
Polyglot (Computing)

The Cloud Monk, Losang Jinpa, is now focused writing until end of December 2025 on his polyglot programmer compendium - concordance books Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book and DevOps for 20 Languages by Cloud Monk (with a particular focus on Cloud Native DevSecOps and Web API Security) to be published on GitHub and this Wiki. (navbar_devops_book - navbar_devops_focus

Snippet from Wikipedia: Polyglot (computing)

In computing, a polyglot is a computer program or script (or other file) written in a valid form of multiple programming languages or file formats. The name was coined by analogy to multilingualism. A polyglot file is composed by combining syntax from two or more different formats.

When the file formats are to be compiled or interpreted as source code, the file can be said to be a polyglot program, though file formats and source code syntax are both fundamentally streams of bytes, and exploiting this commonality is key to the development of polyglots. Polyglot files have practical applications in compatibility, but can also present a security risk when used to bypass validation or to exploit a vulnerability.

Cloud Monk Losang Jinpa, PhD, MCSE/MCT, is a quadrilingual (English-French-Mandarin-Korean) Cloud Native Polyglot programmer and DevOps Engineer.

He Focuses on Azure, Kubernetes-OpenShift-Podman-Docker Containerization, Linux (RHEL-Ubuntu-FreeBSD), Python, PowerShell 7 (PowerShell for Windows, PowerShell for Linux, PowerShell for Mac), Windows Server 2022

Popular and Most Popular: BuiltWith.com (Web Technology Usage Trends - Web and Internet Technology Usage Statistics), Popular Frameworks, Popular Web Frameworks, Popular Libraries (Popular JavaScript Libraries, Popular Python Libraries, Popular Java Libraries), Standard Libraries, Popular Software, DB-Engines.com (Most Popular Relational Databases DBMS, NoSQL Database Management Systems and Data Stores), Most Popular Websites. Most Popular Programming Languages are determined by StackOverflow Tags, StackOverflow Developer Survey, JetBrains State of Developer Ecosystem, RedMonk Programming Language Rankings, PYPL (PopularitY of Programming Language) Index, TIOBE Index, GitHub Octoverse, GitHub Star Ranking for Repositories, Most GitHub Stars, Most GitHub Forks, Rosetta Code: (1. Python, 2. JavaScript, 3. Java, 4. C#, 5. C++, 6. PHP, 7. TypeScript, 8. Ruby, 9. C, 10. Swift, 11. R, 12. Objective-C, 13. Scala, 14. Go, 15. Kotlin, 16. Rust, 17. Dart, 18. Lua, 19. Perl, 20. Haskell, 21. Julia, 22. Clojure, 23. Elixir, 24. F#, 25. Assembly, 26. Shell/bash, 27. SQL, 28. Groovy, 29. PowerShell, 30. MATLAB, 31. VBA, 32. Racket, 33. Scheme, 34. Prolog, 35. Erlang, 36. Ada, 37. Fortran, 38. COBOL, 39. Lua, 40. VB.NET, 41. Lisp, 42. SAS, 43. D, 44. LabVIEW, 45. PL/SQL, 46. Delphi/Object Pascal, 47. ColdFusion, 49. CLIST, 50. REXX. Old Programming Languages: APL, Pascal, Algol, PL/I,). (navbar_popular - see also navbar_famous)

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