theg-bsdus-kyi 'grel-pa bshad-sbyar. Skt. Mahāyānasaṃgrahopanibandhana. Auth. Asvabhāva. T4051. EIPRB 1250, 1867. MTTWL 127. [222]

Exegetical Tantra on the Eight Divisions of Medicine, yan-lag bshad-brgyud. Second of the Four Glorious Tantras of Medical Science. [99]

Exegetical Tantra of the Oceanic Magical Net. bshad-rgyud rgya-mtsho. [447] See Oceanic Magical Net

(Exegetical Tradition of the) Eighteen Roots. rtsa-ba bco-brgyad-kyi bshad-srol. NL. Possibly, this simply refers to the Eighteen Esoteric Instructions of the Mental Class. [658]

Exegetical Treatise on the Vajra Bridge. rdorje zam-pa'i gzhung-bshad. NL. Several works so described are mentioned in History. [552]

Expanded Commentary on the Later Stages of Meditation. bsam-gtan phyi-ma'i rgyas-'grel. Skt. Dhyānottarapaṭalaṭīkā. Auth. Buddhaguhya. T 2670. [466]

Exposition of Valid Cognition. tshad-ma rnam-'grel. Skt. Pramāṇavārttika. Auth. Dharmakīrti. T 4210. EIPRB 1249, 2113-27. MTTWL 168. BB 3 (1968). SOR 23 (1960). TSWS 1 (1954). [68, 102, 874]

Extensive Commentary on the Guhyasamāja Tantra. gsang-ba 'dus-pa rgya-cher 'grel-pa. Reported in History, to have been translated by Ācārya Phra-la-ring-mo. [703]

Extensive Descriptive Basis (for the Rites) of the Wrathful Deities. khro-bo-la mngon-par rtogs-pa rgyas-pa. Auth. Sangs-rgyas rin-chen. NL. [673]

Extensive Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul rgyas-pa. The texts comprising NGB Vol. 14. Also referred to as the Tantra of the Extensive Magical Net. Note that the quotations given here are from the Supplementary Magical Net (sgyu-'phrul le-lag). [20-1, 60, 62, 127, 144, 145, 147, 213, 227, 231, 237, 245-6, 259]

Extensive Store of Transmitted Precepts, rgya-chen bka'-mdzod. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. GCKZ. [862] See also Five Great Stores

Extensive Sūtra of the Commitments. dam-tshig mdo-rgyas. Auth. Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po. NL. [198, 707]

Eye-opening Commentary on the Supplementary Magical Net. le-lag-gi spyan- 'grel. Skt. Vajrasattvamāyājālatantraśrīguhyagarbhanāmacakṣuṣtīkā. Auth. Vimalamitra. P 4756. [481]

Father Consort and Mother Consort, (transmitted precepts) of the Secret Innermost Spirituality, gsang-thig yab-yum. See Transmitted Precepts of the Father Consort and Transmitted Precepts of the Mother Consort of the Secret Innermost Spirituality

Fifteen Doctrines on the Kriyātantra according to the System of Pari. ba-ri-pa'i kriya'i chos bco-lnga. Auth. Ba-ri Lo-tsā-wa. NL. [547]

Final Gathering of the Transmitted Precepts which is the Doctrinal Cycle of the Entire Gathering of Awareness-holders, the Means for the Attainment of the Seven-Chapter Supplication. bka'-'dus phyi-ma rig-'dzin yongs-'dus-kyi chos-skor gsol-'debs le'u bdun-ma'i sgrub-thabs. Disc. Mnga'-ris Paṇ-chen Padma dbang-rgyal. RTD Vol. 6, pp. 123-40; Vol. 11, pp. 1-112; Vol. 30, pp. 61-227. [807]

Final Lineage of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-chen brgyud-pa tha-ma. NL. [647]

Five Anthologies (by Jamgön Kongtrül). kong-sprul mdzod-lnga. See Five Great Stores

Five Basic Tantras and Six Branch Tantras of the Mental Class. sems-sde rtsa-ba'i rgyud-lnga dang yan-lag-gi rgyud drug. [136]

Five Collections of (Madhyamaka) Reasoning, dbu-ma rigs-tshogs. See Collection of Madhyamaka Reasoning

Five Cycles of (the Means for) Attainment, (which are in harmony with the Path of the Magical Net), yan-lag rgyud-sde sgyu-'phrul-gyi lam-dang mthun-pa'i sgrub-thabs skor-lnga or sgrub-skor lnga. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 4, pp. 449-612. The second part of the Innermost Spirituality of the Accomplished Master. [804, 855]

Five Doctrines of (Venerable) Maitreya. rje-btsun byams-pa chos-lnga or rgyal-tshab chen-po'i chos-lnga. Listed separately as the Analysis of the Middle and Extremes, Analysis of Phenomena and Reality, Ornament of Emergent Realization, Ornament of the Sūtras of the Greater Vehicle and Supreme Continuum of the Greater Vehicle. Also referred to as the Texts of Maitreya. [90, 205, 201, 213, 577, 676, 691, 861, 872, 894]

Fivefold Great Seal, phyag-chen lnga-ldan. An important system of mahāmudrā practice, which became a particular specialty of the 'Bri-gung Bka'-brgyud tradition. Major redactions are: DZ Vol. 6, pp. 418-55. Instructions on the Phyag chen lṅa ldan. 2 vols. Bir, HP: D. Tsondu Senghe, 1980. I-Tib 80-904070. 'Bri-guṅ Bka'-brgyud-pa exegesis of Mahāmudrā. Bir, HP: D. Tsondu Senghe, 1980. I-Tib 82-901895. Other versions of this teaching were also transmitted by the different Bka'-brgyud lineages, e.g. by the Khro-phu Bka'-brgyud: DZ Vol. 6, pp. 530-2. See also Khenpo Könchog Gyaltsen and K. Rogers, The Garland of Mahamudra Practices. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion, 1986. [679]

Fivefold Group of Injunctions, (bka'-thang) sde-lnga. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. SP 307-8 (1982). I-Tib 82-905496/7. Xylo. Lhasa. I-Tib X9-913564. Xylo. Kalimpong. N-Tib 80-905397. Pub. Paro: Ngodup, 1976. I(Bhu)-Tib 76-901404. Concerning the secondary literature, see A.-M. Blondeau, “Le Lha-'dre bka'-thaṅ” in Études tibétaines dédiées à la mémoire de Marcelle Lalou. Paris: A. Maisonneuve, 1971, pp. 29-126. [776, 778]

Fivefold Rite for Entering into All Maṇḍalas. dkyil-'khor thams-cad-kyi rjes-su 'jug-pa'i cho-ga lnga-pa. Skt. Sarvamaṇḍalānuvartipañcavidhi. Auth. Kukkurāja. T 1670. [461]

Five General and Ten Special Tantras of the Eight Transmitted Precepts. sgrub-pa bka'-brgyad-kyi spyi-rgyud lnga dang sgos-rgyud bcu-rnams. To be identified among the tantras given in KGDD Vols. 1-3. Fourteen may be found in NGB Vols. 31-2, nos. 375-88. [482-3]

Five Golden Doctrines of the Shangpas. shangs-pa'i gser-chos lnga. Refer to n. 1302 and to the Glossary of Enumerations. The teachings themselves are redacted in DZ Vol. 8. See also G. H. Mullin, Selected Works of the Dalai Lama II: The Tantric Yogas of Sister Niguma. Ithaca: Gabriel/Snow Lion, 1985. Further information will be found in Shanpa Kargyu [sic] Golden Dharmas. Pts. 1 and 2. Chenian Booklet Series 1256. Berkeley: C. M. Chen, 1982. [929] See also Shangpa Doctrines

Five Great Mind Treasures. thugs-gter chen-po lnga. Unidentified. [518, 822]

Five Great Stores. mdzod-chen rnam-pa lnga. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. Listed separately as Extensive Store of Transmitted Precepts, Great Store of Precious Treasure, Mantra Store of the Lineages of Transmitted Precepts, Store which Embraces All Knowledge, Store of Precious Instructions and Uncommon Store. Also referred to as the Five Anthologies. [41, 861-2]

Five Innermost Cycles, snying-po skor lnga. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vols. 20-1. In RTD they are arranged as follows: Vol. 14, pp. 375-427 (bla ma dgongs 'dus snying-po); Vol. 25, pp. 211-47 (yi dam bka' 'dus snying po); Vol. 57, pp. 405-29 (mkha' 'gro dgongs 'dus snying po); Vol. 60, pp. 443-64 (chos skyong dgongs 'dus snying po); and Vol. 92, pp. 713-27 (zhal gdams snying po 'dus pa). [846]

Five Inner (Unsurpassed) Tantrapiṭaka. (bla-med) nang-rgyud sde-lnga. Listed separately as Guhyasamāja (Tantra), Tantra of the Hidden Point of the Moon, Buddhasamāyoga (Tantra), Glorious Paramādya and Garland of Activity. [461, 464-5]

Five Profound Sūtras, zab-chos mdo lnga. Listed separately as Sūtra of the King of Contemplation, Sūtra (of the Greater Vehicle) which Decisively Reveals the Intention. Sūtra of the Descent to Laṅkā, Sūtra of the Bounteous Array. The fifth may be either the Sūtra of the Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas or the Sūtra of the Nucleus of the Tathāgata. [577]

Five Protective Dhāraṇī. grva-lnga. Skt. Pañcarakṣā. T 558-9 and 561-3. GDKT Vol. 1, no. 5. For the history of modern researches on the texts, see P. Aalto, Prolegomena to an Edition of the Pañcarakṣā. Studia Orientalia, XIX: 12. Helsinki, 1954. Mongolian version ed. P. Aalto in Asiatische Forschungen 10. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1961. [762]

Five Scrolls of the Doctrinal Cycle of the Great Compassionate One. thugs-rje chen-po'i chos-skor shog-dril lnga. Disc. Grub-thob Dngos-grub. Incorporated into the Collected Works of the King concerning the Mantra “Oṃ Maṇi Padme Hūṃ”. [757]

Five Sections of the Levels. sa-sde lnga. [91] See Yogācāra Level

Five Stages. rim-pa lnga. Skt. Pañcakrama. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 1802. KGNZ] Vol. 4, pp. 219-374. [[Skt. edn. L. de La Vallée-Poussin, Études et Textes Tantriques: Panc̃akrama. Université de Gand, Receuil de Travaux publiées par la faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, fascicule 16. Gand: H. Engelcke, 1896. [301, 549]

Five Tantras of Buddha-Body, Speech, Mind, Enlightened Attributes and Activities. sku-gsung-thugs yon-tan phrin-las-kyi rgyud lnga. [136]

Five Texts of the Mental Class which were the Earliest Translated (by Vairocana). sems-sde snga-'gyur lnga. [540] See Eighteen Esoteric Instructions of the Mental Class

Five Texts on the Recitation of Sanskrit Formulae. rig-klag sde-lnga. NL. [762]

Five Transmissions of the Gathering of the Sugatas. bde-'dus-kyi lung-lnga. Auth. Vajradharma. Probably to be identified among the texts found in KGDD Vol. 4. [90]

Flame of Dialectics. rtog-ge 'bar-ba. Skt. Tarkajvālā. Auth. Bhavya (Bhāvaviveka). T 3856. EIPRB 2005-15. MTTWL 104-5. HIL 7.1, pp. 63-5, 127-8, 131. [430]

Flash of Splendour. rngam-glog. Skt. Jñānāścaryadyuticakrasūtra. T 830. NGB Vol. 12, no. 163. [276]

Flower Garland of the Vinaya. me-tog phreng-rgyud. Skt. Vinayapuṣpamālā. Identified as Vinayakārikā, Auth. Viśākhadeva, T 4123. See E. Obermiller, History of Buddhism by Bu-ston. Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1964, Pt. 1, n. 495. [93]

Forty-Chapter Magical Net. (sgyu-'phrul) bzhi-bcu-pa. NGB Vol. 14, no. 190. Full title: dpal gsang ba'i snying po de kho na nyid nges pa. [673, 614]

Four-armed Lord according to the Treasures of Nyang. nyang-gter mgon-po phyag-bzhi. Disc. Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer. RTD Vol. 59, pp. 173-552. [892]

Four Cycles of the Esoteric Instructional Class, man-ngag-sde'i skor-bzhi. The Outer, Inner, Secret and Unsurpassedly Secret cycles. [332]

Four Cycles of the Gathering. 'dus-pa skor-bzhi. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. Referred to in DLTC Vol. 2, pp. 49 and 58. Partially preserved in RTD Vol. 10, pp. 1-115. [790]

Four Cycles of the Gathering. 'dus-pa skor-bzhi. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. RLTC Vols. 3-4 and 6-8. [793]

Four Cycles of the Means for the Attainment of the Guru. bla-sgrub skor-bzhi-ka. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa and 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. NL. Cf. Cycle of the Means for the Attainment of the Guru's Four Bodies and the Doctrinal Cycle of the Innermost Spirituality of Saroruha. [856]

Four Glorious Tantras of Medical Science. dpal-ldan rgyud-bzhi, gso-dpyad rgyud-bzhi or sman-gyi rgyud-bzhi. And their master copies: gso-ba rig-pa dpal-ldan rgyud-bzhi'i bla-dpe. Disc. Grva-pa mngon-shes. Sometimes attributed to the authorship of gYu-thog Yon-tan mgon-po (ninth century). See Rechung Rinpoche, Tibetan Medicine. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1976, pp. 255-7. The Four Tantras are: (i) the Root Tantra (rtsa-rgyud), (ii) the Exegetical Tantra (bshad-rgyud), (iii) the Tantra of Esoteric Instructions (man-ngag-gi rgyud) and (iv) the Subsequent Tantra (phyi-ma'i rgyud). SSS 68 (1975). A good modern typeset edn. is: Bdud-rtsi snying-po yan-lag brgyad-pa gsang-ba man-ngag-gi rgyud. Lhasa: Tibetan People's Publishing House, 1982. See also F. Meyer, Gso ba rig pa: le système médical tibétain. Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1981; and Parfionovich, Dorje, and Meyer, Tibetan Medical Paintings. Also referred to as the Four Medical Tantras. [99, 753, 754, 920]

Four Great Volumes of the Vajrakīla Cycle. phur-pa'i skor pod-chen bzhi. NL. [762]

Four Groups of Exegetical Tantras Pertaining to the Tantra which Uproots Saṃsāra. 'khor-ba rtsad-gcod-kyi rgyud-la bshad-rgyud sde-bzhi. NGB Vol. 1, nos. 4-7. [658]

Four Hundred Verses. bzhi-brgya-pa. Skt. Catuḥśataka. Auth. Āryadeva. T 3846. EIPRB 358-68. MTTWL 53. Trans. K. Lang, Āryadeva's Catuḥśataka: On the Bodhisattva's Cultivation of Merit and Knowledge. Indiske Studier VII. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1986. See also K. Lang, “Āryadeva on the Career of a Bodhisattva” in TSHR, pp. 192-8. J. May, “Āryadeva et Candrakīrti sur la permanence”. Pt. I in Indianisme et Bouddhisme, Mélanges offerts à Mgr. Étienne Lamotte. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1980. Pt. II in Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient LXIX (1981), pp. 75-96. [168, 309, 899]

Four Instructional Cycles, gdams-ngag skor-bzhi. Disc. Guru Chos-dbang. NL. [764]

Four Medical Tantras. See Four Glorious Tantras of Medical Science

Four Methods of Establishment. bzhag-thabs bzhi. Auth. Jñānasūtra. NYZ bi-ma snying-thig, Pt. 1, Vol. Ga, pp. 325-31. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 480-2. [501]

Four Modes and Fifteen Aspects Commentary. 'grel-pa tshul-bzhi yan-lag bco-lnga-pa. Auth. Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po. Alternative title for the Commentary on the Tantra of the Secret Nucleus or Precious Jewel Commentary. [707]

Four-Part Innermost Spirituality. snying-thig ya-bzhi. NYZ. A Second Edition has also been published in 13 vols. Delhi: Sherab Gyaltsen Lama, 1975. I-Tib 75-903140. In this version the main sections are arranged as follows: Vols. 1-2, bla ma yang thig; Vols. 3-6, bi ma snying thig; Vols. 7-9, mkha' 'gro yang tig; Vols. 10-11, mkha' 'gro snying tig; Vols. 12-13, zab mo yang tig. An older version of NYZ is still available in Sde dge. Also referred as the Mother and Son Cycles of Innermost Spirituality. [375, 677]

Four Root Sūtras (of Anuyoga). rtsa-ba'i mdo bzhi. NGB Vols. 11-12. Listed separately as Root Tantra of All-Gathering Awareness, Flash of Splendour and Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions. The fourth is the Play of the Cuckoo in the Charnel Ground (dur-khrod khu-byug rol-pa), NGB Vol. 11, no. 161. [289]

Four Sections of the Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul sde-bzhi. There are different enumerations of these, contained in NGB Vols. 14-15 and 19. See GGFTC, pp. 37-41. [696]

Four Subcommentaries on the Commentary on the Guhyasamāja Tantra called the Clarifying Lamp, (exegesis on), 'dus-pa'i 'grel-pa sgron-gsal-la bzhi sbrags-kyi bshad-pa. Auth. Dbyangs-can dga'-ba'i blo-gros. TWB 6599. [687]

Four Syllables. yi-ge bzhi. Refer to n. 600. [547]

Four Symbols. brda'-bzhi. NL. [548]

Four Transmissions of the Piṭaka. sde-snod lung-sde bzhi. These are probably the transmissions of the four anthologies of the Hīnayāna sūtras according to the Sarvāstivādin tradition, namely, Dīrghāgama, Madhyamāgama, Saṃyuktāgama and Ekottarāgama. Refer to HBI, pp. 167-81. [153]

Four Veda. rigs-byed chen-po bzhi. HIL 1.1 passim. Listed separately as Ṛgveda, Atharvaveda, Sāmaveda and Yajurveda. [65]

Full Summation. sgang-dril. NL. Note that this phrase is frequently met in connection with the precepts of the Great Seal and Great Perfection traditions, e.g. Fundamentals, p. 331. [654]

Further Heart entitled Six Suns of Awareness. yang-snying rig-pa'i nyi-ma drug. NL. [658]

Further Innermost Spirituality of the Ḍākinī. man-ngag mkha'-'gro yang-tig. Redacted by Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. NYZ Vols. 4-6. The relationship between this text and the Innermost Spirituality of the Ḍākinī is explained in n. 682. [585, 588]

Further Innermost Spirituality of the Ḍākinī, the Conjunction of Sun and Moon. mkha'-'gro yang-tig nyi-zla kha-sbyor. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL. However, referred to in DLTC Vol. 2, p. 56. [789-90]

Further Innermost Spirituality like the Wish-fulfilling Gem. yang-tig yid-bzhin nor-bu. Redacted by Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. NYZ Vol. 1. Refer to n. 685. [588, 593, 843]

Gaṇapati (according to the New Yamāntaka Cycle of Ra Lotsāwa). (rva-lugs) tshogs-bdag. NL. [713]

Gang Tradition of the Great Seal. See Dohā according to the Gang Tradition of the Great Seal

Ganges Great Seal. phyag-chen gang-gā-ma. Skt. Mahāmudropadeśa. Auth. Tilopa. T 2303. DZ Vol. 6, pp. 33-6. Trans. G. C. C. Chang in Teachings of Tibetan Yoga. Citadel Press, 1974. [199-200]

Garland of Activity. las-kyi phreng-ba or karma-mā-le. Skt. Karmamāla. NGB Vol. 17, no. 215. [464]

Garland of Views: A Collection of Esoteric Instructions. man-ngag lta(-ba'i) phreng(-ba). Skt. Upadeśadarśanamālā. Auth. Padmasambhava. P 4726. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 16-26. NMKMG Vol. 23. MPSB Vol. 12. Archaic edn. in Selected Writings of Ron-zom Chos-kyi-bzaṅ-po. SSS Vol. 73 (1973), pp. 1-18. I-Tib 74-902673. [40, 63, 67, 96, 224, 234, 265, 352, 354, 355, 516, 533]

Gateway to Language. smra-sgo. Auth. Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po. This work is sometimes identified with the Sword at the Gateway to Language. [705]

Gathering of All Precious Jewels. dkon-mchog spyi-'dus. See (Utterly Profound) Gathering of All Precious Jewels

Gathering of All the Secrets of the Ḍākinīs. mkha'-'gro gsang-ba kun-'dus. Disc. Jo-mo sman-mo. Redisc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 55, pp. 1-340. Pub. Gangtok: Gonpo Tsetan Lama, 1976. I-Tib 76-903111. [771-4]

Gathering of the Blood-drinking Sugatas. khrag-'thung bde-gshegs 'dus-pa. An alternative title for the third part of the Innermost Spirituality of the Accomplished Master. [855]

Gathering of the Entire Intention of the True Doctrine. dam-chos dgongs-pa yongs-'dus. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. DDTC Vols. 1-2. Pub. in 2 vols. Dalhousie: Damchoe Sangpo, 1980. I-Tib 80-902333. [815]

Gathering of the Guru's Intention. bla-ma dgongs-'dus. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. BMGD, RTD passim. [785, 807, 835, 837, 841, 863, 865] See also following entry

Gathering of Intentions (along with the means for holding all the textual transmissions, empowerments and tantras). (zab-chos) dgongs-'dus (po-ti'i lung-dbang-rgyud-dgu bcangs-thabs-dang bcas-pa). [682, 727] See preceding entry

Gathering of the Quintessence of Auspicious Coincidence. rten-'brel yang-snying 'dus-pa. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NL. [776, 778]

Gathering of the Sugatas (of the Eight Transmitted Precepts). (bka'-brgyad) bde-gshegs-'dus-pa/(bka'-brgyad) bder-'dus. The main tantras of this extensive body of material are found in NGB Vols. 31-2, nos. 375-88. The treasures of Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer, listed here as the Tantra of the Gathering of the Sugatas of the Eight Transmitted Precepts, are redacted in KGDD. See also RTD Vol. 21, p. 183 to Vol. 22, p. 367. [483, 575, 661, 679, 682, 723, 727, 807, 825]

Gathering of the Three Roots' Intention, (the Group of Doctrines which Gather together the Five Great Stores in their Entirety). rtsa-gsum dgongs-'dus (mdzod-chen rnam-lnga yongs-'dus-kyi chos-sde). Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas, aided by 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 7, pp. 439-60; Vol. 15, pp. 399-461; Vol. 98, pp. 119-283. [864-5]

Gathering of Transmitted Precepts, (twenty-one maṇḍala clusters of). See (Ocean of Doctrine, the Great) Gathering of Transmitted Precepts

Gathering of the Transmitted Precepts of Peaceful and Wrathful Deities. zhi-khro bka'-'dus. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [775]

General Dissertation, Outline and Synopsis on the Secret Nucleus. gsang-snying spyi-don, sa-bcad, bsdus-don. Auth. Kha-ba dkar-po-ba Nam-mkha' rgyal-mtshan. NL. [697]

General Exposition of the Kālacakra. nor-bzang-gi dus-'khor spyi-don. Auth. Nor-bzang rgya-mtsho. NL. [681]

General Summary of Mātaraḥ. ma-mo spyi-bsdus. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 21. [846]

General Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions, spyi-mdo dgongs(-pa) 'dus(-pa). See Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions

Glorious Kālacakra. [264] See Kālacakra Tantra

Glorious Paramādya. dpal mchog dang-po. Skt. Śrīparamādya. T 487-8. NGB Vol. 17, nos. 213-14. GDKT Vol. 5, no. 25. [273, 618]

Glorious (Root) Tantra of the Secret Nucleus which is Definitive with respect to Reality. dpal gsang-ba('i) snying-po (de-kho-na-nyid nges-pa'i rgyud (rtsa-ba)). See Tantra of the Secret Nucleus

Glorious Seminal Point of Embrace. dpal kha-sbyor thig-le. Skt. Śrīsaṃpuṭatilaka. T 382. GDKT Vol. 20, nos. 111-12. KGNZ] Vol. 2, pp. 359-468. [258] See also Sampuṭa [[Tantra

Glorious Tantra of the Cessation of the Four Elements. dpal 'byung-bzhi zad-pa'i rgyud. NL. [136]

Glorious Tiger-riding Lord. dpal-mgon stag-zhon. See Tiger-riding Lord

Golden Rosary Dialogue from the Innermost Spirituality of the Ḍākinī. mkha'-'gro snying-thig-gi zhus-lan gser-phreng. NYZ mkha'-'gro snying-thig, Pt. Waṃ, pp. 1-34. [925]

Golden Surgical Needle. gser-gyi thur-ma. Auth. Zi-lung Paṇ-chen (i.e. Gser-mdog Paṇ-chen) Shākya mchog-ldan. In The Collected Works of Gser-mdog Paṇ-chen, Vol. 6. Thimphu: Kunzang Tobgey, 1975. I(Bhu)-Tib 75-908629. [893]

Golden Surgical Needle of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-chen gser-thur. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. Referred to in DLTC Vol. 2, p. 58; Vol. 4, pp. 58-9, 232-7, 322. Pub. Dolanji, HP: Tshul-khrims-bkra-śis, 1977. I-Tib 78-900967. The text is here ascribed to Bon-zig G'yuṅ-druṅ-gliṅ-pa, (b. 1228). This name is, of course, one of Rdo-rje gling-pa's epithets, but the date of birth is in error. S. G. Karmay, A Catalogue of Bon-po Publications (Tokyo: The Tokyo Bunko, 1977) pp. 84-5, suggests that the two are perhaps different treasure-finders, who were conflated at some later date. The evidence of DLTC, however, supports their identification. [791]

Grammar of Candragomin. sgra tsandra-pa. Skt. Candravyākaraṇasūtra. Auth. Candragomin. T 4269. HIL 5.2, pp. 164-7 Ed. B. Liebich. Leipzig, 1902. Repr. Wiesbaden, 1966. [92, 100, 730, 871]

Grammar of Candragomin, (sandhi and verbal derivation from). tsandra-pa'i yi-ge bsdu-ba-dang ting-mtha'. See preceding entry

Great All-Radiating Seminal Point which is an Ancient Translation. snga-'gyur thig-le kun-gsal chen-po. NGB Vol. 5, no. 81. [257]

Great Array (of the Highest). (a-ti) bkod-pa chen-po. This designation refers to materials contained in the bi ma snying thig, NYZ, vols. 7-9. [55, 87, 138, 319, 330, 359, 370-1]

Great Assembly of Vajrapāṇi. phyag-rdor 'khor-chen. GDKT Vol. 8, no. 46. [576]

Great Attainment of Kīla (according to) the Seven (Cycles of) Profound (Contemplation), zab-bdun phur-pa'i sgrub-chen. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. RTD Vol. 50, pp. 511-656. The cycle in general may be found in CLTC Vol. 15. The liturgical arrangement for use in connection with the Great Attainment rites has been published xylographically: Rum-btegs, Sikkim, c. 1972. I(Sik)-Tib 72-906295. [848]

Great Aural Lineage of Thangtong. zab-chos thang-stong snyan-brgyud chen-mo. Disc. Thang-stong rgyal-po. Thang-stong snyan-brgyud, 2 vols. New Delhi: Trayang, 1973. I-Tib 73-903240. The collected works of Thaṅstoṅ-rgyal-po, Vols. 1-4. Thimphu: Kunzang Tobgey, 1976. I(Bhu)-Tib 77-900723. [804]

Great Biography. rnam-thar chen-mo. The biography of 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po (1820-92). Auth. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. GCKZ Vol. 14. RTD Vol. 95. [778]

Great Bounteousness (of the Buddhas). ('phags-pa sangs-rgyas) phal-po-che'i mdo or phal-chen. See Sūtra of the Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas

Great Chariot. shing-rta chen-mo. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. Auto-commentary on the Mind at Rest. For translated selections, see Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, Buddha Mind. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion, 1989. [196, 197-8, 359, 595, 596]

Great Cloud Sūtra. sprin chen-po'i mdo. Skt. Mahāmeghasūtra. T 232-5, 657-8. MTTWL 117. [943]

Great Commentary on the Buddhasamāyoga. mnyam-sbyor 'grel-chen. Skt. Śrīsarvabuddhasamāyogaḍākinīmāyāsaṃvaratantrārthodaraṭīkā. Auth. Indranāla. T 1659. [343, 534]

Great Commentary on the Glorious Guhyasamāja. dpal gsang-ba 'dus-pa'i 'grel-chen. Auth. Viśvamitra. T 1844. [914, 916]

Great Commentary on the Secret Nucleus. gsang-snying 'grel-chen. Auth. Sangs-rgyas rin-chen. NL. [673]

Great Commentary on the Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness in Eight Thousand Lines. brgyad-stong 'grel-chen. Skt. Aṣṭasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitāvyākhyābhisamayālaṃkārāloka. Auth. Haribhadra. T 3791. EIPRB 98, 117, 123, 1226, 1228, 1235, 3670-6. MTTWL 4. BST 4 (1960). GOS 62 (1932). [76]

Great Compassionate One. thugs-rje chen-po. Disc. Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer. RTD Vol. 33, pp. 277-387. [756]

Great Compassionate One. thugs-chen. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. See (Doctrinal Cycle of the) Great Compassionate One

Great Compassionate One. thugs-rje chen-po. Disc. Rig-'dzin 'Ja'-tshon snying-po. JTPD Vol. 5. RTD Vol. 37, pp. 253-371. SSS 13 (1972). I-Tib 79-928502. Also pub. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh: Ngawang Sonam, 1979. I-Tib 79-903500. [811]

Great Compassionate One as the Gathering of Secrets. thugs-chen gsang-'dus. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. RLTC Vols. 6-7. RTD Vol. 36, pp. 197-381. Pub. Bir, HP: Kandro, 1976. I-Tib 76-901400. [793]

Great Compassionate One, the Innermost Spirituality of Padma. thugs-rje chen-po padma'i snying-thig. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [775]

Great Compassionate One as the King of Space, vase attainment of. thugs-rje chen-po nam-mkha'i rgyal-po'i bum-sgrub. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. RTD Vol. 37, pp. 373, 465. [816]

Great Compassionate One, the Lamp which Dispels Darkness, thugs-rje chen-po mun-sel sgron-me. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vol. 7. RTD Vol. 36, pp. 383-450. [796]

Great Compassionate One, Lotus Crowned. thugs-rje chen-po padma gtsug-tor. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vols. 12-13. RTD Vol. 39, pp. 129-65. [845]

Great Compassionate One, the Magical Net of the Lotus. thugs-rje chen-po padma sgyu-'phrul drva-ba. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vols. 11-12. RTD Vol. 39, pp. 63-128. [846]

Great Compassionate One, the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of Padma. thugs-rje chen-po padma zhi-khro. Disc. Karma gling-pa. NA. However, there is a rediscovered version (yang-gter) of a treasure by this name, the original discoverer of which is supposed to have been Karma glingpa's descendant Nyi-ma seng-ge. The rediscoverer was 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po: RTD Vol. 34, pp. 235-432. [801]

Great Compassionate One, the Supreme Light of Pristine Cognition. thugs-rje chen-po ye-shes 'od-mchog. See Supreme Light of Pristine Cognition

Great Compassionate One according to the Tradition of the King. rgyal-po-lugs-kyi thugs-rje chen-po. See Avalokiteśvara according to the Tradition of the King

Great Compassionate One as the Universal Gathering of the Sugatas. thugs-rje chen-po bde-gshegs kun-'dus. See (Doctrinal Cycle of the) Great Compassionate One as the Universal Gathering of the Sugatas

Great Compassionate One, Utterly Secret and Unsurpassed. thugs-rje chen-po yang-gsang bla-med. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. NL. [786]

Great Descent. babs-lugs chen-mo. Said to be the prophetic section of the Penetration of Sound. [594]

Great Development of the Enlightened Mind. sems-bskyed chen-mo. NL. [578, 590]

Great Document on Meditation. sgom-yig chen-mo. NL. [658]

Great Empowerment of Vajrakīla according to the Khön tradition. 'khon-lugs phur-pa'i dbang-chen. See Khön Tradition of Vajrakīla

Greater, Medium and Lesser Aural Lineages of Tavihṛca. ta-bi-hri-tsa'i snyan-brgyud che-'bring-chung gsum. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL. See, however, the Zhang-zhung snyan-brgyud in The History and Doctrine of the Bon-po Niṣpanna Yoga. SP 73 (1968), pp. 145ff. S. G. Karmay, A Catalogue of Bonpo Publications (Tokyo: The Tokyo Bunko, 1977), pp. 94-7, makes it clear that tradition attributes the redaction of the Zhang-zhung snyan-brgyud primarily to Tavihṛca. Nevertheless, the relationship between these two traditions, if indeed there is any relationship, remains to be established. [797]

Greater, Medium and Lesser (Teachings of) the Wrathful (Guru). drag-po che-'bring-chung gsum. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vol. 2. [797]

Greater Net. drva-chen. Auth. Buddhaguhya. P 4736. NMKMG Vol. 23. [466]

Greater Sequence of the Path and Lesser Sequence of the Path. lam-rim che-chung gnyis. [466] See Sequence of the Path (of the Magical Net)

Great Esoteric Instructional Tantra of the Eight Transmitted Precepts, the Consummation of Secrets. bka'-brgyad gsang-ba yongs-rdzogs man-ngag-gi rgyud chen-po. Disc. Guru Chos-dbang. See Eight Transmitted Precepts, the Consummation of Secrets

Great Exposition of Word and Meaning. tshig-don chen-mo. Auth. Nyi-'bum. NL. [563]

Great Garuḍa. khyung-chen. NGB Vol. 1, no. 8. Refer to S. G. Karmay, “The Rdzogs-chen in its Earliest Text” in STC, pp. 272-82. [370, 371]

(Great) Gathering of Transmitted Precepts. bka'-'dus chen-mo'i snying-po mdor-bsdus skor. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. Available to 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. [778-9] See also (Ocean of Doctrine, the) Great Gathering of Transmitted Precepts

Great Injunction of Padma. padma bka'-yi thang-yig chen-mo. [775] See Injunction of Padma (which was Discovered at Crystal Rock)

Great Lecture on the History of the Innermost Spirituality, Mother and Son. snying-thig ma-bu'i lo-rgyus gtong-thun chen-mo. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. NYZ, bi-ma snying-thig, Pt. 3, Vol. Tha, pp. 1-179. [965]

Great Liberation by Hearing during the Intermediate State. bar-do thos-grol chen-po. Disc. Karma gling-pa. For editions of the Tibetan text, see Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, the Natural Liberation of Intention. Trans. Kazi Dawa-Samdup, in W. Y. Evans-Wentz (ed.), The Tibetan Book of the Dead. London/Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 1927. F. Freemantle and C. Trungpa, The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Berkeley/London: Shambhala, 1975. See also D. I. Lauf, Secret Doctrines of the Tibetan Books of the Dead. Boulder/London: Shambhala, 1977. D. M. Back, Eine Buddhistische Jenseitsreise. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1979. Dorje and Coleman, forthcoming. [801]

Great Means for Attaining the Empowerment of (the Ocean of Doctrines) which Gather the Transmitted Precepts. bka'-'dus-kyi dbang-sgrub chen-mo. See Great Ocean of Doctrine, the Gathering of the Transmitted Precepts of the Meditational Deities

Great Mother. yum rgyas-pa. See Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness in One Hundred Thousand Lines

Great Ocean of Doctrine, the Gathering of the Transmitted Precepts of the Meditational Deities. yi-dam bka'-'dus chos-kyi rgya-mtsho chen-po. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. The rediscovered version is the Ocean of Doctrine, the Great Gathering of Transmitted Precepts. [775]

Great Perfection according to Aro. a-ro'i lugs-kyi rdzogs-chen man-ngag-gi khrid or rdzogs-chen a-ro'i man-ngag. See Seven Sessions of Aro (Yeshe Jungne)

Great Perfection endowed with Conch-Syllables. rdzogs-pa chen-po dung-yig-can. Auth. Vimalamitra. NYZ Bi-ma snying-thig, Pt. 2, Vol. Cha, 1-159. [77] See also Illuminating of the Lamp

Great Perfection, Exegetical Tradition of the Esoteric Instructional Class. (rdzogs-chen man-ngag sde'i) bshad-rgyud. Redacted by Mañjuśrīmitra. Not precisely identified, but probably represented by materials to be found in NYZ. [494]

Great Perfection, the Gathering of Samantabhadra's Intention. rdzogs-chen kun-bzang dgongs-'dus. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vols. 4 and 15. [796]

(Great Perfection, the) Innermost Spirituality of Longcenpa. (rdzogs-pa chen-po) klong-chen snying-gi thig-le. Disc. 'Jigs-med gling-pa. JLSB Vols. 7-8. RTD Vols. 106-9. Pub. in 3 vols. New Delhi: Ngawang Sopa, 1973. I-Tib 73-904268. Trans. (selections), Tulku Thondup, The assemblage of the knowledge-holders. Santiniketan, WB: T. Thondup, 1980. I-Tib 82-900323. Idem, The queen of great bliss. Gangtok, Sikkim: Dodrup Chen Rinpoche, 1982. I-Tib 83-907620. See also S. D. Goodman, “The Klong-chen snying-thig: An Eighteenth Century Tibetan Revelation”. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Saskatchewan, 1983. [837, 839]

Great Perfection of the Kham Tradition. rdzogs-chen khams-lugs. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 305-55. NMKMG Vol. 17. [651, 654, 658]

Great Perfection of the Rong Tradition. rdzogs-chen rong-lugs. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 270-95. NMKMG Vol. 17. [654, 658]

Great Perfection, the Tantra of the Mirror of Vajrasattva's Heart. rdzogs-pa chen-po rdor-sems snying-gi me-long-gi rgyud. A text seen in a vision by 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. Note that there does exist a tantra called Mirror of the Heart of Vajrasattva. [854]

Great Perfection according to the Tradition of the Cycles. rdzogs-chen skor-lugs. The cycles referred to are the four of the esoteric instructional class, on which see Fundamentals, p. 332. [647, 654, 657-8]

Great Prophetic Declaration. zhal-chems lung-bstan chen-mo. Auth. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL. [791]

Great Record of Teachings Received (in four volumes). gsan-yig (chen-mo glegs-bam bzhi). See Record of Teachings Received

Great Seal, Liberation through the Vision of Pristine Cognition. phyag-rgya chen-po ye-shes mthong-grol. Granted to 'Jigs-med gling-pa by Rig-'dzin Thugs-mchog rdo-rje. NL. Perhaps this is the yang-ti ye-shes mthong-grol, Disc. Bstan-gnyis gling-pa. [835]

Great Seal Opuscules. phyag-chen kha-'thor. NL. [564]

Great Sequence of the Path of Secret Mantra. gsang-sngags lam-rim chen-mo. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [776]

(Great) Store of Precious Treasure. rin-chen gter-gyi mdzod chen-po. Compiled by 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. RTD. This edition reproduces the xylo. of Mtshur-phu, Central Tibet, in its first 96 vols. The remaining 15 vols. constitute a new supplement arranged under the direction of Dilgo Khyentsey Rinpoche. In Tibet there was also a second xylo. published at Dpal-spungs, in the Sde-dge district of Khams, a complete set of which is preserved in the library of the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, Gangtok, Sikkim. New woodblocks for this edition are currently being made in Sde-dge. A catalogue of the Dpal-spungs edn. has recently been published: Rin chen gter mdzod kyi dkar chag. Paro: Dilgo Khyentsey Rinpoche, 1982. Bhu-Tib 82-900630. [752, 774, 778, 804, 857, 862] See also Five Great Stores

Great Sūtra of Final Nirvāṇa. See Sūtra of Final Nirvāṇa

Great Torma Offering of Jvālamukhī. kha-'bar-ma'i gtor-chen. The version of this rite that is known to us was discovered by Guru Chos-dbang: RTD Vol. 69, pp. 423-595. This, however, cannot be what is referred to in the History, since the events described predate Guru Chos-dbang. [545]

Great Treasury of Detailed Exposition. bye-brag bshad-mdzod (chen-mo) or bye-brag-tu bshad-pa. See Treasury of Detailed Exposition

Great Vivarta. bi-barta chen-mo. Name of a grammatical text, or a type of script, studied by Guru Chos-dbang. NL. As an example of work of the genre to which the Great Vivarta presumably belonged, see 'Gos Khug-pa Lhas-btsas, Rgya-gar-gyi lañtsa-yi skad-gnyis. Delhi: Sherab Gyeltsen, 1976. I-Tib 76-905317. [762]

Group of Doctrines of the Supreme Attainment of the Guru, the Awareness-holder. bla-ma rig-'dzin mchog-sgrub-kyi chos-sde. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas, assisted by 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 15, pp. 399-461. [865]

Guhyasamāja and Bhairava. gsang-'jigs. Listed separately.

Guhyasamāja and Cakrasaṃvara. gsang-bde. Listed separately.

Guhyasamāja (Tantra). (dpal-ldan) 'dus-pa('i rgyud), gsang-ba 'dus-pa, gsang-'dus(-kyi rgyud). T 442-3. NGB Vol. 17, nos. 211-12. BST 9 (1965). GOS 53 (1931). KGNZ] Vol. 4, pp. 86-374. [[GDKT Vol. 7, nos. 42-5. Trans. F. Fremantle in A Critical Study of the Guhyasamāja Tantra. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, London University. [257, 262, 274, 283, 322-3, 362, 363, 442, 464, 466-7, 494-6, 502, 533, 578, 675, 681, 689, 827, 850, 893, 895, 916]

Guidance on Cutting. gcod-khrid. [679] See Object of Cutting

Guidance which Lays Bare the Teaching of the Great Compassionate One (according to the Tradition of Yegyelwa). thugs-rje chen-po dmar-khrid (ye-rgyal lugs). NL. Ye-rgyal-ba was a leading disciple of Karma-pa III, Rang-byung rdo-rje and tutor of Karma-pa IV, Rol-pa'i rdo-rje. Refer to Blue Annals, pp. 497, 517. [673-4]

Guidance which Lays Bare the Teaching on the Great Compassionate One. thugs-rje chen-po'i smar-khrid. For works representing this genre in general, see DZ Vol. 11, pp. 429-617. [731]

Guidance on Longevity, the Vajra Garland. tshe-khrid rdo-rje phreng-ba. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vol. 8. [797]

Guidance on the Path according to Götsangpa. rgod-tshang-pa'i lam-khrid. [576] See Cycle of Götsangpa's Guidance

Guidance of the Unsurpassed Secret (Innermost Spirituality). gsang-ba bla-na med-pa'i khrid. Not identified with a particular text. [590]

Guidance on the View of the Great Middle Way, which Definitively Reveals the Absolute. don-dam nges-'byed dbu-ma chen-po'i lta-khrid. Auth. Zhvadmar-pa IV, Chos-kyi grags-pa. NL. [676]

Guidance on the View of Madhyamaka. dbu-ma'i lta-khrid. Auth. 'Khon-ston Dpal-'byor lhun-grub. NL. [679]

Guidebook of the Accomplished Master Melong Dorje. me-long rdo-rjes mdzad-pa'i khrid-yig. Auth. Me-long rdo-rje. NL. [675]

Guidebook to the Great Seal. phyag-chen-gyi khrid-yig. Auth. Paṇ-chen Blobzang chos-kyi rgyal-mtshan. DZ Vol. 3, pp. 421-30. [925-6]

Guidebook which Introduces the View Common to the Great Seal, Great Perfection and Great Madhyamaka. phyag-rdzogs-dbu gsum-gyi lta-ba spyi-khyab-tu ngo-sprod-pa'i khrid-yig. Auth. 'Khon-ston Dpal-'byor lhun-grub. NL. [679, 926]

Guidebook to the Pilgrimage Place of Pemakö. padma-bkod-kyi gnas-kyi lam-yig. Disc. Rig-'dzin 'Ja'-tshon snying-po. A portion of this work appears to be preserved in RTD Vol. 19, pp. 105-21. [811]

Guidebook to the Secret Land of Pemakö. sbas-yul padma bkod-pa'i gnas-yig. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. NL. [815]

Guru as the Attainment of Mind. bla-ma thugs-sgrub. NL. [757]

Guru as the Gathering of Awareness-holders. bla-ma rig-'dzin 'dus-pa. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. NL. [815]

Guru as the Gathering of Secrets. bla-ma gsang-'dus. Disc. Guru Chos-dbang. RTD Vol. 7, pp. 461-614. Pub. Paro: Ugyen Tempai Gyaltsen, 1979. I(Bhu)-Tib 80-900644. [731]

Guru as the Gathering of the Three Bodies. bla-ma sku-gsum 'dus-pa. Mentioned in the biography of Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer. NL. [757]

Guru, an Ocean of Gems. bla-ma nor-bu rgya-mtsho. Disc. Padma-gling-pa. PLTC Vols. 1 and 20. RTD Vol. 10, pp. 307-52. [679, 796]

Hayagrīva (Cycle/Tantra). rta-mgrin. T 839. NGB Vols. 23-4. Cf. Hayagrīvadhāraṇī, T 733. When the context is that of the Eight Transmitted Precepts (bka'-brgyad), the tantra that this is to be identified with is: KGDD Vol. 3. NGB Vol. 32, no. 383. Also referred to as Lotus the Speech and (Play of the) Supreme Horse. [283, 361, 473, 479, 483, 575, 762]

Hayagrīva who Overpowers Arrogant Spirits. rta-mgrin dregs-pa zil-gnon. Disc. Sangs-rgyas bla-ma. NA. [751]

Hayagrīva Traditions of Nawopa and Dagyelma. sna/rna-bo-pa'i lugs-kyi rta-mgrin-dang zla-rgyal-ma'i lugs. NL. [673, 674] See also Permissory Initiation of Hayagrīva according to the Tradition of Dagyelma

Hayagrīva and Vārāhī, the Wish-fulfilling Gem. rta-phag yid-bzhin nor-bu. Disc. Rig-'dzin 'Ja'-tshon snying-po. JTPD Vol. 3. RTD Vol. 41, pp. 213-43; Vol. 76, pp. 347-84. Pub. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh: Ngawang Sonam, 1979. I-Tib 79-903466. [811]

Heart Essence of the Attainment of Kīla. phur-sgrub thugs-kyi nying-khu. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. RTD Vol. 49, pp. 363-501. [786]

Heart Sūtra of Discriminative Awareness. sher-snying. Skt. Bhagavatīprajñāpāramitāhṛdayasūtra. T 21, 531. EIPRB 1046-68. MTTWL 85. BST 17 (1961). See also D. Lopez, The Heart Sūtra Explained. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988. [75]

Heruka. khrag-'thung. The term is used to refer to any of a very large number of wrathful male meditational deities. In the Nyingmapa tradition it refers in particular, though not exclusively, to Mahottara (Chemcok) or to Yangdak.

Heruka Galpo (Tantra). (rgyud) he-ru-ka gal-po. NGB Vol. 25, nos. 289-92. [58, 60, 68, 228, 232-3, 244, 270, 271-2, 292, 350-3, 354, 356, 475, 923]

Hevajra (Cycle/Tantra). brtag-gnyis, dgyes-rdor, he-badzra or kye-yi rdo-rje. Skt. Hevajratantrarāja. T 417-18. Ed. and trans. D. L. Snellgrove. The Hevajra Tantra, Pts. 1 and 2. London Oriental Series, Vol. 6. London: Oxford University Press, 1959; repr. 1964, 1971. SP 70 (1966). GDKT Vol. 18, nos. 99-110. KGNZ] Vol. 2, pp. 3-350. [61, 260, 291, 304, 308, 345, 362, 442, 449, 451, 471, 473, 550, 568-9, 675, 688, 762, 827, 849, 850, 899, 911] Hidden Point of the Moon. zla-gsang thig-le. [[Skt. Candraguhyatilakatantra. T 477. NGB Vol. 16, no. 210. [283, 464, 893] See also Tantra of the Hidden Point of the Moon

Higher Rites of Vajrakīla. phur-pa stod-las. General term for those among the rites of service and attainment of Vajrakīla whereby enlightenment is to be achieved without recourse to the wrathful activity of sorcery. [714]

History of Buddhism in India. rgya-dkar chos-'byung. Auth. Tāranātha. Typeset edn. Sarnath, UP: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Printing Press, 1972. I-Tib 73-900134. Pub. in Five historical works of Tāranātha. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh: Tibetan Nyingmapa Monastery, 1974. I-Tib 74-901746. Trans. Lama Chimpa and A. Chattopadhyaya. Calcutta: K. P. Bagchi and Co., 1970. Refer to n. 1240. [892]

History of the Empowerment for the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions. mdo-dbang rang-gi lo-rgyus. Two such works are to be noted in particular: (1) Auth. Rig-'dzin Padma 'phrin-las. SSS 37 (1972). I-Tib 72-903251. (2) Auth. Lo-chen Dharmaśrī. LCSB Vol. 12. [613]

History by Nelpa Paṇḍita. nel-pa paṇḍita'i chos-'byung. Pub. in Rare Tibetan Historical and Literary Texts from the Library of Tsepon W. D. Shakabpa, Series I. New Delhi, 1974. I-Tib 75-900392. See also H. Uebach, “Zur Identifizierung des Nel-pa'i čos-'byuṅ” in Tibetan Studies Presented at the Seminar of Young Tibetologists. Zurich, 1978, pp. 219-30. Idem, “An 8th Century List of Thousand-Districts” in STC, pp. 147-51. [509]

History of the Treasures (of Düdül Dorje). gter-'byung. NL. [815]

Holy Ornament. dam-pa rgyan. Skt. Tattvālokaparamālaṃkāra. Auth. Buddhaguhya. P 4735. [466]

Hundred Brief Doctrines. chos-chung brgya-rtsa. This is the jo-bo'i chos-chung. T 4465-567. [578]

Hundred Causal Relations. rten-'brel brgya-rtsa. Mentioned in History, p. 578, in apparent connection with the tradition of Pacification. See DZ Vol. 9, pp. 136-44

Hundred and Eight Esoteric Instructions. man-ngag rgya-rtsa brgyad. Disc. Guru Chos-dbang. NL. [764]

Hundred and Fifty Verses on the Modes of Discriminative Awareness. shes-phyin tshul brgya-lnga-bcu-pa. Skt. Prajñāpāramitānayaśatapañcaśatikā. T 17. [273]

Hundredfold Dialogue of the Ḍākinī. mkha'-'gro zhu-lan brgya-rtsa. Disc. Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer. Pub. as Jo mo la gdams pa'i chos skor. Paro, 1983. I(Bhu)-Tib 84-900517. Selections trans. E. P. Kunsang, Dakini Teachings. Boston: Shambhala, 1990. [757]

Hundred Means for Attainment. sgrub-thabs brgya-rtsa. T 3143-304 and 3306-99. GTKT Vols. 11-13. [762, 827]

Hundred Parables on Deeds. mdo-sde las brgya-pa. Skt. Karmaśataka. T 340. [57, 147]

Hundred Systems of Guidance. rje-btsun grol-mchog-gi gsung khrid-brgya. Auth. Jo-nang rje-btsun Kun-dga' grol-mchog. DZ Vol. 12, pp. 245-620. [852]

Hundred Thousand Verses of the Vajrakīla Tantra. See following entry

Hundred Thousand Verse Tantra of Supreme Awareness or Hundred Thousand Verses of the Vajrakīla Tantra. bityottama-la, 'bum sde'i rgyud or phur-pa 'bum-sde. Apparently not preserved in its entirety at the present time. NGB Vols. 19 and 27-9, no. 353, represents a major fragment. [481, 516]

Hundred Verses on Discriminative Awareness. shes-rab brgya-pa. Skt. Prajñāśatakanāmaprakaraṇa. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 4328. [97]

Illuminating of the Lamp. sgron-ma snang-byed. Alternative title for the Great Perfection endowed with Conch-Syllables. [343]

Illuminating Lamp which Contains the Prophecy of the Great Accomplished Master Himself. grub-chen-nyid-kyi lung-bstan gsal-ba'i sgron-me. Disc. Thang-stong rgyal-po. NL. [802]

Illuminating Lamp of the Fundamental Text. khog-gzhung gsal-sgron. Auth. Vimalamitra. P 4739. [126, 266, 481, 673, 674]

Illuminating Mirror, a Commentary on the Tantra of the Secret Nucleus. gsang-ba snying-po-la ṭīkā gsal-byed me-long. Auth. gYung-ston Rdo-rje-dpal. NMKMG Vol. 28. Also referred to as Yungtönpa's Commentary on the Secret Nucleus. [660, 666, 678, 680, 684, 730]

Illuminating the Substance of the Aural Lineage. snyan-brgyud dngos-po gsal-byed. Auth. Mi-la-ras-pa. DZ Vol. 5, pp. 443-55. [200]

Immortal Wish-granting Wheel. 'chi-med yid-bzhin 'khor-lo. See Rites of the Service and Attainment of the Immortal Wish-granting Wheel

Imperial Edict, 'ja'-sa gser-yig. NL. [663]

Indestructible Peak. (rdo-rje) rtse-mo. Skt. Vajraśekharamahāguhyayogatantra. T 480. GDKT Vol. 5, no. 24. [78, 258, 357]

Indestructible Prophetic Declaration of Thangtong Gyelpo. grub-chen thang-stong rgyal-po'i rdo-rje'i lung. NL. [853]

(Indestructible) Tent. (rdo-rje) gur. Skt. Vajrapañjaratantra. T 419. KGNZ] Vol. 2, pp. 351-8. [[GDKT Vol. 20, nos. 109-10. [268, 576, 633]

Injunction of Padma (which was Discovered at Crystal Rock). padma bka'-thang (shel-brag-ma). Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. Xylo. Leh, Ladakh. I-Tib-430. Xylo. Snyi-shang Brag-dkar-shar Monastery, Manang, Nepal. N-Tib 73-906442. Trans. G.-C. Toussaint, Le Dict de Padma, Padma thang yig, Ms. de Lithang. Bibliothéque de l'Institut de Hautes Études Chinoises, Vol. 3. Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux, 1933. Trans. from the French of G.-C. Toussaint by K. Douglas and G. Bays, The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava. 2 vols. Emeryville, California: Dharma Publications, 1978. Also referred to as the Great Injuction of Padma. [775, 778, 938]

Injunctions of Padma. (padma bka'-yi) thang-yig(-rnams). For a general survey of the texts with this title, refer to A.-M. Blondeau, “Analysis of the Biographies of Padmasambhava according to Tibetan Tradition: Classification of Sources” in TSHR, pp. 45-52. The texts of this genre which are mentioned in the present work are the Injunction of Padma which was Discovered at Crystal Rock, the Short Biography of Padmasambhava and the Life of Orgyen (Padmasambhava) with Three Reasons for Confidence. Refer also to n. 976. [750]

Inner and Outer Collected Works (of Dalai Lama V, in thirty volumes). gsung-'bum phyi-nang (pod-chen sum-cu). Auth. Dalai Lama V, Ngag-dbang blo-bzang rgya-mtsho. TWB 5587-822. [824]

Innermost Meaning, the Liberation of All Beings, don-tig 'gro-ba kun-grol. Disc. Dri-med lhun-po. RTD Vol. 35, pp. 1-53. [678]

Innermost Point. thugs-thig. Skt. Cittabindu. Auth. Līlāvajra (Vilāsavajra). P 4723. [464]

Innermost Profundity of Tārā. sgrol-ma'i zab-tig. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 26. RTD Vol. 58, pp. 1-193. [846]

Innermost Profundity of Vimalamitra. bi-ma-la'i zab-tig. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 26. [847]

Innermost Spirituality of the Accomplished Master. grub-thob thugs-thig. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po, inspired by the vision of Thang-stong rgyal-po. Its main divisions are listed separately as (1) Profound and Vast Creation and Perfection of the Cycle of Means for the Attainment of the Guru, (2) Five Cycles of (the Means for) Attainment (which are in harmony with the Path of the Magical Net) and (3) Essential Summarisation of the Tantras, Transmissions, and Esoteric Instructions of the Class of Means for Attainment, the Eight Transmitted Precepts. Also referred to as the Cycles of the Innermost Spirituality of the Accomplished Master. [804, 855, 857]

Innermost Spirituality of the Awareness-holder. rig-'dzin thugs-thig. Disc. Gter-bdag gling-pa. RTD Vol. 13, pp. 61-197. Pub. Dehra Dun: D. G. Khochhen Trulku, 1975. I-Tib 75-904946. [729, 828, 849]

Innermost Spirituality of Cetsün. lce-btsun snying-thig. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 87, pp. 259-350. In addition, there has been a reproduction of the A-'dzom 'Brug-pa redaction. Delhi: Dam-chos-smon-lam, 1975. I-Tib 75-900761. [858]

Innermost Spirituality of the Ḍākinī. (man-ngag) mkha'-'gro snying-tig. Disc. Padma Las-'brel-rtsal. Redacted by Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. NYZ Vols. 2-3. See also Four-Part Innermost Spirituality. In addition, a manuscript of considerable antiquity from the Lahoul-Spiti region of Himachal Pradesh has been reproduced in 2 vols. Sumra, HP: Orgyan Dorji, 1978. I-Tib 78-906099. [554-5, 580, 582, 583, 585, 586, 587, 679]

Innermost Spirituality of Karmapa. karma snying-tig. Disc. Karma-pa III, Rang-byung rdo-rje. RTD Vol. 86, pp. 423-70. [574]

Innermost Spirituality of Longcenpa, including the basic root texts and elucidations. thugs-gter klong-chen snying-thig gzhung-rtsa-ba gsal-byed-dang bcas-pa. See (Great Perfection, the) Innermost Spirituality of Longcenpa

Innermost Spirituality of Radiant Space. (rdzogs-chen) klong-gsal snying-thig. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. RLTC Vols. 11, 12, 19. RTD Vol. 88, pp. 447-652. Note that this should not be confused with the klong-gsal rdo-rje snying-po. Disc. Klong-gsal snying-po. [677, 681, 683]

Innermost Spirituality, Transmitted Precepts of the Exegetical Tradition of the Esoteric Instructional Class. bshad-rgyud snying-thig-gi bka'-rnams. See Four-Part Innermost Spirituality

Innermost Spirituality: the Trio of Amitāyus, Yangdak Heruka, and Vajrakīla, with the Cycle of its Protectress, Ekajaṭī, the Self-Arisen Queen. snying-thig tshe-yang-phur gsum srung-ma e-ka-dza-ti rang-byung rgyal-mo'i skor. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. DDTC Vol. 6. RTD Vol. 50, pp. 101-213. Pub. New Delhi: Sanje Dorje, 1973. I-Tib 73-906926. [815]

Innermost Spirituality of Vimalamitra. bi-ma'i snying-tig. Redacted by Klong-chen rab-'byams-pa. NYZ Vols. 7-9. [583, 585, 723, 727] See also Four-Part Innermost Spirituality

Inquiry into Relations, 'brel(-ba) brtag(-pa). Skt. Sambandhaparīkṣā. Auth. Dharmakīrti. T 4214. EIPRB 2116. MTTWL 195. BB 8 (1972). [102]

Instructions of the Eight Confidences. gding-brgyad-kyi gdams-pa. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL. [791]

Instructions of the Innermost Spirituality concerning the Profound Significance of Ati. a-ti zab-don snying-thig-gi gdams-pa. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 26. [847]

Intermediate Gathering of Transmitted Precepts, the Gathering of the Guru's Intention. bka'-'dus bar-ba bla-ma dgongs-pa 'dus-pa. See Gathering of the Guru's Intention

Intermediate Mother. yum bar-ma. See Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness in Twenty-five Thousand Lines

Introduction to the Conduct of a Bodhisattva. (byang-chub sems-dpa'i) spyod(-pa-la) 'jug(-pa). Skt. Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra. Auth. Śāntideva. T 3871. EIPRB 3412-43. MTTWL 34. HIL 7.1, pp. 82-3, 128, 131. B.Budh. 28 (1929). BST 12 (1960). Trans. S. Batchelor, A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life. LTWA, 1979. [94, 108, 214, 235-6, 300, 323, 577, 671, 691, 747, 762, 871-2, 904]

Introduction to the Essence of the Secret Cycle. gsang-skor gnad-kyi ngo-sprod. NL. Certainly to be identified among the traditions preserved in the Four-Part Innermost Spirituality, though the precise textual identifications remain to be established. [569]

Introduction to the Madhyamaka. (dbu-ma-la) 'jug-pa. Skt. Madhyamakāvatāra. Auth. Candrakīrti. T 3861. EIPRB 2081-3. MTTWL 109. HIL 7.1, pp. 71-4, 130. B.Budh. 9 (1907-12). Trans. C. W. Huntington and Geshé Namgyal Wangchen, The Emptiness of Emptiness. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989. [57, 144, 147-8, 164-6, 168, 192-3, 577, 872, 904]

Introduction to the Real. de-kho-na-nyid 'jug-pa. Skt. Tattvāvatāra. Auth. Jñānakīrti. T 3709. [305, 909]

Introduction to the Three Bodies. sku-gsum ngo-sprod. Auth. Karma Pakshi. Expanded by later Karma-pa hierarchs. DZ Vol. 6, pp. 225-46. [578]

Introduction to the Three Bodies. sku-gsum-la 'jug-pa. Skt. Kāyatrayāvatāramukha. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 3890. HIL 7.1, p. 56. [183]

Introduction to the Way of the Greater Vehicle. theg-pa chen-po'i tshul-la 'jug-pa. Auth. Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po. Reproduced in Commentaries on the Guhyagarbha Tantra and other rare Nyingma Texts from the Library of Dudjom Rinpoche. Vol. 1. New Delhi: Sanje Dorje, 1974. I-Tib 74-900928. Also in Roṅ zom bka' 'bum. Thimphu: Kunzang Tobgay, 1976. I(Bhu)-Tib 77-902743. [707-8]

Introduction to Yoga. rnal-'byor rgyud-la'ang rdo-rje dbyings-kyi sgrub-thabs yo-ga-la 'jug-pa. Skt. Tantrārthāvatāra. Auth. Buddhaguhya. T 2501. [466]

Inventory for the Innermost Spirituality of Longcenpa. klong-byang. Disc. 'Jigs-med gling-pa. See (Great Perfection, the) Innermost Spirituality of Longcenpa

Inventory of Lord Nyang's Treasure Texts. mnga'-bdag nyang-gi gter-yig kha-byang. NL. [662]

Jambhala (according to the New Yamāntaka Cycle of Ra Lotsāwa). (rva-lugs) dzam-bha-la. NL. [713]

Javāripā's Esoteric Instructions on Vital Energy. dza-ba-ri'i bhū-rlung-gi man-ngag. Redacted by 'Bri-gung-pa Rin-chen phun-tshogs. RTD Vol. 48, pp. 337-414. [676]

Jewel Garland. rin-chen phreng-ba. Skt. Ratnāvalī. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 4158. BST 10 (1960). EIPRB 686-9. MTTWL 189. A number of newly recovered Sanskrit fragments have been published by S. Dietz, Journal of the Nepal Research Centre IV, pp. 189-220. See also C. Lindtner, Nagarjuniana. Indiske Studier IV. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1982, pp. 163-9. M. Hahn, Nāgārjuna's Ratnāvalī. Bonn: Indica et Tibetica Verlag, 1982. [168, 205]

Jewel Hoard of Esoteric Instructions. man-ngag rin-chen gter-spungs. Disc. Thang-stong rgyal-po. NL. [802]

Jewel Lamp of the Madhyamaka. dbu-ma rin-chen sgron-ma. Skt. Madhyamakaratnapradīpa. Auth. Bhavya (Bhāvaviveka). T 3854. EIPRB 2020. MTTWL 106. HIL 7.1, p. 66. [168, 169, 905]

Jewel Ornament of Liberation. dvags-po thar-rgyan. Auth. Sgam-po-pa. Xylo. Rum-btegs, Sikkim. I(Sik)-Tib 72-905370. Trans. H. V. Guenther, The Jewel Ornament of Liberation. Berkeley: Shambhala, 1971. Refer to n. 1263. [908]

Jinasāgara. rgyal-ba rgya-mtsho. RTD Vol. 33, pp. 389-522. GDKT Vol. 16, nos. 90-1. GTKT Vol. 4. Pub. in Rare Karma-pa Texts on the Practice of Mahāmudrā. Bir, HP: Kandro, 1974. I-Tib 74-901395. The great commentary on this cycle appears in The collected works of Karma Chags-med, Vol. 5. Bir, HP: Kandro, 1974. I-Tib 74-900426. [578]

Kadampa Tradition endowed with Seven Divine Doctrines. lha-chos bdun-ldan bka'-gdams. These are the seven divine doctrines of Atiśa listed in the Glossary of Enumerations. Representative texts may be found in DZ Vols. 2-3. [853]

Kālacakra Tantra. dus(-kyi) 'khor(-lo) Skt. Paramādibuddhoddhṛtaśrīkālacakranāmatantrarāja. T 362. Tib., Skt. and Mongolian edn. R. Vira and L. Chandra, The Kālacakra Tantra and Other Texts. SP Vols. 69-70 (1966). DZ Vol 10. GDKT Vol. 17, nos. 97-8. See J. Newman, “The Paramādibuddha and its Relation to the Early Kālacakra Literature” Indo-Iranian Journal 30 (1987), pp. 93-102. Also referred to as the Abridged Tantra of Kālacakra, the Glorious Kālacakra and the Root Tantra of the Kālacakra. The foremost commentary on this tantra is the Taintless Light. [99, 126, 212, 258, 264, 283, 290, 339-40, 395, 399, 442, 451, 576, 613, 666, 671, 827, 850, 894, 930, 944, 947, 972]

Kalāpasūtra. sgra ka-lā-pa. Auth. Rgyal-po'i lha (Rājadeva) or, according to Tāranātha, Saptavarman. T 4282. HIL 5.2, pp. 162-3. [92, 100, 723, 727, 729]

Kangyur. bka'-'gyur. For a useful survey of the various editions and the current state of research about them, see H. Eimer, “Some results of recent Kanjur research” Archiv für Zentralasiatische Geschichtsforschung, 1. Sankt Augustin: VGH Wissenschaftsverlag, 1983, pp. 3-21. Also referred to as the Precious Translations of the Transmitted Precepts of the Conqueror. [40, 703, 794, 827, 831, 851, 874, 893]

Kaṅkaṇi Dhāraṇī. ka-ka-ni. The dhāraṇī of Akṣobhya Buddha. [762]

Ketsangma (Tradition of the Great Perfection). (rdzogs-chen) ke-tshang-ma. NL. [657]

Kham Tradition of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-chen khams-lugs. See Great Perfection of the Kham Tradition

Khön Tradition of Vajrakīla. phur-pa 'khon-lugs. GDKT Vol. 16, no. 96. GCKZ Vols. 3-4. GTKT Vol. 13. And see The Vajrakīla rites as practised by the 'Khon lineage of Sa-skya. New Delhi: Ngawang Sopa, 1973. I-Tib 73-905479. Also referred to as the Sakya Tradition of Vajrakīla. [673, 674, 712]

Kīla which is the Utterly Secret Vital Razor. phur-pa yang-gsang srog-gi spugri. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vol. 16. RTD Vol. 50, pp. 37-100. [796-7]

King's Tradition of Vajrakīla. phur-pa rgyal-po lugs. [710]

King of the Three Commitments. dam-tshig gsum-rgyal. Skt. Trisamayavyūharājatantra. T 502. GDKT Vol. 1, no. 2. GTKT Vol. 5. [271]

Kor Tradition. skor-lugs. See Great Perfection according to the Tradition of the Cycles

Krṣṇayamāri. See Black Yamāri

Kyi Tradition of Vajrakīla. phur-pa skyi-lugs. NL. [651]

Kyo Tradition of the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions and the Magical Net. mdo-dang sgyu-'phrul skyo-lugs. NL. [701]

Lamp of Discriminative Awareness. shes-rab sgron-ma. Auth. Dharmabodhi NL. [489]

Lamp for the Eye of Contemplation (which is an Esoteric Instruction of the Great Perfection). (rdzogs-chen-gyi man-ngag) bsam-gtan mig(-gi) sgron(-me) or mig-sgron. Auth. Gnubs-chen Sangs-rgyas ye-shes. SSS 74 (1974). I-Tib 74-902536. See also J. Broughton, “Early Ch'an in Tibet” in R. M. Gimello and P. N. Gregory (eds.), Studies in Ch'an and Huayen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1983. And S. G. Karmay, The Great Perfection. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1988. [570-1, 612, 654, 658]

Lamp which Illuminates the Essence of Tantra, Transmission, and Esoteric Instruction: a General Exposition of the Empowerment of the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions. 'dus-pa mdo'i dbang-gi spyi-don rgyud-lung man-ngag-gi gnad sel-byed sgron-me. Auth. Lo-chen Dharmaśrī. LCSB Vol. 12, pp. 1-259. NMKMG Vol. 14. [965]

Lamp on the Levels of Yoga. rnal-'byor sa'i sgron-ma. Auth. Hūṃkara. NL. [489]

Lamp which Subsumes Conduct. spyod-pa bsdus-pa'i sgron-ma. Skt. Caryāmelāpakapradīpa. Auth. Āryadeva. T 1803. Manuscript version pub. Dolanji, HP: Tashi Dorji, 1976. I-Tib 76-903112. [413]

Lamp of the Three Modes. tshul-gsum sgron-ma. Skt. Nayatrayapradīpa. Auth. Tripiṭakamāla. T 3707. [246]

Lecture Notes on the Ground, Path and Result according to the Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul gzhi-lam-'bras gsum stong-thun. Auth. Rog Shes-rab-'od. NL. [702]

Lecture Notes on the Middle Way. dbu-ma'i stong-thun. Transmitted by Gung-thang Paṇ-chen. NL. [730]

Lecture Notes on the Nucleus of the Sugata. bde-gshegs snying-po'i stong-thun. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. MPSB Vol. 3. Litho edn. Steng-po-che, Nepal, c. 1974. [198]

Lecture Notes on the Tradition of the Cycles. skor-lugs-kyi stong-thun. NL. [655]

Lesser Net. drva-chung. Skt. Sūkṣmajāla. Auth. Buddhaguhya. P 4734. NMKMG Vol. 23. [466]

Lesser (Sequence of the) Path. (sgyu-'phrul drva-ba) lam(-gyi rnam-bshad) chung(-ba). Auth. Buddhaguhya. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 1-15. NMKMG Vol. 23. [282, 466]

Letter to a Friend. bshes(-pa'i) spring(-yig). Skt. Suhṛllekha. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 4182. EIPRB 690-3. MTTWL 218. HIL 7.1, pp. 26-7. Trans. Geshe Lobsang Tharchin and A. B. Engle, Nāgārjuna's Letter. LTWA 1979. [58]

Liberating Empowerment of the Lower Rite (of Vajrakīla). phur-pa smad-las sgrol-dbang. The empowerment associated with the wrathful activity of sorcery in the Vajrakīla traditions. [772]

Life of Orgyen (Padmasambhava) with Three Reasons for Confidence. o-rgyan rnam-thar yid-ches gsum-ldan. Auth. Tāranātha. RTD Vol. 1, pp. 245-89. Pub. in Accounts of the lives of manifestations of Guru Rin-po-che. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh: Tseten Dorji, Tibetan Nyingmapa Monastery, 1973. I-Tib 74-900059. Also in Five historical works of Tāranātha. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh: Tseten Dorji, Tibetan Nyingmapa Monastery, 1974. I-Tib 74-901746. [965]

Light Rays of Grammatical Speech. bstan-bcos brda-sprod ngag-gi 'od-zer. Auth. Viṣṇu. NL. [65]

Limitless Choreographic Arrangements. gar-gyi rnam-'gyur mtha'-klas-pa. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. It is unlikely that this is to be identified with a particular text. [847]

Lion's Perfect Expressive Power. seng-ge rtsal-rdzogs (chen-po'i rgyud). NGB Vol. 9, no. 144. GCD Vol. 2. [126, 333]

Lion's Roar in Affirmation of Extrinsic Emptiness. gzhan-stong khas-len seng-ge'i nga-ro. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. MPSB Vol. 11. Xylo. Ser-lo Monastery, Nepal. N-Tib 72-902223. [198]

Litany of the Names of Mañjuśrī. ('phags-pa) 'jam-dpal-gyi mtshan (yang-dag-par) brjod(-pa). Skt. Mañjuśrīnāmasaṃgīti. T 360. NGB Vol. 15, no. 196. SP 18 (c. 1963). SP 69 (1966). Ed. and trans. R. M. Davidson, “The Litany of Names of Mañjuśrī” MCB 20 (1981), pp. 1-69. A. Wayman, Chanting the Names of Mañjuśrī. Boulder/London: Shambhala, 1985. GDKT Vol. 6, no. 41; Vol. 10, no. 60. GTKT Vol. 2. KGNZ] Vol. 4, pp. 375-504. [[NMKMG Vol. 22. Also referred to as the Magical Net of Mañjuśrī and the Sublime Litany of the Names of Mañjuśrī. [74-5, 77, 81, 82, 116, 142, 177, 212, 291, 305-6, 463, 468, 550, 674, 691, 761]

Lives of the Hundred Treasure-finders, a Beauteous Rosary of Precious Beryl. gter-ston brgya-rtsa'i rnam-thar rin-chen bai-ḍūrya'i phreng-mdzes. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. RTD Vol. 1, pp. 291-759. Pub. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh: Tseten Dorji, Tibetan Nyingmapa Monastery, 1973. I-Tib 74-900058. [966]

Lock of the Heart. thugs-kyi sgo-lcags. Skt. Cittatālaka. Auth. Śrī Siṃha. P 4758. [40, 357, 365]

Loktri (the Sage). (drang-srong) lok-tri. The reference to this in History does not specify the redaction concerned. Selections of Nyingmapa rites focusing upon this deity are found in RTD Vol. 54. [727]

Longevity Empowerment of the Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul-gyi tshe-dbang. [673, 674]

Long, Medium and Short (teachings on the) Peaceful and Wrathful Deities according to the Se tradition. se-lugs-kyi zhi-khro rgyas-'bring-bsdus gsum. Absorbed into the traditions preserved in NMKMG Vols. 11-12. [665]

Long, Medium and Short Versions of the Mother or Long, Medium, and Short Versions of the Sūtras of Transcendental Perfection. yum rgyas-'bring-bsdus gsum or (sher-phyin) rgyas-'bring-bsdus gsum. Listed separately as the Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness in Eight Thousand Lines, Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness in Twenty-five Thousand Lines and Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness in One Hundred Thousand Lines. [566, 647, 655]

Lord of Life, Evil and Mean-hearted. tshe-bdag sdig-pa snying-'dzings. Disc. Dum-pa rgya zhang-khrom. [713] See Yamāntaka Cycle

Lord of Life (Yamāntaka). tshe-bdag. See Yamāntaka (Cycle/Tantra)

Lord of Pristine Cognition with Many Deities (the tantra, means for attainment and rites of). ye-shes mgon-po lha-mang-gi rgyud sgrub-thabs las-tshogs. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [775]

Lotus Peak. padma rtse-mo. Skt. Padmaśekhara. NL. [251]

Lotus the Speech. padma gsung. NGB Vols. 23-4. [283] See also Transmitted Precepts of the Lotus Speech Tantras and Hayagrīva (Cycle/Tantra)

Lotus Sūtra. dam-chos pad-dkar. Skt. Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. T 113. EIPRB 556-601. MTTWL 191. B.Budh. 10 (1908-12). BST 6 (1960). SBE 21. Akira Yuyama, A Bibliography of the Sanskrit Texts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarikasūtra. Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1970. [80, 83, 414]

Lower Tibetan Lineage of the Vinaya (Vows). snga-'gyur smad-'dul-gyi sdom-rgyun. NMKMG Vol. 1. Refer to n. 568. [525-6]

Lūipā Tradition of Cakrasaṃvara. bde-mchog lū'i-pa. Skt. Bhagavadabhisamayanāma. Auth. Lūipā. T 1427. GDKT Vol. 11, no. 63. [657]

Magical Net. sgyu(-'phrul) drva(-ba). The main tantras of this system are collected together in NGB Vols. 14-16 and 19. The rites are to be found in NMKMG Vols. 11-12. Refer also to GGFTC, pp. 37ff. The history of these lineages are described throughout History, Pt. 5. [362, 396, 460, 462-70, 533, 550, 762, 804, 827, 833, 843, 845, 849, 858, 893]

Magical Net of Indestructible Reality. sgyu-'phrul rdo-rje. To be identified with the Exegetical Tantras of the Magical Net. NGB Vol. 15. [449]

Magical Net of Mañjuśrī. 'jam-dpal sgyu-'phrul drva-ba. See Litany of the Names of Mañjuśrī

Magical Net of Vajrasattva. rdo-rje sems-dpa' sgyu-'phrul drva-ba or sgyu-'phrul rdo-rje sems-dpa'. To be identified in general with the root texts of the cycle, contained in NGB Vol. 14, and specifically with the Tantra of the Secret Nucleus. [283, 533, 648, 944]

Mahāmāya (Tantra). Mahāmāya or sgyu-'phrul chen-po. T 425. GDKT Vol. 15, no. 87. KGNZ] Vol. 3, pp. 293-412. [257-8, 291, 442, 578] [[Mahāvyutpatti. bye-brag rtogs-byed. T 4346. B.Budh. 13 (1911). Ed. R. Sakaki, Kyoto, 1916-25; repr. Tokyo, 1965. Ed. and trans. in Collected Works of Alexander Csoma de Körös, Vol. 3. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984 (originally published in three parts in 1910, 1916 and 1944). [98-9]

Mahottara (Tantra). che-mchog(-gi rgyud). Depending upon the context to be identified either with dpal heruka rol-pa'i rgyud, T 840. NGB Vol. 18, nos. 216 and 218, or with dpal che-mchog 'dus-pa rtsa-ba'i rgyud, NGB Vol. 32, no. 380. KGDD Vol. 2. The latter is the text intended in connection with the Eight Transmitted Precepts. Chemcok also occurs as an epithet of Vajrāṃrta, the foremost deity of the cycle of Nectar the Enlightened Attributes. [362]

Malign Mantra. drag-sngags dmod-pa. Skt. *Vajramantrabhīru. T 843. NGB Vol. 32, no. 388. KGDD Vol. 3. [283, 362, 483]

Maṇḍalas of the Ngok (Tradition). rngog-dkyil. The traditional classification of the maṇḍalas transmitted through the family of Mar-pa's disciple Rngog Chos-sku rdo-rje lists seven: (1) The nine-deity maṇḍala of Hevajra. dgyes-rdor lha-dgu. GDKT Vol. 19, no. 107. KGNZ] Vol. 2, pp. 1-188. (2) The fifteen-deity maṇḍala of Nairātmyā. [[bdag-med lha-mo bco-lnga. GDKT Vol. 19, no. 108. KGNZ] Vol. 2, pp. 189-240. (3) The many deity maṇḍala of the [[transmitted precepts of Vajracatuḥpīṭha, the father consort. gdan-bzhi yab-bka' lha-mang. (4) The transmitted precepts of the mother consort Jñāneśvarī. yum-bka' ye-shes dbang-phyug. GDKT Vol. 15, nos. 88-9. KGNZ] Vol. 3, pp. 413-580. (5) The [[five-deity maṇḍala of Mahāmāya. mahāmāya lha-lnga. GDKT Vol. 15, no. 87. KGNZ] Vol. 3, pp. 293-412. (6) The [[five-ḍākinī maṇḍala of the consummation of the families (of the Hevajra maṇḍala), according to the Vajrapañjara Tantra. gur rigs-bsdus mkha'-'gro lnga. GDKT Vol. 20, no. 110. KGNZ] Vol. 2, pp. 241-358. (7) Esoteric Mañjuśrī. 'jam-dpal gsang-ldan. [[GDKT Vol. 10, no. 60. KGNZ] Vol. 4, pp. 375-504. The maṇḍalas of Ngok [[form the essential framework of KGNZ]. [807] Mañjuśrī the [[Body. 'jam-dpal sku. NGB 21-2. NMKMG Vols. 4-6. Where the reference is to the tradition of the Eight Transmitted Precepts in particular, the tantra in question is probably T 838. NGB Vol. 32, no. 382. KGDD Vol. 3. [283, 361] See also Yamāntaka (Cycle/Tantra)

Mañjuśrī Lord of Life, Iron-like and Iron-evil. 'jam-dpal tshe-bdag lcags-'dra lcags-sdig. In the context of History, p. 871, where this phrase is used, it almost certainly refers to two cycles found in RTD: (1) jam-dpal tshe-bdag lcags-'dra. Disc. Dum-pa rgya zhang-khrom. RTD Vol. 26, pp. 1-417. (2) jam-dpal tshe-bdag lcags-sdig. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. RTD Vol. 27, pp. 165-318. Also referred to as Mañjuśrī-Yamāntaka, Lord of Life. [871, 876]

Mantra Store of the Lineages of Transmitted Precepts. bka'-brgyud sngags-kyi mdzod. Compiled by 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. KGNZ]. [861] See also Maṇḍalas of the Ngok ([[Tradition) and Five Great Stores

Manuals for Arts and Crafts. bzo-rig patra. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [776]

Mātaraḥ the Liberating Sorcery. ma-mo rbod-gtong. See Mātaraḥ (Cycle/Tantra)

Mātaraḥ and Yamāntaka. ma-gshin. Listed separately.

Mātaraḥ (Cycle/Tantra). ma-mo('i rgyud). T 842. NGB Vols. 30-1 and 33. Where the context is particularly that of the Eight Transmitted Precepts, the main text is NGB Vol. 32, no. 385. KGDD Vol. 3. On the term “Mātaraḥ”, refer to n. 493. [283, 362, 473, 483, 609, 614, 762, 930]

Me Tradition of Hevajra. dgyes-rdor mes-lugs. The tradition of Mar-pa's disciple Mes-tshon-pa Bsod-nams rgyal-mtshan. Refer to Blue Annals, p. 405. NL. [657]

Means for Attaining the Real. de-kho-na-nyid sgrub-pa'i thabs (zhes-bya-ba rdzogs-pa chen-po'i lam-gyi rim-pa). Auth. Nāropā. Unidentified. [299, 302, 308, 312, 317, 326, 333-4, 337]

Means for the Attainment of Co-Emergence. lhan-skyes sgrub-thabs. Skt. Śrīguhyasamājasahajasādhana. Auth. Līlāvajra (Vilāsavajra). T 1913. [464]

Means for the Attainment of Garuḍa. khyung sgrub-thabs. There are, of course, a great many works of this type available. The reference found in History is not sufficiently specific to permit any identification of the precise tradition involved. [545]

Means for the Attainment of the Guru (belonging to the Innermost Spirituality of the Accomplished Master). grub-thob bla-sgrub. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. The first part of the Innermost Spirituality of the Accomplished Master. [855]

Means for the Attainment of the Guru Chogyur Lingpa, the Gathering of the Families of the Three Bodies. mchog-gling bla-sgrub sku-gsum rigs-'dus. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 17, pp. 233-70. [858]

Means for the Attainment of the Guru according to the Innermost Spirituality of Longcenpa, (entitled) “Sealed with the Seminal Point”, a recension of. klong-chen snying-thig-gi bla-sgrub thig-le'i rgya-can-gyi yig-cha. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 17, pp. 105-64. [858]

Means for the Attainment of Hevajra. sgrub-thabs mtsho-skyes. Skt. Śrīhevajrasādhana. Auth. Saroruhavajra. T 1218. GDKT Vol. 18, no. 100. [657]

Means for the Attainment of Kṣetrapāla. zhing-skyong-gi sgrub-thabs. Disc. Thang-stong rgyal-po. NL. [802]

Means for the Attainment of Longevity which Conjoins the Sun and Moon. tshe-sgrub nyi-zla kha-sbyor. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. RTD. vol. 29, pp. 337-381. [786]

Means for the Attainment of Longevity (according to the Great Perfection). (rdzogs-chen) tshe-sgrub. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. Available through the seventeenth century, but now perhaps NA. [775, 778]

Means for the Attainment of Mañjuśrī. 'jam-dpal sgrub-thabs. The reference found in History is not sufficiently specific for precise identification. [545]

Means for the Attainment of the Nāga King Sugrīva. klu(-yi) rgyal(-po) mgrin-bzang sgrub-thabs. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. NL. [786]

Means for Attainment entitled Samantabhadra. sgrub-thabs kun-bzang. Skt. Samantabhadranāmasādhana. Auth. Buddhajñāna. T 1855. [496]

Means for the Attainment of Supreme Bliss. bde-ba chen-po'i sgrub-thabs. Skt. Mahāsukhasādhana. Auth. Vajrahāsya. T 1911. [466]

Means for the Attainment of the Three Roots. rtsa-gsum sgrub-thabs. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL but referred to in DLTC Vol. 4, p. 19. [789]

Means for the Attainment of Trolö. gro-lod sgrub-thabs. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. RTD Vol. 21, pp. 147-82. [866]

Means for Meditation on Atiyoga. ati rnal-'byor-gyi sgom-thabs. Skt. Atiyogabhāvanānāma. Auth. Nāgabodhi. T 2417. [317-18]

Medical Treatise. sman-dpyad. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [775]

Meditational Sequences. sgom-rim. See Three Meditational Sequences

Meditative Absorption in the Mudrā. phyag-rgya bsam-gtan. Skt. Māyājālamudrādhyāna. Auth. Vimalamitra. P 4732. [278, 481]

Melgyo Tradition of the Cakrasaṃvara. bde-mchog mal-gyo lugs. The tradition of Mal-gyo Lo-tsā-ba Blo-gros-grags. Refer to Blue Annals, pp. 380-2. NL. [562, 564]

Memorandum on Yungtönpa's Commentary (through to the fifth chapter). gYung-'grel-gi le'u lnga-pa yan-gyi zin-bris. Auth. Chos-rje O-rgyan bstan-'dzin. NL. [678]

Memorandum on Yungtönpa's Commentary, the Parkap Commentary and the Secret Nucleus (through to the Fifth Chapter). gYung-ston-pa spar-khab gsang-snying-gi 'grel-gyi le'u lnga-pa yan-gyi zin-bris. Auth. Zur Chos-dbyings rang-grol. NL. [680-1]

Methods for Beneficial and Injurious Rites. phan-gnod-kyi las-thabs. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [776]

Methods for Refining Mercury. dngul-chu btso-bkru'i lag-len. The reference found in History is probably to praxis rather than to a particular text. The canonical work on the subject, however, is Rasasiddhiśāstra. Auth. Vyāḍipāda. T 4313. [871]

Mighty King of Pure Vision. dag-snang dbang-gi rgyal-po. Auth. or Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. NL. [814]

Mind at Rest. sems-nyid ngal-gso. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. The first part of the Trilogy of Rest. [359, 595, 727, 730, 827]

Minor Transmissions (of the Vinaya). ('dul-ba) lung phran-tshegs. Skt. Vinayakṣudrāgama. T 6. HBI, pp. 181-97. [76-7, 93, 98, 428-30, 436, 943]

Miraculous Key of Further Discernment. yang-'byed 'phrul(-gyi) lde(-mig). NGB Vol. 2, no. 26. [230, 350, 355, 360, 361, 370, 372]

Miraculous Key to the Storehouse. bang-mdzod 'phrul(-gyi) lde(-mig). NGB Vol. 2, no. 24. [40, 246, 363, 367, 368, 369, 372]

Mirror Commentary on the Ornament of Emergent Realization. mngon-rtogs rgyan-gyi snang-ba. Skt. Abhisamayālaṃkārāloka. Auth. Haribhadra. T 3791. BST 4 (1960). [184]

Mirror of the Heart of Vajrasattva. rdo-rje sems-dpa' snying-gi me-long. NGB Vol. 10, no. 156. [344]

Mirror of Poetics. snyan-ngag me-long dbyug-pa-can-gyi gzhung. Skt. Kāvyādarśa. Auth. Daṇḍin. T 4301. TWPS 62. Ed. Skt. and Tib. A. C. Banerjee, Kāvyādarśa. University of Calcutta, 1939. HIL 5.3, pp. 226-33. Refer also to n. 101. [104-6, 705, 723, 730]

Mother and Son of the Clarifying Lamp. gsal-sgron ma-bu. Refer to n. 100. [104]

Mother and Son Cycles of Innermost Spirituality. snying-thig ma-bu'i skor. Alternative title of NYZ. [375] See Four-Part Innermost Spirituality

Mother Tantra which Integrates the Secret onto the Path. ma-rgyud gsang-ba lam-khyer. Disc. Kun-dga' 'bum-pa. Redisc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 25. RTD Vol. 85, pp. 203-416. [846]

Mundane Praise. 'jig-rten mchod-bstod. Skt. Lokastotrapūja. T 844. NGB Vol. 32, no. 387. KGDD Vol. 3. [283, 362, 483]

Nāgārjuna's Cycle of Teachings on the Guhyasamāja. See Ārya Cycle of Guhyasamāja

Nails. gzer-bu. NL. However, cf. the various classifications so called in Fundamentals, pp. 325, 329, 333. [654, 658]

Nanam Tradition (of Vajrakīla) or Rong Tradition (of Vajrakīla). (phur-pa) sna-nam-mam rong-lugs. NMKMG Vol. 8. [772]

Nāropā's Sky-farer. nā-ro mkha'-spyod. GDKT Vol. 12, no. 70. GTKT Vol. 4. [921]

Narrative History of the Precious Collected Tantras of the Ancient Translation School, the Ornament Covering All Jambudvīpa. rnying-rgyud dkar-chag 'dzam-gling tha-grur khyab-pa'i rgyan or snga-'gyur rgyud-'bum rin-po-che'i rtogs-pa brjod-pa 'dzam-gling tha-grur khyab-pa'i rgyan. Auth. 'Jigs-med gling-pa. NGB Vol. 34, no. 407. JLSB Vol. 3. [839, 965]

Narrative of Suvarṇa. gser-can-gyi rtogs-brjod. Skt. Suvarṇāvadāna. NL. See, however, Obermiller, History of Buddhism by Bu-ston (Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1964), Pt. 2, p. 102, where it is said to be drawn from a commentary on the now lost Abhidharmasūtra. [943]

Narrow Path to the Fortress. rdzong-'phrang snyan-brgyud. Probably not to be identified with the Transmitted Precepts of the Narrow Path to the Fortress. [654]

Natural Liberation of Intention: (A Cycle devoted to) the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities. dgongs-pa rang-grol-gyi chos-skor rnams or kar-gling zhi-khro dgongs-pa rang-grol. See Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, the Natural Liberation of Intention

Nectar the Enlightened Attributes. bdud-rtsi yon-tan. NGB Vol. 26. NMKMG Vol. 3. Also referred to as the Transmitted Precepts of Vajrāmṛta and the Vajrāmṛta Cycle. [283, 362, 480, 481, 534, 601] See also Eight Volumes of Nectar

Net of Pristine Cognition. ye-shes drva-ba, i.e. dpal sgyu-'phrul dr(v)a-ba ye-shes-kyi snying-po'i rgyud. NGB Vol. 15, no. 198. [139-40]

New Treasures. gter-gsar. In the biography of Lo-chen Dharmaśrī, History, pp. 728-32, this term refers in particular to the treasures of his brother, Gter-bdag gling-pa. More generally, however, one sees it used to refer to any of the treasures discovered from the time of Gter-bdag gling-pa down to the present day. [731]

Nine Cycles of the Meditational Sequence. bsgom-rim skor-dgu. Auth. Satya(vacas), Tib. Bden-smras. Not precisely identified, but apparently an Upanishadic teaching. [65]

Nine-Deity Maṇḍala of Yangdak Heruka. yang-dag lha-dgu('i dkyil-'khor). GDKT Vol. 15, no. 85. NMKMG Vol. 3. Also referred to as Nine-Lamp Yangdak. [621, 685, 843]

Nine-Lamp Yangdak. yang-dag mar-me dgu. See previous entry

Nineteen Treasure Troves of Chöwang. chos-dbang-gi gter bcu-dgu. [764]

Ninety Volumes of Scripture. gsung-rab glegs-bam dgu-bcu. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. These contain the Five Great Stores. In the original Tibetan xylographic editions they amounted to some ninety volumes altogether, but in the smaller volumes in which they have been reprinted in India, they come to about 150. [862]

Nirvāṇa Sūtra. mya-ngan-las 'das-pa'i mdo. See Sūtra of Final Nirvāṇa

Nirvāṇa Tantra of Vajrakīla. phur-pa mya-ngan-las-'das-pa'i rgyud. NGB Vol. 28, no. 336. [712]

Non-Dual Victor. gnyis-med rnam-rgyal. Skt. Advayasamatāvijayanāmavajraśrīvaramahākalpādi. T 453. Refer to n. 1242. [893]

Northern (Treasures of Rikdzin Gödemcen). See Southern (Treasures of Pema Lingpa) and the Northern (Treasures of Rikdzin Gödemcen)

Notebook on Iconometry. cha-tshad-kyi yi-ge. Skt. Pratibimbamānalakṣaṇanāma. Auth. Ātreya. T 4316. [99]

Notes Clarifying the Innermost Spirituality. snying-thig-la gsal-byed-kyi yi-ge. Auth. 'Khon-ston Dpal-'byor lhun-grub. NL. [926]

Notes on the Indications and Avoidance of Death. 'chi-ba brtags-bslu'i yi-ge. Auth. Mkhas-grub Blo-gros rgyal-mtshan. NL. [723]

Notes on Ritual Variants. kha-bsgyur. Disc. Sangs-rgyas bla-ma. NA. [751]

Nup's Boast. gnubs-kyi kha-pho. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 26. [847]

Nupcen's Final Testament. gnubs-chen 'da'-ka'i zhal-chems. See Transmitted Instructions of the Indestructible Array, which Nupcen conferred as his Final Testament

Nyang Tradition. nyang-lugs. See Great Perfection of the Rong Tradition

Object of Cutting. gcod-yul. For a general survey of the available literature, refer to J. Gyatso, “A Preliminary Study of the Gcod Tradition” in STC, pp. 320-41. [395, 546, 549, 565, 577, 679, 762, 833, 929]

Ocean of Ḍākas. mkha'-'gro rgya-mtsho. Skt. Ḍākārṇavatantra. T 372. Apabhraṃśa edn. N. N. Chaudhuri. Calcutta, 1935. [576]

Ocean of Definitive Meaning on Retreat Practice. ri-chos nges-don rgya-mtsho. Auth. Dol-po-pa Shes-rab rgya-mtsho. Pub. Gangtok: Dodrup Sangyey Lama, 1976. I-Tib 76-901146. [204]

(Ocean of Doctrine, the Great) Gathering of Transmitted Precepts. bka'-'dus (chos-kyi rgya-mtsho) Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. Redisc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 23, pp. 209-429. Xylo. Zangs-mdog dpal-ri, Kalimpong, WB, n.d. [471, 778-9, 972-3]

Oceanic Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul rgya-mtsho. NGB Vol. 15, no. 199. Also referred to as the Exegetical Tantra of the Oceanic Magical Net. [124-5, 276-7, 447]

Ocean of Means for Attainment. sgrub-thabs rgya-mtsho. [578] See Hundred Means for Attainment

Oḍḍiyāna Tradition of Ritual Service and Attainment. o-rgyan bsnyen-sgrub. Originating with O-rgyan-pa Rin-chen-dpal. DZ Vol. 10. [578]

Opening the Eye of Discriminative Awareness. shes-rab spyan-'byed. Skt. Mahāyogaprajñāpraveśacakṣurupadeśanāma. Auth. Vimalamitra. P 4725. [481]

Oral Instructions of (Sublime) Mañjuśrī (for Attaining the Real). ('phags-pa) 'jam-dpal(-gyi de-kho-na-nyid sgrub-pa'i) zhal-lung or zhal-gyi lung. Skt. Dvikramatattvabhāvanānāmamukhāgama, and its shorter version, Mañjuśrīmukhāgama. Auth. Buddhaśrījñāna. T 1853-4. [57, 313, 315, 464, 496]

Oral Transmission of the Path and Fruit. gsung-ngag lam-'bras. See Path and Fruit

Oral Transmission of Puṇḍarīka. skar-rtsis-kyi bstan-bcos pad-dkar zhal-lung. Auth. the Three Gyamtsos: Phug-pa Lhun-grub rgya-mtsho, Mkhas-grub rgya-mtsho, and Sangs-rgyas rgya-mtsho. A copy of this rare astrological treatise is available in the Theos Bernard Collection, Yale University. We thank Ms Amy Heller for calling our attention to it. [954]

Origin of the Doctrines of the Ancient Translation School, a Scholar's Delight. snga-'gyur chos-kyi byung-khungs mkhas-pa dga'-byed. Auth. Mkhas-mchog Ngag-dbang blo-gros. NL. [965]

Ornamental Flower of Speech. smra-ba rgyan-gyi me-tog. NL. [100]

Ornamental Mirror of Categories. tshig-don rgyan-gyi snang-ba. Apparently a Jaina work. NL. It may be Deva Sūri, Pramāṇanayatattvālokālaṃkāra. On this and other Jaina texts, see S. Dasgupta, A History of Indian Philosophy. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1975, Vol. 1, pp. 171-2. [66]

Ornament of Emergent Realization. mngon-rtogs rgyan. Skt. Abhisamayālaṃkāra. Auth. Maitreyanātha. T 3786. EIPRB 1224-40. MTTWL 2-5. B.Budh. 23 (1929). BST 4 (1960). SOR 6 (1954). SOR 37 (1967). See also Lati Rinbochay et al., Meditative States in Tibetan Buddhism. London: Wisdom, 1982. One of the Five Doctrines of Venerable Maitreya. [92, 94, 117, 159, 184, 229, 230, 671]

Ornament of Kosala. de-kho-na-nyid bsdus-pa'i 'grel-pa ko-sa-la'i rgyan. Skt. Kosalālaṃkāra. Auth. Śākyamitra. T 2503. [468, 488]

Ornament of the Madhyamaka. dbu-ma rgyan. Skt. Madhyamakālaṃkārakārikā. Auth. Śāntarakṣita. T 3884. EIPRB 3487. HIL 7.1, 90-2. Ed. and trans. Masamichi Ichigō, Madhyamakālaṃkāra. Kyoto: Kyoto Sangyo University, 1985. [302]

Ornament of the Sūtras of the Greater Vehicle. (theg-pa chen-po) mdo-sde rgyan. Skt. Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkārakārikā. Auth. Maitreyanātha. T 4020. EIPRB 1253-66. MTTWL 129. BST 13 (1970). Trans. R. A. F. Thurman, Ornament of the Scriptures of the Universal Vehicle. Forthcoming. One of the Five Doctrines of Venerable Maitreya. [78, 79-80, 95, 98, 140-1, 173, 177, 193, 219, 220]

Pacification. zhi-byed. A major teaching tradition stemming from Pha-dam-pa Sangs-rgyas. Representative texts may be found in DZ Vol. 9. Refer also to the articles by B. N. Aziz listed in the final section of the Bibliography. [395, 551, 565, 577, 578, 762, 833, 929] See also Three Traditions of Pacification

Pacification according to the Early, Middle and Later Traditions. zhi-byed snga-phyi-bar gsum. Refer to the preceding entry; and, for the history of these traditions, to Blue Annals, Ch. 12.

Pacification and Object of Cutting. zhi-gcod. Listed separately.

Pagoda of Precious Jewels. dkon-mchog brtsegs-pa. Skt. Mahāratnakūṭa. T 45-93. EIPRB 127-35. MTTWL 122. Extensive selections trans. in TMS. Also referred to as the Sublime Pagoda of Precious Jewels. [83, 235, 302-3, 334, 340, 933]

Parkap Commentary (on the Secret Nucleus). (gsang-ba snying-po'i ('grel-pa)) spar-khab. Skt. Guhyagarbhamahātantrarājaṭīkā. Auth. Līlāvajra (Vilāsavajra). P 4718. NMKMG Vol. 23. Pub. in Commentaries on the Guhyagarbha Tantra and other Rare Nyingma Texts from the Library of Dudjom Rinpoche. Vol. 1. New Delhi: Sanje Dorje, 1974. I-Tib 74-900928. Zhe-chen xylo. pub. Gangtok: Dodrup Sangyey Lama, 1976. I-Tib 76-902711. [40, 63, 464, 619, 660, 665, 669, 672, 680, 684, 730]

Path and Fruit. (gsung-sngags rin-po-che) lam-'bras(-dang bcas-pa'i gdams-ngag). Selections representing these teachings may be found in DZ Vol. 4. The most extensive redaction will be completed in about 25 vols.: lam-'bras slob-bśad. Dehra Dun: Sakya Centre, 1983 onwards. I-Tib 83-905043. See also Virūpa: Rdo rje'i tshig rkang. SSS 7 (1970). I-Tib 72-918340. [395, 576, 578, 657, 665, 923]

Path of Skilful Means according to Nāropā. nā-ro'i thabs-lam. [546] See Six Doctrines of Nāropā

Peaceful and Wrathful Aspects of the Guru. gu-ru zhi-drag. Disc. Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer. See RTD Vol. 8, pp. 457-537. KCST Vol. 2, pp. 395-514. [756]

Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of the Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul zhi-khro. [858] See Magical Net

Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of the Magical Net and of the Eight Transmitted Precepts, along with the Protectors of these Transmitted Precepts. sgyu-'phrul zhi-khro-dang bka'-brgyad skor bka'-srung bcas. Disc. Dung-'phreng-can, and offered by him to Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. NL. [815]

Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, the Natural Liberation of Intention. zhi-khro dgongs-pa rang-grol. Disc. Karma gling-pa. RTD Vol. 4, pp. 1-281. The most comprehensive edition to appear to date has been published in 3 vols.: Delhi: Sherab Lama, 1975-6. I-Tib 75-903780. See also Great Liberation by Hearing during the Intermediate State. Additional selections are translated in W. Y. Evans-Wentz (ed.), The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1954, pp. 195-239. [679, 801]

Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, the Nucleus of Definitive Meaning. zhi-khro nges-don snying-po. Disc. Rig-'dzin 'Ja'-tshon snying-po. JTPD Vol. 4. Pub. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh: Ngawang Sonam, 1979. I-Tib 79-903489. [811]

Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of Padma. padma zhi-khro'i chos-skor. See Great Compassionate One, the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of Padma

Peaceful and Wrathful Guru. gu-ru zhi-drag. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. RLTC Vols. 3-5. [793]

Pearl Necklace. mu-tig phreng-ba. NGB Vol. 9, no. 149. GCD Vol. 2. [56-7, 371]

Pehar. pe-har. The reference in History does not permit the precise identification of any given textual tradition. [545]

Penetrating Exegetical Tantra of the Magical Net. bshad-rgyud thal-ba. NGB Vol. 15, nos. 200-1. [277]

Penetration of Samantabhadra's Intention. kun-bzang dgongs-pa zang-thal. Disc. Rig-'dzin Rgod-kyi ldem-'phru-can. RTD passim. SSS 60-4 (1973). I-Tib 73-902355. SSS 93-6 (1979). I-Tib 79-901828. [781]

Penetration of Sound. (sgra) thal-'gyur (rtsa-ba'i rgyud). NGB Vol. 10, no. 155. [54-5, 136, 141, 337, 339, 447, 563, 572, 906-7, 960-1]

Perfect Practice of Vajrakīla. phur-pa phun-sum tshogs-pa. Refer to n. 704; and to the 'phrin las phun sum tshogs pa'i rgyud. NGB Vol. 27, no. 332. [603, 712]

Permissory Initiation of Hayagrīva according to the Tradition of Dagyelma. rta-mgrin zla-rgyal-ma'i lugs-kyi rjes-gnang. GTKT Vol. 7. [673, 674]

Permissory Initiation of White Mañjuśrī according to the System of Mati. ma-ti 'jam-dkar-gyi rjes-gnang. GTKT Vol. 2. [870-1]

Pill Rites for Mañjuśrī. ril-bu'i las-sbyor. Refer to n. 1206. [869]

Piṭaka of the Bodhisattva. byang-chub sems-dpa'i sde-snod. Skt. Bodhisattvapiṭaka. T 56. MTTWL 44. [316]

Play of Mañjuśrī. 'jam-dpal rnam-par rol-pa. Skt. Mañjuśrīvikrīḍitamahāyānasūtra. T 96. MTTWL 133. [171]

(Play of the) Supreme Horse, rta-mchog rol-pa. Skt. Aśvottamavīṇāsamatamahātantra. T 839. NGB Vol. 23, nos. 265-6. [479, 534] See also Hayagrīva (Cycle/Tantra)

Point of the Axioms. gtan-tshigs thig-pa. Skt. Hetubindu. Auth. Dharmakīrti. T 4213. NGB Vol. 18. EIPRB 2093-4. MTTWL 83. GOS 113 (1949). [102]

Point of Human Sustenance. lugs-kyi bstan-bcos skye-bo gso-ba'i thig-pa. Skt. Nītiśāstrajantupoṣaṇabindu. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 4330. Trans. from the Mongolian by S. Frye, Nāgārjuna's A Drop of Nourishment for the People. LTWA, 1981. [97, 762]

Point of Liberation. grol(-ba'i) thig(-le). Skt. Muktitilaka. Auth. Buddhajñānapāda. T 1859. [252-3, 412, 453, 496]

Point of Liberation: (the Natural Liberation of Intention). grol-tig (dgongs-pa rang-grol). Disc. Shes-rab 'od-zer. RTD Vols. 4, pp. 283-337; Vol. 11, pp. 187-263; Vol. 30, pp. 347-89; Vol. 37, pp. 221-52; Vol. 41, pp. 179-211; Vol. 43, pp. 373-87; Vol. 61, pp. 97-131. [835, 837]

Point of Reason. rigs-thigs. Skt. Nyāyabindu. Auth. Dharmakīrti. T 4212. EIPRB 2095-112. MTTWL 147. B.Budh. 7 (1918), 24-5 (1927-8), 26 (1930-2). TSWS 2 (1955). [102]

Point of Spring. dpyid-thig. Skt. Vasantatilaka. Auth. Krṣṇācārin. T 1448. [674]

Por Tradition of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-chen spor-lugs. NL. [651]

Practical Techniques of Gö Tsilungpa. 'gos-rtsi-lung-pa'i phyag-bzhes. NL. Apparently incorporated into the tradition of the Empowerment Ceremony entitled River of Honey. [700]

Praise of the Mother. yum-la bstod-pa. Skt. Prajñāpāramitāstotra. Auth. Rāhulabhadra. T 1127 (where it is attributed to Nāgārjuna). MTTWL 162. HIL 7.1, pp. 54-6, 128. BST 4 (1960). [185]

Prātimokṣa Sūtra. so-thar-gyi mdo. T 2. See C. S. Prebish, Buddhist Monastic Discipline. University Park/London: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1975. [429]

Prayerful Offering to the Gracious Goddess. bka'-drin lha-mo'i gsol-kha. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. NL. [863]

Prayer to the Lineage of the Magical Net which begins “Trio of Sound, Light and Rays …”. sgyu-'phrul-gyi brgyud-pa-la sgra-'od-zer gsum-ma'i gsol-'debs. NL. [662]

Precious Collected Tantras of the Ancient Translation School. snga-'gyur rgyud-'bum rin-po-che. See Collected Tantras (of the Nyingmapa)

Precious Jewel Commentary. dkon-mchog-'grel. See Commentary on the Tantra of the Secret Nucleus

Precious Source of Prosody. (sdeb-sbyor) rin-chen 'byung-gnas. Skt. Chandoratnākara. Auth. Ratnākaraśānti. T 4303-4, 4439. Refer to M. Hahn, Ratnākaraśānti's Chandoratnākara. Nepal Research Centre, Miscellaneous Papers, no. 34. Kathmandu, 1982. Also referred to as the Prosody of Ramākara. [105-6, 730]

Precious Translations of the Transmitted Precepts of the Conqueror. rgyal-ba'i bka'-'gyur rin-po-che. [851] See Kangyur

Precious Treasury of Enlightened Attributes, (its root text and commentary). yon-tan (rin-po-che'i) mdzod (rtsa-'grel). Auth. 'Jigs-med gling-pa. JLSB Vols. 1-2. NMKMG Vol. 38. Pub. Bodhnath, Nepal: Ngagyur Dojod Ling, 1981. N-Tib 82-902339. The root text alone pub. Thimphu: Kunzang Tobgey, 1975. I(Bhu)-Tib 76-900257. [92, 839]

Precious Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle. theg-mchog rin-po-che'i mdzod. See Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle

Precious Wish-fulfilling Treasury. See Wish-fulfilling Treasury

Profound Inner Meaning. rang-byung zhabs-kyi nang-don or zab-mo nang-don. Auth. Karma-pa III, Rang-byung rdo-rje. Xylo. Rum-btegs, Sikkim. I(Sik)-Tib 76-921408. [202, 730, 827] See also Two Short Treatises

Profound Instruction concerning the Protectors of the Teaching. bstan-pa srung-ba'i gdams-zab. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA.

Profoundly Significant, Secret Innermost Spirituality. zab-don gsang-ba snying-thig. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. NA. [815]

Profound and Vast Creation and Perfection of the Cycle of Means for the Attainment of the Guru. rtsa-ba bla-sgrub-kyi skor bskyed-rdzogs zab-rgyas. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 17, pp. 165-231. The first part of the Innermost Spirituality of the Accomplished Master. [804]

Profusely Annotated Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul mchan-mang. NL. [701]

Proof of Mind in its Natural State (along with its Branches). gnyugs-sems sgrub-pa (yan-lag dang-bcas-pa). [198] See Cycle of Mind in its Natural State

Proof of Other Minds. rgyud-gzhan grub-pa. Skt. Samtānāntarasiddhi. Auth. Dharmakīrti. T 4219. EIPRB 2132-4. B.Budh. 19 (1916). MTTWL 200. [102]

Proof of the Secret Nucleus. gsang-snying sgrub-pa (rgyan-gyi me-tog). Auth. Bcom-ldan Rig-pa'i ral-gri. Refer to n. 1276. [914-16]

Propensity for the Commitments. dam-tshig phra-rgyas. Skt. Samayānuśayanirdeśa. Auth. Līlāvajra (Vilāsavajra). P 4745. [464]

Prophecy Addressed to Vimaladevī. lha-mo dri-ma med-pa lung bstan-pa. Unidentified. [508]

Prophecy of Cangcup Lingpa Pelgi Gyeltsen. byang-chub gling-pa dpal-gyi rgyal-mtshan-gyi lung-bstan. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. NL. [786]

Prophecy from the Treasure of Ratna Lingpa. ratna gling-pa'i gter-lung. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. The passage quoted in History is attributed to the tshes-bcu bskul-thabs. RTD Vol. 16, pp. 121-7. [744-5, 935]

Prophecy from the Treasures of Glorious Trashi Topgyel. dpal bkra-shis stobs-rgyal-gyi gter-lung. NL. [822]

Prophecy from the Treasures of Trime Künga. dri-med kun-dga'i gter-lung. Disc. Dri-med kun-dga'. NL. [935]

Prophetic Declaration of Intention. dgongs-pa lung-ston. Skt. Sandhivyākaraṇatantra. T 444. [256]

Prophetic Declaration (about Sangye Lingpa). sangs-rgyas gling-pa'i lung-bstan. NL. [787]

Prophetic Declaration of the Three Classes of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-chen sde-gsum-gyi lung-bstan. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. NL. Perhaps to be found among the available texts of the Three Classes of the Great Perfection. Also referred to as the Prophetic Inventory of the Three Classes of the Great Perfection. [844, 854]

Prophetic Inventory of the Three Classes of the Great Perfection. See preceding entry

Prophetic Sūtra of Maitreya. byams-pa lung-bstan-gyi mdo. Skt. Maitreyavyākaraṇasūtra. P 1011. Skt. and Tib. edn. Prabhas Chandra Majumder, Ārya Maitreyavyākaraṇam. Calcutta: Firma K. L. Mukhopadhyay, 1959. [943-4]

Prosody of Ratnākara. rin-chen 'byung-gnas-kyi sdeb-sbyor. See Precious Source of Prosody

Protective Cover. rgyab-sha. NL. [546]

Protector of Pristine Cognition. ye-shes mgon-po. Refer to n. 630. [562]

Questions and Answers of Vajrasattva. rdo-rje sems-dpa'i zhu-len [sic]. Skt. Vajrasattvapraśnottara. P 5082. [347, 654]

Quintessential Gathering of the Great Compassionate One. thugs-rje chen-po yang-snying 'dus-pa. Disc. Guru Chos-dbang. RTD Vol. 34, pp. 1-234. [698]

Rational System of Exposition. rnam(-par) bshad(-pa'i) rigs-pa. Skt. Vyākhyāyukti. Auth. Vasubandhu. T 4061. [51, 74, 89, 108]

Razor Kīla. phur-pa spu-gri. Disc. Gter-bdag gling-pa. See (Utterly Secret) Razor Kīla

Realization of Kurukullā. ku-ru-kulle'i rtogs-pa. Skt. Muktakenatārodbhavakurukullesādhana. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 3562. [480]

Reasoning of Polemics. rtsod-pa'i rigs-pa. Skt. Vādanyāya. Auth. Dharmakīrti. T 4218. EIPRB 2069, 2135. BB 8 (1972). [102]

Recension of Vajrakīla. rdo-rje phur-pa'i yig-cha. Auth. Bla-ma dam-pa Bsodnams rgyal-mtshan. NL. [922]

Record of Teachings Received. gsan-yig. Auth. Gter-bdag gling-pa. Pub. New Delhi: Sanje Dorje, 1974. I-Tib 74-900490. [966]

Record of Teachings Received or Record of Teachings Received, the Flow of the Ganges. gsan-yig or gsan-yig gang-gā'i chu-rgyun. Auth. Dalai Lama V, Ngag-dbang blo-bzang rgya-mtsho. Pub. Delhi: Nechung and Lhakhar, 1970. 4 vols. I-Tib 78-918067. Also referred to as the Great Record of Teachings Received. [688, 822, 926, 966]

Red, Black and Bhairava Tantras of Yamāntaka. gshin-rje-gshed dmar-nag-'jigs gsum. T 468-70, 473-5, 478. NMKMG Vols. 4-6. Listed separately as Red Yamāri (Cycle/Tantra), Black Yamāri and Bhairava (Cycle/Tantra). [283]

Red and Black Yamāri. gshin-rje dmar-nag. Listed separately as Red Yamāri (Cycle/Tantra) and Black Yamāri.

Red Wrathful Guru according to the Treasure of Nyang. nyang-gter drag-dmar. Disc. Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer. RTD Vol. 17, pp. 271-413. [731]

Red Yamāri (Cycle/Tantra). gshin-rje-gshed dmar or gshed-dmar skor. T 474-5. GDKT Vol. 8, nos. 50-1. KGNZ] Vol. 5, pp. 3-83. [[NMKMG Vols. 5-6. Also referred to as the Red Tantra of Yamāntaka. [283, 546, 578, 614, 665, 805, 807] See also Yamāri (Cycle/Tantra) and Yamāntaka and Yamāri: Introductory Note

Refined Gold of the Profound Great Perfection. zab-pa rdzogs-chen gser-zhun. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vols. 24 and 30. [846]

Refinement of Gold from Ore, a Great Tantra of the Mental Class. sems-sde rgyud chen-po rdo-la gser-zhun. NGB Vol. 1, no. 14. MPSB Vol. 11. Trans. Namkai Norbu and K. Lipman, Primordial Experience. Boston: Shambhala, 1987. [901]

Refutation of Disputed Topics. dbu-ma rtsod-bzlog. Skt. Vigrahavyāvartanī. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 3828. EIPRB 669, 699-707. MTTWL 248. HIL 7.1, pp. 21-3, 127, 130. BST 10 (1960). GOS 49 (1929). MCB 9 (1951). [94, 167]

Rejections of Perverse Doctrines. chos-log sun-'byin. General designation for Tibetan polemical writings on texts and practices held to be inauthentic. A representative collection is Shags log sun 'byin gyi skor. Thimphu: Kunsang Topgyel and Mani Dorji, 1979. Bhu-Tib 81-901052. See also Collected Writings of Sog-bzlog-pa Blo-gros-rgyal-mtshan. 2 vols. New Delhi: Sanje Dorje, 1975. I-Tib 75-900763. [929]

Removal of Darkness: A Commentary on the Superior Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul bla-ma'i 'grel-pa mun-sel. Auth. Vimalamitra. NL. [481]

Repository of Precious Gems. dkar-chag rin-po-che'i mdzod-khang. Auth. Chos-grags bzang-po. Included in the same author's biography of Klongchen Rab-'byams-pa: kun-mkhyen dri-med 'od-zer-gyi rnam-thar mthong-ba don-ldan. NYZ, bi-ma snying-thig, Pt. 3, Vol. Tsha. [591]

Revelation of Endless Treasure. mi-zad-pa'i gter bstan-pa. NL. [77]

Ṛgveda. snyan-ngag. The first of the Four Veda. HIL 1.1, especially Chs. 3-6. [65]

Rites of the Service and Attainment of the Immortal Wish-granting Wheel. 'chi-med yid-bzhin 'khor-lo'i bsnyen-sgrub. GTKT Vol. 1. KGNZ] Vol. 1, pp. 55-206. [857] Rite which Ties by the Rope of the Compassion of the Gathering of the [[Sugatas. bde-'dus-kyi thugs-rje dpyang-thag gnas-kyi-lung. Auth. Vajradharma. P 4781. [68]

Ritual for Burnt Offerings. sbyin-sreg. Skt. Māyājālahomasaṃkṣiptakrama. Auth. Vimalamitra. P 4746. [481]

Ritual for Empowerment. dbang-gi cho-ga. Auth. Rdo-rje rgyal-mtshan. NL. [681]

Ritual Geometry. thig-rim. Auth. Vimalamitra. NL. [481]

Ritual Guide. chog-khrid. Auth. Gnyal-pa Bde-legs. NL. [672]

Root Attainment of Mind, the Gathering of All Intentions. rtsa-ba'i thugs-sgrub dgongs-pa kun-'dus. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 2. [845]

Root Fragment of Vajrakīla. phur-pa rtsa-ba'i dum-bu. [710, 761] See also Basic Root Tantra of Vajrakīla

Root Stanzas on the Madhyamaka entitled Discriminative Awareness, dbu-ma rtsa-ba shes-rab. Skt. Prajñānāmamūlamadhyamakakārikā. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 3824. EIPRB 644-78. MTTWL 135. HIL 7.1, pp. 9-18, 126-7, 130. BBud. 4 (1903-13). BST 10 (1960). V. Fatone, The Philosophy of Nāgāriuna. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1981. D. Kalupahana (trans.), Mūlamadhyamakakārikās. Albany: SUNY Press, 1986. [94, 167, 228, 299, 321]

Root Sūtra of the Vinaya. 'dul-ba mdo rtsa-ba. Skt. Vinayamūlasūtra. Auth. Guṇaprabha. T 4117. Ed. Jha. TSWS (1982). [90, 92, 93, 874]

(Root Tantra of) All-Gathering Awareness. (rtsa-rgyud) kun-'dus rig-pa. T 831. NGB Vol. 12, no. 162. [285, 289, 364, 366-7, 368-9, 673, 674]

Root Tantra of Cakrasaṃvara. bde-mchog rtsa-rgyud. See Short Tantra of Cakrasaṃvara

Root Tantra of the Gathering of Awareness-holders. rig-'dzin 'dus-pa rtsa-ba'i rgyud. NGB Vol. 32, no. 386. KGDD Vol. 2. [607]

Root Tantra of the Gathering of the Sugatas. bder-'dus rtsa-rgyud. NGB Vol. 31, no. 375. KGDD Vol. 2. [449]

Root Tantra of the Kālacakra. dus-'khor rtsa-rgyud. Skt. Kālacakranāmatantrarāja. T 362. See Kālacakra Tantra

Root Tantra of the Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul rtsa-rgyud. See Tantra of the Secret Nucleus

Root Tantra of Mañjuśrī. 'jam-dpal rtsa-rgyud. Skt. Mañjuśrīmūlatantra. T 543. BST 18 (1964). A. Macdonald, Le Maṇḍala du Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa. Paris: A. Maisonneuve, 1962. Macdonald's bibliography, pp. 177-81, thoroughly documents earlier studies of this tantra. [435, 507, 510]

Root Tantra of the Penetration of Sound. sgra thal-'gyur rtsa-ba'i rgyud. [960-1] See Penetration of Sound

Root Tantra (of the Secret Nucleus). rtsa-rgyud (gsang(-ba) snying(-po)). See Tantra of the Secret Nucleus

Root Tantra of Vajrakīla. rdo-rje phur-pa'i rtsa-rgyud. See Vajrakīla (Cycle/Tantra)

Root Text of Caṇḍālī, Mother of Life. tshe-yum tsaṇḍā-lī'i rtsa-ba. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 77, pp. 389-400. [855] See also Cycle of Instructions on Caṇḍālī, Mother of Life, from the Innermost Spirituality of Immortality

Root Text of the Vinaya Sūtra. 'dul-ba mdo-rtsa. See Root Sūtra of the Vinaya

Root Text of Yangdak. yang-dag rtsa-ba. See Yangdak Heruka (Cycle/Tantra)

Root Verses of the Six Stages of Perfection. rdzogs-rim drug-gi rtsa-tshigs. Disc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. Part of the Innermost Spirituality of the Accomplished Master. [855]

Royal Lady's Tradition of Vajrakīla. phur-pa lcam-lugs. [710-12]

Sakya Tradition of Vajrakīla. phur-pa sa-lugs. [712] See Khön Tradition of Vajrakīla

Sāmaveda. nges-brjod. The third of the Four Veda. HIL 1.1, Ch. 7, pp. 313-22. [65]

Sampuṭa Tantra. sam-pu-ṭa, yang-dag-pa sbyor-ba or kha-sbyor. T 381-2. KGNZ] Vol. 2, pp. 359-468. [578] See also Glorious Seminal Point of Embrace Saṃvara [[Buddhasamāyoga. bde-mchog sangs-rgyas mnyam-sbyor. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 24. RTD Vol. 5, pp. 281-403. [846]

Sārasvata Grammar. sara-sva-sti [sic] or dbyangs-can sgra mdo. Skt. Sārasvatavyākaraṇa. Auth. Anubhūtisvarūpācārya. T 4423. TWPS 75. HIL 5.2, pp. 189-90. Skt. edn. Nava Kishora Kara Śarma. Varanasi, 1935-6. [730]

Scholar's Feast of Doctrinal History. chos-'byung mkhas-pa'i dga'-ston. Auth. Dpa'-bo Gtsug-lag 'phreng-ba. Delhi: Delhi Karmapae Chodey Gyalwae Sungrab Partun Khang, 1980. I-Tib 81-900485. SP 9 (1961). [965]

Secret Cycles. gsang-skor. A classification of the Great Perfection. [332, 570-1]

Secret Innermost Spirituality of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-pa chen-po gsang-ba snying-tig. Refers generally to the Esoteric Instructional Class of the Great Perfection, on which see Fundamentals, pp. 329-45; and in particular the Four-Part Innermost Spirituality. [329-45]

Secret Magical Net. gsang-ba sgyu-'phrul. See Tantra of the Secret Nucleus

Secret Means for the Attainment of Red Jambhala. dzam-dmar gsang-sgrub. Disc. Grva-pa mngon-shes. RTD Vol. 79, pp. 271-331. [753]

Secret Mirror of the Essence. gsang-ba gnad-kyi me-long. Unidentified. [569]

Secret Nucleus (of the Magical Net). ((sgyu-'phrul) gsang-ba) snying-po. See Tantra of the Secret Nucleus

Secret Tantra of General Rites. gsang-ba spyi-rgyud. Skt. Sarvamaṇḍalasāmānyavidhīnāṃ guhyatantra. T 806. GDKT Vol. 1, no. 1. GTKT Vol. 2. Note that where the context suggests that the tantra referred to under this title is a tantra of the Great Perfection, it is to be identified not with T 806, but with NGB Vol. 3, no. 48. [350]

Secret Tantra of Vajrakīla. phur-pa gsang-rgyud. NGB Vol. 27, no. 315. [712]

Secret Tantra of (Wrathful) Mañjuśrī. 'jam-dpal gsang-ba'i rgyud or 'jam-dpal khros-pa gsang-rgyud. Skt. Mañjuśrīkarmacatuścakraguhyatantra. T 838. NGB Vols. 20-2. [477, 708]

Secret Treasury of the Ḍākinī. mkha'-'gro-ma'i gsang-mdzod. NL. [304]

Seminal Point of Pristine Cognition. ye-shes thig-le. Skt. Jñānatilakatantra. T 422. [349, 352, 354, 363]

Sequence of the Activity of Indestructible Reality. rdo-rje las-rim. Skt. Vajrakarmakrama. P 4761. [360]

Sequence of the Empowerment of Cakrasaṃvara. 'khor-lo bde-mchog-gi dbang-bskur-gyi rim-pa. The tradition transmitted through the lineage of the Karma-pa is represented by GDKT Vol. 12, no. 67. KGNZ] Vol. 3, pp. 3-202. [689] Sequence of Indestructible [[Activity. sgyu-'phrul rdo-rje las-rim. Skt. Māyājālavajrakarmakrama. Auth. Buddhaguhya. P 4720. [466]

Sequence of the Path (of the Magical Net). (sgyu-'phrul) lam-rim. Skt. Māyājālapathakrama. Auth. Buddhaguhya. P 4736. NMKMG Vol. 23. The shorter version, listed here as the Lesser (Sequence of the) Path, is given in DZ Vol. 1, pp. 1-15. [24, 40, 60, 62, 68, 92, 96, 123, 225, 229, 234-5, 243, 245, 249, 251-2, 270, 279, 348-9, 353, 361, 462, 466, 476, 619, 665, 672]

Sequence of the Path of Secret Mantra. gsang-sngags lam-rim. This perhaps refers to the treasure of this title discovered by Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'odzer. Pub., with an extensive commentary, in SSS 35 (1972). I-Tib 72-903208. [669]

Sequence of the Supreme Point concerning the Stage of Perfection of Hevajra. dgyes-pa rdo-rje'i rdzogs-rim thig-le chen-po'i rim-pa. Skt. Mahātilakakrama. Auth. Līlāvajra (Vilāsavajra). T 1290. [464]

Sequence of the View. lta-rim. Skt. Dṛṣṭikramanirdeśa. See (Seventeenfold Appearance of the) Sequence of the View

Service and Attainment of the Three Indestructible Realities. rdo-rje gsum-gyi bsnyen-sgrub. See Oḍḍiyāna Tradition of Ritual Service and Attainment

Seven Chapters on the Profound Path. lam-zab le'u bdun-ma. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. RTD Vol. 7, pp. 439-60. [866]

Seven Cycles. sde-skor bdun-pa. Transmitted in the lineage of Gyelwa Potön. Possibly to be identified with the Taoist inspired lineage of the rDe'u skor bdun-pa, Auth. Bla-ma Sro-ba. See S. G. Karmay, The Origin and Early Development of the Tibetan Religious Traditions of the Great Perfection. Ph.D. thesis. University of London, 1976, pp. 362, 376, n. 2. [547]

Seven Cycles of the Great Perfection which are Naturally Present. rdzogs-pa chen-po skor-bdun rang-chas. Listed in the Glossary of Enumerations. [545]

Seven Cycles of the Jewel of True Doctrine. dam-chos nor-bu skor-bdun. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. Not yet precisely identified among the works preserved in CLTC. [845]

Seven Cycles of Pacification. zhi-byed skor-bdun. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 24. RTD Vol. 72, pp. 435-541. [845]

Seven Cycles of the Peaceful Guru. gu-ru zhi-ba sde-skor bdun-pa. NL. Alternatively, this may be a compound meaning “Peaceful Guru and Seven Cycles”, for the second of which see Seven Cycles above. [548]

Seven Cycles of Profound Contemplation. thugs-dam zab-pa skor-bdun. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vols. 14-19. RTD passim. [845]

Seven Great Treasuries. mdzod-chen bdun. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. Listed separately as Treasury of the Abiding Nature of Reality, Treasury of Esoteric Instructions, Treasury of the Expanse of Reality, Treasury of Spiritual and Philosophical Systems, Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle, Treasury of Word and Meaning and Wish-fulfilling Treasury. For translated selections, see Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, Buddha Mind. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion, 1989. Also referred to as the Seven Treasuries (of the Scriptures). [40, 91, 591]

Seven Nails. gzer-bu bdun. Auth. Śrīsiṃha. NYZ, bi-ma snying-thig, Pt. 1, Vol. Ga, pp. 318-25. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 474-6. [500]

Seven Sections of the Abhidharma. mngon-pa sde-bdun. Listed separately as Body of Consciousness, Body of the Elemental Bases, Components of the Doctrine, Dissertation, Entrance to Knowledge, Enumeration of Classes, and Treatise on Description. Concerning this classification scheme in general, see L. de La Vallée Poussin, L'Abhidharmakośa de Vasubandhu. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1923-36, Vol. 1, pp. xxix-xlii. HBI, pp. 197-210. [90-1]

Seven Sections of Valid Cognition. (tshad-ma) sde-bdun. Auth. Dharmakīrti. Listed separately as Ascertainment of Valid Cognition, Exposition of Valid Cognition, Inquiry into Relations, Point of the Axioms, Point of Reason, Proof of Other Minds and Reasoning of Polemics. Also referred to as the Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition. [92, 102, 577]

Seven Sessions of Aro (Yeshe Jungne). a-ro thun-bdun. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 356-71. NMKMG Vol. 17. Refer to n. 608. Also referred to as the Essential Spirituality of Aro and the Esoteric Instructions of the Great Perfection according to Aro. [550, 651, 673, 675] See also Cycle of Meaning, which is Aro's Great System of Guidance

Seven Tantras of Subtle Meaning. phra-ba rgyud-bdun. [137]

(Seventeenfold Appearance of the) Sequence of the View. lta-rim (snang-ba bcu-bdun-pa). Auth. Ska-ba Dpal-brtsegs. T 4356. NMKMG Vol. 23. On this text, see K. Mimaki, Blo gsal grub mtha'. Kyoto: Zinbun Kagaku Kenkyusyo, 1982, pp. 41-2. [40, 96, 224-5, 229, 349, 353, 354-5]

Seventeen Tantras (of the Esoteric Instructional Class). (man-ngag sde'i) rgyud bcu-bdun. GCD. NGB Vols. 9-10, nos. 143-59. These are the Natural Arising of Awareness (rig-pa rang-shar), Mirror of the Heart of Vajrasattva (rdo-rje sems-dpa' snying-gi me-long), Lion's Perfect Expressive Power (seng-ge rtsal-rdzogs), Absence of Syllables (yi-ge med-pa), Beauteous Good Auspices (bkra-shis mdzes-ldan), Penetration of Sound (sgra thal-'gyur), Mirror of the Heart of Samantabhadra (kun-tu bzang-po thugs-kyi me-long), Blazing Lamp (sgron-ma 'bar-ba), Array of Fine Gemstones (nor-bu 'phra-bkod), Coalescence of Sun and Moon (nyi-zla kha-sbyor), Pearl Necklace (mu-tig phreng-ba), the Natural Liberation of Awareness (rig-pa rang-grol), Sixfold Expanse (klong drug-pa), Naturally Born Perfection (rdzogs-pa rang-byung), Black Wrathful Goddess (nag-mo khros-ma), Blazing Relics of Buddha-Body (sku-gdung 'bar-ba) and Mound of Gemstones (rin-chen spungs). The empowerment rites associated with the collection are found in NMKMG Vol. 20. An antique manuscript redaction, unfortunately incomplete, has also appeared: Sumra, HP: Orgyan Dorji, 1977. I-Tib 78-906111. [37, 562, 723]

Seven Texts on Royal Geneology. rgyal-rabs sde-bdun. NA. [762]

Seven Treasuries (of the Scriptures). (gsung-rab) mdzod-bdun. [40, 91] See Seven Great Treasuries

Seventy Literary Transmissions (of Anuyoga). lung-gi yi-ge bdun-cu. These are to be identified with the enumeration of lung-phran bdun-cu rtsa-lnga mentioned in Sog-zlog-pa blo-gros rgyal-mtshan, rnam-thar yid-kyi mun-sel, pp. 134-5. [289]

Seventy Verses on Emptiness. stong-nyid bdun-cu-pa. Skt. Śūnyatāsaptati. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 3827. MTTWL 222. HIL 7.1, pp. 20-1. BIT 8 (1985). Trans. D. R. Komito, Nāgārjuna's “Seventy Stanzas”. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion, 1987. For references to several recent contributions to the study of this work, see idem, “Insight and Liberation in Nāgārjuna's Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness” in STC, pp. 342-57. [94]

Seventy Verses on Going for Refuge. skyabs-'gro bdun-cu-pa. Skt. Triśaraṇasaptati. Auth. Candrakīrti. T 3971. [70]

Shangpa Doctrines. shangs-chos. DZ Vol. 8. GDKT Vol. 21, nos. 120-2. GTKT Vols. 5, 9, 11. Bo-doṅ paṇ-chen Phyogs-las-rnam-rgyal, Encyclopedia Tibetica, Vols. 86, 93, 103. New Delhi: Tibet House, 1969 onwards. I-Tib 78-905620. [802] See also Five Golden Doctrines of the Shangpas

Short Biography of Padmasambhava. padma'i rnam-thar chung-ba. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. Xylo. Lcem-re Monastery, Ladakh. I-Tib-384. Xylo. Enchay Monastery, Gangtok, Sikkim. I(Sik)-Tib 72-906714. [776]

Short Chapter on Discrimination. 'byed-pa le'u-chung. NL. [59-60]

Short Commentary. 'grel-chung. Skt. Abhisamayālaṃkāranāmaprajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstravṛtti or Sphuṭārtha. Auth. Haribhadra. T 3793. Ed. Hirofusa Amano, A Study on the Abhisamaya-Alaṃkāra-Kārikā-Śāstra-Vṛtti. Tokyo: Japan Science Press, 1975. [163, 546]

Short Commentary on the Secret Nucleus. snying-po'i 'grel-chung. Skt. Śrīguhyagarbhapiṇḍārthaṭīkā. Auth. Vimalamitra. P 4755. [131, 481]

Short Tantra of Cakrasaṃvara. bde-mchog nyung-ngu'i rgyud. Skt. Tantrarājaśrīlaghusaṃvara. T 368. Also referred to as the Root Tantra of Cakrasaṃvara. [205, 451, 708]

Significance of the Maṇḍala Doctrine. dkyil-'khor chos-don. Skt. Dharmamaṇḍalasūtra. Auth. Buddhaguhya. T 3705. [466]

Sikkimese Tradition of the Great Perfection. 'bras-ljongs rdzogs-chen-pa'i ring-lugs. This is the tradition of Lha-btsun Nam-mkha' 'jigs-med, who travelled to Sikkim in 1646. [818-20]

Six Arrays of Esoteric Meaning. gsang-don rnam-par bkod-pa drug. Skt. Ṣaḍguhyārthadharavyūha. Auth. Kukkurāja. T 1664-9. [461, 553]

Six Doctrines (of Nāropā). nā-ro chos-drug-gi man-ngag. The locus classicus is T 2330, Ṣaḍdharmopadeśa. Auth. Tilopā. For their elaboration within the various Mar-pa Bka'-brgyud lineages, see DZ Vols. 5-7. Refer also to H. V. Guenther, The Life and Teaching of Nāropā. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963. On their formulation within the Dge-lugs-pa tradition, see G. C. C. Chang (trans.), Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantras. Ed. C. A. Muses. York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1983. [547, 549, 569, 577, 578, 674, 689, 929]

Six Doctrines of Vārāhī. phag-mo'i chos-drug. Identified in Blue Annals as T 1551-6. [576]

Six Experiences of Meditation. sgom-nyams drug-pa. Auth. Mañjuśrīmitra. NYZ, bi-ma snying-thig, Pt. 1, Vol. Ga, pp. 304-31. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 476-8. [498]

Six-faced One. gdong-drug. Skt. Ṣaḍānana. Auth. Devākaracandra. T 2015. [477]

Sixfold Sequence. rim-pa drug-pa. Skt. Kramaṣaṭka. Auth. Līlāvajra (Vilāsavajra). P4741. [464]

Six-limbed Yoga (of the Kālacakra). sbyor-drug or (dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i) sbyor-ba yan-lag drug. Skt. Ṣaḍaṅgayoga. Auth. Anupamarakṣita. T 1367. DZ Vol. 10. [301, 546, 577, 578, 674]

Six-limbed Yoga and its Means to Remove Obstacles. sbyor-drug gegs-sel-dang bcas-pa. As above. Tāranātha's redaction of the Means to Remove Obstacles is preserved in DZ Vol. 10, pp. 266-310. [578]

Six Million Four Hundred Thousand Verses (of the Great Perfection). (rdzogs-chen) sva-lo-ka 'bum-phrag drug-cu-rtsa-bzhi. Traditional enumeration of the volume of the rdzogs-chen tantras. [332, 493, 539, 922]

Six Root Tantras of the Gathering of Intentions. dgongs-'dus rtsa-ba'i rgyud drug. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. Perhaps to be identified with the six tantras given in BMGD Vol. 3. [786]

Six Scrolls of True Doctrine. dam-chos shog-sde drug-pa. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 20. RTD Vol. 42, pp. 433-67. [846]

Six Secret Tantras (of Vajrakīla). (phur-pa) gsang-ba'i rgyud drug. Their precise identification remains somewhat unclear: several of the tantras in NGB Vols. 27-9 are (sub)titled Secret Tantra of Vajrakīla. [712]

Six Suns of the Heart. snying-gi nyi-ma drug. NL. [658] See also Sun of the Heart of Contemplation

Six Tantras which Clarify the Six Limits (of Anuyoga). mtha'-drug gsal-bar byed-pa'i rgyud drug. These are: kun-tu bzang-po che-ba rang-la gnas-pa'i rgyud, NGB Vol. 12, no. 164; dbang bskur rgyal-po, NGB Vol. 12, no. 165; ting-'dzin mchog, NGB Vol. 12, no. 166; skabs sbyor bdun-pa, NGB Vol. 12, no. 168; brtson-pa don-bden, NGB Vol. 12, no. 169; dam-tshig bkod-pa, NGB Vol. 12, no. 167. [289]

Sixty Verses on Reason. rigs-pa drug-cu-pa. Skt. Yuktiṣaṣṭikā. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 3825. EIPRB 708-9. MTTWL 262. HIL 7.1, pp. 19-20. [94]

Skull-Mirror of Indestructible Reality, which is Indicative of the Transmitted Precepts of the Gathering of Intentions. dgongs-'dus bka'-rtags rdo-rje thod-pa me-long. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. NL. It is possible that this is to be interpreted as referring to ritual objects rather than to a text, i.e. “a vajra, a skull and a mirror, which are (symbolic) indications of the transmitted precepts of the Gathering of Intentions.” [845]

So Tradition of the Sūtra, the Magical Net and the Mental Class. so-lugs-kyi mdo-dang sgyu-'phrul-dang sems-phyogs. NL. [701]

Song of Esoteric Instruction: An Inexhaustible Treasure Store. mi-zad-pa'i gter-mdzod man-ngag-gi glu. Skt. Dohākośopadeśagīti. Auth. Saraha. T 2264. [335] See also Dohā (of Saraha)

Song of Indestructible Reality in Answer to Questions Posed in a Trilogy by the Goddess of Longevity, which is the Root of the Aural Lineage of Ngamdzong. ngam-rdzong snyan-brgyud rtsa-ba tshe-ring skor-gsum-gyi zhus-lan rdo-rje'i mgur. Auth. Mi-la-ras-pa. See G. C. C. Chang (trans.), The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa. New Hyde Park, New York: University Books, 1962, Sect. 29. [200-1]

Song of Instruction Given to Lord Marpa. mnga'-bdag mar-pa-la gdams-pa'i mgur. Refer to n. 196. DZ Vol. 5, pp. 63-6. [200]

Song with a View to the Expanse of Reality. chos-dbyings-la lta-ba'i glu. Skt. Dharmadhātudarśanagīti. Auth. Dīpaṃkara (Atiśa). T 2314. [198-9]

Southern (Treasures of Pema Lingpa) and the Northern (Treasures of Rikdzin Gödemcen). lho-byang-gis mtshon-pa'i rdzogs-chen zab-gter. The “Southern Treasures” are chiefly those of Padma gling-pa, though in certain contexts this may also refer to the “New Treasures” (gter-gsar) of Gter-bdag gling-pa. The “Northern Treasures” are generally the discoveries of Rig-'dzin Rgod-kyi ldem-'phru-can and his successors. [919]

Special Transmitted Precepts of the Mental Class known as the Eighteen Significations of the syllable A. sems-sde a-don bco-brgyad-kyi sgos-bka'. See Eighteen Esoteric Instructions of the Mental Class

Spontaneous Song of the Clouds. sprin-gyi thol-glu. See (Doctrinal Cycle of the) Spontaneous Song of the Clouds

Śrīheruka. See Heruka

Stage of Creation for the Peaceful and Wrathful Guru, Three Cycles on the Two Teachings. bskyed-rim gu-ru bstan-gnyis skor-gsum zhi-drag. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [775]

Stages of the Realization of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities. zhi(-ba-dang) khro(-ba'i) mngon(-par) rtogs(-pa'i) rim-pa. Auth. Buddhaguhya. NL. [466]

Stanzas on the Novitiate. dge-tshul-gyi kā-ri-kā. Skt. Āryamūlasarvāstivādiśrāmaṇerakārikā. Either T 4124 by Śākyaprabha, or T 4127 by Nāgārjuna. The latter, which is generally more popular for use in elementary instruction in Tibet, ed. and trans. in Lobsang Dagpa et al., The Discipline of the Novice Monk. Mussoorie, UP: Sakya College, 1975. The former is also referred to as the Three Hundred Verses on the Vinaya. [92, 730, 911]

Store which Embraces All Knowledge. shes-bya kun-la khyab-pa'i mdzod. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. SP 80 (1970). I-Tib 77-913514. GCKZ Vols. 17-20. Typeset edn. in 3 vols. Beijing: Minorities Press, 1982. [861] See also Five Great Stores

Store of Precious Instructions. gdams-ngag rin-po-che'i mdzod. Auth. 'Jam-mgon kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. DZ. Besides this, a Second Edition has appeared in 17 vols. Paro: Lama Ngodrup and Sherab Drimey, 1979. I(Bhu)-Tib 79-906514. [861] See also Five Great Stores

Store of Precious Treasure. rin-chen gter-mdzod. See (Great) Store of Precious Treasure

Subjugation of Demons. 'byung-po 'dul-byed. Skt. Bhūtaḍāmaratantra. T 747. GTKT Vol. 3. [271]

Sublime Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas. See Sūtra of the Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas

Sublime Lasso of Skilful Means. 'phags-pa thabs-kyi zhags-pa. T 835. [253]

Sublime Litany of the Names of Mañjuśrī. ('phags-pa) 'jam-dpal-gyi mtshan (yang-dag-par) brjod(-pa). Skt. Mañjuśrīnāmasaṃgīti. [463] See Litany of the Names of Mañjuśrī

Sublime Pagoda of Precious Jewels. See Pagoda of Precious Jewels

Sublime Seal of Great Realization. 'phags-pa rtogs-chen phyag-rgya. T 265. [85]

Sublime Sūtra of Clouds of Precious Jewels. 'phags-pa dkon-mchog sprin-gyi mdo. Skt. Āryaratnameghasūtra. T 231. MTTWL 187. [181, 309-10]

Sublime Sūtra of Contemplation which Subsumes All Merits. See Sūtra of Contemplation which Subsumes All Merits

Sublime Sūtra of the Descent to Laṅkā. See Sūtra of the Descent to Laṅkā

Sublime Sūtra which Genuinely Comprises the Entire Doctrine. See Sūtra which (Genuinely) Comprises the Entire Doctrine

Sublime Sūtra of the King of Contemplation. See Sūtra of the King of Contemplation

Sublime Sūtra Revealed by Akṣayamati. See Sūtra Revealed by Akṣayamati

Sublime Sūtra which Reveals the Relative and Ultimate. 'phags-pa kun-rdzob-dang don-dam-gyi bden-pa bstan-pa'i mdo. Skt. Āryasaṃvṛtiparamārthasatyanirdeśasūtra. T 179 [320-1, 901]

Sublime Sūtra of the Teaching Given in a Dream. See Sūtra of the Teaching Given in a Dream

Sublime Tantra of the Summation of the Real. See Tantra of the Summation of the Real

Subsequent Root Tantra of the Magical Net. sgyu-'phrul rtsa-rgyud phyi-ma. [360] See Subsequent Tantra of the Secret Nucleus

Subsequent Tantra of the Emergence of Cakrasaṃvara. bde-mchog sdom-'byung-gi rgyud phyi-ma. Skt. Saṃvarodayottaratantra. NA. Refer to n. 471. [458]

Subsequent Tantra of Kālacakra. dpal dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i rgyud phyi-ma. Skt. Śrīkālacakratantrottaratantrahṛdaya. T 363. SP 69-70 (1966). [478]

Subsequent Tantra of the Secret Nucleus. snying-po'i rgyud phyi-ma. NGB Vol. 14, no. 188. [262]

Subsequent Tantra of Vārāhī. phag-mo phyi-ma. Skt. Ākhyātatantrottaravajravārāhī vārāhyabhidhānād Vārāhyabhibodhana. T 377-9. [688]

Summation of the Meaning of Empowerment. dbang-don bsdus-pa. NL. Quoted by Lo-chen Dharmaśrī, gsang-bdag zhal-lung. [364]

Summation of the Meaning (of the Secret Sūtra). don-bsdus. Skt. Guhyasūtrapiṇḍartha. P 4751. [285-6, 288-9, 367, 368]

Summation of the Real. See (Tantra of the) Summation of the Real

Summation of the Real. de-kho-na-nyid bsdus-pa. Skt. Tattvasaṃgraha. Auth. Śantarakṣita. T 4266. [67]

Sun Commentary. 'od-ldan. Skt. Śrāmaṇerakārikāvṛttiprabhāvatī. Auth. Śākyaprabha. T 4125. [71]

Sun of the Heart of Comtemplation. bsam-gtan snying-gi nyi-ma. Probably to be identified with the Pan-sgrub rnams-kyi thugs-bcud snying-gi nyi-ma in The rgyud 'bum of Vairocana. SSS 16 (1971). Vol. 1. I-Tib 70-924557. [654]

Sun which Illuminates the Expanse of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-chen klong-gsal nyi-ma. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. NL unless the work referred to is to be identified with the rdzogs-chen klong-gsal snying-thig, Disc. Ratna gling-pa. RLTC Vols. 11, 12, 19. RTD Vol. 88, pp. 447-652. [793]

Sun which Illumines the Expanse, a Mother Tantra. ma-rgyud klong-gsal-nyi-ma. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL. Referred to, however, in DLTC Vol. 2, p. 56. [789]

Sun of Yogic Awareness. (rnal-'byor) rig(-pa'i) nyi(-ma). Auth. Vajrahāsya. NL. [488, 654, 658]

Superior Magical Net. (sgyu-'phrul) bla-ma. T 837. NGB Vol. 14, no. 193. [130, 324, 673, 674]

Supreme Continuum of the Greater Vehicle. (theg-chen) rgyud bla(-ma). Skt. Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra. Auth. Maitreyanātha. T 4024. EIPRB 932-44. MTTWL 181-2. SOR 33 (1966). Tib. edn. Zuiryu Nakamura, Zōwa-taishō, Kukyō-ichijō-hōshōron-kenkyū. Tokyo: Suzuki Gakujutsu Zaidan (Suzuki Research Foundation), 1967. One of the Five Doctrines of Venerable Maitreya. Also referred to as the Treatise on the Supreme Continuum of the Greater Vehicle. [27, 69, 72, 73-4, 88, 90, 95, 116, 127, 128, 129, 140, 146, 147, 170, 171, 173-5, 177, 191, 192, 194-6, 202, 212, 216, 298, 415, 827, 894, 908, 930]

Supreme Elixir Dialogue, a Nectar Rosary. zhus-lan sman-mchog bdud-rtsi phreng-ba. See Supreme Nectar-Elixir Dialogue

Supreme Golden Light, the Lord of Sūtras, gser-'od dam-pa mdo-sde'i dbang-po. Skt. Suvaṃaprabhāsottama. T 555-7. EIPRB 984-96. MTTWL 226. BST 8 (1967). [944]

Supreme Horse. rta-mchog. See (Play of the) Supreme Horse

Supreme Light of Pristine Cognition. ye-shes 'od-mchog. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NL now, but available at least until the seventeenth century. [776, 778]

Supreme Nectar-Elixir Dialogue. zhus-lan bdud-rtsi sman-mchog. Auth. Tsong-kha-pa. TWB 5268. [923, 925]

Supreme Text. gzhung dam-pa. Skt. Vinaya-uttaragrantha. T 7. HBI, pp. 181-97. [95]

Sūtra of the Adornment of Pristine Cognition's Appearance (which Penetrates the Scope of All Buddhas). sangs-rgyas thams-cad-kyi yul-la 'jug-pa ye-shes snang-ba rgyan-gyi mdo. Skt. Sarvabuddhaviṣayāvatārajñānālokālaṃkārasūtra. T 100. [176, 178, 219, 297-8, 908]

Sūtra of Ākāśagarbha. nam-mkha'i snying-po'i mdo. Skt. Ākāśagarbhasūtra. T 260. MTTWL 8. [235]

Sūtra of the Array of Attributes (in the Buddhafield of Mafijuśrī). mdo-sde yon-tan bkod-pa or yon-tan yongs-su bkod-pa'i mdo. Skt. Āryamañjuśrībuddhakṣetraguṇavyūhasūtra. T 59. MTTWL 132. Trans. in TMS, pp. 164-88. [412, 423, 424]

Sūtra of the Arrayed Bouquet. sdong-po bkod-pa'i mdo. Skt. Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra. Part of the Sūtra of the Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas. T 44. MTTWL 76. BST 5 (1960). [117, 118, 192, 211, 212]

Sūtra of the Auspicious Aeon. See Auspicious Aeon Sūtra

Sūtra of the Bounteous Array. rgyan stug-po bkod-pa'i mdo. Skt. Ghanavyūhasūtra. T 110. [154, 161, 413]

Sūtra of Candrapradīpa. zla-ba sgron-me'i mdo. Alternative title for the Sūtra of the King of Contemplation. [318, 937]

Sūtra of Compassion's White Lotus. snying-rje pad-dkar. Skt. Karuṇāpuṇḍarīkasūtra. T 111-12. MTTWL 93. Skt. edn. Isshi Yamada. 2 vols. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, 1968. [943]

Sūtra which Comprises the Entire Doctrine. See Sūtra which (Genuinely) Comprises the Entire Doctrine

Sūtra of Contemplation which Subsumes All Merits. (phags-pa) bsod-nams thams-cad sdud-pa'i ting-nge-'dzin-gyi mdo. Skt. Āryasarvapuṇyasamuccayasamādhisūtra. T 134. Also referred to as the Sublime Sūtra of Contemplation which Subsumes All Merits. [743, 747, 928]

Sūtra of the Cornucopia of Avalokiteśvara's Attributes, mdo-sde za-ma-tog (bkod-pa). Skt. Āryakāraṇḍavyūhanāmamahāyānasūtra. T 116. MTTWL 90. BST 17 (1961). See also C. Régamey, “Motifs vichnouites et śivaïtes dans le Kāraṇḍavyūha” in Études tibétaines dédiées à la mémoire de Marcelle Lalou. Paris: A. Maisonneuve, 1971. [508]

Sūtra which Decisively Reveals the Intention. See Sūtra (of the Greater Vehicle) which Decisively Reveals the Intention

Sūtra of the Declaration of Enlightened Intention. dgongs-pa lung bstan-pa'i mdo. Skt. Sandhivyākaraṇatantra. T 444. [454]

Sūtra of the Descent to Laṅkā. mdo lang-kār gshegs-pa or ('phags-pa) lang-kār gshegs-pa('i mdo-sde). Skt. Laṅkāvatārasūtra. T 107. EIPRB 946-66. MTTWL 103. BST 3 (1963). Also referred to as the Sublime Sūtra of the Descent to Laṅkā. [17-18, 60-1, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 129, 154, 172, 179-84, 216, 314, 413, 455, 859, 912-13]

Sūtra of the Dialogue with the Bodhisattva Candragarbha. byang-chub sems-dpa' zla-ba'i snying-pos zhus-pa'i mdo. Skt. Candragarbhaparipṛcchā. T 356. [943]

Sūtra of the Dialogue with Brahmaviśeṣacinti. See Sūtra of the (Greater Vehicle which is a) Dialogue with Brahmaviśeṣacinti

Sūtra of the Dialogue with Kāśyapa from the Sublime Pagoda of Precious Jewels. 'phags-pa dkon-mchog brtsegs-pa-las 'od-srung-gis zhus-pa'i mdo. Skt. Kāśyapaparivartanāmamahāyānasūtra. T 87. EIPRB 127-35. MTTWL 95. Trans. TMS, pp. 387-414. [172, 298, 898]

Sūtra of the Dialogue with King Dhāraṇīśvara. gzungs-kyi dbang-phyug rgyal-pos zhus-pa'i mdo. Skt. Dhāraṇīśvararājaparipṛcchāsūtra. To be identified with the Tathāgatamahākaruṇānirdeśasūtra. T 147. Several passages from the original Sanskrit are preserved in the Supreme Continuum of the Greater Vehicle and its commentary by Asaṅga. [187-8]

Sūtra of the Dialogue with the Nāga King, klu'i rgyal-pos zhus-pa'i mdo. To be identified with the following entry, or with the Anavataptanāgarājaparipṛcchāsūtra, T 156. [743]

Sūtra of the Dialogue with the Nāga King Sāgara. klu'i rgyal-po rgya-mtshos zhus-pa'i mdo. Skt. Sāgaranāgarājaparipṛcchāsūtra. T 153-5. MTTWL 193. [944]

Sūtra of the Dialogue with Sāgaramati. blo-gros rgya-mtshos zhus-pa'i mdo. Skt. Sāgaramatiparipṛcchāsūtra. T 152. MTTWL 192. [311, 932]

Sūtra which Dispels the Grief of Ajātaśātru. ma-skyes-dgra'i 'gyod-pa bsal-ba'i mdo. Skt. Ajātaśatrukaukṛtyavinodanasūtra. T 216. [230]

Sūtra which Encourages Superior Aspiration. lhag-bsam bskul-ba'i mdo. Skt. Adhyāsayasañcodanasūtra. T 69. MTTWL 7. [73]

Sūtra Excerpts. bkol-mdo rnams. Auth. Dharmabodhi. NA. [489]

Sūtra of Extensive Play, rgya-cher rol-pa. Skt. Lalitavistarasūtra. T 95. MTTWL 102. BST 1 (1958). Trans. (from Foucaux's French version) by G. Bays, Voice of the Buddha. 2 vols. Emeryville, CA: Dharma Press, 1983. [95, 185, 419-23, 666]

Sūtra of Final Nirvāṇa. myang-'das-kyi mdo or mya-ngan-las 'das-pa'i mdo chen-po. Skt. Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra. T 119-21. MTTWL 118. Also referred to as the Great Sūtra of Final Nirvāṇa and the Nirvāṇa Sūtra. [75-6, 154-5, 191, 311-12, 146, 906, 932]

Sūtra of the Gathering of Intentions. See following entry

Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions. (mdo) dgongs(-pa) 'dus(-pa) or 'dus-pa mdo. T 829. NGB Vol. 11, no. 160. NMKMG Vols. 14-16. The story of its transmission is given throughout History, Pt. 5. Also referred to as the Great Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions. [40, 41, 81, 284, 285, 287, 292, 365-6, 367, 369, 396, 458, 488, 489, 537, 805, 827-8, 833, 845, 891, 893, 911-13]

Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions, writings about it by Lo-chen Dharmaśrī. 'dus-pa mdo-skor-gyi yig-cha. LCSB Vols. 10-12. NMKMG Vols. 14-16. [41, 375]

Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions and the Tantra of the Magical Net. mdo-sgyu. Listed separately.

Sūtra which (Genuinely) Comprises the Entire Doctrine, ('phags-pa) chos yang-dag-par sdud-pa'i mdo. Skt. Āryadharmasaṃgītisūtra. T 238. MTTWL 69. Also referred to as the Sublime Sūtra which Genuinely Comprises the Entire Doctrine. [138, 473-4, 148, 928]

Sūtra of the Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas. ('phags-pa sangs-rgyas) phal-po-che('i mdo). Skt. Buddhāvatamsakasūtra. T 44. EIPRB 967-83. MTTWL 24. Trans. T. Cleary, The Flower Ornament Scripture. 3 vols. Boulder: Shambhala, 1984 onwards. Also referred to as the Sublime Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas. [20, 85, 119, 120, 124, 130-1, 132, 154, 908] See also Aspiration of Good Conduct, Sūtra of the Arrayed Bouquet and Sūtra of the Ten Levels

Sūtra (of the Greater Vehicle) which Decisively Reveals the Intention, dgongspa nges(-par) 'grel(-pa) (theg-pa chen-po'i mdo). Skt. Samdhinirmocanasūtra. T 106. EIPRB 929-31. MTTWL 197. Also referred to as the Sublime Sūtra which Decisively Reveals the Intention. [155, 188, 219-20, 299, 314, 907]

Sūtra of the (Greater Vehicle which is a) Dialogue with Brahmaviśeṣacinti. tshangs-pa khyad-par sems-kyis zhus-pa'i mdo. Skt. Brahmaviśeṣacintiparipṛcchāsūtra.T 160. [316-7, 898]

Sūtra of the Greater Vehicle Requested by Sublime Mañjuśri. 'phags-pa 'jam-dpal-gyis zhus-pa'i theg-pa chen-po'i mdo. Perhaps to be identified with T 90, trans. in TMS, pp. 100-14. [748]

Sūtra of Inconceivable Secrets. gsang-ba bsam-gyis mi-khyab-pa'i mdo. Skt. Tathāgatācintyaguhyanirdeśasūtra. T 47. MTTWL 232. [118, 431]

Sūtra of the Introduction to the Development of the Power of Faith. dad-pa'i stobs bskyed-pa 'jug-pa'i mdo. Skt. Śraddhābalādhānāvatāramudrāsūtra. T 201. MTTWL 214. [146]

Sūtra of the Irreversible Wheel. phyir mi-bzlog-pa 'khor-lo'i mdo. Skt. Avaivartacakrasūtra. T 240. [190]

Sūtra of the King of Contemplation. ting-nge-'dzin rgyal-po'i mdo or mdo ting-'dzin rgyal-po. Skt. Samādhirājasūtra. T 127. EIPRB 997-1000. BST 2 (1961). Also referred to as the Sūtra of Candrapradipa and the Sublime Sūtra of the King of Contemplation. [160, 168, 173, 218, 318, 577, 859, 937]

Sūtra of the Lamp of Precious Jewels. dkon-mchog sgron-me'i mdo or dkon-mchog ta-la-la. Skt. Ratnolkānāmadhāraṇīmahāyānasūtra. T 145, 847. MTTWL 190. [133-4]

Sūtra of Magical Transformation of the Scope of Activity. spyod-yul rnam-par 'phrul-pa'i mdo. Skt. Bodhisattvagocaropāyaviṣayavikurvāṇanirdeśasūtra. T 146. [471]

Sūtra of the Meeting of Father and Son. yab-sras mjal-ba'i mdo. Skt. Pitāputrasamāgamanasūtra. T 60. MTTWL 156. [120, 414]

Sūtra of the Nucleus of the Buddha. sangs-rgyas-kyi snying-po'i mdo. See following entry

Sūtra of the Nucleus of the Tathāgata. de-bzhin gshegs-pa'i snying-po'i mdo. Skt. Tathāgatagarbhasūtra. T 258. MTTWL 231. [194, 295, 315]

Sūtra of Queen Śrīmālā. dpal-phreng. Skt. Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanādasūtra. T 92. MTTWL 215. Trans. TMS, pp. 363-86. [194]

Sūtra of Reality which Appears Variously Without Straying from its Essence. chos-nyid rang-ngo mi-gYo-ba tha-dad snang-ba'i mdo. Skt. Dharmatāsvabhāvaśūnyatācalapratisarvālokasūtra. T 128. [943]

Sūtra Repaid with Gratitude. drin-lan bsab-pa'i mdo. T 353. [97-8]

Sūtra Requested by the Devaputra Suvikrāntacinta. lha'i bu rab-rtsal-sems-kyis zhus-pa'i mdo. Skt. Suvikrāntacintadevaputraparipṛcchāsūtra. T 161. [85]

Sūtra Requested by Jñānottara according to the Piṭaka of the Greater Vehicle. theg-pa chen-po'i sde-snod ye-shes dam-pa'i mdo. Skt. Jñānottarabodhisattvaparipṛcchāsutrā. T 82. Trans. TMS, pp. 427-68. [303]

Sūtra Requested by Śāriputra. sha-ri'i bus zhus-pa'i mdo. Skt. Śāriputrāṣṭaka. P 5812. [99]

Sūtra which Resembles the Elephant's Expressive Power. glang-po'i rtsal lta-bu'i mdo. Skt. Hastikaksyasūtra. T 207. MTTWL 82. [129-30]

Sūtra Revealed by Akṣayamati. ('phags-pa) blo-gros mi-zad-pa (bstan-pa)'i mdo. Skt. Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra. T 175. MTTWL 10. Also referred to as the Sublime Sūtra Revealed by Akṣayamati. [211, 218]

Sūtra of the Rites of Renunciation and Fulfilment, dpang-skong phyag-(b)rgya-pa'i mdo. T 267. [508]

Sūtra of the River's Play. chu-klung rol-pa'i mdo. DZ Vol. 9, pp. 2-16. [744]

Sūtra of the Teaching Given in a Dream. rgyal-po kri-kri'i rmi-lam lung-bstan-pa'i mdo. Skt. Āryasvapnanirdeśasūtra. T 48. [430]

Sūtra of the Ten Levels. mdo-sde sa-bcu-pa. Skt. Daśabhūmikasūtra. Part of the Sūtra of the Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas. T 44. EIPRB 967-70, 974, 977. MTTWL 61. BST 7 (1967). Trans. M. Honda, SP 74, pp. 115-276. [75]

Sūtra of Valid Cognition. tshad-ma mdo. See Compendium of Valid Cognition

Sūtra of the Wise and the Foolish. mdo mdzangs-blun. Skt. Damomūrkhasūtra. T 341. Typeset edn. Dharmsala, HP: Council of Cultural and Religious Affairs of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 1968. I-Tib 77-921896. Qinghai: Minorities Press, 1984. Trans., from the Mongolian, S. Frye, Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish. LTWA, 1981. [518]

Svarodaya. dbyangs-'char. T 4326-7. HIL 6.4, pp. 77-8. [730, 821, 869]

Sword at the Gateway to Language, smra-sgo mtshon-cha. Skt. Vacanamukhāyudhopamanāma. Auth. Smṛtijñānakīrti. T 4295-6. Ed. Beijing: Minorities Press, 1980. [762] See also Gateway to Language

Taintless Light (the Great Commentary on the Kālacakra). (dus-'khor 'grel-chen) dri-ma med-pa'i 'od. Skt. Vimalaprabhā. Auth. Puṇḍarīka. T 845. Skt. edn. Jagannath Upadhyaya, BIT 11, 12, 13. Tib. manuscript version pub. Bir, HP: Tsondu Senghe, 1976. I-Tib 76-902672. For much useful information, see J. Newman, The Outer Kālacakra. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1987. Also M. Broido, “Killing, Lying, Stealing, and Adultery” in D. Lopez (ed.), Buddhist Hermeneutics. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1988. [92, 104, 250, 261, 894, 950] See also Trilogy of Commentaries by Bodhisattvas

Taintless Light. zhal-chems dri-ma med-pa'i 'od. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. NYZ, mkha'-'gro yang-tig, Pt. Hūṃ, pp. 266-81. Trans. H. V. Guenther, Crystal Mirror 5 (1977), pp. 331-43. [593]

Tangyur. bstan-'gyur. The collection of translations of the commentarial treatises. For a useful survey of the various editions and the current state of research about them, see C. Vogel, Vāgbhaṭa's Aṣṭāṅgahṛdaya. Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft XXXVII, 2. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1965, pp. 21-33. [857, 929]

Tantra which Acquires the Accomplishment of All Families, rigs thams-cad-pa'i dngos-grub len-pa'i rgyud. NL. [357]

(Tantra of the) All-Accomplishing King. kun-byed rgyal-po'i rgyud. T 828. NGB Vol. 1, no. 1. NMKMG Vol. 17. Refer to E. K. Dargyay, “A Rñiṅ-ma Text: The Kun byed rgyal po'i mdo” in STC, pp. 282-93. Also referred to as the Triple Cycle of the Mother and Sons (which comprises) the All-Accomplishing King. [17, 36, 40, 78, 81, 273, 295-7, 303-4, 307-8, 311, 317, 320, 325, 353, 354, 357, 365, 370, 524, 654, 658, 671, 897, 903]

Tantra of the Array of the Nucleus of Indestructible Reality. rdo-rje snying-po bkod-pa'i rgyud. Not identified with certainty. However, note that this closely approximates one of the subtitles of the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions, i.e. don-gyi snying-po rdo-rje bkod-pa'i rgyud (Tantra of the Array of Indestructible Reality, the Nucleus of Meaning). [268]

Tantra of the Array of Pristine Cognition. ye-shes rnam-par bkod-pa'i rgyud. NL. [231]

Tantra of the Array of Wish-granting Gems, yid-bzhin rin-po-che bkod-pa'i rgyud. Possibly to be identified with NGB Vol, 2, no. 39. [414] See also Tantra of the Wish-fulfilling Array

Tantra of the Compendium of the Indestructible Reality of Pristine Cognition. ye-shes rdo-rje kun-las btus-pa'i rgyud. Skt. Vajrajñānasamuccayatantra. T 447. [292]

Tantra which Comprises the Supreme Path of the Means which Clearly Reveal All-Positive Pristine Cognition (or the Pristine Cogntion of Samantabhadra). kun-bzang ye-shes gsal-bar ston-pa'i thabs-kyi lam-mchog 'dus-pa'i rgyud. NGB Vol. 3, no. 46. [460]

Tantra of the Dialogue with Subāhu. dpung-bzang-gi rgyud. Skt. Subāhuparipṛcchānāmatantra. T 805. [78, 270]

Tantra of the Emergence of Cakrasaṃvara. bde-mchog sdom-pa 'byung-ba'i rgyud. See Emergence of Cakrasaṃvara

Tantra of the Emergence of Tārā. sgrol-ma 'byung-ba. Skt. Sarvatathāgatamātrtārāviśvakarmabhavatantra. T 726. [270-1]

Tantra of the Extensive Magical Net. See Extensive Magical Net

Tantra of the Gathering of the Sugatas of the Eight Transmitted Precepts (along with its transmissions and esoteric instructions, arranged in one hundred and thirty doctrinal topics). bka'-brgyad bde-gshegs 'dus-pa'i rgyud-lung-man-ngag-dang-bcas-pa'i chos-tshan brgya-dang sum-cur bkod-pa. Disc. Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer. KGDD. [756]

Tantra which Genuinely Gathers All the Deities. lha thams-cad yang-dag-par 'dus-pa'i rgyud. NL. [268-9]

Tantra of the Goddess Kālī. lha-mo nag-mo'i rgyud. Skt. Śrīdevīkālīpraśaṃsārājatantra. Disc. Nāgārjuna. T 671. [480]

Tantra of the Great Coalescence of Sun and Moon. nyi-ma-dang zla-ba kha-sbyor-ba chen-po'i rgyud. NGB Vol. 9, no. 146. GCD Vol. 3. [128]

Tantra of the Great Natural Arising of Awareness, rig-pa rang-shar chen-po'i rgyud. NGB Vol. 10, no. 153. [40, 86-7, 224, 227-8, 232, 270, 271, 336, 338-9, 348, 349, 351, 352, 356, 357-8, 360, 900, 901-2]

Tantra of the Hidden Point of the Moon. zla-gsang thig-le. Skt. Śrīcandraguhyatilakanāmamahātantrarāja. T 477. NGB Vol. 16, n. 210. [461] See also Hidden Point of the Moon and Tantra of the Supreme Seminal Point

Tantra of the Inconceivable Rali Cakrasaṃvara. ra-li bsam-gyi mi-khyab-pa'i rgyud. Skt. Śrīcakrasaṃvaraguhyācintyatantrarāja. T 385. Part of the Thirty-two Rali Cakrasaṃvara Tantras. [31, 248]

Tantra of Kālacakra, the Glorious and Supreme Original Buddha. dpal-mchog dang-po'i sangs-rgyas. See Kālacakra Tantra

Tantra of the Magical Net. (spyi-rgyud/rgyud-chen) sgyu-'phrul drva-ba. NGB Vols. 14-16. [275, 620, 622]

Tantra of the Magical Net of Vajrasattva. rdo-rje sems-dpa' sgyu-'phrul drva-ba. T 833. NGB Vol. 15, no. 197. This title refers generally to the root texts of the cycle contained in NGB Vol. 14. [283, 460]

Tantra of the Purification of All Evil Destinies. ngan-song sbyong-rgyud. Skt. Sarvadurgatipariśodhanatantra. T 483, 485. GDKT Vol. 6, nos. 27-38. Skt. and Tib. ed. and trans. T. Skorupski, The Sarvadurgatipariśodhana Tantra: Elimination of All Evil Destinies. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1983. See also, idem, “Tibetan Homa Rites” in J. F. Staal, Agni: the Vedic Ritual of the Fire Altar. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1983, Vol. 2, pp. 403-17. [707]

Tantra of the Secret Nucleus. rgyud gsang-ba snying-po or snying-po'i rgyud. Skt. Guhyagarbhatattvaviniścayamahātantra. T 832. NGB Vol. 14, no. 187. Ed. and trans. in GGFTC. Also refer to H. V. Guenther, Matrix of Mystery. Boulder/London: Shambhala, 1984. The history of its transmission is given throughout History, Pt. 5. It is also referred to as the Root Tantra of the Secret Nucleus, the Root Tantra of the Magical Net and the Secret Nucleus of the Magical Net. [40, 81, 124, 126, 212-13, 223, 244, 267, 275-6, 278, 292, 300, 307, 341, 362, 414, 415, 499, 450, 451, 481, 533, 591, 827, 850, 914-17]

(Tantra of the) Summation of the Real. ('phags-pa) de(-kho-na)-nyid bsdus-pa('i rgyud) or saṃ-gra-ha. Skt. Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgrahanāmamahāyānasūtra. T 479. Ed. Isshi Yamada, Sarva-tathāgata-tattva-saṅgraha-nāma Mahāyāna-sūtra. SP 262 (1981). L. Chandra and D. Snellgrove, Sarva-tathāgata-tattva-saṅgraha—Facsimile Reproduction of a Tenth Century Manuscript from Nepal. SP 269 (1981). F. Lessing and A. Wayman Mkhas Grub Rje's Fundamentals of the Buddhist Tantras. The Hague/Paris: Mouton, 1968, pp. 214-17. Also referred to as the Sublime Tantra of the Summation of the Real. [78, 269, 273, 354, 441, 468, 488, 916]

Tantra of the Supreme Radiance of Truth without Conceptual Elaborations. spros-bral don-gsal chen-po'i rgyud. NGB Vol. 6, no. 110. [211]

Tantra of the Supreme Seminal Point. thig-le mchog-gi rgyud. Possibly to be identified with the Tantra of the Hidden Point of the Moon. [369]

Tantra which Uproots Saṃsāra. 'khor-ba rtsad-gcod-kyi rgyud. See Four Groups of Exegetical Tantras Pertaining to the Tantra which Uproots Samsāra

Tantra of the Wish-fulfilling Array. yid-bzhin rnam-par bkod-pa'i rgyud. Cf. Tantra of the Array of Wish-granting Gems. [944]

Tantra of the Yakṣa Vajra Mārajit. gnod-sbyin rdo-rje bdud-'dul-gyi rgyud. Disc. Grva-pa mngon-shes. NL. [753]

Teaching Cycle of Lord Maitripā. mnga'-bdag mai-tri-pa'i gdams-skor. It is not clear which texts in particular this refers to. Surviving works by Maitripā are found in the Skt. edn. Advayavajrasaṃgraha. GOS 40 (1927). [200]

Teachings for Retreat. yang-dgon-pa'i ri-chos-rnams. Auth. Yang-dgon-pa Rgyal-mtshan-dpal. Refer to The Collected Works of Yaṅ-dgon-pa. 3 vols. Thimphu: Kunsang Topgey, 1976. I(Bhu)-Tib 76-901006. Collected Writings of Rgyal-ba Yaṅ-dgon-pa. 3 vols. Thimphu: Tango Monastic Community, 1982. Bhu-Tib 82-902180. Selections from the Teachings for Retreat have also appeared in Yaṅ-dgon-pa'i ri-chos. Gangtok: Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentsey Labrang, 1979. I-Tib 80-902344. Also referred to as the Three Cycles on Retreat Practice. [571, 578]

Teachings on Vital Energy. rlung-skor. NL. [578]

Technique of Pulverisation, zhib-mo rnam-'thag. Skt. Vaidalyasūtra. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 3826. EIPRB 698. HIL 7.1, pp. 21, 130. See also C. Lindtner, Nagarjuniana. Indiske Studier IV. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1982; pp. 87-93. [94]

Ten Cycles of Experiential Guidance. nyams-khrid skor-bcu. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL. Referred to, however, in DLTC Vol. 4, pp. 20 and 57. [790]

Ten Doctrines which Secure the Happiness of Tibet and Kham. bod-khams bde-thabs chos-bcu. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 19. RTD Vol. 39, pp. 195-6; Vol. 83, pp. 427-77. [848]

Ten Father Tantra Cycles of the Innermost Spirituality. pha-rgyud snying-thig skor-bcu. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NL. Referred to, however, in DLTC Vol. 4, pp. 20 and 57. [790]

Ten Great Tantras of Cakrasaṃvara. bde-mchog rgyud-chen bcu. Their precise enumeration remains uncertain. Blue Annals, p. 377, mentions “eight chief Tantras of Saṃvara”, though the attempt to identify them among the Thirty-Two Rali Tantras is doubtful. Cf. also the list of texts on p. 375 of the same work, the first nine of which belong to the Saṃvara cycle. [688]

Ten-span-long Paper Scroll which combined the Profound, Essential Points of All the Sūtras and Tantras. mdo-rgyud thams-cad-kyi zab-gnad phyogs gcig-tu dril-ba'i shog-dril 'dom-bcu. Disc. Thang-stong rgyal-po. NL. [802]

Ten Sūtras (of the Exegetical Tantra). (bshad-rgyud) mdo-bcu. NGB Vol. 1, no. 2. [654, 658]

Ten Tantras on the Discipline of Coarse (Defilements), rags-pa 'dul-ba'i rgyud-bcu. [136]

Tent of Longevity, (the transmitted empowerment of). tshe-gur-gyi dbang-bka'. NL. Apparently belongs to the Northern Treasure (byang-gter) tradition. [821]

Ten Verses on the Real. de-kho-na-nyid bcu-pa. Skt. Tattvadaśaka. Auth. Advayavajra (Maitripā). T 2236. DZ Vol. 5, pp. 21-33. [200]

Ten Volumes of Ceremonial Arrangements for the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions, the Magical Net, and so forth. mdo-sgyu sogs-kyi chog-khrigs glegs-bam bcu. Redacted by Rgyal-sras Gzhan-phan mtha'-yas. NL in this form, but largely preserved in NMKMG. [737]

Testament of Ba. rba/sba-bzhed. Auth. traditionally ascribed to Sba Gsalsnang. The “pure” version [rba/sba-bzhed gtsang-ma), referred to in History has not recently been available, but may possibly be identified with the unsupplemented edition published in Beijing in 1980 by Gönpo Gyeltsen, on which refer to n. 538. The annotated version (sba-bzhed zhabs-btags-ma), however, has been published at least twice in recent years: (1) R. A. Stein, line Chronique Ancienne de bSam-yas. Paris: Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises, 1961. (2) Dharamsala, HP: Tibetan Educational Printing Press, 1968. I-Tib-464. This typeset edn. is based entirely on the Stein-Richardson text. [509, 517]

Testament which Elucidates the Significance of Pacification. zhi-byed bka'-chems don-gsal. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [776]

Text on the Means for Assuming the Mudrā of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities. zhi-khro'i phyag-rgya bcings-thabs-kyi yi-ge. Auth. Mkhas-grub ye-shes. NL. [697]

Text on the Rites of the Guru. bla-ma'i las-gzhung. NL. [575]

Texts of Maitreya. byams-gzhung. See Five Doctrines of (Venerable) Maitreya

Texts of the So Tradition. so-lugs-kyi yig-cha. NL. [675]

Texts and Teaching Cycles of the Esoteric Instructional Class. [322-3, 554-96]

Texts and Teaching Cycles of the Mental Class. [325, 538-53]

Texts and Teaching Cycles of the Spatial Class. [329, 538-53]

Thirteen Later Translations of the Mental Class (by Vimalamitra). sems-sde phyi-'gyur bcu-gsum. [555] See Eighteen Great Tantrapiṭaka (according to Mahāyoga)

Thirteen Paper Scrolls containing Means for Attainment. sgrub-thabs-gyi shog-dril bcu-gsum. Disc. Pakshi Shākya-'od. NA. [663]

Thirteen Volumes of the Vinaya. 'dul-pod bcu-gsum. The first thirteen volumes of the Kangyur (Vols. Ka-Pa) in the Sde-dge edition. [874]

Thirty-Line Alphabetical Poem. ka-kha sum-cu-pa. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. KCST Vol. 1, pp. 268-70. [578-9]

Thirty-seven Supreme Treasures. mchog-gter sum-cu-rtsa-bdun. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. The identification of these among the works preserved in CLTC is not yet certain. [845]

Thirty-two Rali Cakrasaṃvara Tantras. ra-li so-gnyis (yongs-rdzogs). T 383-414. [893] See also Tantra of the Inconceivable Rali-Cakrasaṃvara

Thirty Verses. sum-cu-pa. Skt. Triṃśikākārikā. Auth. Vasubandhu. T 4055. EIPRB 1447-66. MTTWL 236. Tib. edn. Enga Teramoto. Kyoto: Otani Daigaku, 1933. Trans. S. Anacker, Seven Works of Vasubandhu. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984. T. Kochumuttom, A Buddhist Doctrine of Experience. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1982. [229]

Thirty Verses and Introduction to Gender. sum-nags. Auth. Anu or Thon-mi Saṃbhota. T 4348-9. TWPS 93. Concerning the secondary literature, refer to R. A. Miller, Studies in the Grammatical Tradition in Tibet. Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science III, 6. Amsterdam: John Benjamins BV, 1976. [729]

Thread-cross Rites of the Mātaraḥs' Vengeance. ma-mo 'khang-phab-kyi mdos. NL. [669]

Three Classes of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-chen sde-gsum. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 23 (incomplete redaction). RTD Vol. 86, pp. 333-46; Vol. 89, pp. 569-613; Vol. 91, pp. 301-643; Vol. 110-11, complete. Pub. Bir, HP: Tulku Ugyen Topgyal, Tibetan Khampa Industrial Society, 1974. I-Tib 74-900601. Also referred to as the True Doctrine, Three Classes of the Great Perfection. [843, 845, 856] See also Prophetic Declaration of the Three Classes of the Great Perfection

Three Classes of the Great Perfection which are the Innermost Spirituality of Vairocana. bai-ro'i thugs-tig rdzogs-chen sde gsum. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa and 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. To be identified with the preceding entry. [856]

Three Continua. rgyud gsum. Refer to n. 629. For examples of redactions of this teaching that enjoy popularity at the present time, see: Ṅor-chen Dkon-mchog lhun-grub, lam 'bras dṅos gźi'i khrid yig rgyud gsum mdzes rgyan. Delhi: Phan-khaṅ zhabs-druṅ, 1966 or 1967. I-Tib-168. Ṅag-dbaṅ-chos-grags, Gsuṅ ṅag lam 'bras sñan gsum rgyud gsum sñiṅ po'i legs bśad. Dolanji Village, HP: Tashi Dorji, 1976. I-Tib 76-902699. [562, 564, 633]

Three Cycles of Further Innermost Spirituality. yang-tig skor-gsum. Redacted by Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. (1) mkha' 'gro yang tig. (2) bla ma yang tig. (3) yang tig yid bzhin nor bu. [591] See also Four-Part Innermost Spirituality

Three Cycles of the Intentional Object. dmigs-pa skor-gsum. NL. [546]

Three Cycles on Retreat Practice. ri-chos skor-gsum. [578] See Teachings for Retreat

Three Dohā Cycles. do-hā skor gsum. Auth. Saraha. King Dohā, Queen Dohā, People Dohā. Refer to H. V. Guenther (trans.). The Royal Song of Saraha. Berkeley/London: Shambhala, 1973. See also Karma 'Phrin-las-pa, Do-ha skor-gsum-gyi ṭī-ka. Thimphu, 1984. I(Bhu)-Tib 84-902937. [578]

Three Drops of Nectar. bdud-rtsi thigs-gsum. NL. [546]

Three Emphases of the Path. lam-gyi gtso-bo rnam-gsum. Auth. Tsong-kha-pa. P 6087. DZ Vol. 3, pp. 368-71. TWB 5275 (67). Geshe Lhundup Sopa and J. Hopkins, Cutting Through Appearances: Practice and Theory of Tibetan Buddhism. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion, 1989. [204]

Three Hundred Verses (on the Vinaya). ('dul-ba) sum-brgya-pa. Auth. Śākyaprabha. [730, 911] See Stanzas on the Novitiate

Three Meditational Sequences. sgom-rim gsum-ka. Skt. Bhāvanākrama. Auth. Kamalaśīla. T 3915-17. MTTWL 29. SOR 9 (1956-8). HIL 7.1, pp. 96-9, 125-6, 129. [906]

Three Phrases which Penetrate the Essential. tshig-gsum gnad-du brdeg-pa. Auth. Dga'-rab rdo-rje. NYZ, bi-ma snying-thig, Pt. 1, Vol. Ga, pp. 304-18. [494]

Three Stages. rim-pa gsum. Skt. Māyājālopadeśakramatraya. Auth. Vimalamitra. P 4742. [362-3, 481]

Three Traditions of the Eight Transmitted Precepts. bka'-brgyad lugs-gsum. NL. [683]

Three Traditions of the Mental Class. sems-sde lugs-gsum. Listed separately as Great Perfection of the Kham Tradition, Great Perfection of the Rong Tradition (i.e. the Nyang Tradition) and Seven Sessions of Aro (Yeshe Jungne). Very often, however, the last mentioned is treated as a special subdivision of the Kham Tradition. [827]

Three Traditions of Pacification. zhi-byed lugs gsum-ka. [657] See Pacification according to the Early, Middle and Later Traditions

Three Traditions of Vajrakīla. phur-ba lugs-gsum. NL. [683]

Three Verses on the Aural Lineage. rna-brgyud tshigs-gsum. NL. [546]

Tiger-riding Lord. (dpal-mgon) stag-zhon. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. A rite of Mahākāla. NA now, but available through the seventeenth century. [776, 778]

Transcendence of Existence according to the Madhyamaka. dbu-ma srid-pa 'pho-ba. Skt. Bhavasaṃkrānti. Auth. Nāgārjuna. T 3840, 4152 and 4558. EIPRB 628-32. MTTWL 30. HIL 7.1, pp. 28-9. [321-2]

Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness in Eight Thousand Lines. (sher-phyin) brgyad-stong-pa. Skt. Aṣṭasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā. T 12. EIPRB. 108-126. MTTWL 22. BST 4 (1960). Also referred to as the Short Mother and the Sublime Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness in Eight Thousand Lines. [75, 154, 334, 441, 566, 575-6]

Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness in One Hundred Thousand Lines. sher-phyin stong-phrag brgya-pa or 'bum. Skt. Śatasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā. T 8. EIPRB 93-7. MTTWL 208. Also referred to as the Great Mother and the Long Mother. [53, 154, 183, 522, 526, 566]

Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness in Twenty-five Thousand Lines. shes-rab-kyi pha-rol-tu phyin-pa stong-phrag nyi-shu-rtsa-lnga-pa. Skt. Pancaviṃśatisāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā. T 9. EIPRB 989. MTTWL 154. See also N. R. Lethcoe, “The Bodhisattva Ideal in the Aṣṭa, and Pañca. Prajñāpāramitā Sūtras” in PRS. Also referred to as the Intermediate Mother. [61, 85, 154, 112, 176, 182, 216, 307]

Transmissions of the Vinaya. 'dul-ba'i sde-snod. T 1-7. Refer also to HBI, pp. 181-97. [423, 518, 578] See also Vinayapiṭaka

Transmitted Instructions of the Indestructible Array, which Nupcen Conferred as his Final Testament. gnubs-chen 'da'-ka'i zhal-chems lung rdo-rje bkod-pa'i gdams-pa gnang-ba. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vols. 22-3. RTD Vol. 86, pp. 1-171. [847]

Transmitted Precepts of the Enlightened Activity of Vajrakīla. phrin-las phur-pa'i bka'-rnams. See Vajrakīla (Cycle/Tantra)

Transmitted Precepts of the Father Consort and Transmitted Precepts of the Mother Consort of the Secret Innermost Spirituality. gsang-thig yab-bka' yum-bka'i sgrub-skor shog-ser. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas, assisted by 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. RTD Vol. 16, pp. 1-300. Also referred to as the Father Consort and Mother Consort, (Transmitted Precepts) of the Secret Innermost Spirituality. [864, 866]

Transmitted Precepts given in a manner which Reveals the Hidden. See Disclosure of the Hidden

Transmitted Precepts of the Lotus Speech Tantras. padma gsung-gi tantra-rnams-kyi bka'-babs. [479] See Hayagrīva (Cycle/Tantra)

Transmitted Precepts of the Narrow Path to the Fortress. rdzong-'phrang bka'-ma. NMKMG Vol. 13. [757]

Transmitted Precepts of the Vajrakīla Tantras. phur-pa'i rgyud rnams-kyi bka'-mams. See Vajrakīla (Cycle/Tantra)

Transmitted Precepts of Vajrāmṛta. rdo-rje bdud-rtsi'i bka'-mams. [480] See Nectar the Enlightened Attributes

Treasure Doctrines of Pema Lingpa. pad-gling-gi chos-bka'. PLTC. [727]

Treasure Doctrines of Zhikpo Lingpa. zhig-gling-gi gter-chos. RTD, passim. No complete edition of this treasure-finder's discoveries appears to have come to light so far. One major cycle that has appeared is the Thugs rje chen po 'khor ba las grol gyi chos skor. 2 vols. Gangtok: Sherab Gyaltsen Lama, 1976. I-Tib 76-902130. [727]

Treasury of the Abhidharma. (chos mngon-pa) mdzod. Skt. Abhidharmakośa. Auth. Vasubandhu. T 4089. EIPRB 1395-430. BB 5-8 (1970-2). B.Budh. 20 (1917, 1930) and 21 (1918-31). MCB 16 (1971). TSWS 8 (1967, 1975). [71, 93, 156, 221, 226, 231, 411, 526, 552, 850, 861, 936]

Treasury of the Abiding Nature of Reality. gnas-lugs (rin-po-che'i) mdzod. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. Ed. Dodrup Chen Rinpoche. Gangtok, Sikkim, c. 1966. I-Tib-140. KCZD Vol. 5

Treasury of Amarasiṃha. 'chi-med mdzod. Skt. Amarakośa. Auth. Amarasiṃha. T 4299. HIL 5.4, pp. 309-13. [106] See also Wish-fulfiller

Treasury of Detailed Exposition. bye-brag bshad-mdzod (chen-mo). Skt. Vibhāṣākośa. Auth. Vasumitra. Now extant only in Chinese: Taishō 1545. EIPRB 459-63. L. de La Vallée-Poussin, L'Abhidharmakośa de Vasubandhu. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1923-36, Vol. 1, pp. xliii-lix. HBI, pp. 197-209 and passim. Also referred to as the Great Treasury of Detailed Exposition. [90, 93, 427, 440]

Treasury of Esoteric Instructions. man-ngag (rin-po-che'i) mdzod. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. Ed. Dodrup Chen Rinpoche. Gangtok, Sikkim, c. 1969. I(Sik)-Tib 74-909428. KCZD Vol. 6.

Treasury of the Expanse of Reality. chos-dbyings (rin-po-che'i) mdzod. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. Ed. Dodrup Chen Rinpoche. Gangtok, Sikkim, 1964. I-Tib-20. KCZD Vol. 2

Treasury of Logical Reason. tshad-ma rigs-gter. Auth. Sa-skya Paṇḍita. SK Vol. 5, no. 19. Xylo. Gangtok, Sikkim: Sa-ngor Monastery. Xylo. Simtokha, Bhutan. I(Bhu)-Tib 76-905037. See also L. W. J. van der Kuijp, Contributions to the Development of Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1983. [872]

Treasury of the Scriptural and Logical (Background for) the Vinaya. 'dul-ba lung-rigs gter-mdzod. Auth. Skyed-tshal mkhan-po 'Jam-dbyangs kun-dga' chos-bzang (fifteenth century). New Delhi: Ngawang Topgay, 1974. I-Tib 74-903076. [730]

Treasury of (Spiritual and) Philosophical Systems. grub-mtha' (rin-po-che'i) mdzod. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. Ed. Dodrup Chen Rinpoche. Gangtok, Sikkim, c. 1969. I(Sik)-Tib 78-909429. KCZD Vol. 6. [40, 196]

Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle. theg-mchog (rin-po-che'i) mdzod. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. Ed. Dodrup Chen Rinpoche. 2 vols. Gangtok, Sikkim, c. 1969. I(Sik)-Tib 72-909430. KCZD Vols. 3-4. Also referred to as the Precious Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle. [678]

Treasury of Word and Meaning. tshig-don (rin-po-che'i) mdzod. Auth. Klongchen Rab-'byams-pa. Ed. Dodrup Chen Rinpoche. Gangtok, Sikkim, c. 1969. I(Sik)-Tib 76-909431. KCZD Vol. 5

Treatise which Analyses the Three Vows. rab-dbye'i bstan-bcos. See Analysis of the Three Vows

Treatise which Ascertains the Three Vows. sdom-gsum rnam-par nges-pa'i bstan-bcos. Auth. Mnga'-ris Paṇ-chen Padma dbang-rgyal. See Ascertainment of the Three Vows

Treatise on Behaviour entitled the Holy Ornament. lugs-kyi bstan-bcos dam-pa'i rgyan. NL. Refer to n. 27. [59]

Treatise on the Behaviour of Kings. tsa-ṇa-ka'i rgyal-po lugs-kyi bstan-bcos. Skt. Cāṇakyarājanītiśāstra. T 4334. Refer to n. 85. [97]

Treatise on Description. gdags-pa'i bstan-bcos. Skt. Prajñaptiśāstra. Auth. Maudgalyāyana (or, according to other traditions, Kātyāyana). T 4086-8. Chinese version: Taishō 1538. EIPRB 27. L. de La Vallée Poussin, L'Abhidharmakośa de Vasubandhu. Paul Geuthner, 1923-36, Vol. 1, pp. xxxvii-xli. One of the Seven Sections of the Abhidharma. [90]

Treatise on the Difference between (the descriptions of) Buddhahood according to the Sūtra and Mantra Traditions. mdo-sngags-kyi sangs-rgyas-la khyad-par phye-ba'i bstan-bcos. Auth. gYung-ston Rdo-rje-dpal. NL. [667]

Treatise explaining the Enumerations found in the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions. mdo'i rnam-grangs 'chad-pa'i bstan-bcos. Auth. Dhanarakṣita. NL. [488-9]

Treatise on the Proof of Authentic Transmitted Precepts. bka' yang-dag-pa'i tshad-ma'i bstan-bcos. Auth. Khri Srong-lde-btsan. T 4352. Refer to n. 575. [535]

Treatise on the Supreme Continuum of the Greater Vehicle. rgyud bla-ma'i bstan-bcos. See Supreme Continuum of the Greater Vehicle

Trilogy of Commentaries by Bodhisattvas. sems-'grel skor-gsum. The first two are listed separately as Taintless Light (the Great Commentary on the Kālacakra) and the Commentary which Epitomises the Hevajra (Tantra). The third is the Commentary which Epitomises the Short Tantra of Cakrasaṃvara. Skt. Laghutantrapiṇḍārthavivaraṇa. Auth. Vajrapāṇi. T 1402. Tibetan authors usually refer to it as phyag-rdor stod-'grel. [675]

Trilogy which Dispels Darkness. mun-sel skor-gsum. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. (1) bsdus-don ma-rig mun-pa thams-cad sel-ba. NMKMG Vol. 27. Xylo. Sonam Kazi, Sikkim, 1973. I(Sik)-Tib 73-905823. (2) spyi-don legs-bshad snang-bas yid-kyi mun-pa thams-cad sel-ba. NMKMG Vol. 27. Xylo. Sonam Kazi, Sikkim, 1973. I(Sik)-Tib 73-905821. (3) gsang-snying 'grel-chen phyogs-bcu'i mun-sel. The last mentioned is listed separately as the (Commentary on the Secret Nucleus entitled) Dispelling Darkness in the Ten Directions. NMKMG Vol. 26. Pub. Varanasi: Tarthang Tulku, c. 1967. I-Tib-248. Paro: Ngodup, 1975. I(Bhu)-Tib 75-903142. Trans. in GGFTC. [591]

Trilogy of Natural Liberation. rang-grol skor-gsum. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 744-888. KLST Vol. 2, pp. 178-318. NNS. 4 (1969) I(Sik)-Tib 72-908484. Pub. Dodrup Chen Rinpoche, in the fourth vol. of his edition of the Trilogy of Rest. Partially trans. H. V. Guenther in Crystal Mirror 4 (1975), pp. 113-46. Also in Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, Buddha Mind. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion, 1989. [591]

Trilogy of Rest. ngal-gso skor gsum. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. Pub. in Ṅal gso skor gsum, Raṅ grol skor gsum and Sṅags kyi spyi don. Gangtok, Sikkim: Dodrup Chen Rinpoche, 1973. 4 vols. I(Sik)-Tib 73-903533. The root texts are translated in H. V. Guenther, Kindly Bent to Ease Us. 3 vols. Emeryville, California: Dharma Publications, 1975-6. [591]

Trio of the Cakrasaṃvara Tantra, Hevajra Tantra and Guhyasamāja Tantra. bde-dgyes-gsang gsum. Listed separately.

Trio of the Gathering of Transmitted Precepts, the Gathering of Intentions and Vajrakīla. bka'-dgongs-phur gsum. This refers in general to the treasures pertaining to the cycles of the Eight Transmitted Precepts (bka'-brgyad), especially as redacted by Nyang-ral Nyi-ma 'od-zer, Guru Chos-dbang and Rig-'dzin Rgod-kyi ldem-'phru-can, the Gathering of Intentions (dgongs-'dus), especially as redacted by Sangs-rgyas gling-pa and Mnga'-ris paṇ-chen, and Vajrakīla (rdo-rje phur-pa), especially as redacted by Ratna gling-pa. [881]

Trio of the Guru, Great Perfection and Great Compassionate One. bla-rdzogs-thugs gsum. For its use as a general classification, refer to n. 934. [396, 724, 764-5, 827, 881]

Trio of the Guru, Great Perfection and Great Compassionate One. bla-rdzogs-thugs gsum. Disc. Sangs-rgyas bla-ma. NA. [751]

Trio of the Guru, Great Perfection and Great Compassionate One. bla-rdzogs-thugs gsum. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. NA. [775]

Trio of the Guru, Great Perfection and Great Compassionate One. bla-rdzogs-thugs gsum. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. NA. [791]

Trio of Meditational Deities: Red Yamāri, Black Yamāri and Bhairava. yi-dam dmar-nag-'jigs-gsum-gyi skor. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. DDTC Vol. 8. RTD Vol. 25, pp. 425-517. [815]

Trio of the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions, the Tantra of the Magical Net, and the Mental Class of the Great Perfection. mdo-sgyu-sems gsum. The lineage of their transmission is mentioned throughout History, Pt. 5.

Trio of the Transmitted Precepts (bka'-brgyad), Kīla (phur-ba) and Elixir (sman-sgrub). bka'-phur-sman gsum. Disc. Padma gling-pa. Listed separately as the Eight Transmitted Precepts, the Mirror of Mind, the Kīla which is the Utterly Secret Vital Razor and the Cycle of the Attainment of Nectar-Elixir. [797]

Trio of Yangdak, Kīla and Yamāntaka. yang-phur-gshin gsum. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. Though the catalogues of Kong-sprul's work traditionally locate this “trio” in KGNZ], it has never been included as such in any [[edition thereof. The three are to be identified as follows: (1) Yangdak according to the Khön tradition ('khon-lugs yang-dag). GCKZ Vol. 4. (2) Vajrakīla according to the Khön tradition ('khon-lugs phur-pa). GCKZ Vols. 3-4. (3) Red Yamāri (gshin-rje gshed dmar). KGNZ] Vol. 5, pp. 3-83. [861-2] Triple [[Cycle of the Mother and Sons, (which comprises) the All-Accomplishing King. kun-byed rgyal-po ma-bu skor-sum. See Tantra of the All-Accomplishing King, which is called a “Triple Cycle” owing to its division into three main parts: Chs. 1-57, 58-69 and 70-84. [658]

True Doctrine, the Innermost Spirituality of the Body of Emanation, together with (the Rites of) the Protector of this Transmitted Precept, Kṣetrapāla. dam-chos sprul-sku'i snying-thig bka'-srung zhing-skyong-dang bcas-pa. Disc. Bdud-'dul rdo-rje. DDTC Vols. 3-4. RTD Vol. 12, pp. 381-434. [815]

True Doctrine of the Most Profound Intention, the Essence of the Body, Speech and Mind of Guru Rinpoche, Yellow scrolls of the five families (which contained). gu-ru rin-po-che'i sku-gsung-thugs-bcud dam-chos dgongs-pa yang-zab shog-ser rigs-lnga. Disc. 'Bri-gung-pa Rin-chen phun-tshogs. RTD Vol. 6, pp. 141-76; Vol. 19, pp. 21-33; Vol. 30, pp. 229-92. Pub. Bir, HP: Tsondu Scnghc, 1975. 4 vols. I-Tib 75-905229. [676]

True Doctrine, Three Classes of the Great Perfection. dam-chos rdzogs-pa chen-po sde-gsum. See Three Classes of the Great Perfection

Turquoise Display. gYu-thang(-ma kras-dgu). Auth. Nāgārjuna. P 4729. Refer to n. 220. [40, 225, 227, 230, 352-3, 355, 366]

Twelve Intrinsic and Extrinsic Maṇḍates of Yangdak Heruka. yang-dag-gi bdag-gzhan dkyil-'khor bcu-gnyis. NL. [620]

Twelve Rare Tantras (of Anuyoga). (anu-yoga'i) dkon rgyud bcu-gnyis. The texts of Anuyoga contained in NGB Vol. 13. As stated in 'Jigs-med gling-pa, rgyud-'bum rin-po-che'i rtogs-brjod, p. 146, these are zhi-ba lha-rgyud; chos-nyid zhi-ba'i lha-rgyud; khro-bo'i lha-rgyud chen-mo; khro-bo'i lha-rgyud rtogs-pa chen-po; thugs-rje chen-po'i gtor-rgyud; rnal-'byor nang-pa'i tshogs-rgyud chen-po; dpal-'bar khro-mo; rakta dmar-gyi rgyud; me-lha zhi-bar kyur-ba 'bar-ba'i rgyud; khro-bo'i sbyin-bsregs rdo-rje'i ngur-mo; hūṃ-mdzad chen-mo; and zla-gsang chen-mo. [283]

Twelve-Section Kīlaya Tantra. ki-la-ya tantra bcu-gnyis. NGB Vol. 29, nos. 351-2. [712] See also Blue-skirted One's Cycle (of Vajrakīla)

Twenty-five Doctrinal Groups Sealed to be Kept Secret. gsang-ba rgya-can-du gsol-ba'i chos-sde nyi-shu rtsa-lnga. Disc. Dalai Lama V Ngag-dbang blo-bzang rgya-mtsho. TWB 5672-822. RTD passim. Selected texts related to this cycle pub. Gsaṅ ba'i mam thar rgya can ma. SSS 42 (1972). I-Tib 72-908270. See also Samten Karmay, Secret Visions of the Fifth Dalai Lama. London: Serindia, 1988. [823]

Twenty-five (Great Profound) Treasures. zab-pa'i gter-chen nyer-lnga. Refer to the Glossary of Enumerations. [518, 822]

Twenty-four Means for Attainment which were the Prince's Contemplations. lha-sras thugs-dam sgrub-thabs nyer-bzhi. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. Not yet identified among the works preserved in CLTC. [845]

Twenty-four Great Tantras of the Mental Class. sems-phyogs-kyi rgyud-sde chen-po nyi-shu rtsa-bzhi. As enumerated in Longcenpa, Treasury of Spiritual and Philosophical Systems, pp. 258-60, these are as follows: sems-nyid bya-rtsol las-'das-pa nam-mkha'-che rtsa-ba'i rgyud-dang phyi-ma'i rgyud, nam-mkha-che phyi-ma phyi-ma'i rgyud, sems-nyid 'pho-'gyur med-pa chos-nyid rgyal-po'i rgyud, sems-nyid thig-le nyag-gcig-tu ston-pa byang-chub-kyi sems thig-le'i rgyud, sems-nyid rang-byung-gi ye-shes-su bstan-pa ye-shes thig-le'i rgyud, sems-nyid thams-cad-kyi rtsa-bar bstan-pa man-ngag phreng-ba'i rgyud, sems-nyid kun-khyab chen-por bstan-pa gsang-ba rgyal-po'i rgyud, sems-nyid rang-rig-tu bstan-pa ye-shes dam-pa'i rgyud, sems-nyid kun-tu bzang-po'i rol-par ston-pa mkha'-dbyings rnam-dag-gi rgyud, sems-nyid kun-gyi snying-po ston-pa man-ngag snying-po'i rgyud, sems-nyid rang-rig-tu yid-ches-pa snying-po gsang-ba'i rgyud, sems-nyid kun-gyi rtsa-ba nam-mkha' che rtsa-ba-can-gyi rgyud, sems-nyid gcig-tu 'dus-pa nyag-gcig dgongs-pa'i rgyud, sems-nyid ji-bzhin-par bzhag-pa bsam-gtan chen-po'i rgyud, sems-nyid rgyun-chags-su gams-pa bsam-gtan rgyun-chags-kyi rgyud, sems-nyid thams-cad-du gsungs-pa sgo-mang mdo'i rgyud, sems-nyid dbang-dang sbyar-ba nam-mkha' che dbang-gi rgyud, sems-nyid sgra-tshig las-'das-pa nam-mkha'-che yi-ge med-pa'i rgyud, sems-nyid gdod-ma'i gnas-su bstan-pa nam-mkha'-che gzhi'i rgyud, sems-nyid 'od-gsal-du bstan-pa rin-chen 'bar-ba'i rgyud, sems-nyid yon-tan lhun-grub-tu bstan-pa rin-po-che phreng-ba'i rgyud, sems-nyid khams-gsum-la gsal-ba khams-gsum sgron-ma'i rgyud, sems-nyid spang-blang las-'das-par ston-pa nges-pa snying-po'i rgyud and sems-nyid 'pho-'gyur med-par ston-pa rdo-rje gsang-ba'i rgyud. [654]

Twenty-onefold Dialogue concerning the Combined Means for the Attainment of the Three Roots. rsta-gsum dril-sgrub zhu-lan nyer-gcig-pa. Disc. Sangs-rgyas bla-ma. Redisc. 'Jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. Partially preserved in RTD Vol. 5, pp. 405-61. [752]

Twenty Thousand Tantras of Expressive Words. rjod-byed tshig-gi rgyud khri-phrag gnyis. Texts of the Esoteric Instructional Class. [332]

Twenty Verses on the Bodhisattva Vow. sdom-pa nyi-shu-pa. Skt. Bodhisattvasaṃvaraviṃśaka. Auth. Candragomin. T 4081. MTTWL 45. Trans. M. Tatz, Candragomin's Twenty Verses on the Bodhisattva Vow. LTWA. Idem, Difficult Beginnings. Boulder/London: Shambhala, 1985. [95, 235]

Two Analyses. rnam-'byed gnyis. Listed separately as Analysis of the Middle and Extremes and Analysis of Phenomena and Reality. [95]

Two Analyses. 'byed gnyis. Skt. Vinayavibhaṅga (“Analysis of the Vows of a Monk”), T 3, and Bhikṣuṇīvibhaṅga (“Analysis of the Vows of a Nun”), T 5. HBI, pp. 181-97. [93]

Two Exegetical Treatises, Long and Short, on the Vajra Bridge. rdo-rje zam-pa'i gzhung-bshad che-chung gnyis. See Exegetical Treatise on the Vajra Bridge

Twofold Innermost Spirituality. snying-tig rnam-pa gnyis. Refer to n. 689, to the Innermost Spirituality of the Ḍākinī and to the Innermost Spirituality of Vimalamitra. [591]

Two Short Treatises. gzhung-chung gnyis. Auth. Karma-pa III, Rang-byung rdo-rje. These are the rnam-shes ye-shes 'byed pa'i bstan-bcos and bde-gshegs snying-po bstan-pa'i bstan-bcos. Xylo. Rum-btegs, Sikkim. I-(Sik)-Tib 72-905547. Pub. with the annotations of Karma-pa XV, Mkha'-khyab rdo-rje in Three important verse treatises on aspects of Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna Buddhism. New Delhi: Karmapae Chodhey Gyalwae Sungrab Partun Khang, 1976. I-Tib 76-902728. [202]

Two Stages. rim-pa gnyis. Skt. Śrīguhyagarbhakramadvayoddeśa. Auth. King Ja (Indrabhūti). P 4771. [462]

Two Summations. bsdus-pa'i bstan-bcos sdom rnam-gnyis. Listed separately as Compendium of the Abhidharma and Collection of the Greater Vehicle. [91]

Two Systems of the Six Doctrines. chos-drug gnyis. Probably this refers to the systems of Nāropā and Niguma, though it may also refer to two redactions of the system of Nāropā alone. Refer to the Glossary of Enumerations under Six Doctrines and Five Golden Doctrines of the Shangpas, within which the position of the Six Doctrines of Niguma may be gathered. [576]

Uncommon Store. thun-mong ma-yin-pa'i mdzod. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. This, the collection of Kong-sprul's treasures, was never published independently. The available works making up the Uncommon Store are those among Kong-sprul's treasures that have been preserved in RTD. [862] See also Five Great Stores

Unsurpassedly Secret Cycle (of the Esoteric Instructional Class of the Great Perfection). gsang-ba bla-na med-pa'i skor. This classification, identified with the Innermost Spirituality, is discussed in Fundamentals, p. 332.

Utter Delight of the Nāgas. klu kun-tu dga'-bo. Skt. Nāgānandanāṭaka. Auth. Harṣadeva. T 4154. Tib. and Skt. edn. Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya, Nāgānanda. Calcutta: Asiatic Society, 1957. Ed. and trans. Bak Kun Bae, Śrī Harṣa's Plays. London: Asia Publishing House, 1964, pp. 49-223. Trans. A. Daniélou, Trois Pièces de Théâtre de Harsha. Paris: Éditions Buchet/Chastel, 1977, pp. 67-146. [106-7]

(Utterly Profound) Gathering of All Precious Jewels. yang-zab dkon-mchog spyi-'dus. Disc. Rig-'dzin 'Ja'-tshon snying-po. JTPD Vol. 1. RTD Vol. 12, pp. 1-380. Pub. 2 vols. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh: Ngawang Sonam, 1979. I-Tib 79-903476 and I-Tib 79-903483. The many editions of liturgical texts associated with this cycle are too numerous to detail here. [810, 811, 844]

(Utterly Secret) Razor Kīla. phur-pa yang-gsang spu-gri. Disc. Gter-bdag gling-pa. Xylo. Dalhousie, HP: Phun-gling gsung-rab nyams-gso rgyun-spel par-khang, 1967. I-Tib-191. [731, 843]

Utterly Secret and Unsurpassed Kīla. rat-gling phur-pa yang-gsang bla-med. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. RLTC Vols. 10 and 18. RTD Vol. 49, p. 503 to Vol. 50, p. 36. Pub. 2 vols. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh, 1974. I-Tib 74-901177. In addition, many editions of liturgical texts belonging to this cycle have appeared. Some selections have been translated by A. Heller in T. Marcotty (ed.), Dagger Blessing. Delhi: B. R. Publishing, 1987. [814]

Vairocana (Tantra). rnam-snang. See (Awakening of Great) Vairocana

Vaiśravaṇa (according to the New Yamāntaka Cycle of Ra Lotsāwa). (rva-lugs) rnam-sras. NL. [773]

Vajrabhairava Tantra. rdo-rje 'jigs-byed. See Bhairava (Cycle/Tantra)

Vajra Bridge (of the Aural Lineage). (man-ngag) rdo-rje zam-pa. DZ Vol. 1, pp. 372-467. NMKMG Vols. 18-19. [544-53, 605]

Vajradāka. rdo-rje mkha'-'gro. T 370-1. [451]

Vajra Garland. rdo-rje phreng-ba. Skt. Vajrāvali. Auth. Abhayākaragupta. T 3140. GDKT Vol. 22, pp. 262-660. This may also refer to the Tantra of the Vajra Garland (Vajramālā, T 445). [264, 576, 665, 678, 824]

Vajrakīla (Cycle/Tantra). rdo-rje phur-pa, phur-pa'i rgyud or kīla'i rgyud. T 439. KGDD Vol. 3. NGB Vols. 19, 27-9; and Vol. 32, no. 384 (the tantra associated with the Eight Transmitted Precepts). NMKMG Vols. 7-8. Also referred to as Vajrakīla the Enlightened Activity. [283, 362, 472-3, 481, 483, 575, 657, 676, 710-16, 828, 893-4, 922]

Vajrakīla the Enlightened Activity. phur-pa phrin-las. See Vajrakīla (Cycle/Tantra)

Vajrakīla according to the Khön Tradition. 'khon-lugs phur-pa. See Khön Tradition of Vajrakīla

Vajrakīla according to the Tradition of the Tantra. phur-pa rgyud-lugs. Auth. 'Jigs-med gling-pa. JLSB 6. NMKMG Vol. 7. [839]

Vajrāmṛta Cycle. bdud-rtsi'i skor. [534] See also Amṛta Tantra, Eight Volumes of Nectar and Nectar the Enlightened Attributes

Vajrapāṇi the Nectar Drop. phyag-rdor bdud-rtsi thigs-pa'i skor. NL. [657]

Vajrapāṇi as the Subduer of the Arrogant and as Slight Rage. phyag-rdor dregs-'dul dang gtum-chung. Disc. Padma gling-pa. PLTC Vol. 9, pp. 5-381. RTD Vol. 45, pp. 249-305. [797]

Vajrapāṇi (Tantras). phyag-rdor. T 454-64. GDKT Vol. 2, no. 19; Vol. 8, nos. 46, 49. GTKT Vol. 3. [665]

Vajrasattva the Great Space. rdo-rje sems-dpa' nam-mkha'-che. NGB Vol. 1, nos. 9, 13, 19; Vol. 2, nos. 31-2. [370, 372, 657]

Vajravidāraṇa Tantra. (rdo-rje) rnam-'joms. Skt. Vajravidāraṇanāmadhāraṇī. T 750. GDKT Vol. 2, nos. 16-18; Vol. 8, no. 47. GTKT Vol. 7. NMKMG Vol. 2. [78, 351, 618, 651, 657, 665]

Valid Cognition of the Transmitted Precepts, (the Esoteric Instructions of the Ḍākinī). bka' yang-dag-pa'i tshad-ma (zhes-bya-ba (mkha'-'gro-ma)'i man-ngag). Skt. Ājñāsamyakpramāṇa. Auth. Tilopā. T 2331. [199]

Vanquisher. zil-gnon. Disc. 'Bri-gung-pa Chos-dbyings rang-grol. NL. [682]

Variegated Deity Vajrakīla. phur-pa lha-khra. [710]

Vast Expanse of the View, a Father Tantra of the Great Perfection. rdzogs-chen pha-rgyud lta-ba klong-yangs. Disc. Rdo-rje gling-pa. Referred to in DLTC, Vol. 2, p. 56. Partially preserved in RTD Vol. 88, pp. 63-85. [789]

Veda. rig-byed. See Four Veda

Venerable Lady's Tradition of Vajrakīla. phur-pa jo-mo lugs. [710]

Verification of Co-emergence. lhan-cig skyes-grub. Skt. Sahajasiddhi. Auth. Indrabhūti. T 2260. Skt. and Tib. edn. in Guhyādi-aṣṭasiddhi saṃgraha. Sarnath: Rare Buddhist Text Project, 1987. [462]

Verification of Pristine Cognition. ye-shes grub-pa. Skt. Jñānasiddhi. Auth. Indrabhūti. T 2219. GOS 44. Skt. and Tib. edn. in Guhyādi-aṣṭasiddhi saṃgraha. Sarnath: Rare Buddhist Text Project, 1987. [462]

Verification of Secrets. gsang-ba grub-pa. Skt. Sakalatantrasambhavasañcodanīśrīguhyasiddhināma or Guhyasiddhi. Auth. Saroruha (Padmavajra). T 2217. Skt. and Tib. edn. in Guhyādi-aṣṭasiddhi saṃgraha. Sarnath: Rare Buddhist Text Project, 1987. [916]

Verse Summation of the Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness. mdo sdud-pa or sher-phyin sdud-pa. Skt. Prajñāpāramitāsaṃcayagāthā or Ratnaguṇasaṃcayagāthā. T 13. EIPRB 445-54. MTTWL 183. B.Budh. 29. BST 17 (1961). See also Akira Yuyama, “The First Two Chapters of the Prajñā-pāramitā-ratna-guṇa-saṃcaya-gāthā” in PRS, pp. 203-18. [74, 80, 232, 343, 854, 871]

View of Reason. rigs-pa'i lta-ba. Skt. Nyāyadarśana or Nyāyasūtra. Auth. Akṣapāda (Gautama). EIPRB 775-853. HIL 6.2, pp. 76-80. [65]

Vinayapiṭaka. 'dul-ba'i sde-snod rnams. T 1-7. Refer to E. Frauwallner, The Earliest Vinaya and the Beginnings of Buddhist Literature. SOR 8 (1956). [80, 423, 663] See also Transmissions of the Vinaya

Vinayavastu. 'dul-ba'i gzhi. T 1. HBI pp. 181-97. See also Jampa Panglung, “Preliminary Remarks on the Uddānas in the Vinaya of the Mūlasarvāstivādin” in TSHR, pp. 226-32. Idem, Die Erzählstoffe des Mūlasarvāstivādin-Vinaya. Tokyo: Reyukai Library, 1983. F.-R. Hamm, Rab tu 'byuṅ ba'i gźi. Die tibetische übersetzung des Pravrajyāvastu im Vinaya des Mūlasarvāstivādins. Ed. and seen through the press by H. Eimer. 2 vols. Asiatische Forschungen 82. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1983. [93]

Vindication of Conventional Truth. tha-snyad sgrub-pa. Skt. Vyavahārasiddhi. Auth. Nāgārjuna. Only some fragments (in Tibetan) available. HIL 7.1, pp. 8, 26. MTTWL 258. [94]

Warm Sunbeam of the Attainment of Mind. thugs-sgrub tsha-ba dmar-thag. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. BMGD Vol. 2. [841]

Way of Reciting the Rulu Mantra. ru-lu'i 'dren-stangs. A recollection of Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa; probably not to be identified with a particular text. [847]

Weapons of Expression. smra-ba'i mtshon-cha. Auth. Agni. NL. [65]

Wind-Lasso of Īśvara. dbang-phyug rlung-zhags. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. NL. [786]

Wish-fulfiller. 'dod-'jo. Skt. Amaraṭīkākāmadhenu. Auth. Subhūticandra. T 4300. Partially ed. S. C. Vidyabhusana, Amaraṭīkā Kāmadhenuḥ. Calcutta: Biblia Indica Tibetan Series, 1912. Ed. L. Chandra, The Amarakoṣa in Tibet. SP 38 (1965). HIL 5.4, pp. 314-15. [51]

Wish-fulfilling Treasury, (root text and commentary). yid-bzhin (rin-po-che'i) mdzod (rtsa-'grel). Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. Pub. Dodrup Chen Rimpoche, Gangtok, Sikkim. 2 vols. I-Tib-143. KCZD Vol. 1. Ch. 1 trans. K. Lipman in Crystal Mirror 5 (1977), pp. 344-64. Also referred to as the Precious Wish-fulfilling Treasury. [41, 197, 209-10, 827]

Wrathful Guru. gur-drag. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. Available through the seventeenth century, but now NA. [778]

Wrathful Guru. gur-drag. Disc. Gter-bdag gling-pa. RTD Vol. 19, pp. 343-441. [828]

Wrathful Guru, the Innermost Spirituality of the Red HŪṂ. gur-drag hūṃ-dmar snying-thig. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. Redisc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. CLTC Vol. 26. [846]

Wrathful Mantra which Halts All the Mönpa Spirits. ngan-sngags mon-pa dgu-rdug. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa and Dri-med lhun-po. NL. [786]

Wrathful Mantras of the Oceanic Cycle of Yamāntaka. gshed-skor rgya-mtsho'i drag-sngags. Introduced by Gnubs-chen Sangs-rgyas ye-shes. Cf. the Zla gsaṅ be'u bum. Dehra Dun: D. G. Khochhen Trulku, 1975. I-Tib 75-904324. [610]

Yajurveda. mchod-sbyin. The fourth of the Four Veda. HIL 1.1, Ch. 7, pp. 323-37. [65]

Yamāntaka and Yamāri: Introductory Note. The great proliferation, particularly in the Nyingma tradition, of meditational and ritual cycles focusing upon a great many aspects of the wrathful forms of Mañjuśrī—Yamāntaka, Yamāri, and Bhairava—makes the exact identification of texts especially difficult here. Following are some main collections of relevant texts: T 467-75 and 478. NGB Vols. 20-2. GDKT Vols. 8-10, nos. 52-9. KGDD Vol. 3 (NGB Vol. 32, no. 382). KGNZ] Vol. 5, pp. 3-177. [[NMKMG Vols. 4-6

Yamāntaka Cycle. gshin-rje'i skor. Disc. Dum-pa rgya zhang-khrom. Pub. 3 vols. Tashi Jong, HP: Khampa Gar Monastery, 1981. I-Tib 81-901503/901710. Pub. 2 vols. 'Jam dpal gśin rje'i gśed khro chu dug sdoṅ nag po'i chos skor. Bir, HP: Pema Lodoe and Zogyam, 1978-80. I-Tib 78-906117. Pub. 2 vols. 'Jam dpal khro chu dug gdoṅ nag po'i sgrub skor. Thimphu: Ugyen Tempai Gyaltsen, 1981. Bhu-Tib 81-901844. [713]

Yamāntaka (Cycle/Tantra). gshin-rje. Where the context involves the revealed treasures of the Eight Transmitted Precepts (bka'-brgyad) in particular, the reference is to NGB Vol. 32, no. 382. KGDD Vol. 3. Also referred to as the Lord of Life. [477-9, 483, 535, 609-11, 614, 666, 673, 674, 762, 827] See also Bhairava (Cycle/Tantra), Yamāntaka and Yamāri: Introductory Note and Yamāri (Cycle/Tantra)

Yamāntaka, the Destroyer of Arrogance. gshin-rje-gshed dregs-'joms. Disc. Gter-bdag gling-pa. Pub. Dehra Dun: D. G. Khochhen Tulku, 1976. I-Tib 77-900730. [828]

Yamāntaka, Lord of Life. gshin-rje tshe-bdag. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa and Dri-med lhun-po. NL. [786]

Yamāri (Cycle/Tantra). gshed (skors/rgyud). [534, 615, 689] See also Black Yamāri, Red Yamāri (Cycle/Tantra) and Yamāntaka and Yamāri: Introductory Note

Yamāri: Red and Black. gshin-rje dmar-nag. See Black Yamāri and Red Yamāri (Cycle/Tantra)

Yangdak Heruka according to the So tradition. yang-dag so-lugs. NL. [849]

Yangdak Heruka (Cycle/Tantra) or Yangdak, the Mind. yang-dag or yang-dag thugs(-kyi bka'-babs). Where the context suggests that it is a tantra belonging to the Eight Transmitted Precepts to which reference is made, the text in question is probably to be identified with NGB Vol. 32, no. 381. NMKMG Vol. 3. More generally, the tantras focusing on Yangdak are collected in NGB Vol. 25. [283, 361, 362, 472, 473, 475-7, 483, 673-4, 710, 762, 827, 893-4, 922-3] See also Heruka Galpo (Cycle/Tantra)

Yangdak Mecik (“Yangdag the Single Flame”). yang-dag me-gcig. Incorporated into NMKMG Vol. 3. [673-4] See also Yangdak Heruka (Cycle/Tantra)

Yangdak, the Mind. See Yangdak Heruka (Cycle/Tantra)

Yangdak Rulu Golden Rosary. yang-dag ru-lu gser-phreng. Auth. Hūṃkara. NL. [476]

Yangdak combined with Vajrakīla. yang-phur sbrags-ma. General term for meditational and ritual cycles in which the practices of these two deities are found together. [472]

Yangdok. yang-bzlog. Name of an aspect of wrathful Mañjuśrī propitiated to avert the calamities brought about by violent enemies. [727]

Yellow Scrolls of the Means for Attainment and Sacraments of the Eight Closest Sons. nye-sras-brgyad-kyi dam-rdzas dang sgrub-thabs shog-ser. Disc. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. NA. Kong-sprul's redaction of the means for attainment based upon this, however, has been published xylographically at Rum-btegs, Sikkim. [864]

Yoga of Co-emergence. lhan-skyes rnal-'byor. For examples representing the tradition of Sgam-po-pa, see DZ Vols. 5-7. [547]

Yogācāra Level. rnal-'byor spyod-pa'i sa or sa-sde. Skt. Yogācārabhūmiśāstra. Auth. Asaṅga. T 4035-42. EIPRB 1268-87. MTTWL 258. TSWS 7 (1978) and 14 (1973). See n. 72 for their identification. Also referred to as the Five Sections of the Levels. [89, 91, 98, 230]

Yogic Exercises of Bhairava. bhairava'i 'phrul-'khor. In the context in which this reference occurs, it is almost certainly a teaching of the Dge-lugs-pa tradition. Representative Dge-lugs-pa manuals on the yogas of Bhairava will be found listed in L. Chandra (ed.), Materials for a History of Tibetan Literature, Vol. 3, SP 30 (1963), pp. 729-39. [681]

Yogic Exercises of the Nine Vigorous Skills according to the Gathering of Intentions. dgongs-'dus rtsal-sprugs rnam-dgu'i 'khrul-'khor. Disc. Mchog-gyur bde-chen gling-pa. NL. [847]

Yogic Sequence which is a Lamp on the Greater Vehicle. rnal-'byor-gyi rim-pa theg-chen sgron-ma. Auth. Sukhodyotaka. NL. [489]

Yungtönpa's Commentary on the Secret Nucleus. bod-'grel gYung-ṭīk. See Illuminating Mirror, a Commentary on the Tantra of the Secret Nucleus

Zhama Tradition of the Path and Fruit. lam-'bras zha-ma lugs. Refer to Blue Annals, pp. 218ff. [657]

Zur Tradition of (the Empowerment for) the Sūtra which Gathers All Intentions. mdo-(dbang) zur-lugs. This tradition is partially preserved in NMKMG. See also Zur lugs gsaṅ sñiṅ yig cha'i skor. 4 vols. Dalhousie, HP: Damchoe Sangpo, 1980-1. I-Tib 80-902507. [672, 727]

Part Two

Works Referred to by the Translators

1 Indic Texts

Acintyastava. Auth. Nāgārjuna. Ed. C. Lindtner, Nagarjuniana. Indiske Studier IV. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1982, pp. 140-61.

Advayavajrasaṃgraha. Auth. Advayavajra (i.e. Maitripā). Ed. H. Sastri, GOS 40 (1927).

Abhidharmakośakārikā and Bhāṣya. Auth. Vasubandhu. Ed. D. Shastri, BB 5-8 (1970-2). Trans. L. de La Vallée-Poussin, L'Abhidharmakośa de Vasubandhu. 6 vols. Paris: Paul Guethner, 1923-36. Repr. MCB 16 (1971).

Abhidharmakośavyākhyā. Auth. Yaśomitra. Ed. D. Shastri, BB 5-8 (1970-2).

Abhisamayālaṃkāra. Auth. Maitreyanātha. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 4 (1960).

Abhisamayālaṃkārāloka. Auth. Haribhadra. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 4 (1960).

Udānavarga. Auth. Dharmatrāta. Tib. edn. H. Beckh, Udānavarga: eine Sammlung buddhistischer Spruche in tibetischer Sprache. Berlin, 1911. Skt. edn. F. Bernhard, Udānavarga. 2 vols. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1965-8.

Karaṇḍavyūhasūtra. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 17 (1961).

Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 5 (1960).

Guhyasamājatantra. Ed. S. Bagchi, BST 9 (1965). Ed. B. Bhattacharya, GOS 53 (1967).

Catuḥśataka. Auth. Āryadeva. Chs. 8-16 ed. and trans. in P. L. Vaidya, Études sur Āryadeva et son Catuḥśataka. Paris: Paul Guethner, 1923. Ed. with Hindi trans., Bhāgcandra Jain Bhāskar, Catuḥśatakam. Nagpur: Ālok Prakāśan, 1971.

Cullavagga. The lesser section of the Khaṇḍaka of the Vinayapiṭaka. Ed. H. Oldenberg. Pali Text Society, 1880. Trans. I. B. Homer, The Book of Discipline, Vol. V, 1952.

Jātakamālā. Auth. Āryaśūra. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 21 (1959). Trans. J. S. Speyer, The Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra. London: Pali Text Society, 1895.

Tattvasaṃgrahakārikā. Auth. Śāntarakṣita. Ed. D. Shastri, BB 1-2 (1968). Trans. G. Jha, GOS 80 (1937), 83 (1939).

Tattvasaṃgrahapañjikā. Auth. Kamalaśīla. Ed. and trans. together with Tattvasaṃgrahakārikā.

Tattvopaplavasiṃha. Auth. Jayarāśi. Ed. S. Sanghavi and R. C. Parikh, GOS 87 (1940).'

Tarkajvāla. Auth. Bhāvaviveka. P 5256. Ch. 3, 1-136, ed. and trans. in Shotaro Iida, Reason and Emptiness: A Study in Logic and Mysticism. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1980.

Triṃśikā. Auth. Vasubandhu. Ed. S. Lévi, Vijñaptimātratāsiddhī. Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1925. Trans. S. Lévi, Materiaux pour l'étude du système Vijñaptimātra. Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1932.

Dīpavaṃsa. Ed. and trans. Oldenberg. London: Williams and Norgate, 1879.

Divyāvadāna. Ed. P. L. Vaidya. BST 18 (1959).

Dhammapāda. Ed. and trans. S. Radhakrishnan. London: Oxford University Press, 1950.

Dharmadhātustava. Auth. Nāgārjuna. Fragments collected by D. S. Ruegg in Études tibétaines dédiées à la mémoire de Marcelle Lalou. Paris: A. Maisonneuve, 1971, pp. 448-71.

Navatattvasūtra. Trans. J. Stevenson, 1848. Repr. Varanasi: Bharat-Bharati, 1972.

Niṣpannayogāvalī. Ed. B. Bhattacharya, GOS 109 (1972).

Nyāyavārttika. Auth. Uddyotakara. Ed. in Nyāyadarśanam. Kyoto: Rinsen Book Company, 1982.

Nyāyapraveśa. Śaṅkarasvāmin. Ed. A. B. Dhruva, GOS 38 (1930), 39 (1927). Ed. and trans. Musashi Tachikawa, “A Sixth Century Manual of Indian LogicJIP 1 (1971), pp. 111-45.

Pañcāstikāya. Ed. and trans. A. Chakravartinayanar, The Sacred Books of the Jains, Vol. 3. Arrah, India, 1920. Repr. New York: AMS Press, 1974.

Prajñāpāramitāpiṇḍārtha. Auth. Dignāga. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 4 (1960).

Prajñāpāramitāsañcayagāthā (i.e. Ratnaguṇasañcayagāthā). Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 17 (1961).

Pramāṇanayatattvālokālaṃkāra. Auth. Deva Sūri. See Ornamental Mirror of Categories

Pramāṇavārttika. Auth. Dharmakīrti. Ed. D. Shastri, BB 3 (1968). Svārthānumāna chapter ed. R. Gnoli, SOR 23 (1960).

Pramāṇaviniścaya. Auth. Dharmakīrti. T 4211. T. Vetter, Dharmakīrti's Pramāṇaviniścayaḥ, I. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte 250, Band 3. Vienna, 1966. E. Steinkellner, Dharmakīrti's Pramāṇaviniścayaḥ, II. 1. Sitzungsberichte 287, Band 4. Vienna, 1973. E. Steinkellner, Dharmakīrti's Pramāṇaviniścayaḥ, II.2. Sitzungsberichte 358. Vienna, 1979.

Pramāṇasamuccayakārikā and Vṛtti. Auth. Dignāga. T 4203-4. Partially ed. and trans. in M. Hattori, Dignāga on Perception. HOS 47 (1968).

Prasannapadā. Auth. Candrakīrti. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 10 (1960). Partially trans. M. Sprung, Lucid Exposition of the Middle Way. Boulder: Prajñā Press, 1979.

Buddhacarita. Auth. Aśvaghoṣa. Ed. and trans. E. H. Johnston. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1972.

Bodhicittavivaraṇa. Auth. Nāgārjuna. Ed. C. Lindtner, Nagarjuniana. Indiske Studier IV. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1982, pp. 180-217.

Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra. Auth. Śāntideva. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 12 (1960). Trans. S. Batchelor, A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life. LTWA, 1979.

Bodhisattvacaryāvatārapañjikā. Auth. Prajñākaramati. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 12 (1960).

Bhadrakalpikasūtra. T 94. MTTWL 26. See Auspicious Aeon Sūtra

Bhadracaryāpraṇidhānarāja. Skt. and Tib. edn. S. K. Pathak, Śrīḥ Āryabhadracaripraṇidhānarāja. Gangtok, Sikkim: Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, 1961.

Bhikṣuvibhaṅga. T 3. See Two Analyses

Mañjuśrīnāmasaṃgīti. Ed. and trans. R. M. Davidson, “The Litany of Names of Mañjuśrī” MCB 20 (1981), pp. 1-69.

Madhyāntavibhāga. Auth. Maitreyanātha. TSWS 10 (1967).

Mahayānasaṃgraha. Auth. Asaṅga. Ed. and trans. É. Lamotte, La Somme du Grand Véhicule d'Asaṅga. 2 vols. Louvain: Institut Orientaliste, 1973.

Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra. Auth. Maitreyanātha. Ed. S. Bagchi, BST 13 (1970).

Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāravyākhyā. Auth. Vasubandhu. Ed. together with the preceding.

Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra. Auth. Maitreyanātha. Skt. edn. E. H. Johnston, Ratnagotravibhāga Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra. Patna: Bihar Research Society, 1950. Tib. edn. Zuiryu Nakamura, Zō-wa-taishō, Kukyō-ichijō-hōshōron-kenkyū. Tokyo: Suzuki Gakujutsu Zaidan (Suzuki Research Foundation), 1967. Trans. Jikido Takasaki, A Study on the Ratnagotravibhāga, SOR 33 (1966).

Mahāyānottaratantraśāstravyākhyā. Auth. Asaṅga. Ed. together with the preceding.

Mahāvaṃsa. Auth. Mahānāma. Ed. W. Geiger. Pali Text Society, 1908; repr. 1958. Trans. Geiger. Colombo: Govt. of Ceylon, 1912; repr. 1980.

Mahāvastu. Trans. J. J. Jones. 3 vols. Sacred Books of the Buddhists 16, 18, 19. London: Luzac and Co., 1949-56.

Mahāvyutpatti. Ed. R. Sakaki, Kyoto, 1916-25; repr. Tokyo, 1965.

Mūlamadhyamakakārikā. Auth. Nāgārjuna. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 10 (1960). Trans. in F. J. Streng, Emptiness: A Study in Religious Meaning. Nashville/New York: Abingdon, 1967, pp. 183-220.

Mūlāpattisaṃgraha. Auth. Aśvaghoṣa. T 5270. Ed. and trans. S. Lévi, Journal Asiatique, Oct.-Dec. 1929, pp. 266-7.

Ratnāvali. Auth. Nāgārjuna. Skt. fragments ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 10 (1960). Tib. edn. L. P. Lhalungpa. Dbuma [sic] rigs tshogs drug. Delhi, 1970. Trans. J. Hopkins, The Precious Garland and the Song of the Four Mindfulnesses. London: Allen and Unwin, 1975.

Laṅkāvatārasūtra. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 3 (1963). Trans. D. T. Suzuki, The Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1932, 1956, etc.

Lalitavistarasūtra. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 1 (1958).

Vajracchedikā. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 17 (1961). Ed. and trans. E. Conze, Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā, SOR 13 (1957).

Vigrahavyāvartanī. Auth. Nāgārjuna. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 10 (1960). Ed. and trans. K. Bhattacharya, The Dialectical Method of Nāgārjuna. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1978. Root text ed. C. Lindtner, Nagarjuniana. Indiske Studier IV. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1982, pp. 70-86.

Vimalakīrtinirdeśasūtra. Tib. edn. Jisshu Oshika, Acta Indologica 1 (1970), pp. 137-240. Translations by É. Lamotte, C. Luk and R. A. F. Thurman are listed separately in the final section of the Bibliography.

Vyavahārasiddhi. Auth. Nāgārjuna. Fragments ed. C. Lindtner, Nagarjuniana. Indiske Studier IV. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1982, pp. 94-9.

Śikṣāsamuccaya. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 11 (1961).

Śrīmālādevīsūtra. Trans. A. and H. Wayman, The Lion's Roar of Queen Śrīmālā. New York/London: Columbia University Press, 1974.

Ṣaḍdarśanasamuccaya. Auth. Haribhadrasūri. Ed. K. N. Mishra. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series 95. Varanasi, 1979.

Satyadvayavibhaṅga. Auth. Jñānagarbha. Ed. and trans. M. D. Eckel, Jñānagarbha's Commentary on the Distinction between the Two Truths. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1986.

Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 6 (1960). Trans. L. Hurvitz, Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma. New York: Columbia University Press, 1976.

Samādhirājasūtra. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 2 (1961).

Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha. Auth. Sāyaṇa Mādhava. Ed. V. Abhyankar. Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1978.

Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra. Ed. P. L. Vaidya, BST 17 (1961). Trans. F. Max Müller, SBE 49.

Suhṛllekha. Auth. Nāgārjuna. Ed. A. Sonam. Sarnath, UP: Rin-chen don-grub, 1971. I-Tib 72-924259. Trans. P. D. Santina et al., Nāgārjuna's Letter to King Gautamīputra. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1976.

Stavakāya. Auth. Nāgārjuna. See Collection of Eulogies

Hevajratantra. Ed. and trans. D. L. Snellgrove. The Hevajra Tantra, Pts. 1 and 2. London Oriental Series, Vol. 6. London: Oxford University Press, 1959; repr. 1964, 1971.

2 Tibetan Texts

kun-bzang bla-ma'i zhal-lung. Auth. Rdza Dpal-sprul O-rgyan 'jigs-med chos-kyi dbang-po. Xylo. Rum-btegs, Sikkim, c. 1968. I(Sik)-Tib 76-903001.

kloṅ-chen gsuṅ-thor-bu. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. KCST.

bka'-thang gser-phreng. Disc. Sangs-rgyas gling-pa. Kalimpong: Dudjom Rinpoche, 1970. I-Tib 79-922880.

bka'-gdams pha-chos bu-chos. Litho. 2 vols. Varanasi: Kalsang Lhundup, 1973. I-Tib 73-906437.

bka'-babs bdun-ldan-gyi rnam-thar. Auth. Tāranātha. Reproduced in Two Sources for the History of Buddhist Tantricism in India. SNGP, 1970. I-Tib 73-913513.

mkha' 'gro gsaṅ ba kun 'dus kyi chos skor. Disc. 'Jam-dbyang mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. Gangtok: Gonpo Tsetan Lama, 1976. I-Tib 76-903111.

mkhas-pa'i tshul-la 'jug-pa'i sgo. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. Xylo. SNGP, n.d.

khrid-brgya lo-rgyus. Auth. Jo-nang rje-btsun Kun-dga' grol-mchog, completed by Tāranātha. DZ Vol. 12, pp. 309-58.

khrid-yig ye-shes bla-ma. Auth. 'Jigs-med gling-pa. Xylo. SNGP, n.d.

grub-mtha' bsdus-pa. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rnam-rgyal. Pub. in Vol. 2 of Dodrup Chen Rinpoche's edn. of the Wish-fulfilling Treasury, listed in the first part of the Bibliography.

grub-mtha' shel-gyi me-long. Auth. Thu'u-bkvan chos-kyi rdo-rje. See Crystal Mirror of Philosophical Systems

dge-ldan bka'-brgyud rin-po-che'i phyag-chen rtsa-ba rgyal-ba'i gzhung-lam. Auth. Paṇ-chen blo-bzang chos-kyi rgyal-mtshan. DZ Vol. 3, pp. 421-30.

dgongs-pa grub-pa'i rgyud. NL. Quoted in the sngags-kyi spyi-don tshangs-dbyangs brug-sgra of Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. Varanasi: Tarthang Tulku, c. 1968.

rgyal-rabs. Auth. Bdud-'joms Rin-po-che. Full title: gangs chen bod chen po'i rgyal rabs 'dus gsal du bkod pa sngon med dvangs shel 'phrul gyi me long. In The Collected Works of H. H. Bdud-'joms Rin-po-che, Vol. 3.

rgyal-rabs gsal-ba'i me-long. Auth. Bla-ma dam-pa Bsod-nams rgyal-mtshan. Ed. Kuznetsov. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1966.

rgyud rang-byung rang-shar. NGB Vol. 10.

rgyud bla-ma'i 'grel-pa. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. Xylo. Rum-btegs Monastery, Sikkim, n.d.

rgyud-'bum dris-lan. Auth. 'Jigs-med gling-pa. JLSB Vol. 3.

rgyud-'bum-gyi dkar-chag. Auth. Bu-ston Rin-chen-grub. The Collected Works of Bu-ston Rin-chen-grub, Vol. 24. SP 64. I-Tib-49.

rgyud gsang-ba snying-po'i 'grel-chen gsang-bdag zhal-lung. Auth. Lo-chen Dharmaśrī. NMKMG Vol. 32. SSS 36 (1972). I-Tib 72-903163.

sgra-sbyor bam-gnyis. T 4347. Ed. Sonam Angdu, in Tibeto-Sanskrit Lexicographical Materials. Leh: Rinchen Tondup Tongspon, 1973. I-Tib 76-901144.

sngags-kyi spyi-don tshangs-dbyangs 'brug-sgra. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. Varanasi: Tarthang Tulku, c. 1968. Also pub. in Vol. 4 of Dodrup Chen Rinpoche's edn. of the Trilogy of Rest, listed in the first part of the Bibliography.

sngags-log sun-'byin-gyi skor. Auth. 'Gos Khug-pa Lhas-btas et al. See Rejections of Perverse Doctrines

rje-btsun thams-cad mkhyen-pa bai-ro-tsa-na'i rnam-thar 'dra-'bag chen-mo. Biography of Vairocana. Xylo. Lhasa.

'jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i' dbang-po'i gsung-rtsom gces-sgrig. Auth. 'Jam-dbyangs Mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po. Chengdu: Sichuan Minorities Press, 1989.

'ju-lan ga-bur chu-rgyun. Auth. Pa-ri rab-gsal. Litho. Delhi: Byams-pa chos-rgyal, 1969.

chos-kyi rnam-grangs. Auth. Dgon-po dbang-rgyal. Chengdu: Sichuan Minorities Press, 1986.

rnying-ma'i rgyud-'bum-gyi rtogs-brjod. Auth. 'Jigs-med gling-pa. See Narrative History of the Precious Collected Tantras of the Ancient Translation School, the Ornament Covering All Jambudvīpa

snying-thig rtsa-pod. Disc. 'Jigs-med gling-pa. 3 vols. Paro: Ngodrup, 1976

gter-chen chos-kyi rgyal-po khrag-'thung bdud-'joms gling-pa'i rnam-thar zhal-gsung-ma. Xylo. Lhasa, n.d. Also pub. Dehra Dun: G. T. K. Lodoy and N. Gyaltsen, 1970.

gter-ston brgya-rtsa. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. See Lives of the Hundred Treasure-finders, a Beauteous Rosary of Precious Beryl

gter-mdzod thob-yig. Auth. Bdud-'joms Rin-po-che. Litho. po-ti format, n.d.

gtum-mo 'bar-'dzag yig-chung. In snying-thig rtsa-pod, Vol. 3, pp. 23-6.

bstan-rtsis kun-las btus-pa. Auth. Tshe-brtan zhabs-drung. Xining: Qinghai Minorities Press, 1982.

theg-mchog rin-po-che'i mdzod. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. See Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle

thub-pa dgongs-gsal. Auth. Sa-skya Paṇḍita. SK Vol. 5, no. 1.

deb-ther sngon-po. See Blue Annals

dris-lan lung-dang rigs-pa'i 'brug-sgra. Auth. Sog-bzlog-pa Blo-gros Rgyal-mtshan. In Collected Writings of Sog-bzlog-pa Blo-gros-rgyal-mtshan. 2 vols. New Delhi: Sanje Dorje, 1975. I-Tib 75-900763.

sde-brgyad gser-skyems. Auth. Gnubs-chen Sangs-rgyas ye-shes. Xylo. Mtho-mthong Monastery, Nepal. N-Tib 72-902832.

sdom-gsum-gyi rab-tu dbye-ba'i bstan-bcos. Auth. Sa-skya Paṇḍita. SK Vol. 5, no. 24. See Analysis of the Three Vows

mdo mdzangs-blun. T 341. Typeset edn. Dharmsala, HP: Council of Cultural and Religious Affairs of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 1968. I-Tib 77-921896. Xining: Qinghai Minorities Press, 1984. Trans., from the Mongolian, S. Frye, Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish. LTWA, 1981. See Sūtra of the Wise and Foolish

gnas-lugs rin-po-che'i mdzod. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. See Treasury of the Abiding Nature of Reality

rnam thar rgyas pa. See H. Eimer, Rnam thar rgyas pa: Materialen zu einer Biographie des Atiśa, in the following section.

pad-gling 'khrungs-rabs-kyi rtogs-brjod nyung-gsal dad-pa'i me-tog. PLTC Vol. 14, pp. 511-600.

padma bka'-thang. Disc. O-rgyan gling-pa. Listed as the Injunction of Padma (which was Discovered at Crystal Rock) in the first part of the Bibliography; and as The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava, in the final part.

dpag bsam ljon bzang. Auth. Sum-pa mkhan-po Ye-shes dpal-'byor. Ed. S. C. Das, Pag Sam Jon Zang. Calcutta: Presidency Jail Press, 1908.

dpag-bsam snye-ma. Auth. Lo-chen Dharmaśrī. NMKMG Vol. 37. Tibetan xylo. Rdza-rong-phu Monastery. N-Tib 71-914803.

dpa'-bo chos-'byung. Auth. Dpa'-bo Gtsug-lag 'phreng-ba. See Scholar's Feast of Doctrinal History

dpal-spungs yang-khrod tsā-'dra rin-chen brag-gi sgrub-sde'i dkar-chag. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. GCKZ Vol. 11, pp. 477-545.

spyi-don 'od-gsal snying-po. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. NMKMG Vol. 27.

spyi-don legs-bshad snang-bas yid-kyi mun-pa thams-cad sel-ba. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. See Trilogy which Dispels Darkness

phar-phyin 'phrul-gyi bang-mdzod. Auth. gYag-sde Paṇ-chen. Pub. 2 vols. New Delhi: Ngawang Topgay, 1975.

phyogs-bcu mun-sel. Auth. Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. See Trilogy which Dispels Darkness

bairo 'dra-'bag. See rje-btsun thams-cad mkhyen-pa bai-ro-tsa-na'i rnam-thar 'dra-'bag chen-mo

bar-do'i spyi-don. Auth. Rtse-le Sna-tshogs rang-grol. Typeset, po-ti format. Kalimpong: Mani Printing, n.d.

bi-ma snying-thig. Redacted by Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa. See Innermost Spirituality of Vimalamitra

bod-kyi chos-srid zung-'brel skor bshad-pa. Auth. Dongar Luosang Chinlei [Dung-dkar blo-bzang phrin-las]. Beijing: Minorities Press, 1981.

bod-kyi rdo-ring-dang dril-bu'i kha-byang. Beijing: Minorities Press, 1984.

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byang-chub sems-dpa'i spyod-pa-la 'jug-pa'i tshig-'grel. Auth. Mkhan-chen Kun-bzang dpal-ldan. Xylo. Ser-lo Monastery, Nepal. N-Tib 74-923789.

mos-gus rab-byed. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas. GCKZ Vol. 2, pp. 45-82.

tshes-bcu bskul-thabs. Disc. Ratna gling-pa. RTD Vol. 16, pp. 121-7.

tshig-bdun rnam-bshad padma dkar-po. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. Varanasi: Snyi-lcang Thub-bstan chos-grags rgya-mtsho, 1971.

tshogs-chen 'dus-pa. Auth. Gter-bdag gling-pa. NMKMG Vol. 16.

gzhan-stong khas-len seng-ge'i nga-ro. Auth. 'Jam-mgon Mi-pham rgya-mtsho. Xylo. Ser-lo Monastery, Nepal. N-Tib 72-902223.

gzhung-lugs legs-bshad. Auth. Sa-skya Paṇḍita. SK Vol. 5, no. 3. This work is now generally considered to be a forgery. The scholarship on it is surveyed in D. P. Jackson, The Entrance Gate for the Wise (Section III). Vienna, 1987, Vol. 1, pp. 48-9.

źe-chen chos-'byuṅ. Auth. Zhe-chen rgyal-tshab Padma rnam-rgyal. SSS 10 (1971). I-Tib 79-925448.

yid-bzhin rin-po-che'i mdzod. See Wish-fulfilling Treasury

yon-tan rin-po-che'i mdzod. See Precious Treasury of Enlightened Attributes

ri-chos mtshams-kyi zhal-gdams. Auth. Karma chags-med. Tib. xylo. Rtsib-ri. N-Tib 72-914960.

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gsang-bdag zhal-lung. See rgyud gsang-ba snying-po'i 'grel-chen gsang-bdag zhal-lung

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4 Addenda to the Bibliography

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Dorje, Gyurme. Tibetan Elemental Divination Paintings. London: Eskenazi & Fogg, 2001.

Dorje, Gyurme, with G. Coleman. The Complete Tibetan Book of the Dead. Forthcoming.

Dreyfus, Georges. Recognizing Reality. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1997.

Dudjom Lingpa. Buddhahood Without Meditation, trans. Richard Barron. Padma Publishing, 1997.

Edou, Jérôme. Machig Labdrön and the Foundations of Chöd. Ithaca: Snow Lion, 1996.

Ehrhard, Franz-Karl. “Flügelschäge des Garuḍa”: Literar- und ideengeschichtliche Bemerkungen zu einer Liedersammlung des rDzogs-chen. Tibetan and Indo-Tibetan Studies 3. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1990.

Germano, David. “Architecture and Absence in the Secret Tantric History of rDzogs Chen,” Journal of the International Association for Buddhist Studies, 17/2 (1994): 203-335.

Goldstein, Melvyn C, and Matthew T. Kapstein, eds. Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet: Religious Revival and Cultural Identity. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.

Goodman, Steven D., and Ronald M. Davidson, eds. Tibetan Buddhism: Reason and Revelation. Albany: SUNY Press, 1992.

Guenther, Herbert V. Wholeness Lost and Wholeness Regained: Forgotten Tales of Individuation from Ancient Tibet. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994.

Guenther, Herbert V. The Teachings of Padmasambhava. Leiden: Brill, 1996.

Gyatso, Janet, ed. In the Mirror of Memory. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992.

Gyatso, Janet. Apparitions of the Self. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998.

Hookham, S.K. The Buddha Within. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991.

Huber, Toni. The Cult of Pure Crystal Mountain. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Huntington, C. W., Jr., with Geshé Namgyal Wangchen. The Emptiness of Emptiness: An Introduction to Early Indian Mādhyamika. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1989.

Jackson, David. Enlightenment by a Single Means. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1994.

Jackson, Roger, and José Cabezón, eds. Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications, 1995.

Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye. Myriad Worlds: Buddhist Cosmology in Abhidharma, Kalacakra, and Dzog-chen, trans. Tibet Sonada Translation Committee. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion, 1995.

Kapstein, Matthew T. The Tibetan Assimilation of Buddhism: Conversion, Contestation, and Memory. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Kapstein, Matthew T. Reason's Traces: Identity and Interpretation in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001.

Karmay, Samten Gyaltsen. Secret Visions of the Fifth Dalai Lama: The Gold Manuscript in the Fournier Collection. London: Serindia Publications, 1988.

Khoroche, Peter, trans. Once the Buddha Was a Monkey. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 1989.

Kohn, Richard. Lord of the Dance: The Mani Rimdu Festival in Nepal and Tibet. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2001.

Könchog Gyaltsen, Khenpo. The Great Kagyu Masters: The Golden Lineage Treasury, ed. Victoria Huckenpahler. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications, 1990.

van der Kuijp, Leonard W. J. “On the Lives of Śākyaśrībhadra (?–1225),” Journal of the American Oriental Society 114.4 (1994): 599–616.

Kunsang, Eric Pema, trans. Dakini Teachings: Padma Sambhava's Oral Instructions to Lady Tsogyal. Boston/London: Shambhala, 1990.

Kunsang, Eric Pema, trans. The Lotus-Born: The Life of Padmasambhava. Boston/London: Shambhala, 1993.

Kværne, Per. The Bon Religion of Tibet. London: Serindia Publications, 1995.

Longchen Yeshe Dorje, Kangyur Rinpoche. Treasury of Precious Qualities, trans. Padmakara Translation Group. Boston: Shambhala, 2001.

Lopez, Donald Jr., ed. Tibetan Religions in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997.

Martin, Dan. Tibetan Histories: A Bibliography of Tibetan-Language Historical Works. London: Serindia Publications, 1997.

Mayer, Robert. A Scripture of the Ancient Tantra Collection: The Phur-pa bcu-gnyis. Oxford: Kiscadale Publications, 1996.

Mimaki, Katsumi. “Doxographie tibétaine et classifications indiennes,” in Fukui Fumimasa and Gérard Fussman, eds., Bouddhisme et cultures locales: Quelques cas de réciproques adaptations. Études thématiques 2. Paris: École Française d'Extrême-Orient, 1994, pp. 115-36.

Ngawang Zangpo, trans. Jamgon Kongtrul's Retreat Manual. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion, 1994.

Orgyan Topgyal. The Life and Teaching of Chokgyur Lingpa. Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 1988.

Padma Tshewang, Khenpo Phuntshok Tashi, Chris Butters, and Sigmund K. Sætreng. The Treasure Revealer of Bhutan: Pemalingpa, the Terma Tradition, and Its Critics. Bibliotheca Himalayica III, 8. Kathmandu: EMR Publishing House, 1995.

Padmakara Translation Committee. The Words of My Perfect Teacher. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1994.

Parfionovitch, Yuri, Gyurme Dorje, and Fernand Meyer. Tibetan Medical Paintings. London: Serindia, 1992.

Pettit, John. Mipham's Beacon of Certainty. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1999.

Ricard, Matthieu et al., trans. The Life of Shabkar: The Autobiography of a Tibetan Yogin. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994.

Richardson, Hugh E. Ceremonies of the Lhasa Year. London: Serindia Publications, 1993.

Richardson, Hugh E. High Peaks, Pure Earth: Collected Writings on Tibetan History and Culture. Edited by Michael Aris. London: Serindia Publications, 1998.

Samuel, Geoffrey. Civilized Shamans: Buddhism in Tibetan Societies. Washington/London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993.

Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen. Heart Drops of the Dharmakaya, commentary by Lopon Tenzin Namdak. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion, 1993.

Smith, E. Gene. Among Tibetan Texts. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001.

Sørensen, Per K. Tibetan Buddhist Historiography: The Mirror Illuminating the Royal Genealogies. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994.

Stearns, Cyrus. Buddha from Dolpo. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999.

Srong, John S. The Legend and Cult of Upagupta. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992.

Tulku Thondup. Masters of Meditation and Miracles: Lives of the Great Buddhist Masters of India and Tibet, ed. Harold Talbot. Boston: Shambhala, 1999.

Wallace, Vesna A. The Inner Kālacakratantra: A Buddhist Tantric View of the Individual. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Wangdu, Pasang, and Hildegard Diemberger. dBa' bzhed: The Royal Narrative Concerning the Bringing of the Buddha's Doctrine to Tibet. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2000.

Williams, Paul. Altruism and Reality: Studies in the Philosophy of the Bodhicaryāvatāra. Surrey: Curzon, 1998.

——. The Reflexive Nature of Awareness: A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence. Surrey, England: Curzon, 1998.

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