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postgresql is an advanced, open-source relational database management system that emphasizes extensibility and SQL compliance. PostgreSQL is widely used for web applications and data analysis due to its robustness, flexibility, and support for advanced features like full-text search and custom functions.
PostgreSQL is an open source database system.
“PostgreSQL is an open-source, object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) available for all major platforms including Linux, UNIX, Windows and OS X. Please mention your exact version of Postgres when asking questions. Questions concerning administration or advanced features are best directed to” Fair Use] Source:
PostgreSQL Resources / Links
- Docker Desktop for Mac and Windows -
- PostgreSQL Downloads for local installation -
- Dell DVD Store database test suite -
Fair Use Source: From PostgreSQL Functions Playbook at and
- Querying Data with SQL from PostgreSQL -
- PostgreSQL: Advanced SQL Queries, Pinal Dave, Aug 12, 2015, 1h 42m -
- PostgreSQL Data Manipulation Playbook, Ami Levin, Apr 24, 2019, 2h 34m -
- PostgreSQL: Index Tuning and Performance Optimization, Pinal Dave, Jul 27, 2016, 3h 7m -
- Combining and Filtering Data with PostgreSQL 9, Jason Browning, Ph.D., Aug 12, 2019, 1h 57m -
- Querying Data from PostgreSQL, Jason Browning, Ph.D., Mar 05, 2019, 1h 28m -
- PostgreSQL: Advanced Server Programming, Pinal Dave, Mar 20, 2016, 2h 14m -
- Programming PostgreSQL, Rob Conery, Jul 28, 2015, 3h 25m -
- Capturing Logic with Custom Functions in PostgreSQL, Gerald Britton, Mar 19, 2020, 1h 54m -
PostgreSQL - Also known as: postgres, postgresql@12 - Object-relational database system -
PostgreSQL, often simply Postgres, is an object-relational database (ORDBMS). PostgreSQL is ACID-compliant and transactional. (see more: PostgreSQL,
- - Docker Official Image packaging for Postgres
High-Availability Postgre
- BDR - BiDirectional Replication - a multimaster replication system for PostgreSQL.
- Patroni - Template for PostgreSQL HA with ZooKeeper or etcd.
Stolon - PostgreSQL HA based on Consul or etcd, with Kubernetes integration.
pglookout - Replication monitoring and failover daemon.
repmgr - Open-source tool suite to manage replication and failover in a cluster of PostgreSQL servers.
Slony-I - “Master to multiple slaves” replication system with cascading and failover.
PAF - PostgreSQL Automatic Failover: High-Availibility for Postgres, based on Pacemaker and Corosync.
SkyTools - Replication tools, including PgQ, a queuing system, and Londiste, a replication system a bit simpler to manage than Slony.
Backups of Postgre
Barman - Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL by 2ndQuadrant.
OmniPITR - Advanced WAL File Management Tools for PostgreSQL. pg_probackup – A fork of pg_arman, improved by @PostgresPro, supports incremental backups, backups from replica, multithreaded backup and restore, and anonymous backup without archive command. pgBackRest - Reliable PostgreSQL Backup & Restore. pg_back - pg_back is a simple backup script pghoard - Backup and restore tool for cloud object stores (AWS S3, Azure, Google Cloud, OpenStack Swift). wal-e - Simple Continuous Archiving for PostgreSQL to S3, Azure, or Swift by Heroku. wal-g - The successor of WAL-E rewritten in Go. Currently supports cloud object storage services by AWS (S3), Google Cloud (GCS), Azure, as well as OpenStack Swift, MinIO, and file system storages. Supports block-level incremental backups, offloading backup tasks to a standby server, provides parallelization and throttling options. In addition to Postgres, WAL-G can be used for MySQL and MongoDB databases. pitrery - pitrery is a set of Bash scripts to manage Point In Time Recovery (PITR) backups for PostgreSQL.
GUI for Postgre
Adminer - Full-featured database management tool written in PHP.
OmniDB - Open Source Collaborative Environment For Database Management
DataGrip - IDE with advanced tool sets and good cross-platform experience (Commercial Software).
Datazenit - Web-based PostgreSQL GUI (Commercial Software). DBeaver - Universal Database Manager with excellent support for PostgreSQL. dbglass - Cross-platform desktop client for PostgreSQL, built with Electron. Holistics - Online cross platform database management tool and SQL query reporting GUI with strong
PostgreSQL support (Commercial Software). JackDB - Web-based SQL query interface (Commercial Software). Metabase - Simple dashboards, charts and query tool for PostgreSQL. Numeracy - Fast SQL editor with charts and dashboards for PostgreSQL (Commercial Software). pgAdmin - PostgreSQL Administration and Management GUI. pgModeler - pgModeler is an open-source PostgreSQL Database Modeler. pgweb - Web-based PostgreSQL database browser written in Go. phpPgAdmin - The Premier Web Based Administration Tool for PostgreSQL.
- Postico - Modern PostgreSQL Client for macOS (Commercial Software). and For PostgreSQL Client for iOS see
PSequel - Clean and simple interface to perform common PostgreSQL tasks quickly (Commercial Software). SQL Tabs - Cross Platform Desktop Client for PostgreSQL written in JS. SQLPro for Postgres - Simple, powerful PostgreSQL manager for macOS (Commercial Software). temBoard - Web-based PostgreSQL GUI and monitoring. TablePlus - Native App which let you edit database and structure. High-end security ensured (Commercial Software). TeamSQL - Cross-platform SQL Client: Simple, Effortless, Extensible. Valentina Studio - Cross-platform database administration tool (Free/Commercial) PostgresCompare - Cross-platform database comparison and deployment tool (Commercial Software).
Distributions of Postgre - The Easiest Way to Get Started with PostgreSQL on macOS. PostgreSql.Binaries.Lite - Minimum set of Windows binaries of the PostgreSQL database. Also made available through NuGet.
Postgre CLI
pgcli - Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
psql - The built-in PostgreSQL CLI client
psql2csv - Run a query in psql and output the result as CSV
nancy - The Nancy CLI is a unified way to manage automated database experiments either in clouds or on-premise
Postgre Server
Postgres-XL - Scalable Open Source PostgreSQL-based Database Cluster. AgensGraph - Powerful graph database based on the PostgreSQL. Greenplum Database - Open source fork of PostgreSQL for large data volumes.
Monitoring Postgre
check_pgactivity - check_pgactivity is designed to monitor PostgreSQL clusters from Nagios. It offers many options to measure and monitor useful performance metrics. Check_postgres - Nagios check_postgres plugin for checking status of PostgreSQL databases. Instrumental - Real-time performance monitoring, including pre-made graphs for ease of setup (Commercial Software) libzbxpgsql - Comprehensive PostgreSQL monitoring module for Zabbix. Pome - Pome stands for PostgreSQL Metrics. Pome is a PostgreSQL Metrics Dashboard to keep track of the health of your database. pg_view - Open-source command-line tool that shows global system stats, per-partition information, memory stats and other information. pgwatch2 - Flexible and easy to get started PostgreSQL metrics monitor focusing on Grafana dashboards. pgbench - Run a benchmark test on PostgreSQL. - Open PostgreSQL Monitoring is a free software suite designed to help you manage your PostgreSQL servers. It can gather stats, display dashboards and send warnings when something goes wrong. Extensions Citus - Scalable PostgreSQL cluster for real-time workloads. cstore_fdw - Columnar store for analytics with PostgreSQL. cyanaudit - Cyan Audit provides in-database logging of all DML activity on a column-by-column basis. pglogical - Extension that provides logical streaming replication. pg_partman - Partition management extension for PostgreSQL. pg_paxos - Basic implementation of Paxos and Paxos-based table replication for a cluster of PostgreSQL nodes. pg_shard - Extension to scale out real-time reads and writes. PGStrom - Extension to offload CPU intensive workloads to GPU. pgxn PostgreSQL Extension Network - central distribution point for many open-source PostgreSQL extensions PipelineDB - A PostgreSQL extension that runs SQL queries continuously on streams, incrementally storing results in tables. plpgsql_check - Extension that allows to check plpgsql source code. PostGIS - Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL. PG_Themis - Postgres binding as extension for crypto library Themis, providing various security services on PgSQL's side. zomboDB - Extension that enables efficient full-text searching via the use of indexes backed by Elasticsearch. pgMemento - Provides an audit trail for your data inside a PostgreSQL database using triggers and server-side functions written in PL/pgSQL. TimescaleDB - Open-source time-series database fully compatible with Postgres, distributed as extension pgTAP - Database testing framework for Postgres HypoPG - HypoPG provides hypothetical/virtual indexes feature. pgRouting - pgRouting extends the PostGIS/PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing and other network analysis functionality. Optimization PgHero - PostgreSQL insights made easy. pgMustard - A modern user interface for EXPLAIN, that also provides performance tips (Commercial Software). pgtune - PostgreSQL configuration wizard. pgtune - Online version of PostgreSQL configuration wizard. - PostgreSQL Online Configuration Tool (also based on pgtune). PoWA - PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer gathers performance stats and provides real-time charts and graphs to help monitor and tune your PostgreSQL servers. pg_web_stats - Web UI to view pg_stat_statements. Utilities apgdiff - Compares two database dump files and creates output with DDL statements that can be used to update old database schema to new one. ERAlchemy - ERAlchemy generates Entity Relation (ER) diagram from databases. Hasura - Instant realtime GraphQL APIs on any Postgres application, existing or new. ldap2pg - Synchronize roles and privileges from YML and LDAP. mysql-postgresql-converter - Lanyrd's MySQL to PostgreSQL conversion script. ora2pg - Perl module to export an Oracle database schema to a PostgreSQL compatible schema. pg_activity - top like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring. pg-formatter - A PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier (Node.js). pganalyze - PostgreSQL Performance Monitoring (Commercial Software). pgbadger - Fast PostgreSQL Log Analyzer. PgBouncer - Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL. pgCenter - Provides convenient interface to various statistics, management task, reloading services, viewing log files and canceling or terminating database backends. pg_chameleon - Real time replica from MySQL to PostgreSQL with optional type override migration and migration capabilities. pgclimb - Export data from PostgreSQL into different data formats. pgfutter - Import CSV and JSON into PostgreSQL the easy way. PGInsight - CLI tool to easily dig deep inside your PostgreSQL database. pg_insights - Convenient SQL for monitoring Postgres database health. pgloader - Loads data into PostgreSQL using the COPY streaming protocol, and does so with separate threads for reading and writing data. pgpool-II - Middleware that provides connection pooling, replication, load balancing and limiting exceeding connections. pgsync - Tool to sync PostgreSQL data to your local machine. PGXN client - Command line tool to interact with the PostgreSQL Extension Network postgresql-metrics - Tool that extracts and provides metrics for your PostgreSQL database. PostgREST - Serves a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database. pREST - Serve a RESTful API from any PostgreSQL database (Golang) PostGraphile - Instant GraphQL API or GraphQL schema for your PostgreSQL database yoke - PostgreSQL high-availability cluster with auto-failover and automated cluster recovery. pglistend - A lightweight PostgresSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY daemon built on top of node-postgres. ZSON - PostgreSQL extension for transparent JSONB compression pg_bulkload - It's a high speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL. pg_migrate - Manage PostgreSQL codebases and make VCS simple. sqitch - Tool for managing versioned schema deployment pgmigrate - CLI tool to evolve schema migrations, developed by Yandex. pgcmp - Tool to compare database schemas, with capability to accept some persistent differences graphql-engine - Get Instant Realtime GraphQL APIs over PostgreSQL. sqlcheck - Automatically detects common SQL anti-patterns. Such anti-patterns often slow down queries. Addressing them will, therefore, help accelerate queries. postgres-checkup - a new-generation diagnostics tool that allows users to collect deep analysis of the health of a Postgres database. Language bindings Common Lisp: Postmodern Clojure: clj-postgresql Elixir: postgrex Go: pgx Haskell: postgresql-simple Java: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver .Net/.Net Core: Npgsql Node: node-postgres, pg-promise, pogi, slonik Perl: DBD-Pg PHP: Pomm, pecl/pq Python: psycopg2 Ruby: pg Rust: rust-postgresql Lua: luapgsql PaaS (PostgreSQL as a Service) Aiven PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL as a service in AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud and UpCloud; plans range from $19/month single node instances to large highly-available setups, free trial for two weeks. Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL - Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for PostgreSQL Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Azure Database for PostgreSQL provides fully managed, enterprise-ready community PostgreSQL database as a service. It provides builtin HA, elastic scaling and native integration with Azure ecosystem. Citus Cloud - Production grade scaled out PostgreSQL as a service enabling real-time workloads and sharding your multi-tenant apps. Compose - PostgreSQL as a service in AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and IBM Cloud; plans range from $17.5/month for 1GB storage and scale at $12/GB beyond that. Free trial for 30 days available. Database Labs - Get a production-ready cloud PostgreSQL server in minutes, from $20 a month Backups, monitoring, patches, and 24/7 tech support all included. DigitalOcean Managed Databases - Fully managed PostgreSQL databases. No free plan. Starting at $15/mo. Daily backups with point-in-time recovery. Standby nodes with auto-failover. ElephantSQL - Offers databases ranging from shared servers for smaller projects and proof of concepts, up to enterprise grade multi server setups. Has free plan for up to 5 DBs, 20 MB each. Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL - Fully-managed database service that makes it easy to set up, maintain, manage, and administer your PostgreSQL relational databases on Google Cloud Platform. (Beta) Heroku Postgres - Plans from free to huge, operated by PostgreSQL experts. Does not require running your app on Heroku. Free plan includes 10,000 rows, 20 connections, up to two backups, and has PostGIS support. Docker images citusdata/citus - Citus official images with citus extensions. Based on the official Postgres container. mdillon/postgis - PostGIS 2.3 on Postgres 9. Based on the official Postgres container. postgres - Official postgres container (from Docker) Resources Tutorials Backup and recover a PostgreSQL DB using wal-e - Tutorial about setting up continuous archiving in PostgreSQL using wal-e. PG Casts - Free weekly PostgreSQL screencasts by Hashrocket. Postgres Guide - Guide designed as an aid for beginners and experienced users to find specific tips and explore tools available within PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL Exercises - Site to make it easy to learn PostgreSQL by doing exercises. tutorialspoint PostgreSQL tutorial - Very extensive collection of tutorials on PostgreSQL postgresDBSamples - A collection of sample postgres schemas PostgreSQL Primer for Busy People - A collection of the most common commands used in PostgreSQL pg-utils - Useful DBA tools by Data Egret Blogs Planet PostgreSQL - Blog aggregation service for PostgreSQL. Andrew Dunstan's PostgreSQL and Technical blog Bruce Momjian's PostgreSQL blog Craig Kerstiens PostgreSQL posts - Set of posts on PostgreSQL cool features, tips and tricks. Database Soup - Josh Berkus' blog. Michael Paquier's blog Robert Haas' blog select * from depesz; - Hubert Lubaczewski's blog. Articles What PostgreSQL has over other open source SQL databases: Part I Debugging PostgreSQL performance, the hard way Why use Postgres? Superfast CSV imports using PostgreSQL's COPY command Documentation Wiki - user documentation, how-tos, and tips 'n' tricks Newsletters Postgres Weekly - Weekly newsletter that contains articles, news, and repos relevant to PostgreSQL. Videos Citus Data Youtube channel - Citus related videos EnterpriseDB Youtube channel - EnterpriseDB related videos PGConf US Youtube channel - Conference videos Scaling Postgres - Postgres video blog series by Creston Jamison
Postgre Community
- Mailing lists - Official mailing lists for Postgres for PostgreSQL support, outreach, and more. One of the primary channels of communication in the Postgres community.
- “#postgresql” on Freenode - The most popular IRC channel about Postgres on Freenode with close to 1000 users
- Reddit - A reddit community for PostgreSQL users with close to 10000 users -
- Snippet from Wikipedia: PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL ( POHST-gres-kew-EL) also known as Postgres, is a free and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance. PostgreSQL features transactions with atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability (ACID) properties, automatically updatable views, materialized views, triggers, foreign keys, and stored procedures. It is supported on all major operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD, and handles a range of workloads from single machines to data warehouses, data lakes, or web services with many concurrent users.
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group focuses only on developing a database engine and closely related components. This core is, technically, what comprises PostgreSQL itself, but there is an extensive developer community and ecosystem that provides other important feature sets that might, traditionally, be provided by a proprietary software vendor. These include special-purpose database engine features, like those needed to support a geospatial or temporal database or features which emulate other database products. Also available from third parties are a wide variety of user and machine interface features, such as graphical user interfaces or load balancing and high availability toolsets. The large third-party PostgreSQL support network of people, companies, products, and projects, even though not part of The PostgreSQL Development Group, are essential to the PostgreSQL database engine's adoption and use and make up the PostgreSQL ecosystem writ large.
PostgreSQL was originally named POSTGRES, referring to its origins as a successor to the Ingres database developed at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1996, the project was renamed
to reflect its support for SQL. After a review in 2007, the development team decided to keep the name PostgreSQL and the alias Postgres.
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- PostgreSQL for Archive Access for Fair Use Preservation, quoting, paraphrasing, excerpting and/or commenting upon
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL on Windows, choco install postgresql, PostgreSQL on Linux, PostgreSQL on macOS, brew install postgresql, PostgreSQL Bibliography (PostgreSQL Mistakes and How to Avoid Them), GitHub PostgreSQL, Awesome PostgreSQL. (navbar_postgresql - see also navbar_sql)
SQL Programming Language, SQL SELECT, SQL FROM, SQL WHERE, SQL INSERT, SQL UPDATE, SQL DELETE, SQL INNER JOIN, SQL LEFT JOIN, SQL RIGHT JOIN, SQL FULL JOIN, SQL CROSS JOIN, SQL CREATE TABLE, SQL ALTER TABLE, SQL DROP TABLE, SQL CREATE DATABASE, SQL DROP DATABASE, SQL CREATE INDEX, SQL DROP INDEX, SQL CREATE VIEW, SQL DROP VIEW, SQL CREATE PROCEDURE, SQL DROP PROCEDURE, SQL CREATE FUNCTION, SQL DROP FUNCTION, SQL CREATE TRIGGER, SQL DROP TRIGGER, SQL CREATE SCHEMA, SQL DROP SCHEMA, SQL CREATE USER, SQL DROP USER, SQL CREATE ROLE, SQL DROP ROLE, SQL GRANT, SQL REVOKE, SQL COMMIT, SQL ROLLBACK, SQL SAVEPOINT, SQL TRANSACTION, SQL DISTINCT, SQL GROUP BY, SQL HAVING, SQL ORDER BY, SQL LIMIT, SQL OFFSET, SQL TOP, SQL UNION, SQL UNION ALL, SQL INTERSECT, SQL EXCEPT, SQL CASE, SQL CAST, SQL CONVERT, SQL COALESCE, SQL NULLIF, SQL IS NULL, SQL IS NOT NULL, SQL BETWEEN, SQL LIKE, SQL IN, SQL EXISTS, SQL ANY, SQL ALL, SQL COUNT, SQL SUM, SQL AVG, SQL MIN, SQL MAX, SQL CHAR, SQL VARCHAR, SQL TEXT, SQL NCHAR, SQL NVARCHAR, SQL NTEXT, SQL DATE, SQL TIME, SQL TIMESTAMP, SQL DATETIME, SQL SMALLDATETIME, SQL DATETIME2, SQL DATETIMEOFFSET, SQL YEAR, SQL BINARY, SQL VARBINARY, SQL IMAGE, SQL DECIMAL, SQL NUMERIC, SQL FLOAT, SQL REAL, SQL INT, SQL SMALLINT, SQL TINYINT, SQL BIGINT, SQL MONEY, SQL SMALLMONEY, SQL BIT, SQL ROWID, SQL XML, SQL JSON Support, SQL DEFAULT, SQL CHECK, SQL FOREIGN KEY, SQL PRIMARY KEY, SQL UNIQUE, SQL INDEX, SQL CLUSTERED INDEX, SQL NONCLUSTERED INDEX, SQL FULLTEXT INDEX, SQL SPATIAL INDEX, SQL HASH INDEX, SQL PARTITION, SQL TEMPORARY TABLE, SQL GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE, SQL LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE, SQL CURSOR, SQL FETCH, SQL CLOSE CURSOR, SQL DEALLOCATE CURSOR, SQL EXECUTE, SQL PREPARE, SQL CALL, SQL BATCH, SQL MERGE, SQL UPSERT, SQL RENAME, SQL COMMENT, SQL ANALYZE, SQL EXPLAIN, SQL HINT, SQL WITH CLAUSE, SQL CTE (Common Table Expression), SQL RECURSIVE CTE, SQL WINDOW FUNCTIONS, SQL OVER, SQL PARTITION BY, SQL RANK, SQL DENSE_RANK, SQL ROW_NUMBER, SQL LAG, SQL LEAD, SQL FIRST_VALUE, SQL LAST_VALUE, SQL CUME_DIST, SQL PERCENT_RANK, SQL NTILE, SQL PIVOT, SQL UNPIVOT, SQL CASE WHEN, SQL CHARINDEX, SQL PATINDEX, SQL SUBSTRING, SQL REPLACE, SQL STUFF, SQL CONCAT, SQL CONCAT_WS, SQL TRIM, SQL LTRIM, SQL RTRIM, SQL LOWER, SQL UPPER, SQL REVERSE, SQL LEN, SQL LENGTH, SQL LEFT, SQL RIGHT, SQL SPACE, SQL STR, SQL ASCII, SQL UNICODE, SQL NCHAR FUNCTION, SQL CHAR FUNCTION, SQL CAST FUNCTION, SQL CONVERT FUNCTION, SQL ABS, SQL CEILING, SQL FLOOR, SQL ROUND, SQL POWER, SQL SIGN, SQL SQRT, SQL EXP, SQL LOG, SQL LOG10, SQL RAND, SQL SIN, SQL COS, SQL TAN, SQL COT, SQL ACOS, SQL ASIN, SQL ATAN, SQL ATN2, SQL DEGREES, SQL RADIANS, SQL PI, SQL GETDATE, SQL GETUTCDATE, SQL SYSDATETIME, SQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, SQL DATEADD, SQL DATEDIFF, SQL DATENAME, SQL DATEPART, SQL EOMONTH, SQL ISDATE, SQL DAY, SQL MONTH, SQL YEAR FUNCTION, SQL HOUR, SQL MINUTE, SQL SECOND, SQL MILLISECOND, SQL MICROSECOND, SQL TRY_CONVERT, SQL TRY_CAST, SQL TRY_PARSE, SQL PARSE, SQL ISNUMERIC, SQL IIF, SQL CHOOSE, SQL FORMAT, SQL COLLATE, SQL SET LANGUAGE, SQL SET DATEFORMAT, SQL TRANSLATE, SQL REPLICATE, SQL NTH_VALUE, SQL LISTAGG, SQL STRING_AGG, SQL JSON_VALUE, SQL JSON_QUERY, SQL JSON_ARRAY, SQL JSON_OBJECT, SQL JSON_MODIFY, SQL XML PATH, SQL XML FOR AUTO, SQL XML FOR EXPLICIT, SQL XML NODES, SQL XMLATTRIBUTES, SQL CAST (XML), SQL CROSS APPLY, SQL OUTER APPLY, SQL EXCEPT ALL (some DB), SQL INTERSECT ALL (some DB), SQL DATABASE, SQL TABLE, SQL COLUMN, SQL ROW, SQL INDEX STRATEGY, SQL Normalization, SQL Denormalization, SQL Referential Integrity, SQL Constraints, SQL Collation, SQL Distributed Transactions, SQL Linked Server, SQL Stored Procedure, SQL User-Defined Function, SQL Scalar Function, SQL Table-Valued Function, SQL Inline Table-Valued Function, SQL Stored Function (in some dialects), SQL Trigger AFTER, SQL Trigger BEFORE, SQL Trigger INSTEAD OF, SQL DDL (Data Definition Language), SQL DML (Data Manipulation Language), SQL DQL (Data Query Language), SQL DCL (Data Control Language), SQL TCL (Transaction Control Language), SQL ACID Properties, SQL Atomicity, SQL Consistency, SQL Isolation, SQL Durability, SQL Isolation Levels, SQL READ UNCOMMITTED, SQL READ COMMITTED, SQL REPEATABLE READ, SQL SERIALIZABLE, SQL SNAPSHOT, SQL Optimizer, SQL Execution Plan, SQL Index Seek, SQL Index Scan, SQL Table Scan, SQL Clustered Index Seek, SQL Clustered Index Scan, SQL Page Split, SQL Fillfactor, SQL Statistics, SQL Parameter Sniffing, SQL CTE performance, SQL Hints (e.g. WITH (NOLOCK)), SQL NOLOCK Hint, SQL FORCESEEK Hint, SQL MERGE Hint (Oracle), SQL USE INDEX Hint (MySQL), SQL Query Tuning, SQL Performance Profiling, SQL Query Plan Cache, SQL DBCC Commands (SQL Server), SQL CHECKDB (SQL Server), SQL CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX, SQL NONCLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX, SQL Rowstore vs Columnstore, SQL Partitioned Table, SQL Partition Function, SQL Partition Scheme, SQL Database Backup, SQL Database Restore, SQL Point-in-Time Recovery, SQL Log Shipping, SQL Database Mirroring, SQL AlwaysOn Availability Groups, SQL Replication, SQL Snapshot Replication, SQL Transactional Replication, SQL Merge Replication, SQL CDC (Change Data Capture), SQL Change Tracking, SQL PolyBase (SQL Server), SQL Linked Server (SQL Server), SQL MySQL, SQL PostgreSQL, SQL SQLite, SQL MariaDB, SQL Firebird, SQL Oracle Database, SQL Oracle RAC (Real Application Clusters), SQL Oracle Exadata, SQL Oracle SQL Cloud Services, SQL SQL Server, SQL SQL Server 2017, SQL SQL Server 2019, SQL SQL Server 2022, SQL Azure SQL Database, SQL Azure SQL Managed Instance, SQL Azure Synapse Analytics, SQL AWS RDS for SQL Server, SQL Amazon Aurora (MySQL-compatible), SQL Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL-compatible), SQL Amazon Redshift (SQL-based), SQL GCP Cloud SQL for MySQL, SQL GCP Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, SQL GCP Cloud SQL for SQL Server, SQL IBM DB2, SQL IBM DB2 for z/OS, SQL IBM DB2 LUW, SQL CockroachDB, SQL YugabyteDB (Postgres-compatible), SQL MemSQL (SingleStore), SQL Snowflake (Cloud Data Warehouse), SQL Teradata, SQL Greenplum, SQL Vertica, SQL Netezza, SQL Exasol, SQL TimesTen, SQL SAP HANA, SQL MariaDB ColumnStore, SQL MySQL InnoDB Engine, SQL MySQL MyISAM Engine, SQL MySQL Memory Engine, SQL MySQL NDB Cluster, SQL MySQL Performance Schema, SQL MySQL sys Schema, SQL Oracle Autonomous Database, SQL Oracle Data Guard, SQL Oracle GoldenGate, SQL Oracle SQL Developer Tool, SQL Oracle Enterprise Manager, SQL SQL*Plus, SQL SQLcl, SQL psql (PostgreSQL), SQL pgAdmin (PostgreSQL), SQL pgDump (PostgreSQL), SQL pg_restore (PostgreSQL), SQL MySQL Workbench, SQL MySQL Shell, SQL mysql Command Line, SQL SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Azure Data Studio, SQL JetBrains DataGrip, SQL JetBrains DataSpell, SQL DBeaver, SQL Navicat, SQL Toad for Oracle, SQL Toad for SQL Server, SQL SQL Developer, SQL RazorSQL, SQL HeidiSQL, SQL phpMyAdmin, SQL DBVisualizer, SQL Aqua Data Studio, SQL Adminer, SQL SQuirreL SQL Client, SQL dbForge Studio, SQL Valentina Studio, SQL CLI Tools (like sqlcmd), SQL sqlcmd (SQL Server), SQL bcp (SQL Server), SQL sqlplus (Oracle), SQL impdp (Oracle Data Pump Import), SQL expdp (Oracle Data Pump Export), SQL orapki (Oracle) , SQL Redshift CLI , SQL psql CLI (PostgreSQL), SQL mysql CLI, SQL xtrabackup (MySQL), SQL Arctype , SQL SQLBench tools , SQL Percona Toolkit, SQL Non-Relational with SQL interfaces (Presto), SQL Trino (PrestoSQL), SQL Apache Hive (SQL-like), SQL Apache Drill (SQL-on-Hadoop), SQL Apache Phoenix (SQL on HBase), SQL PrestoDB, SQL Calcite (SQL Parser/Optimizer), SQL JOOQ (SQL DSL for Java), SQL Liquibase (DB Schema Migration), SQL Flyway (DB Schema Migration), SQL Alembic (for SQLAlchemy), SQL Knex.js (JS SQL Builder), SQL Diesel (Rust ORM with SQL), SQL SQLAlchemy (Python ORM), SQL TypeORM (TypeScript ORM), SQL Sequelize (Node.js ORM), SQL EF (Entity Framework for .NET), SQL NHibernate (.NET), SQL JPA (Java Persistence API), SQL Hibernate (Java ORM), SQL Ecto (Elixir ORM), SQL Doctrine (PHP ORM), SQL Laravel Eloquent (PHP ORM), SQL Rails ActiveRecord (Ruby ORM), SQL Django ORM (Python), SQL JOIN Strategies (Nested Loop, Hash Join, Merge Join), SQL Indexing Strategies (B-Tree, Hash, GIN, BRIN), SQL Partition Pruning, SQL Sharding, SQL Federation, SQL Materialized Views, SQL Columnstore Technology, SQL OLTP (Online Transaction Processing), SQL OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), SQL Data Warehouse, SQL ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), SQL ELT (Extract, Load, Transform), SQL SQL Injection (Security Issue), SQL Parameterized Queries, SQL Prepared Statements, SQL Transactions Autocommit, SQL Isolation in Transactions repeated, SQL Snapshot isolation repeated, SQL Row Versioning, SQL Deadlock, SQL Locking Mechanisms, SQL Pessimistic Locking, SQL Optimistic Locking, SQL Row-level Lock, SQL Table-level Lock, SQL Shared Lock, SQL Exclusive Lock, SQL Dirty Read, SQL Phantom Read, SQL Non-repeatable Read, SQL T-SQL (Transact-SQL for SQL Server), SQL PL/SQL (Procedural Language for Oracle), SQL PL/pgSQL (PostgreSQL Procedural Language), SQL MySQL Stored Routines, SQL MariaDB Stored Procedures, SQL Functions vs Procedures, SQL Temp Table vs Table Variable (SQL Server), SQL CTE vs Temp Table debate, SQL sys schema (MySQL), SQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA, SQL pg_catalog (PostgreSQL), sys.tables, sys.columns), SQL sp_who2 (SQL Server), SQL sp_configure (SQL Server), SQL DBCC CHECKDB (SQL Server), SQL DBCC CHECKALLOC (SQL Server), SQL DBCC CHECKTABLE (SQL Server), SQL Full-Text Search, SQL LIKE wildcard '%', SQL LIKE wildcard '_', SQL RLIKE (MySQL) regex, SQL SIMILAR TO (PostgreSQL), SQL GLOB (SQLite), SQL MERGE Statement (SQL Server, Oracle), SQL REPLACE (MySQL), SQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE (MySQL), SQL UPSERT (some dialects), SQL EXPLAIN ANALYZE (PostgreSQL), SQL SHOW PLAN (SQL Server), SQL SHOW CREATE TABLE (MySQL), SQL SHOW CREATE DATABASE (MySQL), SQL DESCRIBE TABLE, SQL EXPLAIN PARTITIONS (MySQL), SQL VACUUM (PostgreSQL), SQL ANALYZE TABLE (MySQL), SQL OPTIMIZE TABLE (MySQL), SQL CHECKSUM TABLE (MySQL), SQL FLUSH PRIVILEGES (MySQL), SQL REPAIR TABLE (MySQL), SQL mysqldump (MySQL Backup), SQL mysqlimport (MySQL Import), SQL pg_basebackup (PostgreSQL), SQL pg_rewind (PostgreSQL), SQL pgbouncer (Connection Pool), SQL pgpool-II (Connection Pool), SQL MHA (MySQL High Availability), SQL Orchestrator (MySQL failover) , SQL HA features in SQL Server (AlwaysOn), SQL InnoDB Lock Monitor (MySQL), SQL Performance Schema (MySQL), SQL sys.dm_ views (SQL Server Dynamic Management Views), SQL WAITFOR DELAY (T-SQL), SQL RAISERROR (T-SQL), SQL sp_executesql (T-SQL), SQL xp_cmdshell (T-SQL) (Security risk), SQL Oracle SQL Plus scripts, SQL Oracle Plan Guides, SQL Redwood interface (Oracle old) , SQL CUBRID (another DB), SQL H2 Database, SQL HSQLDB, SQL Derby (Java DB), SQL IBM Informix, SQL SAP ASE (Sybase), SQL Sybase (Old), SQL Progress OpenEdge (SQL engine), SQL InterBase, SQL Firebird repeated, SQL Drizzle (MySQL fork), SQL MariaDB ColumnStore repeated, SQL MySQL Document Store, SQL MyRocks (MySQL engine), SQL Oracle Cloud Autonomous Data Warehouse, SQL AWS Aurora MySQL compatible repeated, SQL AWS Aurora PostgreSQL compatible repeated, SQL GCP BigQuery (SQL-like), SQL Qubole SQL service , SQL Azure Data Factory (ETL) , SQL Azure Data Lake (SQL On top) , SQL T-SQL Memory-Optimized Tables, SQL T-SQL Table Variable Deferred Compilation , SQL Bulk Insert, SQL BCP Utility (SQL Server), SQL SQL*Loader (Oracle), SQL COPY Command (PostgreSQL), SQL LOAD DATA INFILE (MySQL), SQL Import Export Wizard (SQL Server), SQL Data Pump (Oracle) repeated , SQL Migration Tools, SQL Database Migrations.
SQL: SQL Fundamentals, SQL Inventor - SQL Language Designer: Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce from IBM San Jose Research Laboratory in 1974 after learning about the relational model from Edgar F. Codd; SQL DevOps - SQL SRE, Cloud Native SQL (SQL on Kubernetes - SQL on AWS - SQL on Azure - SQL on GCP - SQL on Mainframe), SQL Microservices, SQL Containerization (SQL Docker - SQL on Docker Hub), Serverless SQL, SQL Data Science - SQL DataOps - SQL and Databases (SQL ORM), SQL ML - SQL DL, Database - Database Fundamentals, Relational Databases (Oracle Database, MySQL, SQL Server (T-SQL - Transact-SQL), PostgreSQL, IBM Db2, Azure SQL Database, Snowflake, Google BigQuery, Google BigTable, SQLite), Functional SQL (1. SQL Immutability, 2. SQL Purity - SQL No Side-Effects, 3. SQL First-Class Functions - SQL Higher-Order Functions, SQL Lambdas - SQL Anonymous Functions - SQL Closures, SQL Lazy Evaluation, 4. SQL Recursion), Reactive SQL), SQL Concurrency SQL and ACID - SQL Parallel Programming - Async SQL, SQL Networking, SQL Security - SQL DevSecOps - SQL OAuth, SQL Memory Allocation (SQL Heap - SQL Stack - SQL Garbage Collection), SQL CI/CD - SQL Dependency Management - SQL DI - SQL IoC - SQL Build Pipeline, SQL Automation - SQL Scripting, SQL Package Managers, SQL Modules - SQL Packages, SQL Installation (SQL Windows - Chocolatey SQL, SQL macOS - Homebrew SQL, SQL on Linux), SQL Configuration, SQL Observability (SQL Monitoring, SQL Performance - SQL Logging), SQL Language Spec - SQL RFCs - SQL Roadmap, SQL Keywords, SQL Operators, SQL Functions, SQL Data Structures - SQL Algorithms, SQL Syntax, SQL OOP (1. SQL Encapsulation - 2. SQL Inheritance - 3. SQL Polymorphism - 4. SQL Abstraction), SQL Design Patterns - SQL Best Practices - SQL Style Guide - Clean SQL - SQL BDD, SQL Generics, SQL I/O, SQL Serialization - SQL Deserialization, SQL APIs, SQL REST - SQL JSON - SQL GraphQL, SQL gRPC, SQL Virtualization, SQL Development Tools: SQL SDK, SQL Compiler - SQL Transpiler, SQL Interpreter - SQL REPL, SQL IDEs - Database IDEs (JetBrains DataSpell, SQL Server Management Studio, MySQL Workbench, Oracle SQL Developer, SQLiteStudio, JetBrains SQL, SQL Visual Studio Code), SQL Linter, SQL Community - SQLaceans - SQL User, SQL Standard Library - SQL Libraries - SQL Frameworks, SQL Testing - SQL TDD, SQL History, SQL Research, SQL Topics, SQL Uses - List of SQL Software - Written in SQL - SQL Popularity, SQL Bibliography - Manning SQL Series - Manning Data Science Series - SQL Courses, SQL Glossary - SQL Official Glossary, SQL GitHub, Awesome SQL. (navbar_sql - see also navbar_database, navbar_postgresql, navbar_sqlserver, navbar_mysql)
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